The weekend brought no relief from ghost-related incidents. Samael was spotting Danny through transformation practice in the warehouse district when his ghost sense flared.
"Company," he warned, just as a missile streaked through the air where Danny had been floating.
"EXCELLENT REFLEXES!" a metallic voice boomed. A large, armored figure emerged from the shadows, his flaming green mohawk illuminating high-tech weaponry. "This hunt may prove entertaining after all."
"Hunt?" Danny yelped, dodging another missile. "Look, I don't know who you are, but-"
"I AM SKULKER! GHOST ZONE'S GREATEST HUNTER!" The mechanical ghost activated various weapons from his armor.
"And you, ghost child, will make an excellent trophy. Though your companion..." He paused, scanning Samael. "Fascinating. Half-ghost, yet something more. Two prizes for one hunt!"
Samael felt the anger rising, his muscles already beginning to expand. "Nobody hunts my brother."
"Ah, siblings! Even better!" Skulker's grin was predatory. "Your pelts will look wonderful mounted side by side on my wall."
That did it. The transformation took hold instantly, fueled by protective rage.
"NOBODY. THREATENS. MY. BROTHER!" Each word was punctuated by Samael's increasing size, his now-massive green form towering in the warehouse.
Skulker's scanner beeped rapidly. "Incredible! Your ectoplasmic signature is off the charts! The raw power, the uncontrolled rage... You'll be my greatest trophy yet!"
Skulker launched a barrage of weapons, his mechanical suit whirring with deadly precision. Danny went intangible, the attacks passing harmlessly through him.
Samael, however, didn't bother dodging. The missiles exploded against his massive green form, leaving him unscathed but increasingly angry.
"WEAPONS CANNOT HURT ME!" Samael roared, his fist demolishing a support beam as he lunged for Skulker.
The hunter ghost proved surprisingly agile, his jetpack carrying him just out of reach. "Brute force alone won't catch me, prey! I've hunted the most dangerous ghosts in the Zone!"
"Then you've never met anyone like us!" Danny called, finally getting the hang of his ectoblasts. The green energy struck Skulker's jetpack, causing him to wobble mid-flight.
"Impressive aim, whelp!" Skulker adjusted his systems, multiple targeting arrays emerging from his armor. "But I've studied your kind. Half-ghosts are rare, but not unknown. Though your brother..." He fired a net made of glowing energy. "His mutation is unique!"
The net wrapped around Samael, crackling with containment energy. For a moment, it seemed to hold him.
Then his muscles bulged, anger reaching new heights. "MUTATION?" The net shredded like tissue paper. "I'LL SHOW YOU MUTATION!"
"Samael, wait!" Danny tried to intervene. "The warehouse can't take much more-"
Too late. Samael's next charge took out several more support beams. The building groaned ominously.
"YES!" Skulker's eyes gleamed. "Show me your true power! Prove yourself worthy prey!"
"I'M NOT PREY!" Samael grabbed a chunk of fallen concrete, hurling it with devastating force. "I'M THE PREDATOR!"
The projectile caught Skulker square in the chest, sending him crashing through the warehouse wall. His armor sparked and sputtered.
"The armor's damaged!" Danny shouted. "Now's our chance!"
"METAL MAN THREATEN BROTHER!" Samael's voice deepened further, his vocabulary simplifying as rage took over completely. His size increased again, muscles swelling beyond their usual transformed state. "SAMAEL SMASH METAL MAN!"
Skulker pulled himself from the rubble, his armor recalibrating. "Fascinating! The angrier you become, the more powerful-"
A massive green fist cut off his analysis, sending him through another wall.
"METAL MAN TALK TOO MUCH!" Samael bounded after him, each leap leaving craters in the concrete. "SAMAEL PROTECT DANNY!"
"I'm actually doing okay!" Danny called, firing more ectoblasts at Skulker's damaged systems. "But maybe tone it down a bit? The whole block can probably hear—"
"NO TONE DOWN!" Samael roared, ripping a steel beam from the warehouse frame. "METAL MAN WANT HUNT? METAL MAN GET SMASHED!"
Skulker launched his remaining missiles, but Samael swatted them aside like flies. "Perhaps I miscalculated-"
"METAL MAN SMART TALK NOT SAVE NOW!" Samael's fist closed around Skulker's armor, crushing it like an empty soda can. "NO ONE HUNT LITTLE BROTHER!"
The mechanical ghost's systems sparked and fizzled as Samael began systematically tearing the armor apart.
"Okay, big guy," Danny attempted to calm his brother, "I think he gets the point-"
"NOT ENOUGH POINT!" Another piece of armor went flying. "METAL MAN LEARN LESSON!"
Inside the crumpled armor, a tiny green form became visible – Skulker's true appearance.
The tiny Skulker tried to flee from his ruined armor, but Samael's massive hand snatched him from the air.
"Release me!" Skulker squeaked, his diminutive true form making his threats almost comical. "I am the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter!"
Danny floated nearby, torn between amusement at Skulker's true form and concern for his brother's escalating rage. "Maybe we should contain him? I think Dad has some kind of ghost thermos in the lab..."
"THERMOS TOO GOOD FOR TINY GHOST!" Samael growled, his grip tightening. "SAMAEL SHOULD-"
"There you are!" Jazz's voice cut through the tension as she ran up, carrying what looked like a soup thermos.
