Chapter 11 - Chapter 11


The world was burning.

All around her, brightening the dark night, she only could see red. The red of flames, of embers, of smoldering ruins of buildings and husks of trees, of fires having consumed the land as far as the eye could see.

And people.

Hundreds upon hundreds of people, burning.

She couldn't see them, not all of them, but somehow she knew the amount of casualties this fire had caused, the knowledge being branded in her mind. Something she mustn't forget.

Something he she must atone for.

But why? Why, upon seeing this tragedy, the only thing filling her was not sadness, not regret, but… determination?

Looking around, ignoring the fire that didn't burn her, the smoke that didn't fill her lungs, and the silence of five hundred souls that were not there anymore, Astraea understood.

This was a dream.

As soon as she realized that, the sound of footsteps caught her attention over everything else. She turned around, already knowing what she would find.

Slowly, excruciatingly, like every step was a deed worthy of the gods' admiration, he advanced through the ashes of his hometown. His body covered in burns, his breath interrupted every few seconds with painful coughs, he still walked -still lived- despite everyone else around him having already died.

It was a child.

It was her child.

Her Hero of Justice.

Astraea approached the shambling form of Shirou Emiya knowing that she could not do anything to help him.

Because this had happened years ago.

"A little more than ten years ago, there was a fire in the city I lived in."

Was this just a dream… or was she somehow seeing his memories?

She let out a shuddering breath, not caring that breathing had no purpose in a dream, and took in his expression, some part of her having difficulty to believe that this was her child at all.

Astraea always enjoyed seeing the multiple ways his expression could change.

The golden brown eyes that always went warm whenever she met them across the room, or so focused whenever he trained, the anger he'd shown her on a few occasions, and his soft smiles and teasing grins that lately sent her heart aflutter.

She… didn't quite enjoy seeing him get angry, not when it was because of her or for her sake, but it was a part of him that existed.

Her Shirou was always full of life.

And yet the Shirou in front of her was… empty. Maybe it was the exhaustion, or the pain he must be going through, but the complete lack of feeling in his eyes broke her heart more than the sight of his wounds did.

Minutes passed– or was it hours? – and he kept walking, almost aimlessly, seeking to escape the hell that had consumed everything he ever knew.

But it wasn't enough.

Not even the knowledge that it was a dream kept Astraea from rushing forward to catch him when he fell to the ashen ground, only for her hero to pass through her arms like she was a mirage.

It was over.

It didn't matter how strong his will, how determined his heart, how blessed his resilience, there was only too much his body could take.

Maybe it was the lack of air, or the wounds finally catching up to him, but Shirou didn't even try to get up.

He just gazed at the cloudy skies with an absentminded expression, and extended one hand to grasp the rain that was beginning to fall.

Astraea felt useless.

Not because she couldn't help the Shirou in front of her, but because seeing this she realized that, if she hadn't asked yesterday after seeing Ryuu, she wouldn't have known of the full extent of the tragedy that had befallen him when he was younger.

Shirou was her child and she was supposed to be his goddess, the one he could trust to help him become the best version of himself, but Astraea wondered if she had taken so much advantage of his kindness, of his willingness to listen and help her, that he found her so unreliable to not want to share his pain with her.

He had offered to help her carry the weight of everything that burdened her even while carrying something like this alone.

Was she going to keep taking and taking and taking without offering anything in exchange? She…didn't want that.

Just like Shirou wanted to help her with her burdens, Astraea wanted to help him with his.

She was starting to wonder if the dream was going to end with this crushing sight when in the distance he appeared.

Wearing a black coat over black clothes, a Far Eastern -would that be Asian, in Shirou's world?- man rushed forward, his expression full of mindless desperation.

Kiritsugu Emiya. Shirou's father. The one who had put him in the path to become a Hero of Justice and cross paths with her years later.

Dream or not, she awaited, almost with bated breath, the moment her child's fate would be put in motion, the event that Shirou would consider so important that his soul crafted a Skill out of it.

And then, after the man kneeled, his hand grasping Shirou's like it was a lifeline, she finally got to see it.

Kiritsugu Emiya held a lone child that he saved from an inferno and wouldn't stop thanking him, again and again. Like a starved man that found a piece of Ambrosia, like a drowning man that finally found land, like he was the one being saved, her child's savior smiled.

And so, when the golden glow of Avalon illuminated the ashes of a beautiful dream, Astraea wondered.

Will I ever be able to make Shirou smile like that?

-Line Break-

Waking up wrapped in the arms of one of her children wasn't a new experience for Astraea, not after all but raising Alise as her own since she was a child.

That girl had always been quite affectionate, but near the… end, where things were so bleak and Alise had to show her strong side to the Familia, she had only allowed herself to be weak, to doubt, in Astraea's arms.

So sharing the warmth of another to sleep was something she had grown to miss after a year on her own.

But sleeping with Shirou was quite different, she came to realize.

It was quite the novel experience to be the smaller of the two in this kind of situation, and Astraea took ruthless advantage of that by sleeping using his chest as her pillow, just as Alise had done with her once upon a time.

It was surprisingly comfortable, considering how firm his muscles felt yesterday.

Maybe it was the rhythmic beat of his heart that had brought her comfort? Or the way his strong arms had enveloped and molded her body to his once she joined him in bed?

Fufu, to think sleepy Shirou is a cuddler~

All in all, if it wasn't for that dream, Astraea would say it was the best sleep she had in months.

And even that slight hiccup faded away once she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was his sleeping face.

"Mm, that's a new face to remember…" Astraea muttered, smiling fondly at the relaxed expression on his face. Shirou was always doing something or other. Whether it was training, studying or cooking, her child liked to keep busy, so it was a rare sight to see him so still.

She had to do her best to record this sight in her mind because, shy as Shirou was, she didn't know when she'd be given the chance to sleep with him again.

Astraea felt quite guilty for the little lie she gave to him last night, but if it gave her the chance to get to see this sight, she'd do it again.

It's not like he didn't get anything out of it. He had seemed to enjoy her massage and Astraea got to indulge in her… impulse.

Astraea knew he had always been sincere in his desire to help people, to uphold the domain of Justice she embodied, but getting to see the glimpses of his actions in the Dungeon, how his soul rejoiced every time he helped someone?

Not even Alise had felt so much joy by helping people.

She hadn't intended to, but after seeing that, she remembered her stomach going fluttery and being filled with the need to… touch him.

So she did.

Tracing her sword and wings on his back, then continuing with his strong shoulders and arms…

Even now she had to keep herself from listening to that part of her that wanted to resume her explorations, to move the hand she had resting on his hard stomach and feel him all over.

Taking a deep breath, Astraea forced herself to calm down and stop acting silly. Shirou was sleeping, she shouldn't take advantage of that to sate her curiosity about the differences between his body and of her girls'.

Because this was just that.


Nothing more.

But maybe… Just maybe, there is something more…

Had she ever felt anything like this before? This sheer want to get closer to someone.

Not even with her other children, who she had loved- and still did love- dearly, did she feel this way. No, her feelings for Shirou were slightly different.

