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- I haven't seen you for so long, and you're so handsome under the mask, - Anita seductively stretched out her legs in stockings, almost touching August's legs. - Why did you always hide such beauty from me under the mask? I don't need to hide it anymore, I have your photo from the police database.
- You're drunk," the mercenary stated the fact. When they entered the house, Stark threw off her outerwear, leaving only her underwear and a red prosthetic along her spine.
- So, do you want a drink too? - The girl smiled meaningfully and touched August's leg with her toes. - Let's have a drink together, and then we'll have rough sex.
- Give me the money Stark, ten million.
- Why do you always talk about money with me, when you're not attracted to me as a woman? - Anita tilted her head thoughtfully and then lowered her head down, appreciating her slim tummy.
- Huh, you're a fucking child," August got tired of looking at the drunken Stark and walked over to her. - I'll put you to bed now, tomorrow we'll talk about your duty.
The girl smiled and put the glass aside. The mercenary lifted the unresisting drunkard in his arms and carried her to the first floor. While she was being carried, Anitu took the opportunity to wrap her arms tightly around the man's neck, trying to press his face against her lush breasts. But this technique didn't work on Augusta, he was like a rock for the girl's weak arms. She couldn't get his head down an inch.
- Lie down, we'll talk tomorrow morning, - the mercenary entered the private room of the multibillionaire and laid her on the bed. - What a mess you have here.
Clothes and leftovers of food were lying all over the room. Apparently Anita didn't keep her room tidy, relying more on Pepper, who should be in the hospital now.
- Take off my stockings, they're cramping my legs and the mechanical spine, I won't be able to sleep properly.
- You can sleep on your stomach, but the stockings won't hurt you.
- I'll pay you ten thousand, please take them off," Anita said, turning over onto her stomach and arching her ass in the tight lace panties.
- Damn depraved drunkard, she's been drinking for days," the mercenary muttered to himself as he pulled the stockings off the passed out Stark. The stockings pulled down reluctantly from the girl's lush but firm thighs, and Augustus cursed the beauty of his employer several times.
Early in the morning, the mercenary awoke as if on cue to a noise in the kitchen. Taking his pistol from under his pillow, he quietly opened the door and reconnoitred the situation. No one was visible in the hall connected to the kitchen, the man with his pistol at the ready left the room and walked in the direction of the noise. Pepper must have been at the hospital, no one but her visiting Anita, so someone had entered the villa illegally. It could well be some bomber who'd snuck into the Stark house to plant a bomb discreetly and detonate it when the target was in range. A safe and effective way to take out your nemesis.
- What are you doing here? - August lowered his gun, looking at the sloppy redhead trying to cook something for herself at the cooker.
- Have you finally stopped being embarrassed by me? - The girl turned round and squinted her eyes contentedly. The mercenary was in a hurry, so he didn't put on his suit and came into the kitchen in a black T-shirt and shorts. - I'm making cereal porridge.
- Is that why you're covered in this porridge?
Anita caught herself and walked over to the mirror. There were a few drops of uncooked porridge on her right cheek, near her lip. Perhaps the girl was tasting the porridge during cooking to check its readiness or just couldn't help herself because of morning hunger after a drink and "tasted" a couple of spoonfuls.
- Tell me what happened while I was in prison and why you didn't contact me earlier, - the man sat down at the table while Anita threw "imperceptible" predatory glances in his direction.
- A lot of things have happened," the girl stopped glancing at the mercenary and fixed her eyes on the pot of porridge. - Obadiah no longer works for my company, I fired her and took all her shares. Pepper is on the mend, nothing life-threatening.
- Can you tell me more about what happened in there? Start with the attack at the construction site.
After Stark left Augusta, she flew with Potts in her arms to the nearest hospital. Flew straight in through the front door and dropped Pepper into the hands of the nursing staff. The hospital staff were shocked by the iron man who flew into their hospital, but quickly got over the shock and took care of the patient. Anita stayed by her injured friend's side the whole time, she wanted to fly back to August, but the repulsors on her arms refused to work and she could only hope for the safety of the mercenary.
