Chereads / Super soldier system in Marvel / Chapter 19 - Marvel World 11

Chapter 19 - Marvel World 11

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- Big sister, I have fulfilled your assignment.

- I need the details.

- Stark arrived with the mercenary we needed at the abandoned construction site of our construction company. I provided Obadiah's militants with support...

- Obadiah's militants saw you? - came the cold question from the phone.

- No, only Stark and her mercenary saw me.

- How badly damaged is our construction site?

- Most of the construction equipment was destroyed, and the structural supports of the houses were damaged. We'll be able to justify suspending construction and maximise the money we've spent on it.

- What's the status on the Stark mercenary?

- I called the police to the area of the shooting, they've got him in custody, he's in your hands now, big sister.

- Well done Sword, I knew I could count on you," the other end of the phone hung up.

The black-haired girl under the mask smiled broadly. Swordswoman's eyes sparkled with joy at her older sister's praise. Kingpin had always been strict with her and those rare moments when the black-haired girl received praise from her sister were the best moments of her life.

- Big sister, I will definitely repay you for your care! - cried out joyfully, and disappeared into the darkness of the night city.


The matchmaker's armoured car was on its way to the courthouse under police escort. In the US, instead of temporary holding facilities for the accused, there were courthouse jails. A person caught in the act of committing a crime was taken to the courthouse and placed in the local jail. There the prisoner was held until trial. After the trial, if the crime was proven, the criminal was transported to the main jail to serve his sentence.

August was placed in a matchmaker's armoured car. He sat handcuffed together with the fighters. In the armoured car, the girls removed their helmets from their heads and watched the mercenary with interest. It was the first time they had ever apprehended such an armed man. The armoured suit on Augusta was eye-catching and piqued the swat girls' genuine interest.

The man sat in this "flower garden" and thought about his future. Stark had promised to get him out of the courthouse, but when she would get him out was unknown. Perhaps his identity will be revealed today, the cops on arrival at the courthouse will first remove his suit and take some pictures of his face and most likely take his fingerprints.

The quiet life in Afghanistan was moving further and further away from the man every day he was in the US.

- Do you like touching my thigh that much? - August broke the silence, asking the brown-haired girl sitting to his right. She had discreetly placed her gloved hand on the inside of his thigh about five minutes ago and had not removed it since, slowly moving it up and down his leg.

After the mercenary's question, the girl quickly yanked her hand away while the rest of the matchmakers looked at her sternly.

- Carla, you've already been reprimanded several times by the captain about your behaviour. Do you want to be suspended? - reprimanded the black-haired girl sitting in front of Augustus.

- Girls, there's no need to swear. Maybe Carla is stressed out and needs a man's attention, I understand her, - smiling under the mask, the mercenary turned his head to the slumped girl. - You can go on, I enjoyed it.

- Are you sure you won't complain? - asked the embarrassed brown-haired girl, while her mates were stunned at what was happening.

- Try it, you'll find out.

Carla turned her head away trying to deal with the thoughts in her head. This Marvel world had the wrong sex ratio, there was only one man for every seven girls. This was all because male Y-sperm, unlike the normal world, were very slow and unhurried, they died easily during the conception of a child. With female X-spermatozoa was a completely different situation, fast and skittish with great endurance. It was not difficult for them to reach the egg during fertilisation. Based on this biological feature, girls were born much more than boys. Boys had their privileges and actively enjoyed them.

In the USA, as in any other country, polygamy was allowed. The goal of most guys was to find rich women and marry them and live off them. Of course, Carla sitting next to August didn't fit the definition of "rich". The men of this world did not show much interest in the "poor" girls, so that they could walk around as girls until their old age. Only artificial insemination saved them. Thanks to it, women who could not find husbands could give birth to a child and continue their family.

- You can't drive more carefully, you're not carrying a sack of shit, - the matchmaker's armoured vehicle bounced on a bump and August's shackled hands accidentally fell into the lap of the embarrassed Carla.

- What is this, direct harassment of a female police officer!? I must stop this immediately! - The red-haired girl sitting on the other side of Augustus righteously shrieked and leaned her body against him, spreading her arms out.

The other police girls couldn't just stare at this picture either. Covering themselves with words about helping their mate, they piled on top of the seated mercenary, touching him wherever they could. August was himself to blame for what was happening and was certainly glad of it.

The police convoy reached the courthouse. The back doors of the matchmaker's armoured car opened and the girls jumped out. Their flushed faces were hidden behind the matchmaker's masks and helmets, the captainess, who approached her squad, noticed nothing.

- Escort him to the rostometer, have them take a couple of pictures of him and fingerprint him," a courthouse employee greeted the arriving group.

- But we can't do that...

- Listen here, Captain," the full-figured girl put emphasis on the matchmaker's captain's position. - I run the courthouse, what I say is what you have to do.

The matchmakers gently led Augustus into the prison men's block of the courthouse. He was stripped of his armour and given a prison robe, then escorted into a room for scans and fingerprints.

The girls, who had recently had some frivolous fun with the mercenary in the armoured car, could not believe that he possessed such a beautiful and exotic appearance. They looked at him like hungry she-wolves and licked their eyes, hoping for a continuation of their recent antics.

There were some problems during August's registration. He did not have any documents confirming his identity. The police database simply didn't have them. The fat court officer intervened again and somehow resolved the issue.

The mercenary was photographed from different angles and fingerprinted, then taken to a separate cell. The prisons were divided into women's and men's prisons. The women's prisons looked like ordinary prisons, without any special features. The men's prisons had obvious privileges.

Male prisoners were kept in separate comfortable cells, with a television, a bedside table, a bed and a nice window overlooking the street. Before taking their meals they had the right to make a personalised order, say before dinner to ask for a plate of crisps or a special drink. All their requests were honoured. For the men the prison was like a sanatorium.

There were no prisoners in the men's block where August was taken to. Usually if a man was brought to the courthouse as a defendant, he would not go to trial. The accused was ransomed early. There were many women who were willing to spend their money to get the attention of the male sex. Such a method as ransom from prison was the most effective way of attracting the attention of the opposite sex. This was the way women showed that they had enough money and connections.

- A whole block for me, wow! - August smiled a snide smile with all his teeth and walked to his cell.

- Shut up, you bastard, - the pumped-up warden hit you on the head with a rubber truncheon. - You're not allowed to speak.

- If you hit me again, that rubber stick will end up in your arse," August said rudely. He would not tolerate such treatment.

- What did you say, maybe I heard you? - The warden stopped, her colleagues surrounded the mercenary from all sides. The nice matchmaker girls had been sent on holiday. They were replaced by the prison guards, who immediately disliked August for some reason. - Shall I spoil your pretty face?

- Try it," August grinned cheerfully.

- I'll waste my strength on you. Then you'll cry and denounce me, and I don't want that. - The warder stepped back and roughly continued dragging the man to his cell.

August was taken into the cell and his handcuffs were removed, leaving him alone. Before the warden got too far away, the mercenary requested the right to make a phone call to contact Stark to see when she would get him out of this clop-hole already. The first impression of the resort named prison had already been ruined by the skit with the warden.

- The phone call has been refused," the pumped-up woman grinned ugly.

At that moment a bad feeling crept into August's mind. From the warden's gloomy eyes, he began to realise that he might not have ended up in prison by pure chance. Had Stark sold him to someone?


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