Two weeks after Spectra's disappearance, Samael sat in Sam's bedroom with the rest of their core group, discussing recent changes. Tucker's PDA displayed data from their latest ghost encounters.
"Your energy readings are different," Tucker reported, showing comparative charts. "Ever since... you know. It's like your rage carries traces of something else now."
"We need to be careful," Jazz added, her notebook filled with new observations. "The Guys in White are expanding their detection grid across town. Any unusual energy signatures could draw attention."
Danny floated absently near the ceiling, still processing what they'd witnessed two weeks ago. "At least Spectra's victims are recovering. The school's actually starting to feel normal again."
"As normal as it gets around here," Sam muttered, though her eyes kept darting to Samael. They'd all been more cautious around him since that day - not out of fear, but from the understanding that his powers were evolving in ways none of them had anticipated.
"We should focus on containment," Jazz suggested, flipping through her notes. "The standard ghost fights we can handle with the thermos, but if something like Spectra happens again..."
"You mean if someone else targets us personally?" Danny landed beside his brother. "Because that's what made it different. She wasn't just attacking random people."
"She went after family," Samael stated quietly, his temperature rising slightly at the memory. Tucker's PDA beeped in response to the energy fluctuation.
"Speaking of family," Sam pulled up a news article on her computer, "your parents' ghost detection technology is getting more sophisticated. They're starting to pick up energy signatures they can't explain."
"And Vlad's been showing up more often," Tucker added. "Three visits in two weeks? We may not really know him but that's not normal for a busy billionaire."
Jazz closed her notebook decisively. "We need protocols. Clear lines for when to use... different methods of ghost handling."
"You mean when to let me..." Samael started, but Danny cut him off.
"When to protect our family by any means necessary," he finished firmly. "Like you did with Spectra."
"But where do we draw that line?" Sam asked, her ethical concerns surfacing. "Coming after family, after people we care about - I understand that. But ghosts are still conscious entities. How do we decide who deserves... that kind of end?"
"You're under a fundamental misunderstanding," Samael's began. "This isn't about being heroes or following some moral code. Not for me."
Danny looked up sharply at his brother's tone.
"Don't get me wrong," Samael continued, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "I like helping people. I love protecting this town. But if it comes down to choosing between our family, the people we love..." he paused, letting the implication hang.
"You're saying there is no line," Jazz stated softly, understanding dawning in her expression.
"Not when it comes to protecting what's mine," Samael confirmed. "I'm not Danny. I don't see this as some heroic obligation that requires sacrificing ourselves for the greater good."
The room fell silent as they processed his words.
"So if another ghost threatens us like Spectra did..." Tucker left the question unfinished.
"Then they better pray Danny gets to them first," Samael's response was chillingly matter-of-fact.
"What about the living then?" Sam asked, following the implications to their logical conclusion. "There are villains out there besides ghosts. People who could threaten us, our families..."
"As Jazz said," Samael's casual tone made his response more chilling, "there are no lines. Not when it comes to protecting what's mine."
"You mean..." Tucker's voice trailed off.
"I mean if someone like the Joker even hinted at coming after our family," Samael stated, "I'd rip out his spine and beat him to death with it."
The room fell silent at the brutal imagery, made more disturbing by his calm delivery.
"You really would," Jazz observed quietly, her psychological training helping her recognize the absolute certainty in his statement.
"Without hesitation," Samael confirmed. "Ghost, human, meta-human - doesn't matter. Threaten our family, and whatever happens next is on them."
Danny floated closer to the ground, processing this aspect of his brother's protective nature.
"So when we make these protocols," Tucker said carefully, "we're not just planning for ghost threats."
"We're planning for anything," Samael replied simply. "And everyone should understand exactly what that means."
The implications were crystal clear. There would be no moral debates, no ethical dilemmas when it came to threats against those he considers his.
Just consequences.
"That's..." Sam started, then paused, reconsidering her words. "You understand what you're saying? The Justice League, the police, everyone has rules against-"
"Their rules," Samael cut in calmly. "Their moral codes. Their ideas of justice. I respect that they work for them. But my priority isn't justice. It's keeping us safe."
"The government teams are one thing," Jazz noted, her analytical mind working through scenarios. "But if you actually did something like that to a human villain..."
"We'd have every hero and law enforcement agency after us," Tucker finished, his PDA forgotten in the gravity of the conversation.
"Then they better hope nothing happens to make me choose between their rules and our family," Samael's response remained unnervingly casual.
Danny landed fully, his ghost form fading. "You'd really put us in that position? Make us fugitives?"
"No," Samael corrected calmly. "I'd make myself a fugitive. You'd be the victims of your dangerous brother who went off the deep end. The ones who tried to stop me but couldn't."
The clinical way he laid out this contingency made it more disturbing, not less.
"You've actually thought this through," Jazz realized, her notebook lowering slowly.
"Of course I have," Samael's voice remained steady. "The moment I understood what I was capable of, I started planning how to protect you from the consequences of my actions."
"That's..." Sam started, then stopped, processing the implications.
"Practical," Samael finished. "If it ever comes to that, you'll all have plausible deniability. The dangerous Fenton child who finally snapped. The family who never saw it coming. Besides you don't need to worry about me, no one can stop me, not really."
"Superman did," Tucker softly counters.
"I wasn't clear headed, besides, I'm not sure he would even stop me, if it came down to it. I'm not going after innocents after all, and nothing suggests he has a strict moral code against killing. Remember that grey monster that nearly leveled Metropolis?
