Chereads / As the Hulk in Danny Phantom/DC/Young Justice / Chapter 24 - Queries of the Dark Knight

Chapter 24 - Queries of the Dark Knight

Samael awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling and the distinct feeling that something had gone very wrong. The room was pristine, medical equipment softly beeping nearby, but this wasn't any hospital he recognized.

"Good morning," a calm voice spoke from the doorway. Superman stood there, his presence somehow both reassuring and deeply concerning. "We need to talk about what happened last night."

Samael's mind raced as fragments of memory returned - Technus, the quantum processors, the Guys in White, and then... his fight with Superman. But most worryingly, he remembered losing consciousness in his Hulk form.

Which meant Superman had seen him transform back.

"I imagine you have questions," Superman continued, moving into the room. "So do I. Starting with how a fifteen-year-old boy ends up with that kind of power.

Your power signature... it's not like any meta-human ability I've encountered. It's almost like it was forced into your cellular structure.""

Samael remained silent, assessing his situation. The room, despite its medical appearance, was clearly designed to contain significant force. And somewhere beyond those walls, he could sense more presences - people waiting to see how this conversation would go.

This was definitely not how their plan to deal with Technus was supposed to end.

"Your silence is understandable," Superman continued, his tone remaining gentle but firm. "But those government operatives in white suits are still at Axion Labs, trying to figure out exactly what happened. Which is why I brought you here instead."

Samael glanced at the window for the first time, his eyes widening as he took in the impossible view - Earth, floating serenely in the void of space.

"The Watchtower," Superman explained. "I didn't think leaving you for government agencies to find was the best option. Especially given your... unique situation."

The careful way Superman said 'unique' made Samael wonder just how much the Man of Steel had noticed during the chaos. Danny's ghost powers weren't exactly subtle to someone with enhanced senses.

"I need to know what we're dealing with here," Superman continued. "Not just your transformation, but why you were at a high-security research facility in the first place. And what caused enough rage to level half the complex."

Samael weighed his options carefully. Superman hadn't turned him over to the Guys in White - had actively protected him from them, in fact. But explaining everything would mean revealing not just his secrets, but Danny's as well.

This conversation could change everything.

"There was something in that facility," Samael began carefully, "something that needed to be stopped. It was using military quantum processors to evolve into something more dangerous."

"The energy readings we detected were... unusual," Superman acknowledged. "Different from standard meta-human signatures."

"Because it wasn't meta-human," Samael replied.

"And your transformation? That level of power..." Superman paused, choosing his words deliberately. "I've encountered many beings with incredible strength, but yours kept increasing with no apparent limit."

Before Samael could respond, a new voice joined the conversation. "The energy readings from your fight were off any normal charts we have." Batman emerged from the shadows of the doorway, his presence somehow both expected and startling. "And they don't match any known meta-human pattern."

"Ghosts," Samael said finally, watching their reactions carefully, seeing no point in lying, nor in any way to actually do so successfully.

"The facility was taken over by a ghost who managed to integrate himself with quantum processors. He was using them to evolve beyond normal supernatural limitations."

Batman's expression remained unreadable, but Superman's slight nod suggested this wasn't entirely outside their experience.

"That would explain certain energy signatures we detected," Batman stated. "Though not your transformation. The readings from your fight with Superman showed both supernatural and physical enhancement far beyond normal parameters."

"Amity Park has had... incidents," Samael chose his words carefully. "The town's built on a nexus of supernatural activity. Some of us have been affected by it."

"Like the recent event at Axion Labs," Batman pulled up holographic data. "A school field trip that ended in government classification and non-disclosure agreements. The same facility you were fighting in last night."

"The ghost responsible for that incident was trying to finish what he started," Samael explained, noting how neither hero seemed surprised by the existence of supernatural entities. "He was using military technology to enhance his abilities, planning something bigger."

"And your intervention?" Superman asked. "Was that official, or..."

"Someone had to stop him," Samael met their gazes steadily. "The government teams weren't equipped to handle evolved supernatural threats."

"No," Batman agreed, "but they are very interested in individuals who can."

"Amity Park," Batman began, bringing up new data, "has been almost impossible to monitor. Our supernatural experts describe it as being shrouded, hidden from conventional detection methods. If Superman hadn't noticed your fight..."

"The energy signature was impossible to miss," Superman added. "It broke through whatever's been masking your town's supernatural activity. For the first time, we got clear readings of what's really happening there."

"The ghosts are evolving," Samael confirmed, seeing an opportunity to protect his town without revealing too much. "Learning to use technology, developing new strategies. They're not just random hauntings anymore."

"And these government operatives in white," Superman continued, "they appeared immediately after the shroud was breached?"

"They're new," Samael replied. "Last night was the first time they've shown up. But their technology..." He paused, remembering the sophisticated weapons they'd deployed. "It's more advanced than anything we've seen before."