She could feel the burgeoning feeling of familial love she was familiar with… but there was something else. A burning need to see him, to touch him, to tease him, to make him see her as a woman, not just a goddess.

"You are beautiful, my goddess-"

Astraea felt herself shiver and her cheeks heat up slightly, a giddy smile forming on her face.

Was this…? After all these years alive did she…?

Letting out a shuddering breath, she shook her head and rested once more on his chest to wait for him to awaken, distracting herself by observing his features and listening to his heartbeat, ignoring the pounding of her own heart.

Thankfully, it was around that moment that Shirou began to stir, drawing a small sigh of relief from her.

Yes, how fortunate that she could focus on something other than the hard body she was pressed against… and the unfamiliar warm tension in her lower stomach.

-Line Break-

Emiya Shirou

I groaned when I felt the light of the sun hitting my closed eyes from the window, cursing my past self for forgetting once more to put up curtains.

Usually I was up before this situation even had a chance of happening, but even in my half-asleep mind I knew that today I could sleep in a little bit.

I shivered slightly, idly wondering why I was sleeping shirtless, and hugged the soft, warm body pillow tightly to my chest.

Of course the fact that I did not have a body pillow didn't register…until I heard it gasp and giggle.

"My, so affectionate first thing in the morning, Shirou," my goddess' airy voice remarked, bringing me back to full consciousness.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of Astraea half-lying on my chest, a mischievous smile on her slightly flushed face.

"Good morning, sleepyhead~." Fortunately it was quite easy to swallow my initial response of panicking and jumping out of the bed. As hard as my heart started beating, there was another part of me that felt comfort in the sight of my goddess' caring blue eyes.

…Right, I got my Falna updated last night, and then Astraea proceeded to massage me to unconsciousness.

But that doesn't explain why my affectionate, touchy-feely goddess was in my be- ah.

That's why.

"...good morning, Astraea." I settled for saying, trying to keep my eyes firmly on hers and to not steal glances at the alluring sight of her chest being squished against mine.

…I failed. Quite spectacularly.

I sighed, letting those thoughts wash away with the drowsiness I was still feeling. "Don't you have your own room, with your bed in it, my goddess? A bed that isn't as cramped as mine?" I asked, trying to keep my expression impassive. "Couldn't you have slept there, instead of trying to give me a heart attack first thing in the morning?"

"Now, why would I do that, when you seemed so cold, sleeping on top of the covers like that?" Astraea asked with an amused smile. "What kind of goddess would I be if I wasn't willing to share with you my warmth?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? You did it entirely for my sake?" I wasn't holding back the skepticism in my tone.

Astraea shrugged. "Well~ you might have looked so comfortable that I got tempted to join you, especially after the long day we had." She then giggled. "It's not like you seem to mind too much, you haven't let go of me since you woke up."

My eyes widened when I became aware of the hand still hugging her by the waist. Crap. In a flash, showing the results of my Update, my hand moved and let go of her like it was burned. "Ah, sorry."

"Fufu, it's not like I minded too terribly, don't worry." With a small grunt of effort, Astraea pushed herself off my chest, and sat on the side of the bed. "Just don't try that with other women, hng~, they might not take being forced against you as kindly as I did," She chastised me with an impish smile while stretching her arms above her head.

I sucked in a breath.

As cold as the morning had become without the warmth of her body on mine, I felt relief coursing through me when another problem caught my attention, one that the sight of my goddess' body straining against the thin material of her night gown wasn't helping with.

If anything it made it worse.

…I'm so glad I slept with my jeans last night.

Damned morning wood.

I cleared my throat, figuring that if I ignored it enough, it would just go away. "Well, it's not like other women have access to my bed like you, Astraea. They are quite safe from my forcefulness," I tried to joke.

Astraea giggled. "Well, that's true. They'd have to have my approval to even see your sleeping face." She stood up and looked at me with a soft smile. "That's a privilege only I have." In spite of myself, I huffed in amusement.

What a privilege.

And it's not like I'd do the same with other women. It was only because it was Astraea that I was comfortable enough to fall asleep like that.

"Well then, while it'd be nice to just laze around in bed all day, how about we start our morning with a nice breakfast? It's your free day, so I'll handle it this morning. Why don't you take a shower while I get it ready?"

"...right, I'll do that." A nice, cold shower was a great suggestion.

"Great! You've been taking care of almost all our meals, so it's time for me to show off my cooking skills," she declared, leaving the room with a spring in her step, my eyes following her all the way out.

Once the door closed, I groaned out loud.

What a way to start my day. If I wanted to train, I'd have no need for a warm up, my heart was beating as fast as a drum without that.

The worst thing in all of this is that, despite the awkwardness I was feeling, last night had been the best sleep I've had in months.

It wasn't just the feeling of her body against mine, but… the comfort, the unconditional affection she offered me.

How could I not feel relaxed with her in my arms?


I felt like an idiot. She was supposed to be just my goddess and I her child. Everything she did was just with that assumption in mind, with only filial affection in her heart.

But… I wanted more.

I've been trying to ignore this realization like the plague.

But after yesterday? After I opened my heart, my deepest desires to her, and she gave me nothing but acceptance and care?

After experiencing the warmth and softness of her body against mine?

Damn me for it, but I couldn't ignore it anymore.

As stupid as it might be to feel like this for a goddess, as rushed as it might be to grow these feelings for a woman I hadn't even met a month ago, and as awful as I felt for feeling like this so soon after losing Saber… I had to admit it.

I was falling in love with Astraea.

-Line Break-

I took a deep breath and opened the door, a small bell on it announcing my presence. Entering the fairly empty pub, I did my best to ignore the awkwardness I was feeling.

Yes, Ryuu Lion might not want to see my face first thing in the morning after the words we had exchanged in the heat of the moment.

Yes, we might have both messed up last night.

But I wasn't a coward and, despite what I had told her when I had been angry, I knew Ryuu Lion wasn't one either.

If we were going to work together, either as Adventurers, or just as fellow children of Astraea, I wanted to get along with her…and this was my first step in doing that.

I made sure I had my peace offering with me and looked around. Luckily it was just after opening time so there were not many customers yet, finding her should be easy.

"Emiya, what are you doing here?"

Well, or her finding me, I guess.

From her place near a table she was wiping with a cloth, Ryuu Lion's face was filled with … not hostility, thankfully, but puzzlement. Dressed in her immaculate maid-like dress, the green haired elf's expression was carefully neutral, looking nothing like the woman who broke down in tears in Astraea's arms last night.

"Captain," I greeted her, ignoring the curious eyes of the other waitress, a black haired cat woman. Lion's eyes narrowed in annoyance and I grimaced. "Right, Lion, sorry."

She sighed. "It's okay… I probably should get used to it, our goddess is quite stubborn," she said with a small shrug and approached me with surprisingly soft steps considering the leather boots she was wearing. "Did something happen? Does Lady Astraea have a need for me?"

"Ah, no, this is all me," I replied, scratching my cheek and trying to ignore the memory of me almost running away from home the first chance I had.

After my realization this morning, I couldn't help but feel conscious of my goddess. Every look, every smile, every time we touched, I felt like I was losing what little I had of my mind.

