Chereads / As the Hulk in Danny Phantom/DC/Young Justice / Chapter 27 - The Therapist that sucks

Chapter 27 - The Therapist that sucks

"I don't trust her," Samael stated flatly, watching the new school counselor through the cafeteria window.

Ms. Penelope Spectra had arrived that morning, all bright smiles and designer suits, claiming to help students deal with their "recent traumatic experiences."

He knew exactly what she was - a ghost that fed on misery and youth, using therapy sessions to drain her victims. 

"She seems nice enough," Tucker shrugged, though his PDA was already scanning for unusual readings. "And after everything that happened at Axion..."

"Too nice," Samael's eyes narrowed as another student left Spectra's office looking noticeably drained. "And have you noticed how she looks younger after each session?"

"My ghost sense keeps going off around her office," Danny added quietly. "But it's different somehow. Not like regular ghosts."

Jazz, who had been observing the pattern of student visits, closed her notebook decisively. "The psychological impact doesn't match standard counseling either. Students are coming out more depressed, not less."

"And there's something else," Sam pointed at her computer screen. "The temperature around her office drops significantly during sessions. I've been monitoring it since this morning."

Samael watched as Spectra called in another student, her perfect smile never wavering. The ghost's presence set his teeth on edge - not just because of what she was, but because of how effectively she manipulated her victims' emotions.

And with his own anger issues, direct confrontation would be dangerous.

They needed to stop her before she drained the entire student body.

The question was: how to do it without exposing themselves to a ghost who specialized in exploiting weaknesses?

"We need a plan," Jazz whispered, watching another student emerge from Spectra's office looking visibly diminished. "If she really is a ghost, she's using psychological manipulation as a weapon."

"And she's got the perfect cover," Sam added. "After Axion, everyone expects students to need counseling."

Samael's fists clenched slightly as Spectra's assistant, Bertrand, slithered past their table with an oily smile. He knew the shapeshifter was just as dangerous as his mistress, though in different ways.

"Mr. Fenton," Bertrand's voice carried false concern. "Ms. Spectra was hoping to speak with you. Given your... remarkable handling of recent events, she thinks you might benefit from a session."

Danny tensed beside him, while Tucker's PDA quietly recorded the temperature drop around Bertrand.

"I'm fine," Samael replied carefully, controlling his rising temperature. A ghost that fed on misery going up against his rage-fueled powers would be catastrophic.

"Oh, but she insists," Bertrand's smile widened. "In fact, she'd love to see all three Fenton siblings. Such an... interesting family dynamic."

Jazz's eyes narrowed slightly at the implied threat, while Sam and Tucker exchanged worried glances.

Mr. Lancer approached their table, his expression carrying genuine concern. "Ah, the Fenton siblings. I was just discussing your situation with Ms. Spectra."

"We're fine, Mr. Lancer," Jazz started, her psychology training kicking in. "Really, there's no need-"

"While I can't require you to attend counseling," Lancer continued carefully, "I should point out that students who take advantage of these services following traumatic events tend to perform better academically.

Your recent test scores..." he glanced meaningfully at Danny, "could certainly benefit from professional support."

"And," he added, looking at Samael, "participation in the school's mental health programs would look excellent on college applications. Especially for someone with your... unique handling of stress situations."

Jazz opened her mouth to protest, but Lancer pressed on diplomatically. "Of course, it's entirely your choice. Though as your teacher, I strongly recommend at least one session. The school board is particularly interested in student recovery after the Axion incident."

Samael felt his temperature rising slightly. Lancer meant well, but he was unknowingly pushing them toward a predator.

"Perhaps you're right," Jazz responded smoothly, her mind clearly working on a plan. "We should at least give it a try."

Danny shot her a worried look, but she gave an almost imperceptible nod.

They were walking into Spectra's trap - but maybe that's exactly what they needed to do.

"Excellent," Lancer smiled, clearly pleased with what he thought was a positive development. "I'll let Ms. Spectra know to expect you after lunch period."

As he walked away, the group huddled closer.

