Chereads / As the Hulk in Danny Phantom/DC/Young Justice / Chapter 25 - Bloody Hell, what is this...

Chapter 25 - Bloody Hell, what is this...

Sam's expansive bedroom had become their impromptu command center. Danny paced between gothic decorations while Jazz monitored news feeds on her laptop. Tucker worked to scrub any surviving footage from Axion Labs, his equipment spread across Sam's desk.

"The government teams are still at the facility," Sam reported, watching the encrypted feeds. "But they seem more interested in the quantum processors than searching for... anyone."

"At least Mom and Dad bought the sleepover story," Jazz said, though her tight grip on her pen betrayed her anxiety. "And with the Guys in White focused on Axion..."

Danny's phone buzzed suddenly, making them all jump. A single text from an unknown number:

'Safe. With S and B. Don't worry. Back soon.'

"That's Samael," Danny released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Has to be. Short and cryptic enough to be him."

"S and B..." Tucker mused. "Superman and Batman?"

"At least we know he's alive," Sam added, watching Danny's shoulders finally relax slightly. "And not in government custody."

"We should focus on damage control," Jazz suggested, her organizational instincts kicking in. "Tucker, how's the footage cleanup going?"

"Most of it was corrupted by the quantum interference anyway," Tucker replied, fingers flying across his keyboard. "But I'm making sure nothing recoverable shows either of them using their powers."

"The Guys in White are the real problem," Sam pointed out, pulling up more surveillance feeds on her computer. "They're setting up some kind of permanent base near Axion. This isn't just about last night's incident."

Danny's phone buzzed again. Another message:

'They know about both of us. C figured it out. Safe though. Trust them.'

"C?" Jazz leaned over to read the text. "Who's C?"

"Doesn't matter," Danny said, his voice tight. "They know about us. About what we are."

"But Samael says we can trust them," Sam reminded him. "And he's not exactly the trusting type, especially when it comes to protecting you."

"At least Technus won't be a problem for a while," Tucker added, reviewing data from last night. "The energy readings from that quantum feedback... he's going to be scattered across ghost space for months, maybe longer."

Danny's phone buzzed a third time:

'Coming back tonight. Meet at usual spot. Bringing friends.'

"The warehouse district?" Sam's gothic practicality kicked in. "At least there won't be any civilians around to notice a bunch of superheroes dropping by."

"Perfect from a strategic standpoint," Jazz was already mapping scenarios in her notebook. "Multiple exit routes, familiar territory, minimal surveillance coverage..."

"Plus enough room if someone gets a little..." Tucker gestured vaguely while checking his PDA readings, "you know, Hulk-sized. Though maybe fighting Superman isn't the best life choice."

"We're not fighting anyone," Danny rolled his eyes, unconsciously floating a few inches off the ground. "If Samael's not smashing, I'm not blasting. Besides, he actually trusts them, which like Sam said is... huge."

"Speaking of huge," Sam pulled up her surveillance feeds, "these government guys have some serious tech. They've got the whole Axion facility wrapped in some kind of detection grid."

"Ooh, fancy," Tucker's fingers flew across his keyboard. "Too bad they can't detect what happened to their containment units. Kind of hard to analyze scrap metal."

"This requires a structured approach," Jazz tapped her pen against her notebook. "We need contingency plans for multiple scenarios. The Justice League might be trustworthy, but those agents in white aren't going to just pack up and leave."

Danny drifted higher, phasing halfway through Sam's canopy bed before catching himself. "So what's the play until tonight?"

"We prepare," Sam stated flatly, her combat boots propped on her desk. "And hope your brother's newfound faith in superheroes isn't going to bite us all in the butt."

"I've got basic readings from last night," Tucker announced, pulling up data on his PDA. "The Guys in White were using some kind of hybrid tech - part ghost hunting, part military grade. Way more advanced than your parents' stuff."

"Hey!" Danny protested, finally noticing he was floating and dropping back to the floor. "Mom and Dad's equipment works... sometimes. When it's not trying to blast me."

"That's my point," Jazz interjected, drawing a complex diagram in her notebook. "Our parents' technology is experimental, often unpredictable. These agents have refined, focused equipment. They're professionals."

"Great," Sam's sarcasm dripped heavily. "Professional ghost hunters with government backing. Just what we needed in our lives."

"At least they don't know what to look for yet," Tucker offered, still analyzing data. "Their sensors are calibrated for full spectral entities, not... whatever you guys are."

Danny phased his hand through Sam's desk absently. "Half-dead teenagers with anger management issues?"

"Speaking of which," Jazz looked up from her planning, "we should probably figure out how to explain Samael's absence to Mom and Dad if this takes longer than expected."