I needed some time to breathe, to center myself. I didn't want to seem like a drooling idiot in front of her.

I might have grown feelings for her, but I didn't want to lose the closeness, the normality, that we had with each other due to that.

I just needed to calm myself.

Luckily, we both had plans today until the afternoon. Astraea said she was going to give Hephaestus a visit before I headed there to catch up and 'to lay down the rules' for my apprenticeship, and I came here to see my wayward captain.

"I'm not going to take much of your time. Here, for you." I offered the cloth covered box in my hand, a -hopefully- disarming smile on my face. "I remembered you were going to take the morning shift today, so I guessed you wouldn't have time to prepare something to eat for lunch."

Ryuu Lion looked at me strangely and gingerly took the boxed lunch I brought her. "...You shouldn't have… I could have ordered something from the kitchen later," she said, holding the bento like it was going to eat her instead.

Right, idiot, she worked in a restaurant. "Ah, that's true, I guess. We had some leftovers from dinner yesterday, and, well, it was my fault in the first place you needed to cover a shift today. So, lunch," I finished awkwardly. "Well, if you don't need it, you can just give it to a coworker or throw it in the trash."

Well, the initial peace offering is a failure, I guess.

She glanced at me once more, a curious look in her eyes, before she looked back down at the bento with a complicated expression on her face. She sighed.

"No, it's not that I don't want it. It'd save me the problem of asking for food here… and it's not like it'd be on the house, despite me being a waitress," Lion grumbled the last part under her breath. "Thank you, Emiya." She nodded with a small, and slightly confused, smile.

I smiled back, feeling some weight falling from my shoulders. "You're welcome, Lion. Like I said, they are just leftovers, so don't have many expectations." I grinned. Then I looked at the clock on the wall and realized I had places to be. "Right, it was… nice seeing you, but I have an appointment. I'll leave you to your job."

"Of course, I appreciate it. I'm guessing you're going to the Dungeon today?" she asked with mild curiosity.

"Ah no, I just got my Status updated yesterday, so…"

"A free day or two to get used to it?" she finished, with a nostalgic tone. I nodded. So it was something that Astraea did back then, as well. "I see. Then, enjoy your rest."

"Thanks, I'll see you around, then." I waved at her and turned around, letting out a relieved sigh.

That went… well.

I was going to extend an open invitation to join us anytime for dinner if she happened to like what I brought, but I held back at the last second. Probably for the best to leave her some time to breathe before I try to have her and my goddess meet again. Even me coming today was pushing it.

Baby steps, baby steps.

I left the Hostess of Fertility and started to walk in the direction of the Hephaestus' Familia Home, feeling some excitement at the thought of what awaited me there.

"Emiya." I stopped, however, when a voice called my name. I turned around and met the hesitant form of my (prospective) captain, the elf having followed me out of the bar.

Ryuu Lion opened her mouth, then closed it. When I was about to ask if she was alright, she let out a heavy breath and looked at me seriously. "If you are the one that's going to represent Lady Astraea from now on, then I want to see what you are made of. I won't allow a subpar fighter to shame My Lady." She looked at me neutrally, only a sharp glint in her eyes showing her intent. "I usually have time before or after my shifts, so care to spar with me sometime soon? I can offer you some pointers afterwards, as well."

And wasn't that an offer I hadn't expected? I, of course, wanted to test my strength against a High-Class Adventurer, but I wasn't really expecting her to challenge me herself.

"If you don't mind, then, of course, I'd be glad to join you when you have some time… If you really think you are up to it, of course." But there was something I couldn't let pass. She wouldn't allow me to represent Astraea? Captain or not, I wouldn't let her underestimate me.

"If… I think I'm up for it?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I felt some amusement in spite of myself when her ears perked up, despite her expression maintaining its neutrality. Anger, I guessed? Her ears were… expressive, but it wasn't something I had experience in interpreting.

"I mean that…are you sure you can keep up with me? You'd been pretty much retired for a year, right? I don't want to end up hurting you." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and grinned, doing my best to rile the elf up.

Ryuu Lion's other eyebrow joined the first, before a small, challenging smile started to grow on her face. "Hm, I wouldn't worry about that, Emiya. I made sure to keep my skills sharp, as you'll soon realize. When you decide on a time, come ask me and I'll show you." She then turned around and started to walk away, only to stop a few paces ahead. She glanced at me from over her shoulder. "I'd bring a potion or two if I were you… I've been told I'm bad at holding back." And then she left, an intensity to her stride that wasn't there before.

I felt a shiver go down my back at her words.

…I'm going to get the shit beaten out of me, huh?

My smile widened.


What better way to train my Endurance than that?

-Line Break-

"So, what do you think?" Atticus asked from his place besides Ashe, a small, confident smile on his scarred face.

Ashe, for her part, was trying to appear calm as well, but there was a tension in her shoulders that told me the truth. She was awaiting my answer with some anxiousness.

Just with a glance, I knew she didn't have anything to worry about.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the red leather grip of the cross shaped hilt with both hands, and lifted the blade from the table it was placed on.

It was… heavy. Heavier than I would've been able to comfortably wield before I met Astraea.

But perfect for my current self. Sir Kay's longsword would feel like it was made of cardboard with my latest Update.

Looking at it from all angles, I was impressed.

I met the eyes of my reflection on the silvery surface of the blade while trying to figure out once more how the hell the alloy was made.

No, I knew how it was made. It was the same process that made normal steel, almost the same mixture of minerals, but then a horn of all things was added and it worked.

A dragon horn.

It was confusing. From what I had gleaned from the weapons I had already recorded before coming here, adding something that could be considered an impurity shouldn't make the alloy better and yet…

I traced the fuller, the small grove in the middle of the blade that is usually used to lighten the weight of the sword, and felt the red, somewhat coarse, material.

Then my eyes followed the edge where the same red could be seen.

Somehow, in spite of normal logic, the addition of the monster drop hadn't made it fragile, if anything it made it significantly stronger.

And resistant to fire to boot.

And the leather on the grip… it was enchanted with the same effect. Not only it was fire resistant, it also slightly granted the effect to who held it.

Was it enchanted like a salamander cloak?

Amazing, was the only word I could use to describe it in my mind as I placed it once more on the table.

Even without testing I knew it was perfectly balanced, and, with it being made in a similar style to Sir Kay's sword, I knew it wouldn't take much time for me to get used to it.

To be honest, I didn't have to observe it as much as I did, having already recorded the complete history of its creation in my mind, but there was something about this being a sword made for me that entranced me.

This was not Sir Kay's longsword, or Alise Lovell's one-handed sword, or Saber's Caliburn.

This was Emiya Shirou's sword. Any history that will be recorded in it will be mine and mine only. The only way it could be more personal would be if I forged it myself.

Soon, hopefully, I will be able to do that as well.

"It's perfect." I smiled. The heft of it, the durability, the sharpness. Everything was made for an Adventurer who fights monsters in the Dungeon, enemies with enhanced durability. "Which monster dropped the horn?"

