
Some Monsters and creatures are reclassified like Akura Vashimu from Carapaceon to Temnoceran.

Endemic Life: small critters, birds, insects, Fishes, and other lifeforms that are not large enough to be classified as small monsters.

Lynian: small beastmen like life forms like felynes and shakalaka.


small monsters can contain the juvenile forms of large monsters but also contain creatures like wing-drakes which don't have large monster counterparts. can pose a threat to none hunters and in packs challenge beginner hunters.

large monsters: should only be fought by hunters, or a well-armed group.

Current known monster types are:

Wingdrake: small wyver like creatures.

Neopteron: Insect monsters like conchu and seltas

Temnoceran: Arachnid monsters like Nerscylla and Akura Vashimu

Carapaceon: Are Crustacean monsters like Hermitaur and Shen Gaoren.

Bird Wyverns: Are split between land-based Theropod bird wyverns like Great Jaggi and Gendrome, and Flying bird wyverns like Yian Kut-Ku and Gypceros

True Wyverns: Are wyvern like monsters like Rathalos and Diablos

Quadrupedal wyverns: Are wyvern-like monsters that use their wing limbs primarily as legs like Tigrex and Akantor

Piscine Wyverns: Are Fish like wyvern monsters like Plesioth and Lavasioth

Amphibian: Are Frog/ toad monsters like Tetsucabra and Zamtrios

Pelagus: Are wingless primate monsters like Rajang and Cingalala

Fanged Beast: Are non wyvern monsters like Azuros and Goss Harag

Leviathan: Are wyvern-like monsters with lith and serpentine bodies like Lagiacrus and Mizutsune

Snake Wyvern: Are snake monsters like Najarala

Brute Wyvern: Are therapod monsters like Deviljoe and Baroth

Fanged Wyvern: Are wingless monsters with well-developed forelimbs like Zinogre and Magnamalo

Elder Dragon: Elder dragons are not defined by their physical build but by their power and intelligence. They stand above/ outside of the ecological systems, rivaled in power by a few, and are only to be faced by veteran Hunters if necessary

???: Are creatures that are not yet defined and or don't fit any of the current monster classes

Variations: Variations are monsters that differ from their more commen counterpart in some way. The most common type of variation is subspecies like Stygian Zinogre.