Chapter 15 - Vlad Masters

"A college reunion?" Samael asks skeptically, watching his father pack the Fenton RV with an alarming amount of ghost-hunting equipment. "At a castle in Wisconsin?"

"Not just any reunion!" Jack beams, somehow fitting what looks like a small missile launcher into the trunk. "A chance to see my old college buddy Vlad Masters! You kids will love him!"

The name sends an immediate warning signal through Samael's mind, though he keeps his expression neutral. Beside him, Danny shifts uncomfortably, probably sensing his brother's sudden tension.

"Vladdie's been so successful," Jack continues, oblivious to the atmosphere. "Rich, powerful - but he never forgot his old college pals! Even after that unfortunate lab accident..."

Maddie emerges from the house carrying more equipment. "Jack, dear, I'm sure Vlad doesn't want us bringing the entire lab."

"Nonsense! He'll want to see how far ghost research has come since our college days!"

Jazz, nose buried in her psychology textbook, mutters, "Because nothing says 'reunion' like experimental weapons."

But Samael barely hears her. His mind is racing, memories of watching a certain show mixing with the reality of what's about to happen. He can't let on that he knows anything about Vlad, but he also can't let his family walk into this completely unprepared. Especially with the vultures attack earlier.

The familiar warmth starts building under his skin. This isn't just another ghost fight or school incident. This is Vlad Masters - and Samael knows exactly what that means.

The first Halfa.

The drive to Wisconsin is filled with Jack's endless stories about college days with "Vladdie," each one making the warmth under Samael's skin pulse stronger. He sits in the back of the RV with Danny, both of them exchanging meaningful looks every time their father mentions the "accident."

"And then the proto-portal exploded!" Jack laughs, steering with one hand while gesturing wildly with the other. "Poor Vlad got a face full of ecto-energy! Had to spend years in the hospital with that horrible case of ecto-acne..."

"Jack," Maddie interrupts gently, "maybe we should focus on the road?"

Samael's fists clench slightly as he fights to maintain control. The idea of walking into Vlad's castle, knowing what awaits them... He has to stay calm, has to pretend this is just a normal reunion visit.

"Hey," Danny whispers, noticing his brother's tension. "You okay? You seem... extra tense."

"Fine," Samael manages through clenched teeth. "Just... got a bad feeling about this."

"About visiting Dad's old college friend?" Danny raises an eyebrow. "Come on, how bad could it be?"

If only you knew, Samael thinks, but forces himself to shrug casually. "Just stay alert, okay?"

As Masters' castle comes into view through the Wisconsin mist, Samael takes deep breaths like Jazz taught him. Whatever happens, he can't let Vlad know that he knows anything. That would raise too many questions he can't answer.

The castle looms before them, gothic architecture stretching into the darkening sky. As they pull up to the entrance, a tall figure in an expensive suit emerges from the massive doors.

"Jack... and Maddie! You've never looked lovelier, my dear." Vlad Masters descends the steps with practiced grace, but Samael catches the slight edge in his voice when he says Jack's name. "And these must be your children."

His gaze passes over them with polite interest, the kind wealthy people often show to their friends' offspring - superficial and dismissive.

"V-man!" Jack bounds forward for a hug that Vlad barely manages to dodge. "Kids, this is my best friend from college!"

"Daniel, Jasmine," Vlad nods to each of them before turning to Samael. "And Samael. Quite the strong young man - clearly Jack's son."

There's nothing special in his observation, just the usual comment about Samael's build, but knowing what he knows makes Samael's temperature rise anyway. He forces a polite smile, keeping his voice steady despite the growing warmth under his skin. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Masters."

"Please, call me Vlad. We're practically family, after all." His smile doesn't reach his eyes as he focuses most of his attention on Maddie. "Now then, shall we head inside? I have so much to show you all..."

As they follow Vlad into the castle, Danny whispers, "Okay, maybe you were right about the bad feeling."

The interior of the castle matches its imposing exterior - all dark wood, expensive artifacts, and what looks suspiciously like a lot of Packers memorabilia. Their footsteps echo on marble floors as Vlad leads them through corridors that seem designed to impress.

"Your home is... quite something," Jazz comments diplomatically, her psychology training probably picking up on the same tensions Samael notices.

"Yes, well, success has its rewards," Vlad responds smoothly. "Though I'm sure Jack has told you all about our college days, before my... fortunate turn in business."

"Oh yeah!" Jack exclaims, nearly knocking over what looks like a priceless vase. "Kids, did I ever tell you about the time Vladdie and I-"

"Perhaps," Vlad interrupts, wincing as Jack's gestures threaten more of his decorations, "we should move to the dining room? I've had quite the feast prepared."

The dining room could fit their entire house. A massive table stretches beneath a crystal chandelier, laden with food that probably costs more than a month of Fenton Works' operating expenses.

"Butter biscuits!" Jack heads straight for the food. "Just like in college!"

Samael notices how Vlad's pleasant expression slips for just a moment watching Jack attack the appetizers. More interesting is how their host keeps finding excuses to stand near Maddie while maintaining his distance from Jack.