Ashe let out a surprised "Wha-?!" but Atticus just huffed. "I couldn't even tell you casted a spell. Impressive."

Hm? Ah, right. I kept that part of my abilities a secret. I was so curious about the sword that it just slipped out.

"It's an Infant Dragon's horn. It honestly surprised me that Lady Hephaestus was willing to part with it. For a monster from the twelfth floor, weapons made from its horn are in high demand. "

Ah, the closest thing to a Monster Rex of the upper floors, the greatest challenge one could find. Fannett told me that if I didn't find a party, I should avoid it until I was Level Two, at least.

"I can see why, it's a really durable weapon, I can see myself using it for quite a while." More than quite a while, I think, considering I can just trace it from now on. I can just use the original for training and emergencies. The only bad thing was that I might not need to make as many weapons in the Dungeon now.

Might need to intentionally dispel it so I can get some Magic training.

"It also looks quite nice, huh? Aside from the processing of the alloy, and the initial shaping, I did most of the work, including the details," Ashe said. "Probably for the best, had I let Atticus do it, you'd have probably ended up with a copy of your previous sword."

"I never cared much for embellishments." He shrugged. "Never understood why Adventurers are so fixated on that. A simple sword cuts the same as a pretty one."

Ashe shook her head and pointed at him like she was telling me 'See what I have to deal with?'

I smiled, I couldn't say I disagreed with Atticus. "There's beauty in simplicity sometimes." I nodded. "But I've also seen weapons so beautiful that they take your breath away every time you see them, and they are no less deadly for it."

Excalibur and Caliburn are the most obvious examples, but if I closed my eyes I could see Monohoshizao, Kanshou and Bakuya, Galatine, Arondight.

Even comparing those weapons to works of art would be an insult to their craftsmanship.

This one seemed like a combination of the two smiths that worked on it. A functional design with some unique details that made it stand out.

"It's also somewhat fitting, isn't it? Getting a red sword for killing a red goblin?"

"Ugh, please don't remind us of that. I still feel pissed off at that herd. Can't believe we got beaten by goblins of all things." Ashe gritted her teeth.

"Easy there, at least we came back home. Maybe not whole, but we are alive." 'Unlike Rath' went unsaid by Atticus, and Ashe nodded somberly.

"Should have taken Shirou with us in the first place. That also would have saved us some trouble last week," Ashe quipped, and then glared at me. "You don't know how much Lady Hephaestus complained to us about letting you slip by and be nabbed by Lady Astraea," She finished with a tired sigh.

"Ah, sorry?"

"You really seem to have caught her attention, my friend. Any chance of you joining our Familia anytime soon?" Atticus asked, but I could tell he didn't really mean it.

"Probably the same chance of you leaving Hephaestus and joining Astraea."

The blond man huffed. "Luckily, I know you mean only me, because if you meant Ashe, it probably would be easy."

"Hey! Could you stop it with that?" She huffed. "I'm not leaving anytime soon."

Atticus glanced at her, then at me and rolled his eyes.

I shook my head, I didn't want another woman angry at me today. A Level Four was enough.

"And our Lady's offer? Will you take it?"

"I will, so you'll probably see me around here more often, I guess." I grinned. "I'll come knocking if I need some pointers, if you guys don't mind."

"Of course!" Ashe smiled, and Atticus nodded. "Ah, maybe we can…?" The pallum glanced at her companion, a question in her eyes.

"Ah. Yes, that's a good idea," he said. "Shirou, you're a good fighter, right?"

"I guess? I'm sure there are countless people better than me." I guessed I was better than the average rookie Adventurer, but I was still a novice. "Why the question, though?"

Atticus sighed. "There's a girl in the Dian Cecht Familia that has the Mystery Development Ability… It allows her to make magic items," He explained further once he saw the confusion on my face. "My goddess was able to commission for me a magical prosthetic arm that moves like a real one."

Well, that's great news. But why tell…? Ah.

"You want me to help you get used to fighting with it? Some sparring? Or coming with you to the Dungeon?" I was totally fine with that. Having people with me in my delvings would give my goddess relief.

"If you don't mind."

"We could make it an exchange! You give us a hand in the Dungeon and we help you in the forge," Ashe added with a smile.

"Yeah, that sounds fine." Then I shrugged. "You'd probably help me more in the Dungeon than I could help you, but there's something to be said about safety in numbers."

"Ugh, you'd think, but I still panic a little when I face those ants." Ashe shivered. "So disgusting."

Atticus chuckled. "And we'll see how much I can contribute with an arm I'm unused to… One that it's so expensive I have to be careful about breaking it."

Hm. That could be a problem…

A small smile grew in my face when a thought struck me. I don't know how much of a weapon a prosthetic would be for me to instantly trace it, but if the real thing was going to be in front of me…

"Would you be interested in a couple of spares for… let's say, some equipment and free maintenance?" I asked, pointedly looking at the sword on the table.

It took a second, but, when he understood, a shark-like grin grew on the scarred face of the normally taciturn man.

"Oh, I'm sure we can come to an agreement."

It was then that I learnt that before joining Hephaestus' Familia, Atticus used to sell his own weapons.

If I knew I would be facing a former merchant, I would have come more prepared.

It would be quite some time before I'd be able to go to talk to his goddess.

-Line Break-

There was something relaxing about the rhythmic sound of a hammer hitting steel, or that had been my thought when I saw Ashe working on her sword last week.

Maybe it was something about the constant repetition of movements that made me think that. Just like archery had worked as a meditation tool when I started going to the club, I had had the feeling that forging was going to be a calming experience for me.

Had I seen Hephaestus' forging before, I would have realized how wrong I was.

Every hit of hers made my heart lurch, every shower of sparks set my blood ablaze. I couldn't take my eyes off the hammer striking the metal with such peerless precision that sent reverberations down my soul itself.

It was exhilarating.

If it was insulting to compare art to weapons like Excalibur, then comparing the greatest artists of the history of mankind to Hephaestus would be worse.

She moved through the forge with the ease that only a thousand years of experience could bring. It was skill and craftsmanship that eclipsed everything a human could achieve as a blacksmith even if they dedicated a lifetime to it.

And yet I knew there was nothing supernatural about it, there was no use of her Divinity in her crafting, only pure mastery.

I grimaced.

…And I probably can copy that level of skill with my tracing, with no effort.

A pinch on my right hand brought me out of my thoughts and I looked to the side where Astraea was looking at me with a miffed expression.

"You're staring, Shirou," she said, her tone a little frosty. "Anything you'd like to say?"

Her question made me realize I had been silently watching ever since I caught sight of Hephaestus working in the communal forge of the Familia Home.

"Uh, no? Sorry, I was a little amazed at her skill." I shrugged, trying not to show what the sight of Astraea was doing to my heart now that I was aware of what I felt. "I shouldn't be so surprised, honestly, she's the Goddess of the Forge, after all."

Astraea's eyes narrowed at me, looking like she was trying to see if there were any hidden lies in my words.

I raised an eyebrow when she huffed and turned around, a pout on her lips. Was she…?