"Already handled," Sam smirked. "My parents are so excited about me 'finally socializing with the nice Fenton boy' that they'll cover for days if needed."

"Your parents thinking Samael is a good influence," Tucker chuckled. "If they only knew..."

"Guys," Danny interrupted, checking his phone again. "It's almost time. We should head to the warehouse."


The warehouse district was eerily quiet as they approached their usual meeting spot. Tucker's PDA swept for any surveillance while Sam kept watch for government patrols.

"Clear so far," Tucker reported quietly. "Though these energy readings are weird. Like something's interfering with the local electromagnetic field."

"That would be me," a British voice drawled from the shadows. Constantine stepped into view, cigarette glowing in the darkness. "Had to put up some wards. Keep our little chat private from those government boys."

Danny tensed, instinctively going ghost as Jazz stepped protectively in front of the group.

"Easy there, mate," Constantine raised his hands casually. "Your brother sent me ahead. Sort of a supernatural advance scout, if you will. The big boys will be here shortly."

"You're the 'C' from the message," Sam realized, her combat stance not relaxing. "The one who figured out what they are."

"John Constantine," he introduced himself with a mock bow. "Dabbler in the dark arts, occasional Justice League consultant, and current babysitter for half-dead teenagers. Speaking of which..."

A familiar whoosh of air announced Superman's arrival, Samael held securely as they landed. Batman emerged from another shadow - because of course he did - completing their unusual gathering.

The warehouse fell silent as the two groups assessed each other.

"Danny," Samael moved toward his brother, his stance relaxed enough to show there was no immediate threat.

"So," Danny floated slightly, his ghost form glowing in the dim warehouse, "they really know everything?"

"Thanks to our mystically-inclined friend here," Batman's voice carried dry acknowledgment as he gestured to Constantine. "Though your brother filled in the details."

"Speaking of details," Constantine took another drag from his cigarette, "that portal of yours? Might want to have a chat with your parents about proper safety protocols. Dimensional gateways aren't exactly kid-friendly installations."

"Our parents don't know," Jazz stepped forward, her protective instinct evident. "About any of this. And they can't."

"Because they're ghost hunters," Superman stated, understanding dawning in his expression. "That's why you've been handling these threats alone."

"They think ghosts are just ectoplasmic scum," Sam added bluntly. "Mindless echoes that need to be eliminated."

"Bit awkward that," Constantine smirked, "when your kids are half of what you hunt. Though at least we can talk freely here - my wards'll keep any unwanted attention away. Government spooks included."

Batman's eyes narrowed slightly. "We need to discuss how to proceed. Your situation is... unique."

"There's something else you lot should know," Constantine flicked ash from his cigarette, his casual demeanor slipping slightly. "That Ghost Zone your parents tapped into? It's not just some random supernatural dimension. It's bloody Purgatory - a realm between Heaven and Hell where souls linger."

Batman's posture tensed marginally. "Explain."

"Your parents didn't just build a portal," Constantine continued, addressing the Fenton siblings. "They punched a hole into one of the most significant metaphysical planes of existence. A realm that's directly connected to both celestial and infernal domains."

"Wait," Jazz's academic interest peaked despite the gravity of the situation. "Are you saying the ghosts we deal with..."

"Are actual souls, love. Stuck between final destinations." Constantine's expression grew serious. "Which means this situation needs handling sooner rather than later. Before something nastier than your average spook takes notice of the doorway."

"The portal's security..." Danny started.

"Isn't designed for what it's actually containing," Batman finished grimly.

Superman looked between Constantine and the siblings. "How has this not attracted attention before now?"

"Because they've been bloody lucky," Constantine replied. "But luck runs out. Especially when dealing with dimensional boundaries this significant."

Samael's expression darkened as he processed the implications. This wasn't like the show - this was infinitely worse. It was a bloody catastrophe.

"So what's the play here?" Sam asked, her practical nature cutting through the tension. "We can't exactly tell their parents to shut down the portal without explaining why. Not without blowing their secret."

"And we can't leave it as is," Batman stated, "not with these implications."

"There might be a way," Constantine mused, lighting a fresh cigarette. "To properly contain it without shutting it down. Some wards, proper mystical barriers..."

"The Guys in White aren't the real concern," he continued, exhaling smoke. "It's what might notice that portal from the other side. Hell's always looking for new doorways. And Heaven's not much better when it comes to maintaining boundaries."

"Other side?" Tucker looked up from his PDA, gulping. "You mean like... actual demons?" He heard Constantine the first time, but it still felt surreal and terrifying.

"Among other things," Constantine's casual tone did nothing to soften the impact of his words.

Danny floated closer to his brother. "So our parents accidentally built a potential gateway to everything?"

"Purgatory's funny that way," Constantine shrugged. "Connects to all sorts of places you don't want it to."