The one called Doomsday? Superman broke his neck, killed him. He clearly has exceptions to his rule, so long as it can not be dealt with in a less lethal way." Samael explained, yet his explanation didn't give rise to any sort of relief.
"Look, I am not saying, I'm just going extreme against everyone, there are lines they need to attempt to cross for me to act like that."
"It won't come to that," Danny suddenly stated firmly, though his voice carried a hint of uncertainty.
"Hopefully not," Samael agreed. "But if it does, at least now you understand exactly how it would play out."
"Do you really think we'd just let you go like that?" Jazz cut in, anger coloring her usually composed tone. "That we'd stand back and play the innocent family while you take all the blame?"
"No," she interrupted firmly. "I don't know about the others, but if it ever came to that, I'm going with you. It's my job as your big sister to look out for you, even if that means becoming a fugitive myself."
"That's not-" Samael started to protest, but Danny cut him off.
"She's right," his voice carried newfound certainty. "You don't get to make that choice for us. If you ever have to cross that line to protect our family, then we're crossing it together."
"Bold of you to assume you're leaving us behind either," Sam added, her usual sarcasm masking deeper emotion. "We've been in this since the beginning."
Tucker nodded, setting down his PDA. "The Phantom-Hulk crew sticks together. Even if that means being Fugitive Force someday."
"That name needs work," Sam muttered, but her slight smile showed her agreement with the sentiment.
The Guys in White moved through Casper High's hallways with practiced precision, their pristine suits standing out against the casual backdrop of student life. Their sophisticated equipment took readings under the guise of "routine safety checks."
"Third inspection this week," Sam muttered, watching the agents' methodical progress. "They're getting more obvious about it."
"And more thorough," Tucker added, his PDA monitoring their scanning patterns. "These readings are way more detailed than last time."
The student body had started returning to normal routines, though occasional glances toward the Fenton siblings showed lingering awareness of recent events.
Paulina and her group maintained casual proximity while pretending not to, their social choreography becoming more subtle.
"Mr. and Miss Fenton," one agent stopped near them, his tone professionally neutral. "Your parents' ghost portal technology is quite... unique. Have you noticed any unusual effects from living in such close proximity to it?"
"Just standard teenage stuff," Jazz responded smoothly to the agent. "Though Dad's always excited to discuss his research, if you're interested."
The mention of Jack Fenton made the agents' expressions tighten slightly as they moved on, continuing their inspection.
Later, in their usual lunch corner, Tucker pulled up an encrypted message on his PDA. "Got this through that secure channel Robin set up.
Apparently the reason these guys haven't tried recruiting you after your 'impressive display of strength' at Axion is because of some Justice League interference."
"You're sure the line's clean?" Samael asked, his paranoia about Batman's surveillance habits not unfounded.
"Triple-checked it myself," Tucker assured him. "Ran it through every detection program I could find, plus some I designed specifically for Bat-tech. We're clear."
"The League's keeping the government teams focused on ghost threats," Sam read from the message. "Diverting attention from any... enhanced human angles."
"Smart," Jazz analyzed. "They're letting the Guys in White think they're in control of the situation while actually limiting their scope."
Danny, carefully maintaining his visibility as another agent passed their table, leaned in. "So they're actually helping us? Without directly intervening?"
"More like maintaining plausible deniability while keeping the government off our backs," Tucker explained. "Pretty clever, really."
Samael watched the agents continue their sweep, narrowing his eyes.
These Guys could become a problem one day.
In English class, Lancer's discussion of "The Three Musketeers" drew unusually focused attention from the students.
"The concept of absolute loyalty," Lancer gestured enthusiastically, "drives much of the narrative. Miss Sanchez, your thoughts?"
Paulina straightened in her seat, her answer carrying unexpected depth. "It's about more than just friendship. The musketeers trust each other completely, even when it puts them at risk." Her eyes briefly met Samael's. "They choose to stand together, no matter the consequences."
"Excellent observation," Lancer nodded approvingly. "Mr. Fenton - either of you - care to expand on that?"
"It's about family," Danny offered carefully. "Not just blood, but the family you choose."
"And protect," Samael added quietly.
The class shifted to group discussion, and Dash surprisingly turned his chair toward Danny's desk. "Hey, Fenton... about those books earlier. My bad."
"It's fine," Danny replied, sharing a quick look with his brother.
Chemistry brought its own evolved dynamic. Tucker and Samael worked at their lab station, carefully measuring solutions while maintaining awareness of their surroundings.
"You think Professor Warren's going to mention anything about quantum physics next period?" Tucker asked quietly, adjusting their burner. "After what happened at Axion..."
"The NDAs were pretty clear," Sam responded from the next station, where she and Danny were analyzing chemical reactions. "Though the way she keeps looking at the Fentons..."
"Just focus on the experiment," Jazz called softly from her station across the room. "Standard titration, nothing unusual."
"Speaking of unusual," Danny muttered, carefully handling a beaker, "notice how Tetslaff's been different in gym class? Less..."
"Aggressive?" Tucker suggested. "Yeah, especially around certain people." He glanced meaningfully at Samael.
"Mr. Foley," their chemistry teacher approached. "Less discussion, more concentration on your measurements."
The class continued, but one thing was now clearer than ever, they will always have each others backs.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
I hope Samael didn't come off as edgy. I'm trying to balance his Ghostly Obsession - protection of those he loves, since that's what he was doing when he died, and his more volatile Hulk tendencies.
So yeah, do tell me how you found it, and I hope to see you all later,