"I heard the explosions from six blocks away! Sam and Tucker are running interference with Mom and Dad, but-" She stopped, staring at the tiny ghost in Samael's massive grip. "Is that...?"
Jazz uncapped the thermos, aiming it at Skulker. "Well, 'tiny ghost' is about to get a timeout. Danny, would you do the honors?"
"With pleasure!" Danny grabbed the thermos, pointing it at the diminutive hunter. "Happy hunting... in the thermos!"
A blue beam shot out, sucking the protesting Skulker inside. "This isn't over! I'll return! I'll-"
Danny capped the thermos with a satisfied smile. "You'll what? Nibble our ankles?"
"TINY GHOST TALK BIG!" Samael's laugh shook the remaining warehouse windows. "TINY GHOST-"
"Okay, Sammy," Jazz interrupted, using her most soothing therapist voice. "The threat's contained. Time to calm down."
"Yes, yes, you're the strongest there is," Jazz agreed patiently, already reasoning where his words would go. "Now take some deep breaths before you bring down what's left of the warehouse district."
As the anger slowly subsided, Samael's size decreased, and with it came the mortifying realization of how he'd been speaking. His vocabulary returned with his normal form, along with a deep sense of embarrassment.
"Did I really..." he groaned, accepting the spare shirt Jazz handed him, "did I actually say 'Samael strongest there is'?"
"Among other linguistic gems," Danny grinned, shaking the thermos where Skulker's tiny protests could still be heard. "My personal favorite was 'tiny ghost face Samael's rage.'"
"Just kill me now," Samael muttered, running a hand over his face. "I'm supposed to be in AP Literature, and I devolved into... that."
Jazz was already writing in her notebook. "It's fascinating, really. The correlation between anger levels and decreased verbal complexity suggests that the transformation affects cognitive functions as well as physical attributes.
Perhaps the more primitive emotional centers of the brain become dominant while higher-order thinking-"
"Jazz," Samael cut her off, "please don't psychoanalyze my descent into monosyllabic rage monster. It's humiliating enough without clinical analysis."
"At least you were effective," Danny offered. "I mean, did you see Skulker's face when you crushed his 'greatest hunter' suit like a soda can? Priceless!"
"Yes, because brute force and broken grammar are exactly how I wanted to handle things," Samael sighed, looking at the destruction around them. "Mom and Dad are going to have a field day with all these readings."
"About that," Jazz said, checking her phone, "Sam and Tucker can only distract them for so long. We should probably-"
"GHOST DETECTED IN THE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT!" Jack Fenton's voice boomed in the distance, accompanied by the sound of the Fenton RV's engines.
"Great," Samael muttered. "Because this day needed one more moment of embarrassment."
"Look on the bright side," Danny said, turning invisible. "At least you're not the one who has to explain to our English teacher why your essay on 'Macbeth' keeps getting burnt because of ectoplasm blasts"
"Quick," Jazz commanded, slipping into crisis management mode. "Danny, fly Samael out of here. His ectoplasmic signature is probably still too high to risk staying. I'll run interference with Mom and Dad."
"On it!" Danny grabbed his brother's arm, turning them both intangible just as the Fenton RV screeched around the corner.
"But Jazz-" Samael started.
"Will be fine," she assured him. "I've got straight A's in Creative Excuse Making 101. Now go!"
Danny pulled them through several buildings, his flight path wobbling slightly under his brother's weight. "You know, this would be easier if you weren't built like a linebacker even in human form."
"Sorry my ghost-enhanced muscles are inconveniencing your ghost taxi service," Samael replied dryly, trying to ignore how surreal it felt passing through solid objects.
Below, they could hear their father's excited voice: "The readings are off the charts, Maddie! Whatever ghost did this must have been huge!"
"And angry," their mother added. "Look at the impact patterns. Jazz, honey, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know," Jazz's voice carried up to them, "just... conducting a psychological study on the effects of urban decay on teenage development. These warehouses provide fascinating insights into..."
"That's our Jazz!" Jack boomed proudly. "Always thinking scientifically! Speaking of science, these ectoplasmic residue readings..."
Danny flew them several more blocks before setting down in an alley behind the Nasty Burger. "That should be far enough. You okay? That was some pretty intense rage back there."
Samael leaned against the wall, suddenly exhausted. "Yeah, just... processing. Every time I think I'm getting control of this thing, something pushes me over the edge and I turn into a walking thesaurus's worst nightmare."
"Hey, at least you scared Skulker so badly he'll probably think twice before hunting us again."
"Wonderful. I'll add 'terrifying tiny ghosts' to my college applications. Right under 'tends to lose complete linguistic competence when angry.'"
Danny's phone buzzed with a text from Jazz: 'Coast clear. Parents convinced damage caused by ghost gorilla. Don't ask.'
"She's good," Danny grinned.
"Yeah," Samael agreed, managing a small smile. "Though I'm pretty sure this isn't what she had in mind when she said she wanted to study abnormal psychology."
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked watching Samael lose control.
Eventually by the way, he'll call himself Hulk, when his other identity is established, like Danny being called Phantom.
Also, bold is for when he is truly losing control, just so you guys know.
Well, that's it from me. I hope to see you all later,