"This is a terrible idea," Samael muttered as Danny flew them through the Ghost Zone, carrying his transformed brother by his arms. The green expanse swirled around them, doors and floating islands drifting past like bizarre cosmic debris.
"You said that five minutes ago," Danny replied, adjusting his grip. "And yes, it still is. But did you have a better plan for finding a ghost princess before the amulet makes someone else go full dragon at school?"
Samael glanced down at the amulet secured to his belt. Even in his transformed state, he could feel its power pulsing, trying to resonate with his own anger-driven abilities. "No, but next time we need to enter a hostile dimension, maybe we plan better than 'fly in and hope we spot a castle.'"
"Hey, it worked for Mario," Danny joked, then yelped as Samael's massive form shifted. "Dude! A little warning before you move? You're not exactly lightweight in this form!"
"SAMAEL NOT HEAVY. SAMAEL..." He caught himself, forcing his speech patterns back to normal through sheer willpower. "I mean, I'm not heavy. You're just a scrawny ghost kid."
"At least I can fly. Besides, the Box Ghost said the princess's realm was past the... uh... what did he call it?"
"The Corridor of Crushed Spirits," Samael growled. "Right after you threatened to stuff him in the thermos again."
A distant "BEWARE!" echoed through the void.
"Speaking of which..."
"BEWARE!" The Box Ghost appeared before them, arms raised dramatically. "FOR YOU HAVE ENTERED THE DOMAIN OF PACKAGED GOODS AND-" He paused, finally noticing Samael's massive green form. "OH. IT'S THE ANGRY ONE."
"Listen," Danny started, still struggling slightly with his brother's weight, "we just need directions to the princess's castle. You know, the one you said was causing trouble about some ball?"
Samael felt his patience wearing thin. "Just. Point. The. Way."
"SAMAEL SMASH BOXES!" The words burst out before he could stop them, his control slipping.
"That way!" The Box Ghost pointed frantically before disappearing in a puff of spectral energy. "BEWARE... from a safe distance!"
"You know," Danny adjusted their flight path, "for someone who's working on anger management, you sure use it effectively sometimes."
"Not... helping," Samael growled, fighting to maintain his more articulate speech. "The longer we're here, the harder it is to... to..."
"To not talk like a professional wrestler?"
"I will drop myself and take you with me."
They flew in silence for a while, passing through what appeared to be a medieval section of the Ghost Zone. Suits of armor floated by, and the doors looked more like castle entrances.
"There!" Danny pointed to a floating island dominated by a gothic castle. "That has to be it. What princess wouldn't live in the spookiest castle in the Ghost Zone?"
"Great," Samael muttered as they approached. "Now we just have to hope she's in a better mood than last time."
A familiar roar echoed from the castle windows.
"Yeah," Danny sighed, "that seems unlikely."
As they landed in the medieval castle's courtyard, they found Princess Dorathea (as the Box Ghost had finally named her) in her human form, surrounded by ghostly servants who scattered at their arrival.
"The ghost boy," she gasped, then her eyes fixed on Samael's massive green form with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "And... what manner of being are you?"
Before either could answer, a harsh voice rang out from the castle. "Sister! Who dares enter our realm without permission?"
"Prince Aragon," Dora turned nervously toward the castle entrance where a figure in royal medieval garb appeared, his own amulet gleaming at his throat. "They... they've come to return something."
"Return?" Aragon's eyes narrowed at the amulet in Samael's grip. "Ah, your trinket. The one you lost during your foolish attempt to attend the ball." His gaze shifted to Samael's transformed state. "Though I find myself more interested in this creature. A being of rage, yet not fully ghost..."
"We're just here to return the amulet," Danny said quickly, noticing how Dora seemed to shrink under her brother's gaze.
"And why," Aragon smiled coldly, "should I allow my sister such power again? When she so clearly cannot be trusted with it?"
Samael felt his anger rising, recognizing the signs of someone who enjoyed oppressing others. He already expected it when coming here, but facing it and knowing it are two very different things.
The amulet in his hand pulsed in response to both his rage and its proximity to its original owner.
"The amulet belongs to her," Samael growled, his massive form casting shadows in the medieval courtyard. The sight of Dora's submissive posture stirred something in him, he couldn't imagine hurting Jazz like this.
"Belongs?" Aragon laughed, the sound sharp and cruel. "Everything here belongs to me. The kingdom, the servants," his eyes gleamed maliciously, "my dear sister included."
"Brother, please," Dora stepped forward timidly. "They've come in peace to return-"
"Silence!" Aragon's own amulet glowed as his temper flared, and slapped Dora's face, making her fall to the side in shock. "You lost the right to speak freely when you tried to abandon our ways! The modern world has no place here."
Both Samael and Danny froze at the scene, until Danny quickly forced himself composed as he floated closer to Samael, whispering, "His amulet – he's got the same power as Dora."