"...Are you still worried about me leaving you, my goddess?" I asked with a grin, feeling a mixture of amusement and, though it ashamed me a little, some happiness at the jealousy she was showing. "How many times do I have to tell you that I won't?"

"Oh, probably a couple more times, just to be safe," Hephaestus said, before hitting the blade she was working on one last time and putting it and the hammer down. She turned around and looked at my goddess with an amused smile. "There's a reason why I needed to vent some frustration with my hammer. We spent the more than an hour together and the only thing she talked about was-"

"Your apprenticeship!" my goddess interrupted, her face gaining some color. "We talked about your apprenticeship and nothing more."

Hephaestus chuckled. "Right, nothing more."

Astraea nodded. "Mm~ so, don't worry about it."

I raised an eyebrow at the byplay. Was… my goddess being out-teased by someone?

…Still, even if I wasn't a deity, it was easy to see they were lying… but after seeing the warning glare my goddess was sending Hephaestus, I decided to take their word for it.

"Now, I'm done here, so we can proceed with that talk if you two don't mind. Sorry for the wait, Shirou, but I wasn't exactly free when this one came to talk first thing in the morning." She joked, and my goddess giggled.

"Well, you did say to come whenever I wanted, so I did."

I shook my head, still reeling a little from the experience of seeing my goddess of all people flustered. "It's okay, I got a little distracted myself while getting this. I might have spent some time talking with your children about it," I said, placing a hand on the pommel of the longsword sheathed on my waist.

"Ah, I can't blame you for that. It is a nice sword, isn't it? I was pretty impressed when they showed it to me." Hephaestus smiled proudly while grabbing a stool and sitting in front of us. Then her smile dropped and she looked at me seriously. "So, I already talked with Astraea about it, but I want to hear it from you, Shirou. Will you become my apprentice?"

I glanced at Astraea for a second and she just smiled placidly at me. It seems the moment for messing around was over.

I looked back at Hephaestus and straightened my back. "I will. If by learning under you I can develop even a fraction of the skill you have, it would be idiotic to refuse."

"That's it?" Hephaestus crossed her arms under her bust and grinned, a pleased glint in her eye. "That's aiming low, Child of the Goddess of Justice. If you learn under me, then I will expect nothing else but for you to reach my level and surpass me."

My eyes widened. Surpass the Goddess of the Forge at her craft?

It sounded stupid. An objective only the most arrogant of men would have.

An impossible hurdle to strive towards.

From anyone else, it would have sounded like a platitude, a way to make her student pursue her skill, even if she didn't believe they could reach it.

But Hephaestus was sincere.

She didn't just mean me. She truly believed that any mortal could reach her level. Could surpass her.

She wanted that.

…Then how could I settle for less? Whenever I took up something, I wasn't one to give up halfway, anyways.

"Then, even if it takes me hundreds of years, I will surpass you, Hephaestus." I did have time, anyway, with my Falna extending my lifespan… and, maybe, if I reached a high level I could have Avalon permanently activated. "I won't betray your expectations."

Hephaestus froze for a second, and then her eye widened at my words. "...Oh." Her head tilted slightly and she looked at me contemplatively, before turning to my goddess. "...I think I'm beginning to see why you…" she trailed off.

I looked at Astraea and found her massaging her temple with her hand, like she was holding back a migraine.

She met my confused eyes with a deadpan expression and then her exasperated sigh filled the room.

Was it something I said?

"So, let's talk about schedules then." Hephaestus retook charge of the conversation, cutting through the slight tension in the air. "I'm afraid I don't have as much time as I'd want, but I can fit you in my breaks for now."

"Ah, to be honest, with my Dungeon trips and my coming patrols, I will be a little limited with my time as well, at least until things calm down after the festival."

"Well, we can plan around that, then. What do you think of…"

And so, we continued planning the schedules of the lessons, all the while pretending that we were not feeling the weight of the judging gaze of the Goddess of Justice.

-Line Break-

Still, accepting her tutelage was just one thing I came here to do.

If I was to learn to the best of my abilities, I'd have to come clean about my tracing.

She had seemed pleased when I accepted being her student, but when I told her of the full extent of my magecraft?

Hephaestus was giddy.

"So you don't need a spell? You just understand every detail from any weapon you just see?" she asked, leaning forward on her seat, her face getting almost too close to mine. "And you remember this forever?"

I swear I could see her eye shining.

"Ah, yes, that's basically it." I leaned a bit backwards, trying to put some needed distance, but she just advanced a bit more. "It's… easier with swords, daggers, spears or anything with a blade in it, but I can also remember maces, bows, even shields. And, well…"

With the strike of the hammer of a gun, a magic circuit opened. "Trace On."

Going through my seven steps as fast as I could, I focused on the image in my mind and ,with a flash of green light, a warhammer appeared on my hand.

Huh, it feels a lot lighter than I remember.

Hephaestus sucked in a breath. "That's…"

"Rath's warhammer." I nodded. "I saw it for the last time in Westmount, and never again, but it's still fresh in my mind."

"If I didn't know the original was still in my office…" she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. "And you know how it was made? Rath's forging process?"

"From the first strike of a hammer."

Hephaestus took a shuddering breath and was about to speak when my goddess interrupted. "And that's not all of it, Hephaestus. He doesn't only know the weapon's history."

I nodded. "I can also imitate the skills of the user of the weapon thanks to my tracing." I glanced about and then pointed at the hammer Hephaestus had been just using. "For example, if I traced that hammer, I can copy your skill with it to a certain extent… and that's only because my body is different from yours, so I'd have to compensate," I explained.

"How? How on earth have you lived this far with that ability and not tried to learn how to make weapons yourself?" she asked with disbelief in her tone. "I reiterate: that you aren't a smith yet is frankly ridiculous. You were born for this."

"Ah well, it's not like I knew of this ability my whole life." I scratched the back of my head, "I've only become aware of this a couple of months ago, and it's been only with my latest magic teacher that I've begun to develop it."

I didn't know if it was the exposure to the ridiculous weapons of the Holy Grail War, the memories of Saber, my real magic circuits being activated, or a combination of the three that made me aware of that ability, but it was only after that I've realized the extent of my affinity with weapons.

"To think that a human would be able to develop something like this without the blessing of a god. It's…amazing," Hephaestus muttered. "Any idea how it came to be?"

I didn't, but Tohsaka had some theories. Being healed by Avalon when I was a kid, and then being exposed to it for most of my life making me more predisposed to weapons, or an accident caused by me turning my nerves into magic circuits for years without giving myself an aneurysm, or…

"My teacher assumed that it was because of my elemental affinity," I settled for answering.

"Your… elemental affinity? You mean the magic you are more predisposed towards?" Astraea asked, curious. "My, you never told me about this, Shirou."

"Ah, it's not really important in the grand scheme of things. Hell, the only thing this does is limit me because it makes learning magic not related to it much harder," I grumbled.

"Well, now I'm curious. What is it? It cannot be just something like earth. Two elements? Earth and fire?" Hephaestus asked, visibly excited. Maybe she was wondering if any of her magically inclined children could develop something like I did?

Unfortunately, I had to disappoint her.