"Are you crazy?" Danny whispered urgently. "We can't go in there!"

"Actually, we need to," Jazz replied quietly, "But not without preparation. Tucker, what kind of readings are you getting from her office?"

"Massive spikes in negative energy," Tucker reported, showing his PDA. "And the temperature drops correlate exactly with emotional states. The more depressed someone gets..."

"The more she feeds," Samael finished grimly, knowing exactly how Spectra's powers worked. "She'll try to hit our weaknesses."

"Which means we need countermeasures," Sam interjected. "Some way to protect ourselves while gathering evidence."

"I might have an idea," Jazz pulled out her notebook. "But we'll need to coordinate perfectly. Danny, you'll go in first, then me, and Samael last."

"Why that order?" Tucker asked.

"Because," Jazz's expression turned calculating, "we need to understand her pattern. And if she is feeding on negative emotions..."

"She'll be strongest by the time she gets to me," Samael realized, understanding Jazz's plan.

"When she thinks she has the most power, we'll be able to get her to act and deal with her without having to deal why we attacked the governments approved therapist. And that she doesn't immediately flee, because of her arrogance and high on power."

"Exactly," Jazz nodded. "But we need to be careful. One wrong move..."

"And she'll know exactly what we are," Danny finished.

"But you guys don't need to worry right, you're the perfect siblings. You guys are awesome, you don't have any insecurities, so this shouldn't be a problem!" Tucker stated confidently, to which the siblings nodded, a smile on their face.

Oh, If only they knew...


"Danny Fenton," Spectra's smile was perfectly professional as he entered her office, though something predatory lurked beneath.

"I've been so looking forward to our session. It must be... interesting, being part of such a remarkable family."

Danny maintained his composure, though he could feel the temperature dropping subtly around him.

"Your sister - such academic excellence. Your parents must be so proud of her achievements," Spectra's voice carried practiced sympathy.

"And Samael... well, everyone's seen how naturally people flock him. Such natural leadership quality."

She leaned forward slightly, her eyes gleaming. "It must be challenging sometimes, living in their shadows.

Jazz, the brilliant one. Samael, the strong one. And you..." she paused deliberately, "well, you try your best, don't you?"

Meanwhile, outside the office, Tucker's PDA recorded everything while Sam monitored the temperature fluctuations. Jazz prepared for her session, knowing she'd be next.

"I notice you tend to... disappear during crisis situations," Spectra continued, each word a carefully placed barb.

"While your brother faces things head-on. Natural instinct, perhaps? Letting the stronger sibling handle things?"

Samael's temperature began rising as he listened. Her technique was masterful - every word designed to create fractures in their family bond while maintaining perfect professional appearance.

"It's perfectly normal, you know," her voice remained caring on the surface, "feeling overshadowed by more... exceptional siblings. Though I imagine your parents are too busy admiring Jazz's grades and Samael's achievements to notice your struggles."

Jazz's hand on Samael's arm helped him maintain his composure. They had to let this play out, had to spring their trap at exactly the right moment.

But Spectra was methodically laying groundwork for something far more malevolent than simple emotional feeding.

"I'm not overshadowed," Danny responded carefully, keeping his voice steady despite the growing chill. "My family supports each other."

"Of course they do," Spectra's smile widened slightly. "Though I've noticed how quickly they step in to... protect you. Jazz with her explanations, Samael with his strength. Always shielding their vulnerable little brother."

She adjusted her position, every movement calculated. "Tell me, Danny, when was the last time you handled a situation without them intervening? Without needing big brother to save you, or big sister to cover for you?"

Outside, Samael's fists clenched even tighter, forcibly holding himself back from getting in there and tearing her head off, with his teeth.

"They don't shield me," Danny countered, though something in his voice wavered slightly. "We work together."

"Ah yes, 'together,'" Spectra's tone carried perfect professional concern. "Though I've noticed during the Axion incident, it was Samael who drew all the attention.

Who protected everyone. While you... where were you exactly during that crisis?"

Danny felt his core temperature dropping involuntarily. Her words were finding cracks he didn't even know existed.