Batman's expression remained unreadable, but his voice carried decision. "We need both immediate containment and long-term security measures."

"At least we have a window of opportunity," Jazz noted. "Mom and Dad are at Axion Labs, trying to convince the Guys in White to let them examine the quantum processor damage."

"Your parents do have impeccable timing," Sam added dryly. "Out chasing ghost tech while actual supernatural experts examine their portal."

"Then we should move now," Batman decided. "Constantine, what do you need for preliminary containment?"

"Got most of it with me," Constantine patted his coat pockets. "Always carry the essentials for emergency dimensional patches. Though proper containment will need more... specialized materials."

Superman turned to the siblings. "Can you get us into your lab without triggering any security systems?"

"Please," Tucker grinned, holding up his PDA. "I've been bypassing Fenton Works security since freshman year."

"Just remember," Danny warned, "some of their equipment reacts to ghost energy. And their latest inventions are... unpredictable."

"Wonderful," Constantine muttered. "Amateur ghost hunters with experimental tech guarding a portal to Purgatory. This job gets better by the minute."

Batman was already moving toward the warehouse exit. "We need to work quickly. Your parents won't stay at Axion Labs indefinitely."


Fenton Works loomed against the night sky, its distinctive architecture making Constantine shake his head. "Not exactly subtle, is it? Might as well put up a sign saying 'dimensional instability here.'"

"Tucker?" Danny prompted as they approached the building.

"Already on it," Tucker's fingers flew across his PDA. "Disabling the ghost shield... rerouting security cameras... and... we're clear."

They entered through the lab's external entrance, Danny phasing them through as an extra precaution. The portal's green glow cast eerie shadows across the laboratory equipment.

"Bloody hell," Constantine muttered, approaching the portal. "It's worse than I thought. The dimensional boundaries are practically tissue paper here."

Batman examined the portal's structure with clinical precision. "The containment field is rudimentary at best. No mystical barriers, no spiritual safeguards..."

"Our parents are scientists," Jazz explained. "They approach everything from a technological perspective."

"Technology's all well and good," Constantine replied, pulling various items from his coat, "but when you're dealing with souls and dimensional boundaries, you need proper magical containment."

Superman watched as Constantine began setting up what looked like ancient symbols around the portal. "How long will this take?"

"Basic containment? Twenty minutes. Proper barriers?" Constantine scoffed. "We'll need a lot more time and some very specific materials. This is just a patch job."

After the stated time, give or take a few minutes, Constantine stepped back from his work.

The newly inscribed symbols pulsed with subtle power around the portal. "That'll hold for now. Not perfect, but better than nothing."

"The dimensional readings have stabilized," Tucker confirmed, checking his PDA. "Whatever you did, it's working."

Batman turned to face the group, his posture shifting subtly. "Now we need to address the more immediate concern. Your living situation."

The room fell silent. This was the conversation they'd been avoiding.

"You live with active ghost hunters," Batman continued, his voice careful but firm. "Your parents may be brilliant scientists, but they're also openly hostile toward anything supernatural - including what their children have become."

"We've managed so far," Danny started, but Superman cut in gently.

"You're children living in constant danger of discovery by your own parents. That's not a sustainable situation."

"They're still our parents," Samael's voice carried a warning edge. "Whatever else has changed, that hasn't."

"No one's suggesting separation," Batman clarified. "But we need contingency plans. Safeguards. Your parents' ghost-hunting activities are drawing government attention, and their equipment, as you yourself have admitted, is becoming more sophisticated every day."

Constantine lit another cigarette. "Not to mention what might happen if they actually succeed in capturing one of you. Bit awkward, that conversation would be."

"We can establish a secure line of communication," Batman stated. "For emergencies. And set up safe houses in case you need to evacuate quickly."

"The League will also monitor the Guys in White's activities," Superman added. "Make sure they don't get too close to discovering your identities."

"And I'll pop by regularly," Constantine exhaled smoke. "Check the wards, make sure nothing too nasty is trying to slip through from the other side. Maybe teach you lot some basic magical defenses, considering what you're dealing with."

Jazz was already taking notes. "We'll need to establish protocols, clear signals for when we need help versus when we can handle things ourselves."

"And ways to contact you that won't attract attention," Sam pointed out. "The last thing we need is the Justice League obviously watching over Amity Park."

"Speaking of watching," Tucker checked his phone, "your parents just finished at Axion. Twenty minutes until they're home."

Batman nodded once. "We'll finish setting up secure communications tomorrow. For now, maintain your normal routines. Don't give anyone reason to look closer at your family."

As they prepared to leave, Superman turned to the Fenton siblings. "You're not alone in this anymore. Remember that."

The five of them looked at each other as they left.

Their lives have become far more complicated then ever expected.