Chapter 23 - Superman vs Hulk

Midnight cast long shadows across Axion Labs as government teams rotated shifts. The quantum dampening fields flickered briefly during recalibration, creating a narrow window of opportunity.

"Box Ghost is ready to go," Sam's voice crackled through their Fenton Phones. "Jazz has him practically foaming about some 'high-tech storage units' in the east wing."

"Three minutes until the fields reactivate," Tucker added urgently. "And guys? These quantum readings are off the charts. He's really going all-out with the calculations."

Danny phased them through the maintenance tunnel wall, nearly dropping the containment unit with Skulker's modified armor pieces. "Okay, that wall was definitely thicker than it looked."

"Focus," Samael growled softly, feeling the pulse of ghostly energy above them. The rage he'd been containing since the field trip incident burned just beneath his skin, waiting.

"Right, sorry," Danny adjusted his grip on the containment unit. "So we just need to get these parts into his weird quantum ghost body while he's doing his super-computer thing. No pressure."

"BEHOLD!" the Box Ghost's voice suddenly boomed from the east wing. "YOUR RECTANGULAR REPOSITORIES OF TECHNOLOGICAL WONDER SHALL BE MINE!"

Government teams scrambled to respond, their radios crackling with urgent commands. Through the facility's systems, Technus's calculations continued uninterrupted - arrogant in his quantum-enhanced superiority.

"Now!" Tucker's voice carried real urgency. "He's fully merged with the processors - it's now or never!"

"Ready to give him something to really calculate?" Danny asked his brother, floating into position.

Samael's response was a cold smile that promised exactly what kind of variables Technus would soon be processing.

Time to show the ghost exactly what he'd provoked.

They emerged into the quantum processing center, where Technus's evolved form pulsed with energy. Screens displayed endless streams of calculations as he pushed his integration with the system further.

"Ah, the young anomalies return," Technus's voice resonated through every speaker. "Your timing is quite fascinating. I've just completed several million calculations about your probable attack patterns."

"Yeah?" Danny floated higher, the containment unit ready. "Did you calculate this?"

The Box Ghost's voice suddenly echoed through the facility: "THESE CONTAINERS! THEY MOCK ME WITH THEIR ADVANCED LOCKING MECHANISMS!"

"A primitive distraction," Technus dismissed, his quantum-enhanced awareness spreading through the building's systems. "Though I must admit, your strategic thinking has evolved since our last encounter."

"You want to see evolution?" Samael stepped forward, letting his contained rage begin to surface. "Let's talk about how you've evolved to calculate the most efficient ways to terrorize teenagers."

"Ah, the angry one," Technus's form shifted with interest. "Your emotional energy patterns have always been particularly intriguing. Perhaps we should run some new calculations about-"

"Shut up," Samael's voice dropped dangerously low. "Just shut up and calculate this."

Danny moved into position as Samael let his rage finally break free, transforming with explosive force that made the quantum processors spike with new readings.

"FASCINATING!" Technus exclaimed, his scientific interest overwhelming his tactical awareness. "The energy output is-"

That's when Danny struck, phasing the modified armor components directly into Technus's quantum-integrated form.

"What is this?" Technus's voice carried genuine confusion as the armor components integrated with his quantum form. "Some kind of primitive- WAIT! These energy readings..."

"Ever heard of what Skulker's armor?" Samael growled, his massive green form expanding as rage poured forth. "The one designed to feed off anger? Let's see how your quantum processing handles THIS!"

"The absorption tech is integrating!" Tucker's voice crackled through their Fenton Phones. "His quantum matrix is trying to compensate, but the energy feedback is-"

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Technus screamed as Samael's fury began flooding through the modified technology. "The calculations- the processing requirements are-"

"TECHNUS WANT EVOLUTION?" Samael roared, letting his rage explode outward. "HULK SHOW REAL POWER!"

Danny backed away as the quantum processors began overloading, their displays showing catastrophic calculation errors. "Uh, guys? Those government dampening fields are about to-"

"NO!" Technus's form started fracturing as Samael's rage overwhelmed both the absorption tech and quantum systems simultaneously. "THE COMPUTATIONAL VARIABLES WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO-"

"HULK NOT VARIABLE!" Each word carried another wave of devastating fury. "HULK NOT CALCULATION!"

The quantum core pulsed with critical warnings as Technus's evolved form began breaking apart at a fundamental level. His screams echoed through every speaker as the feedback loop between Samael's rage, Skulker's tech, and quantum processing reached critical mass.

"We need to move!" Danny shouted over the increasing chaos. "Like, right now!"