"It's Sword."

"...what?" she asked, the smile fading from her face.

"My elemental affinity is Sword."

Both goddesses in front of me fell silent for a moment.

"Sword? I don't… think I heard of that being an affinity, Shirou," Astraea said, a confused expression on her face.

I sighed and nodded. "I know, do you know how much my teacher complained about that? There was hardly anything she could teach me because I suck at magic that does not involve something like a sword in any way."

Tohsaka had been about to tear her hair out at the end, and just settled for explaining the basics of the basics and letting me decide how to continue on my own, and just offer guidance when I needed it.

"Your element, your magic, your soul itself, gravitates to… swords?" Hephaestus asked dully, looking like a child who was told Santa Claus wasn't real. "Astraea."

"Yes, Hephaestus?" My goddess asked, an amused smile growing on her face.

"Can I retract my word of not trying to recruit your child to my Familia?"

Astraea's smile widened. "No."


"Yes, Hephaestus?"

"I hate you."

Astraea giggled. "Oh, please, I know you don't."

-Line Break-

Walking through the busy streets of Orario, weaving through the throngs of people around me enjoying the festival in merriment, I did my best to follow the explanation of the woman in front of me.

The blue-haired, sharp-eyed Adventurer walked with purpose, her eyes swiveling around, giving a curt nod to every masked adventurer of her Familia we passed by.

"As much as people like to fantasize, patrolling is not supposed to be exciting. Many of our rookies are quite disappointed to learn that a good patrol is one in which nothing happens," Shakti Varma, the Level Five captain of the Ganesha Familia said with a serious tone. "Our main objective is to…show the flag, as they say, and discourage would-be criminals."

"Show the flag, huh." It was something I was familiar with, having interacted with Old Man Raiga. It's quite impressive how much dissuasive a group of Yakuza could be to people wanting to cause trouble in a neighborhood. "And when that isn't enough?"

"Well, there are those that decide to disrupt the peace in spite of our presence, so we need to keep an alert eye and be ready to act in those cases. Quarrels on the streets, purse-snatchers, shoplifters," she explained. "Either catching them in the act, or being alerted by the civilians of the situation, we need to be on the streets to be able to do something. Be seen, either to prevent or to react."

"I see." I'm guessing that in a world without cell phones, word of mouth served as an alarm. "I'm guessing that's the reason for the… uniforms your men use and for me wearing this? So people can know who to approach with their problems?"

By this I was referring to the dark blue half-cape I was wearing over my left shoulder, the Sword and the Wings of Justice proudly embroidered on it.

Shakti, as asked me to call her, grimaced. "I… won't comment on my men's fashion decisions." But then a small smile appeared on Shakti's face as she nodded. "You showing off your Familia's symbol, though, that was Lord Ganesha's suggestion. He said that it'd be a nice opportunity to announce the return of your Familia to Orario. It might be just you for now, but that symbol holds weight here," she explained. She glanced at me and her sharp eyes softened a bit. "People will know to trust you."

I let out a breath and nodded. So, until I gained some reputation, I would depend on my Familia's name.

Still, I smiled, remembering my Goddess' pleased expression after she helped me put it on this morning, and saw me off with her symbol proudly emblazoned over my arm.

Astraea told me that she had wanted to get me a salamander cloth one so I could take it to the Dungeon later, but she couldn't get it made in time.

I didn't mind. For now, I would use this during patrols and spread the word that she was back.

Besides, it worked for me. I might not focus on fashion or the type of clothes I wear, but I find myself fonder of blue over red.

"Of course, outside of this week, I'm not expecting you to follow my lead on how you act. You are Astraea Familia now, don't let others dictate your actions," she told me firmly. "I was friends with you predecessors, I won't tarnish their memory by trying to influence you. Even in the Dark Age when we worked together, our Familias acted differently."

"Then, I'm guessing I'm going to have to speak with my goddess about it." I don't think there would be much else other than helping people and stopping crime, but I could use her input. "And my Captain, of course."

Shakti looked at me, puzzled. "Your… Captain?"

"Lion," I said, and her eyes widened.

"Ah. You got into contact with her? Is she… joining back?" There was surprised look in her eyes, and a slight hint of guilt hidden instantly by her professional demeanor.

"We are… still ironing out the details. It's still too soon to truly tell."

The captain of the Ganesha Familia stopped for a second and then nodded. "Yes, that's… understandable." She sighed. "Let's focus on our work for now, it's not the time for chit-chat."

I nodded. "As you say. I'll follow your lead for now."

"Come on, let's continue. We're going in the direction of Daedalus Street. It's still early, but-" She began, leading the way to a street with a very familiar name.

Hopefully, there's not a minotaur waiting for us there. I smiled grimly, remembering the mythological labyrinth from my world.

-Line Break-

As we walked through the streets of the city, Shakti spoke, "During the Festival, most of people will be around the eight main streets, particularly the West Main Street. That's where you'll be stationed for the most part these few days you are going to be assisting us," she explained.

"But you need to know the area around them as well. Wouldn't do for you to get lost pursuing a suspect. Especially around here."

She signalled to the streets ahead, where Daedalus street awaited. As the name indicated –at least to me, with knowledge of my world– the city became a maze-like mess of interconnected alleyways and narrow, winding streets

The buildings pressed together in an almost unnatural way, stacked atop one another like a careless pile of bricks. It became even more confusing as we approached. Some of the buildings had upper floors that jutted out into the street, casting some parts in shadow in spite of the still shining afternoon sun.

"What a mess," I muttered as we approached. "This is Daedalus, then?"

"Indeed," Shakti nodded as she walked calmly beside me. "Orario isn't known as the Labyrinth City just because of the Dungeon. This is what ultimately gave Daedalus his famous epithet." When she saw the confusion in my expression, Shakti shrugged. "The Mad Artisan. You haven't heard of him?"

"...Not by that name." I shook my head. "I knew he created a labyrinth but I didn't know it meant this…" 

"He is the one that created a lot of the city's most important landmarks, but this was his final creation. A place to hide until his death."

"So this mess of streets, is it–?"

"Intentional? Yes," Shakti remarked with a nod. "You could say Daedalus created this place to hide those that don't want to be found, starting with himself. The deeper you go, the harder it is to find your way back out. There are criminals that use these winding paths to run away from justice."

In spite of her words, she wasn't tense. She kept a purposeful stride, keeping her eyes forward. Every now and then, though, her eyes flickered to the many alleyways we passed by, not… suspicious, but definitely aware of the many eyes that kept looking at us warily.

I felt some tension rise in me, my eyes flitting between the dark corners of the streets, almost like I was expecting a criminal to be hiding in them. The streets weren't empty, but there was a wariness in the way people moved, their eyes darting toward us before quickly looking away. 

A child peeking out from a doorway before vanishing back inside. A group of rough-looking men huddling near a side street, their conversation lowering as we passed, their eyes flickering toward us.

Most of the attention was focused on Shakti, however, as I heard some mentions of the name Ganesha, and of her title, Ankusha.