By the middle of the night Stark was out of the hospital, Pepper had been operated on, her life was in no danger. As the girl found out later, the decision to get out of the hospital at night was the right one, because early in the morning the hospital was surrounded by all the local media. Someone had told them about Iron Man, presumably the new superhero.
The visiting media only managed to catch Norma Osborne, the head of Ozcorp, which owned the hospital. Journalists interviewed a dumbfounded Ozborn, constructing various theories about the woman's connection to the new heroine.
As Pepper came to her senses, she telephoned Anita and informed her of Obadiah's illicit dealings. There was no direct evidence of arms sales to Afghan terrorists; Stacey was operating clean. Officially, she was selling weapons to European trading companies who were already selling weapons in Afghanistan. There was nothing to sue Obadiah for. Besides selling arms to European companies, there were a lot of other deals. All of them were going on behind Stark's back.
Anita immediately took action against Stacey and other related shareholders. The girl used not exactly fair methods, but managed to deprive the shareholders and Stacy of the shares of the company, and after she simply fired Obadiah. Literally kicking him out on the street penniless.
Towards the end of the story the mercenary snickered, he hadn't expected such a supervillain ending. Where was the epic confrontation from the film? It just wasn't there, Stacy didn't get the wreckage of the Mark 1 suit, someone bought it back from the Afghan terrorists much earlier. Where that suit is now is unknown. Perhaps right now a new supervillain was being born, one far more terrifying than some kind of Iron Monger.
(A battle between the Iron Monger (Obadiah in a redesigned Stark "Mark 1" suit) and Tony Stark himself).
- American porridge is ready! - Anita exclaimed, setting down a plate of cooked porridge with melted cereal. - Eat it.
- It looks bad, as if you gutted a lizard and poured the contents of its stomach into the plate, - the mercenary stuck a spoon into the porridge and brought it to his face. - You can't cook at all.
- Well then, cook yourself, I tried to cook for you, and you're mocking me like this! - Stark stomped her bare feet on the floor and took the plate from the mercenary, intending to throw it away.
- Where to, - August intercepted the plate with porridge from the girl's hands. - I didn't say I wouldn't eat it, let's take it back to the base.
- You liked it after all, you just don't want to admit it," Anita smirked, the joy burning inside her. She had never cooked before and today was her first experience, so she decided to apologise to the mercenary for yesterday. Knowing full well how the man didn't like it when she took the initiative in his direction.
- Once in Afghanistan, I was without provisions for a month, eating lizards. I couldn't shoot at them so as not to attract the enemy. I had to stone them, which was a lot of work," August put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth. - I used to cook them on C4 and it gave them a terrible chemical flavour....
- What are you talking about? - Stark asked suspiciously, expecting a trick from the mercenary.
- Your porridge tastes just like those lizards. Brings back memories.
- Give me my plate, you don't deserve my porridge! - Anita came at August, intending to take the bowl of porridge away from him. Against the trained super-attacker Stark without a suit was powerless, the man twisted her in two seconds and held her against him.
The girl had had too much on her plate in recent weeks, Anita wasn't ironclad and she was inherently tired. August saw Stark trying to keep her emotions to herself as she told him the story of the fortnight's events. The man decided to provide the tired girl with some release and joke on her in such a way as to lift her spirits.
Pressed up against Augustus Anita was enjoying his pumped up body, unnoticed by the man. Pretending to break free from his grasp, the girl explored the almost naked mercenary's body with her hands. Feeling his pumped up abs and hard arms with her touch.
The mercenary let go of the girl only when he had finished his porridge. Stark was pinned by the man for a full fifteen minutes.
- Thanks for the food, I'll wash my plate. Why are you so flushed, are you angry? - August puzzled, not guessing about Stark's ulterior motives in the recent joking fight.
- Nothing, - calmed the burning desire in herself girl. - In a month I have planned an exhibition from my company "Stark Expo", you will be there as a guest and bodyguard. Prepare a formal suit for you, I won't let you in your iron monster.
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