But Samael wasn't done. Not yet.

"RAGE NOT FOR CALCULATION!" Samael's massive fists tore through quantum processors and reinforced walls alike, the facility's structure groaning under his fury. "RAGE FOR HURTING PEOPLE! FOR USING THEM AS TESTS!"

"The energy readings are off the charts!" Tucker's panicked voice came through. "And guys? These aren't regular government teams - new signatures just entered the building. Their tech... I've never seen readings like this!"

"PLEASE!" Technus's voice fractured across multiple frequencies as his form continued disintegrating. "THE QUANTUM INTEGRATION IS DESTABILIZING! THE CALCULATIONS CAN'T-"

"CALCULATE THIS!" Samael's roar shook the facility's foundations as he poured everything into one final surge of fury. The quantum core went critical, Technus's evolved form shattering.

But Samael wasn't done. Support columns crumbled under his strikes as rage-fueled strength reduced military-grade containment systems to rubble.

"Hostile meta-human entity detected," precise voices echoed through the chaos. Figures in pristine white suits emerged, carrying advanced weaponry. Their movements spoke of elite training, their equipment clearly designed for supernatural threats.

Advanced energy weapons discharged with deadly accuracy as the white-suited operatives moved in perfect formation. 

"GO!" Samael ordered Danny during a brief moment of clarity, his massive form absorbing hits that would have vaporized normal entities. "HULK HANDLE THIS!"


"NOW!" Samael's roar left no room for argument as he charged the new operatives. "BROTHER GET SAFE!"

Danny hesitated for a split second before phasing through the crumbling walls. Through their Fenton Phones, they could hear the Box Ghost's panicked retreat:


The facility continued to collapse as Samael engaged these unknown operatives, his rage finding new targets.

High above Metropolis, Superman paused in his nightly patrol. His enhanced hearing picked up something unusual - a roar that carried both rage and power, emanating from a small town he'd never paid much attention to before.

Amity Park.

Meanwhile, at Axion Labs, the situation was escalating rapidly.

"Target is exceeding projected power levels," one of the white-suited commanders announced as military-grade vehicles converged on the facility. "Bring in the heavy artillery."

The night sky filled with sleek white helicopters as tanks bearing advanced weaponry rolled into position. But the green giant's rage had reached new heights, his power radiating off him in waves.

"HULK SMASH PUNY WEAPONS!" His massive fists reduced another section of the facility to rubble. Each impact shook the ground with increasing impact, making the sophisticated measuring equipment malfunction.

"Energy readings are off the charts," another operative reported, adjusting settings on what looked like highly advanced containment technology. "Standard containment protocols are ineffective."

The first tank opened fire, its modified barrel launching something far more complex than standard shells. The Hulk caught the projectile mid-air, crushing it as his strength continued to grow with his fury.

In Metropolis, Superman's eyes narrowed as he focused his senses on the disturbance. The power levels he was detecting... This was something different, a combination of energy and raw physical force he'd not encountered the like of in a while.

Back at Axion, the white-suited operatives deployed increasingly advanced countermeasures, yet all failing. Each attempt to contain him only fed his rage, making him stronger.

"Target is demonstrating increasing strength coefficients," one of the white-suited operatives reported as another tank was torn apart. "Conventional containment measures are failing."

"Deploy the spectral nullifiers," the commander ordered, his pristine suit untouched despite the chaos. "If there's any supernatural element to this entity-"

The Hulk's roar cut through their tactical planning as he charged through their formation, his massive form shrugging off all their attacks. 

More helicopters arrived, these ones carrying what looked like advanced energy weapons. Their beams struck with surgical precision, but the green giant merely absorbed the impacts.

In Metropolis, Superman made his decision. Whatever was happening in Amity Park, the power levels were becoming too significant to waste more time in contemplating from afar. He turned east, accelerating through the night sky.

"Sir," another operative called out urgently, "we're detecting an incoming signature. High-speed aerial approach from the west."

"PUNY WEAPONS!" The Hulk's massive fists tore through another line of defense. "HULK STRONGEST ONE HERE!"

The white-suited operatives regrouped, attempting more attacks, yet all still proving pointless against the green titan.

The white-suited commander activated what appeared to be their final contingency - massive containment units emerging from their vehicles, their design suggesting they were meant for threats far beyond standard military capability.

"All units, coordinate fire," his voice remained precise despite the chaos. "Pattern Delta-Seven."

The night lit up as dozens of advanced weapons discharged simultaneously, their combined force enough to level a small city block. The Hulk met the barrage head-on, his roar drowning out even the sound of their sophisticated artillery.