"Calm down," she chided me when she saw me tense. "It's fine. You won't find anything that you wouldn't find in any other part of the city. We are doing nothing more than walking around, don't cause unnecessary problems."

"But, didn't you say…?"

"I know what I said." She sighed as she kept leading me into the maze-like streets. "Yes, there are criminals here, people who use the streets to disappear—but there are also families, shopkeepers, and workers just trying to get by. Daedalus Street has always been a thorn on our side, but one we need to handle with care."

"Handle with care…" I repeated softly, imitating her by looking around, trying to get a sense of this place.

Soon, I realized what she meant. 

In spite of the tension, people moved as they did anywhere else in Orario, some carrying baskets of goods, others tending to their stalls. A pair of children dashed through a side street, laughing as they kicked a bundle of cloth between them like a ball.

"I… understand what you mean," I said with a nod. "These are just regular people..." It felt stupid to say it out loud, but the words themselves brought me some relief.

"Indeed, they are," she agreed, subtly pointing to an old lady that was sweeping the front of her house, to a group of men discharging crates from a carriage, to the stall owners peddling their wares. It wasn't any different than any other scenes in Orario. "The deeper we go into this maze, however, the less that fact is true." Even so, Shakti kept walking seemingly without a worry.

I, for my part, tried to do my best to remember the paths we took on the patrol with little luck. It truly was a labyrinth. " Next time I'll tie a string or something to the entrance, make my own Ariadne's thread," I whispered to myself.  

"Oh, you know about them?" Shakti asked with some surprise. I blinked.

"Excuse me?"

She pointed to a red arrow painted on a wall nearby. "About the ariadne, I mean. It's nice to know you are knowledgeable about the city," she praised me, an impressed smile on her face. "I was about to explain to you how to use them to get back to the entrance, but I should have guessed your goddess would have told you." She nodded and continued on.

I smiled awkwardly, trying to not sound like a total idiot by denying it. "Right, yes, I've heard about them. Follow them and they guide you back out, right?"

"Correct." She nodded and I held back my relieved sigh.

A labyrinth made by Daedalus, where the only way out are the red ariadnes. I shook my head. At this point I shouldn't be surprised.

It was a couple of minutes later that we crossed paths with a pair of men from her Familia, "Good, you are on time," Shakti said with a nod and the two guys almost preened proudly. "As discussed, we'll continue on your route, you guys continue the Daedalus patrol." 

"Yes, ma'am!" Both said, slamming the butts of their spears on the ground. 

I nodded at both of the members of the Genesha Familia and followed their captain. The route Shakti was taking me along was one she made up to show me around the hotspots of the city, the places I would help the patrol this week. 

I felt a little bad for making them shift things around, but Shakti was adamant that I should accompany her.

"Now, next is probably the easiest part," Shakti said as we entered one of the main streets.The East Main Street, to be exact. "I-Am-Ganesha is a couple of streets away, so there are always members of my Familia around," she explained, pointing out at a shape in the distance. A distinct elephant-head-like shape. "We'll follow the route along, and then circle around Babel and go to the West Main street where we will finish the patrol. Understood?"

I nodded. "Understood."

Just like Shakti had said, the next part of the patrol was unremarkable. We took the opportunity to visit the different guard stations around so Shakti could keep herself appraised of her men's movements. It seemed that for today, her Vice-Captain, an amazoness named Ilta Farna, was in charge of managing her forces.

"I was thinking of putting her in charge of you today, actually," Shakti admitted when we were turning in the direction of West Main Street. "But I decided to do it myself. It's been some time since I actually patrolled around, so it was a nice change of pace."

"Even if we didn't end up doing anything?"

"Even so," she said with a smile. "I told you so, you'd better learn to live with the disappointment of a totally unremarkable day…" she trailed off, stopping her stride. "But I guess, there is a reason we need to patrol around here as well." I wondered what she meant, until I heard it.

"Stop, you rat!" A shrill voice approaching caught my attention. I turned as well, seeing a woman rushing in our direction, so hurried that she almost tripped on her long dress and apron. "Thief!" There was a hooded person running in front of her, dodging and bumping people in their way, heading towards us… or rather going in the direction that would lead them to Daedalus Street. 

Shakti sighed and turned to me. "Emiya, do you think you can handle this? Before this gets any worse?" At one point the hooded thief had crashed with a man and made him fall to the ground with a curse.

I nodded. "I'll do my best." The thief stood back up, and continued to run in our direction. At this distance under the cloak I could distinguish a woman, short ratty hair, thin cheeks and bags under her eyes. She looked sick, to be honest, her skin was yellowish and cracked.

In one of her hands she held a small bulging pouch. Coins, probably . She was rapidly approaching, running at a speed that I wouldn't expect from someone so sickly looking. She would pass us in a moment or two.

"Trace On." I activated my circuits and, using my Od, I started to send magic energy through my body, reinforcing myself slightly. Shakti looked at me curiously, but didn't say anything, she just waited for me to act.

And so, I acted. The woman's eyes widened for a moment when she saw me standing on her way, her steps faltering slightly as she caught sight of my cloak. But then her whole bearing sharpened. A hand flew to her back, and I tensed, seeing a glint of metal.

"Out of the way!" The woman rushed forward and slashed, a dagger in her hand, a rusty one taken from an Adventurer that had died in the Dungeon just two days ago to a group of kobolds. I easily dodged the sloppy slash, and when she wound her arm back for a second attack, my hand lashed out. 

I held her wrist on an iron grip, feeling a flash of guilt at the pained voice she let out. But I wouldn't let go, I had to stop her.

"Let go, you fucker!" The woman yelled, struggling against my grip on her wrist. I gritted my teeth and twisted her arm to the side. "You think you can stop me, I am-"

And then I punched her in the face.

The woman stumbled back with a gasp, her eyes wide. She tried to force her hand out, but my grip tightened and she finally dropped the dagger in a clatter. With another twist, I put her arm to her back and made her drop to her knees, with her struggling all the way down. Luckily my Reinforcement made it easy for me to subdue her. "Stop struggling already," I said with some exasperation. "Look at the woman standing in front of you." 

"Fuck you, I'm gonna-" And then her words died in a strangled gasp once Shakti moved into her line of sight. "A-Ankusha…" she said in a shocked whisper and instantly stopped her struggles. I huffed, a Level Five's reputation is not for nothing, it seems.

"Indeed." Shakti approached, her eyes cold. "I think you have something that doesn't belong to you." The thief in my grasp let out a shriek and dropped what she held.

Shakti crouched, picked up the jingling pouch and looked behind me, where the apron-wearing woman stood frozen, just a couple of meters away. "Is this yours, madam?"

The woman jolted and approached with jittery steps. "Y-yes, thank you, Miss Ankusha," she said, a bright smile on her face, her eyes filled with admiration.

"Don't thank me, it wasn't me who stopped the thief," Shakti said, and looked at me with a smile. "Thank the new Vice-Captain of the Astraea Familia."

There was a smattering of voices, all repeating what Shakti had said in shock. I felt the eyes of the whole street pose on me, and the thief in my grasp stiffened once more. "Astraea…" I heard her mutter. 