"And unlike my foolish sister," Aragon continued, "I know how to use it properly." His form began to shift, scales emerging as he transformed into a larger, darker dragon than Dora's form had been.
Samael looked at the amulet in his hand, then at Dora's fearful and tear filled expression. The warmth of his own rage built higher as Dragon-Aragon loomed over his sister.
"Danny," Samael handed the amulet to his brother, his voice dropping deeper as his anger grew, "get the princess to safety."
"NOW!" Samael's size seemed to increase as his rage built. "THIS FIGHT SAMAEL'S!"
Dragon-Aragon laughed, the sound echoing across the courtyard. "YOU DARE CHALLENGE A PRINCE IN HIS OWN REALM?"
"Brother, please," Dora pleaded, but Danny was already pulling her toward safer ground.
"SAMAEL DARE!" His massive green fists clenched as memories of the princess's tears fed his fury. "SAMAEL SHOW PRINCE WHAT REAL ANGER IS!"
"You speak like a peasant," Dragon-Aragon sneered, unleashing a blast of blue flame. "Let me teach you proper respect!"
Samael charged through the flames, barely feeling their heat. "FUNNY. SAMAEL ABOUT TO TEACH SAME THING!"
Danny, now at a safe distance with Dora, watched as his brother's full rage unleashed. Each impact between dragon and ghost-hulk shook the floating kingdom.
"Should we help?" Dora asked anxiously, as she wiped her face, watching Samael tear into her brother's dragon form with increasing ferocity.
"Trust me," Danny replied, still holding her amulet, "when he gets like this... it's better to let him work it out."
Dragon-Aragon's roar of pain echoed across the realm as Samael's fist connected with his jaw. "HOW DARE YOU! I AM ROYALTY!"
The medieval castle's architecture suffered as Dragon-Aragon was repeatedly introduced to various walls by Samael's increasingly powerful attacks. The prince's blue flame proved ineffective against Samael's rage-enhanced durability.
"IMPOSSIBLE!" Dragon-Aragon bellowed, trying to take flight. "NO ONE CAN WITHSTAND MY POWER!"
"PRINCE TALK TOO MUCH!" Samael grabbed the dragon's tail, yanking him back to earth. "PRINCE THINK FEAR MAKES STRENGTH!"
From their safer vantage point, Dora watched in amazement. "I've never seen anyone stand against my brother like this."
"Yeah," Danny winced as Samael used a castle tower like a baseball bat, "he tends to take bullies personally."
Dragon-Aragon tried to retreat, his scales dented and smoking. "Guards! Seize this creature!"
But the ghostly guards, having witnessed their prince being thoroughly thrashed, suddenly found other places to be.
"NO GUARDS SAVE PRINCE NOW!" Samael's fists hammered into Dragon-Aragon's hide. "PRINCE LEARN WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HURT FAMILY!"
"Family?" Dragon-Aragon spat, attempting another flame blast. "What do you know of-"
The massive green figure lifted Dragon-Aragon into the air, the prince's dragon form struggling uselessly against Samael's rage-enhanced strength.
"SAMAEL TEACH PRINCE ABOUT REAL STRENGTH!" Each word was punctuated by Samael slamming Dragon-Aragon into the castle walls. "NOT STRENGTH FROM FEAR! NOT STRENGTH FROM CONTROL!"
Dragon-Aragon's attempts at flame breath had weakened to mere sparks. "You... you dare... I am prince of-"
"PRINCE OF NOTHING!" Samael roared, his size seeming to grow even larger with his righteous fury. "PRINCE WEAK! PRINCE HURT SISTER TO FEEL STRONG!"
Danny floated closer, but still maintained a safe distance. "Uh, maybe we should-"
"NO INTERRUPT!" Samael's massive hand closed around Dragon-Aragon's amulet. "PRINCE LEARN FINAL LESSON!"
With one powerful yank, he tore the amulet from the prince's neck. Dragon-Aragon's form immediately reverted, leaving a battered ghost prince sprawled among the rubble of his own castle.
"My... my power..." Aragon gasped, reaching weakly for the amulet.
"Power not yours anymore," Samael growled, his speech slowly returning to normal as his rage began to cool. "Power belong to those who protect, not those who hurt."
He turned to where Danny stood with Dora, holding both amulets now. "Princess deserve chance. Princess deserve freedom."
Dora stepped forward, looking at her fallen brother with a mixture of pity and determination. "Brother, I-"
"Silence!" Aragon tried to command, but without his dragon form, the word held no power. "I forbid-"
"PRINCE FORBID NOTHING!" Samael's rage snapped once more as his foot crashed down next to Aragon, making the prince flinch. "PRINCE LEARN NEW WAY, OR PRINCE LEARN MORE LESSONS FROM SAMAEL!"