"Such a difficult position," she continued smoothly. "Watching your siblings become so... exceptional. While you remain in the background, always needing their protection, their cover stories, their strength..."

A knock at the door interrupted Spectra's methodical dissection. Jazz opened it with perfect timing, her expression apologetic but firm.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're actually on a tight schedule today," Jazz's voice carried practiced authority.

"Mom and Dad need our help with some projects after school. Danny, if you're comfortable with it, maybe I could take my turn now? That way we can all make it home in time."

Danny seized the escape opportunity, though he could feel Spectra's eyes following him with predatory interest. "Yeah, that's... that's probably better. We shouldn't keep Mom and Dad waiting."

"How considerate," Spectra's smile never wavered, though something dangerous flickered in her eyes. "Always looking out for your siblings, aren't you, Jasmine? Taking charge, maintaining order..."

As Danny passed Jazz in the doorway, they exchanged quick glances. His sister's expression carried reassurance, but he could see she'd noticed how affected he was by Spectra's words.

They would talk about what she said later, after dealing with her.

The door closed behind Jazz, and Danny joined the others in their monitoring position.

"Jasmine Fenton," Spectra's smile remained perfect as Jazz took her seat. "The responsible one. Always taking care of everyone else's problems, aren't you?"

Jazz maintained her composed demeanor, though she noted how the office temperature continued to drop. "I just try to help where I can."

"Of course you do," Spectra's voice carried honeyed poison. "The perfect daughter, the brilliant student, the surrogate mother to your brothers. It must be exhausting, carrying everyone's burdens."

"Tell me, Jasmine," Spectra leaned forward slightly, "when was the last time you got to just be a teenager? Not the family crisis manager, not the academic star, not the protective sister... just you?"

"I'm comfortable with my roles," Jazz responded carefully, her psychology training helping her recognize each calculated attack.

"Roles," Spectra's smile widened fractionally. "Plural. Because one person can't possibly be enough, can they? You have to be everything to everyone.

Perfect daughter to distract from your brothers' ... difficulties. Perfect student to maintain the family's academic reputation. Perfect sister to keep all those precious secrets..."

"I-" Jazz began.

"So responsible," Spectra interrupted, her smile turned even more vicious as her pretense began to drop.

"Always pretending to be the strong one, aren't you, Jasmine? But we both know the truth. You're just a scared little girl playing at being an adult."

The temperature plummeted as Spectra leaned forward, her form flickering slightly. "Desperately trying to hold your broken family together.

A father who's a laughingstock, a mother lost in her work, and two brothers who could die - again - any day because of your parents' incompetence."

Jazz's composed facade cracked slightly, genuine pain showing through as Spectra's words found their mark with surgical precision.

"And the worst part?" Spectra's form began shifting, her human disguise failing as she fed deeply on Jazz's suddenly exposed vulnerabilities.

"Deep down, you know you'll fail them. Just like you failed to protect your brothers from that portal-"

The door exploded inward as Samael burst through, his rage igniting the air around him. The sight of Jazz's tears had shattered his control completely.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" His roar shook the office walls as Spectra's true form became fully visible - a shadowy creature feeding on his sister's pain.

"So protective," Spectra purred as she dodged Samael's initial charge, her shadowy form fully revealed. "Always rushing in to save them, aren't you? But we both know what you're really afraid of..."

She moved like smoke, circling him as Jazz scrambled back. "That one day that rage of yours won't be aimed at the right target. That you'll lose control, and it'll be your family that pays the price."

"SHUT UP!" Samael's transformation began, but Spectra's words cut through his fury with practiced precision.

"I can feel it in you - that constant terror of what you might do. Every time you transform, every burst of anger..." her voice carried malicious delight. "One slip, one moment of lost control, and you could tear your precious siblings apart."

Danny appeared in ghost form, ready to intervene, but Spectra's shadows expanded, filling the office with her essence.

"And they know it too, don't they?" she continued, her attack both physical and psychological. "I can taste their fear - not of the ghosts, not of discovery, but of you. Their brother, their protector... their potential executioner."