I noticed a couple of members of Shakti's Familia approached and exchanged words with her.

The woman approached me with hesitant steps and bowed slightly. "Thank you, young man. I heard the rumors, but it's nice to see the Familia of the Goddess of Justice back here in Orario." She smiled, hugging the pouch to her chest. "Your name was…?

"I'm Shirou, Shirou Emiya," I said with a nod, feeling some embarrassment at the way the people on the street were looking at me. Shakti had done this on purpose. "And you're welcome, I'm only doing my duty to uphold my goddess' justice." I stood up with a grunt, lifting the woman with me just as the two elephant masked men approached me. "I'm just happy I was in the right place to do so."

"We can take it from here, Emiya." One said with a grin. "Good job." I nodded and passed the woman to him. "Come on, you. We'll let our god Ganesha decide your fate! What Familia are you a part of…" Their voices, loud as they were, soon faded amongst the crowd. 

I sighed and turned back to the woman. "I'm glad I could help, I hope this doesn't sour the festival for you."

"Oh, no! Of course not." She smiled brightly, like someone hadn't just committed a crime against her. "I got to meet the new generation of the children of Lady Astraea! Now I'm glad that woman stole from me!"

I raised an eyebrow, and exchanged looks with Shakti, who just shook her head exasperatedly. "I… am glad then," I said with a strained smile. 

Shakti chose that moment to help me out. 

"Now, we must continue with our patrol. Keep an eye open, everyone! If you see anything suspicious, make sure to approach us."

With her words said, she didn't take much to walk away, and so I followed behind, almost relieved to be out of that situation.

Shakti smiled at me. "Well done," she said and I nodded gratefully. "Now you just have to get used to talking with crowds confidently and you'll be ready." She then sighed, fond exasperation in her smile. "Maybe not as confident as Scarlet Harnel had been, though. Everything is better in moderation."

I huffed. Me with Alise Lovell's confidence? Now, that would be a sight.

-Line Break-

Things returned to calm after that.

It wasn't a surprise, really. The Ganesha Familia was out in force around the Main Streets where the greatest concentrations of people were.

…It was almost creepy, how many men dressed in similar clothes with the exact same mask were watching over the population.

Now that we were back in the thick of it, I could see how Shakti operated with her men around.

Her decades of experience leading were obvious. The way she explained the ins and outs of the job, the way she could with a few words stop a brewing argument, or console a lost child, the way the other members of her Familia looked at her for advice.

To be honest I was beginning to think I wasn't going to do much today, that my part had started and finished with stopping that woman.

I tried to not let it get to me. It was my first day, it was obvious I wasn't going to do much. 

It wasn't until when we were about to retire back to I-Am-Ganesha that something happened. 

"Huh?! Two thousand Vali for a fucking drink?! What the fuck are you serving, Freya's piss in a bottle?" A slurring voice exclaimed so loudly that it cut through the din of noise around.

Shakti turned to me and smiled. "You seem bored. Want to give it another go? I want to see how you handle the situation." It was all I needed, I began weaving hurriedly through the crowd in the direction of the voice.

A man in his forties, clearly just a civilian if his clothes were any indication, was almost frothing at the mouth and glaring at a young woman standing calmly behind a stall.

I knew this girl.

"-was that, you wouldn't be able to afford it, Mister~," Lion's silver-haired coworker replied with a giggle, not showing even a little bit of fear for the angry man. Then her eyes sharpened and her smile turned mocking. "Now, are you going to be nice and buy something or am I wasting my time?"

"Wha-? Are you mocking me, bitch!?" the man exclaimed as I finished approaching. "I'll show you-" he began, raising his hand and winding it back.

I didn't care to wait to see what he was going to do, I just stepped forward and grabbed his wrist in my hand.

I hadn't intended to use much force but I swear I could hear the bones in his wrist strain and almost break. Shit, he's not like the thief. He's just a civilian, I thought as the man screamed in pain, falling to his knees.

I winced and eased my grip a bit. "You okay, miss?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the drunkard.

"Oh! I'm totally fine! Thank you so much, you are my hero~!" I glanced at Lion's coworker and was met by her enthusiastic smile. "Wow, I heard about it when you came to pick up Ryuu but you are really Astraea's child!" she gushed, looking at the symbol on my cloak.

Hearing her words, many of the people around us started muttering. Once more, I could just make out the words 'justice', 'Astraea','back' and 'told you'. Huh, it seemed that word was beginning to spread, after all.

I tried to ignore the noise around me and helped the man back to his feet. His eyes, which had been somewhat hazy before I interrupted, were now much more alert.

A shot of adrenaline does wonders to clear drunkenness, it seems.

"Look, arresting you for being a drunken idiot seems a little too much." I also didn't know if I could actually arrest him for that. "So, how about you head back home and take a nice, cold shower, my friend?" I asked with a sharp smile, and the man nodded repeatedly. I sighed. "Good. Leave, then."

The man left in a hurry, pushing through the crowd in his rush to get away from me. "Oh~ that was scary. You are so brave to stand up to that man." The girl said, squirming in place.

I raised an eyebrow. If that was her being scared, I can't imagine how she is normally. "It's no trouble, miss. I'm glad I was able to help one of Lion's friends."

The girl giggled. "So humble too~. Say, if you are free this evening, want to come have a drink in our bar?" she asked, a coquettish smile on her face as she leaned over the stall. "My treat, for helping me out."

"Ah." Was she…trying to flirt or something? I took a step back. "Sorry, miss. But I don't usually have my evenings free. I'll have to disappoint you." As always, my evenings were for my goddess.

I also didn't want to intrude on Lion's workplace when it was sure to be busy thanks to this mess. It was quite surprising that they had the availability to open a stall like this, but I guessed that they were using it to advertise their pub.

"Aww, that's a shame," she whined. "I'll be in your debt for a while longer then. Ah, and none of that 'miss' stuff. I'm Syr. Syr Flova." she said, batting her eyelashes. "If you are a part of Ryuu's Familia, then you are a friend to me!"

"I'm Shirou Emiya, nice to meet you, then." I glanced back and saw Shakti Varma approaching through the crowd. Well, that's my chance to leave. "Right, if you are fine, then I'll return to my patrols and leave you to it. Have a nice day."

I waved and left the stall, trying to get away from the awkward situation. I really wasn't used to girls being so forward.

"Well, I'll commend you for the initiative," Shakti said to me with a nod when I rejoined her. "Next time, though, if you have back-up, try not to rush on your own. We work in pairs for a reason."


"Sorry, I… tend to react before thinking sometimes." I smiled guiltily. "I'll be more careful in the future."

The woman sighed. "As long as you are aware." She shrugged. "How about we end things here? We'll return to my Familia Home and do a small debrief." I nodded, and began following her back towards East Street. 

But then I felt a shiver go down my spine.

Someone was watching me.

No, not just watching. Something this invasive could not be called that. Ogling? Analyzing? Sizing up?

I turned around, trying to find the source amongst the crowd, but when I did, the sensation faded.

The crowds parted for a second and I met the gray eyes of Syr Flova, who was talking animatedly with a customer.

She winked at me.