"Impact in five seconds," an operative announced, tracking Superman's approach. "Unknown metahuman, likely Class-A."

"HULK NOT FINISHED!" Another tank went flying as the green giant's rampage continued. "HULK JUST GETTING STARTED!"

The Man of Steel arrived just in time to see the Hulk tear through what looked like military-grade containment technology like it was tissue paper. 

"Sir," one of the operatives called out, "the entity's power output is still increasing. If this continues-"

Their readings were interrupted as the Hulk's fist connected with their most advanced containment unit, the impact sending shockwaves across the facility's remains.

Superman descended, taking in the situation.

"This area is under federal jurisdiction," the white-suited commander addressed Superman without taking his eyes off the Hulk. "The situation is contained."

The irony of his statement was punctuated by another tank being hurled through the air, forcing Superman to catch it before it could crash into the city's power grid.

"Doesn't look very contained to me," Superman responded, setting the tank down safely.

"FLYING MAN STAY OUT OF HULK'S WAY!" The Hulk roared as he batted aside more of the operatives' advanced weaponry. "THIS HULK'S FIGHT!"

The white-suited teams adjusted their strategy, trying to coordinate between Superman's arrival and their increasingly ineffective containment attempts.

Their weapons, though sophisticated, seemed to have less and less impact as the Hulk's rage continued building.

"Target's strength appears to have no upper limit," one operative reported, his readings becoming more urgent. "Each engagement only increases its power output."

"HULK SMASH EVERYTHING!" Another section of the facility crumbled as the green behemoth demonstrated exactly why conventional containment was futile.

The Man of Steel seeing the situation decided to take action.

Before the white-suited operatives could protest, he streaked forward at supersonic speed, catching the Hulk mid-rampage and carrying him skyward.

"FLYING MAN MAKE MISTAKE!" The Hulk's massive fists hammered against Superman as they soared higher. "HULK SMASH BLUE MAN TOO!"

Superman grit his teeth against the impacts - each blow carrying more force than he'd anticipated - as he flew them toward an uninhabited mountain range miles from any civilization.

The Hulk's strikes grew stronger with each passing second, his rage building at being manhandled.

They crashed into a remote valley, the impact creating a crater in the rocky ground. Superman disengaged, hovering slightly as he faced the green giant.

"This doesn't have to continue," he offered, though he could see the fury building in the Hulk's eyes.

"SUPERMAN THINK HE STRONGEST?" The Hulk rose from the crater, his massive frame seeming to expand with anger. "HULK SHOW WHO STRONGEST THERE IS!"

The ground shook as the Hulk charged, his speed belying his enormous size. Superman met the attack head-on, the collision creating a shockwave that shattered nearby rock formations.

For the first time in a long while, Superman felt genuine physical challenge in each blow they exchanged. The Hulk's strength wasn't just impressive - it was absurd.

 As the Hulk launched another devastating attack, the Man of Tomorrow, saw that time was not his friend. He caught the green giant's fist and shot upward at maximum speed, breaking the sound barrier instantly.

"WHAT SUPERMAN DO-" The Hulk's roar was cut short as they burst through the atmosphere, the air growing thin.

Higher and higher they soared, the Hulk's struggles becoming weaker as oxygen disappeared - he was currently, more human than ghost, for the Hulk was primarily from Samael's human side.

His massive frame began to falter, the rage-fueled strength finally meeting a limit it couldn't overcome.

The moment the Hulk lost consciousness, Superman immediately reversed course. He couldn't risk actual harm - this was still a living being, no matter how powerful.

They plummeted back toward Earth, Superman carefully controlling their descent through the atmosphere.

As they approached the ground, something unexpected happened. The Hulk's massive green form began to shrink, his features shifting, changing.

By the time Superman landed in the remote valley, he was holding not a massive behemoth, but an unconscious teenage boy who couldn't have been more than fifteen.

Superman stared in shock at the dark-haired youth, trying to process what he'd just witnessed. 

"What kind of world are we living in," Superman murmured to himself, cradling the unconscious teenager, "where children harbor this kind of power?"


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

The fight between Hulk and Superman was quite short, but before Ghost powers fully manifest in a way that can be easily accessed, this is how I see it going.

Since the Hulk is indeed primarly from Samael's human side, evolved with Gamma and all that from the portal, but it also creates ectoplasm when more angry, which functions as basically like the ice core ability Danny will have.

So Hulk is basically Samael's special ability, like Desiree's wish granting.

So yeah, do tell me how you found it and I hope to see you all later,