"'We'?" Batman's tone sharpened slightly. "You're not working alone."

Samael kept his expression neutral, though internally he cursed the slip. "Amity Park has developed its own defenses. When you live in a supernatural hotspot, you adapt."

"Like your transformation?" Superman asked. "Is that part of this... adaptation?"

"That's... complicated," Samael answered carefully. He needed to give them enough information to satisfy their concerns without exposing Danny or their half-ghost nature. "The ghost activity affects different people in different ways."

Batman and Superman exchanged a look that clearly conveyed volumes of unspoken communication.

The door slid open as John Constantine sauntered in, "Well, well... got ourselves a ghost, don't we?"

Batman's eyes narrowed fractionally, while Superman turned to Constantine in surprise. "That's impossible. I can hear his heartbeat, sense his vital signs. He's clearly alive."

"Half-right, Boy Scout," Constantine leaned against the doorframe, lighting a cigarette despite Batman's disapproving glare. "Kid's half-dead. Walking the line between two worlds, aren't you, mate?"

Samael tensed, his carefully constructed explanations crumbling. He'd rather not have explained that his parents inventions accidentally - even though the wrong was on his and Danny's parts, caused their deaths.

"Half-dead?" Superman's brow furrowed. "How is that even possible?"

"Same way anything's possible in our line of work," Constantine shrugged, exhaling smoke. "Bit of an accident, was it? Nasty business, straddling the line between life and death."

Batman remained silent, but his posture suggested he was reassessing everything they'd discussed so far.

"You're protecting someone," Batman stated suddenly, his analytical mind connecting pieces. "Someone involved in whatever accident left you in this state. Someone you're willing to face both government agencies and the Justice League to keep safe."

Samael's slight tension shift confirmed Batman's deduction.

"Family, I'd wager," Constantine added, taking another drag. "That kind of loyalty usually comes with blood ties. Or in this case..." he smirked, "half-blood ties?"

"Whatever happened," Batman continued, his voice carrying dangerous understanding, "you weren't alone. And whoever was with you - maybe even more than one person being the - is the reason you ended up dead."

"It wasn't like that," Samael spoke before he could stop himself, his protective instinct overriding caution.

"No?" Batman's eyes narrowed further. "Then why are you so determined to shield them? Even now, when your own secret is exposed?"

Superman watched the exchange carefully, noting how Samael's heart rate increased at the mention of these unknown other people.

"Fascinating," Constantine mused. "The dead protecting the one who killed them. Don't see that every day, do we?"

"You don't understand," Samael growled, a hint of green flickering in his eyes.

The temperature in the room began to rise.

"Easy there, big guy," Constantine raised his hands, though his casual demeanor remained. "No one's making accusations. Just trying to understand what we're dealing with."

"Your transformation," Batman pressed, his voice maintaining that dangerous calm. "It's connected to this, isn't it? The rage, the power - it's not just about ghost energy. It's about what happened to you."

"My brother was in danger," Samael stated simply. "I tried to save him from an accident with our parents' ghost portal."

"Ghost portal?" Constantine snorted. "Your parents actually built a doorway to the bloody afterlife? Purgatory at that? Bit incompetent there, putting something that dangerous in a house with kids."

"It wasn't their fault," Samael defended immediately. "They didn't know it would work. I just... saw Danny in danger and reacted."

"Your brother," Batman's eyes narrowed slightly. "He was affected too?"

"Both of us," Samael confirmed, seeing no point in hiding it now that they knew his nature. "The portal activated while I was pulling him out. The energy... it changed us both."

Superman's expression softened with understanding. "That's why you're so protective. You're not just guarding your secret - you're protecting your brother."

The room fell silent as they took in the information.

"Two half-dead teenagers," Constantine mused, taking another drag from his cigarette. "And your transformation isn't quite like your brother's, is it? Something about that portal energy mixed differently with you."

"The rage," Batman stated. "It manifested as raw power, tied to your protective instinct."

"While your brother developed more traditional ghostly abilities," Superman added, pieces falling into place. "That's why you were both at Axion Labs."

Samael nodded slowly. There was no point hiding it now. "Technus was becoming too dangerous. The quantum processors were just the start of what he had planned."

"And now we've got government spooks with ghost-hunting tech in the mix," Constantine scoffed. "Bet they'd love to get their hands on a couple of half-ghost kids."

"Which is why you're here," Superman said firmly, "and not in their custody. But we need to know everything about what's happening in Amity Park."

Batman's posture suggested he was already formulating contingency plans.

Samael sighed as he adjusted himself on the bed.

"Fine, ask away then,"

It was going to a long night - if it still was night that is, can't bloody know in space.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Do tell me how you found it?

I hope the characters were in character, their personality and intelligence mostly.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,