"You think you know fear?" Samael's voice dropped to a dangerous register as his form continued to expand. "Let me show you what REAL FEAR IS!"

His massive green form grew larger with each pulse of rage, the office crumbling around them as Spectra's shadows danced and struck. But something had changed in his fury - it wasn't just mindless anger anymore. This was focused, purposeful rage.

"GHOST THINK SHE KNOW RAGE?" His massive hands caught one of her shadow tendrils. "GHOST THINK SHE KNOW PAIN?"

Spectra's attacks became more frantic as she realized something fundamental had shifted.

The emotional feedback she was getting from him had turned into something she'd never encountered before - rage so pure it was beginning to overwhelm her ability to feed. Douse any fear.


His massive jaws opened impossibly wide as he caught her shadowy form, teeth sinking into what should have been intangible darkness.

Spectra's scream echoed with genuine agony as he began to literally devour her essence.

"NO! THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE! YOU CAN'T-" her voice cut off into another shriek as he took another bite of her very being.

Danny and Jazz watched in shock as their brother did what should have been impossible - consuming a ghost's very existence.

Spectra's form began to dissolve, her screams becoming more desperate as Samael's rage-fueled consumption continued.

"GHOST MAKE SISTER CRY!" Another bite tore through Spectra's fading essence. "GHOST HURT BROTHER'S HEART!"

Sam turned away, unable to watch what she saw as supernatural cannibalism, while Tucker's PDA sparked from the intense energy readings. But Danny and Jazz moved closer, their initial horror giving way to grim understanding.

"GHOST THINK SHE FEED ON PAIN?" Hulk's massive form continued to consume Spectra's screaming shadows. "GHOST LEARN WHAT REAL PAIN IS!"

"Sammy," Jazz spoke softly, using the nickname allowed only when it brought her comfort to utter it.

This was one of those times as he didn't correct her.

"GHOST HURT FAMILY!" His roar shook what remained of the office. "GHOST FEED ON BROTHER'S DOUBT! ON SISTER'S FEAR!"

Danny floated closer, his ghost form glowing brightly. "She can't hurt us anymore, bro."

"NO MORE HURT!" Another massive bite as Spectra's essence continued dissolving. "NO MORE FEED ON FAMILY!"

Her final scream cut off abruptly as the last of her shadowy form disappeared into Hulk's maw. The temperature in the destroyed office slowly began to normalize.

The silence that followed was heavy with the realization that they'd just witnessed something unprecedented - a ghost being completely destroyed.

The Hulk's massive form began to shrink as the last traces of Spectra's essence disappeared, leaving Samael standing amid the wreckage of what had been the counselor's office. His eyes still held a faint green glow as he turned to his siblings.

"I..." he started, but Jazz cut him off with a fierce hug.

"She deserved it," she stated firmly, her voice steady despite the tear tracks still visible on her face.

Danny landed beside them, transforming back. "She was trying to tear us apart. Using our fears against us."

"Guys," Tucker called urgently from the doorway, his PDA displaying new data. "The energy readings... they're different. Whatever Samael just did, it wasn't just destroying her. He actually... consumed her power."

Sam stepped forward, her usual gothic appreciation for the dark overwhelmed by what they'd witnessed. "Does this mean... can he do this to other ghosts?"

Samael looked at his hands, feeling the lingering energy from Spectra's essence coursing through him.

They all understood the implications - this wasn't just a new power, this was a potential game-changer in how they dealt with hostile ghosts.

"We should go," Jazz said finally, her strategic mind already working on cover stories with Tucker's help on deleting the footage. "Before anyone comes to investigate the noise."


(Author note: MUHAHAHAHA The eventual devourer king of ghosts, the Devil Hulk!

How did you all find the chapter? 

Do tell me how you found, Spectra's preying on their fears. I found these fears quite logical for them.

Also, how did you find how Samael dealt with Spectra? 

I hope you all enjoyed her end, since I don't think I'll bring her back, but I am not 100% sure, since I could possibly, have Samael's power be a version like Shadow Monarch or something.

But we'll see.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,