"The amulets," Danny held them out to Dora, "they belong to your kingdom. What do you want to do with them?"
Dora took her own amulet, but hesitated over her brother's. "For centuries, these have been symbols of our royal line. But my brother..." she looked at Aragon's defeated form, "he turned them into tools of oppression."
"Sister," Aragon tried to stand, his voice losing its commanding edge, "you cannot possibly think to rule. The old ways-"
"PRINCE STILL NOT LEARN?" Samael took a menacing step forward, making the ground shake.
"The old ways," Dora continued, finding strength in her voice, "have kept our kingdom frozen in time while the rest of the Ghost Zone progresses. Perhaps..." she clasped her amulet around her neck, "it's time for new ways."
"But the ball," Danny remembered, "you still wanted to go, right?"
"The ball was never just about dancing," Dora smiled sadly. "It was about freedom. About change." She turned to her brother. "Changes that will now come to our kingdom, whether you approve or not."
Aragon's eyes widened as he realized the shift in power. "You wouldn't dare..."
"And if my brother objects," Dora's voice carried new authority, "I'm sure our... friend here would be happy to continue his lessons in humility."
Samael cracked his massive knuckles meaningfully.
"The kingdom's guard will never accept this," Aragon spat, though he remained wisely out of Samael's reach. "They're loyal to-"
A cheer from the castle walls interrupted him. The ghostly servants and guards, who had been watching the entire confrontation, were emerging from their hiding places. Many were already removing the more oppressive symbols of Aragon's rule.
"Looks like the kingdom's ready for new management," Danny observed, floating near his brother. "Though maybe we should leave before Samael redecorates any more of the castle."
"SAMAEL NOT DONE," he growled, eyeing Aragon. "PRINCE STILL NEED-"
"No, your work here is finished," Dora stepped forward, her posture now regal and confident. "You've given us something more valuable than punishment." She smiled at Aragon's confused expression.
"You've given us an example of true strength – the kind that protects rather than dominates."
The transformation energy finally began to ebb from Samael's form as his rage cooled. "Just... make sure he learns. Or I'll be happy to return for more... teaching."
"Oh, he'll learn," Dora's eyes glowed briefly. "The kingdom will see to that. And perhaps," she glanced at her brother's amulet, which she now held, "this should be kept somewhere safe until he proves worthy of it."
"Sister," Aragon started, but a low growl from Samael silenced him.
"Now then," Dora turned to the brothers, "I believe I owe you both thanks. And perhaps," her smile turned mischievous, "an invitation to our kingdom's first progressive ball? Once we've repaired the castle, of course."
"A ball?" Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks, but maybe we should wait until things are more... stable here."
"I think I have another one soon, so no thanks," Samael added, now back in his human form though still breathing heavily from the recent fight. His muscles ached from the prolonged transformation, but there was satisfaction in seeing Aragon thoroughly defeated.
"Of course," Dora nodded, understanding in her eyes. "Though your intervention has certainly given our kingdom much to think about."
From his position among the rubble, Aragon watched in horror as several of the frozen clocks began to tick again. "Sister, you cannot simply change centuries of-"
"I'd choose your next words carefully, brother," Dora interrupted, her voice carrying new authority. "Unless you'd prefer another... discussion about change."
Samael glared at him, making Aragon flinch despite his return to human form.
"We should head back," Danny said, preparing to carry his brother home. "Lunch period's almost over, and I don't think Mr. Lancer will accept 'overthrowing a medieval ghost kingdom' as an excuse for being late."
"Though it would make an interesting addition to his Shakespeare lessons," Samael muttered, still eyeing Aragon warily.
"Your kingdom will prosper under your rule, Princess," Danny said, preparing for their departure. "Though maybe keep the dragon transformations to a minimum?"
"Unlike some," Dora cast a meaningful glance at her brother, who was still trying to maintain some dignity among the rubble, "I understand the responsibility that comes with power."
Samael, still catching his breath from his earlier transformation, nodded approvingly. The fight had taken more out of him than usual, probably due to his fast snaps from calm to enraged.
"Ready to go?" Danny asked his brother. "I'd rather not explain to Jazz why we missed both lunch and fifth period."
"Yeah," Samael replied, rolling his shoulders to work out the lingering tension. "Though..." he turned to Aragon one last time, "if we hear about any more problems with your 'old ways'..."
The former prince flinched again, trying to hide behind a fallen column.
"That won't be necessary," Dora assured them, though her smile suggested she appreciated the implied threat. "My brother has learned quite thoroughly about the dangers of... provoking certain types of anger."
As Danny lifted his brother for their journey home, the sounds of change already echoed through the kingdom. Clocks ticking, servants chattering freely, and the distinct sound of Aragon yelping as someone suggested updating the castle's décor.