"I trust you children have comfortable rooms at home?" Vlad asks, though his attention remains primarily on their mother. "Nothing like this of course, but..."

"Our home is perfect," Samael replies, perhaps a bit too firmly.

"Of course, of course," Vlad waves dismissively, seating himself at the head of the table with Maddie to his right. "Though if you ever wanted to experience something more... refined, my door is always open. Especially to Maddie's children."

Jack, already halfway through a plate of appetizers, beams obliviously. "That's my V-man! Always so generous!"

Dinner progresses with Vlad smoothly directing conversation toward his achievements and "shared memories" with Maddie, while barely acknowledging Jack's enthusiastic interruptions. Danny keeps shooting concerned glances at Samael, clearly picking up on the underlying tensions.

"I'd love to show you my private laboratory later, Maddie," Vlad mentions casually. "I've continued some of our old research..."

"Speaking of research," Jack perks up, "wait until you see what we've been working on! I brought the portable ghost portal-"

"Perhaps," Vlad cuts in smoothly, "that demonstration could wait until tomorrow? It's getting rather late, and I'm sure everyone would like to see their rooms."

"The rooms!" Jack jumps up, accidentally knocking over his water glass. "Hey V-man, you wouldn't happen to have any of those old ghost models we used to make?"

"Jack, dear," Maddie starts, but Vlad's already rising.

"Allow me to show you to your quarters," he says, pointedly ignoring the small puddle spreading across his expensive tablecloth. "I've placed you all in the east wing. Though Maddie, if you'd prefer a room closer to the library..."

The east wing proves to be as ostentatious as the rest of the castle. Vlad assigns them each separate rooms - Jack and Maddie at one end of the corridor, the kids spread out between ornate guest chambers.

"I trust you'll find everything to your liking," Vlad says, lingering in the hallway. "Maddie, the library I mentioned is just down that corridor, should you have trouble sleeping..."

"I'm sure we'll all sleep fine," Samael interjects, earning a subtle glare from their host.

Once Vlad finally leaves, Danny slips into Samael's room. "Okay, what's with that guy? The way he looks at Mom..."

"Like a creep who never got over his college crush?" Jazz appears in the doorway, psychology book still in hand. "Classic case of-"

A crash from their parents' room interrupts her analysis. "Sorry!" Jack's voice booms. "Found my old ghost hunting journal! Hey Vladdie, remember when we-"

"Perhaps we should get some rest," Maddie suggests firmly.

As the noise settles, Danny turns back to his brother. "You've been watching him all evening. What aren't you telling me?"

Samael chooses his words carefully. "Just... keep your guard up. Something about this place feels wrong."

"The million-dollar Packers shrine wasn't your first clue?" Jazz mutters.

A distant clock chimes midnight, its sound echoing through the castle's halls. Samael can't shake the feeling that this is just the calm before the storm.

The first sign of trouble comes around 2 AM. Samael wakes to his ghost sense flaring - that familiar heat in his chest. Through the wall, he hears Danny's sharp intake of breath, likely experiencing his own cold version.

Footsteps pass in the hallway - too light to be Jack's, too deliberate to be accidental. Then, a whispered conversation drifts through the ancient walls:

"Everything is prepared, sir."

"Excellent. Ensure our... special guest... finds his way to the lab. The demonstration tomorrow should prove quite illuminating."

Samael recognizes Vlad's voice, though the pleasant host persona has been replaced by something colder. He slips out of bed just as Danny phases through their shared wall.

"Did you-" Danny starts.

"Yeah," Samael nods, both having heard because of their enhanced hearing. "And I'm betting that 'special guest' is Dad."

"We should wake Mom and-"

"No," Samael cuts him off. "Better if we handle this quietly. Jazz can run interference if anyone wakes up."

They creep into the hallway, following the fading footsteps. The castle seems different at night - less like a wealthy man's home and more like something out of a horror movie. Every shadow could hide a ghost, every corner could reveal a trap.

Danny floats slightly, ready to go ghost at a moment's notice. "You know something about this place, don't you?"

"Let's just say," Samael replies quietly, "I've got a really bad feeling about what's in that lab."

Finding the lab proves more challenging than expected - the castle seems designed to confuse, with corridors that double back and doors that lead nowhere. When they finally locate it, Danny phases his head through to check.

"Clear, but something's not right. It's... too perfect."

The lab they enter is pristine, almost sterile - a showcase of wealth rather than a working space. Everything's precisely arranged, like a museum display rather than a scientist's workshop.

"This can't be his real lab," Samael mutters, noting how the equipment, while expensive, seems barely used. "It's too..."

"Clean?" Danny suggests, floating near a spotless workbench. "Like it's waiting for Dad's demonstration tomorrow?"

A soft click echoes through the room - the door locking behind them. Then Vlad's voice, smooth as silk: "Bright boys. Though I expected nothing less from Maddie's children."

He emerges from the shadows, still in his expensive suit, looking completely at ease. But something in his stance sets off warning bells in Samael's mind. This isn't the dismissive host from dinner - this is a predator, watching, evaluating.

"Quite late for a tour, isn't it?" Vlad's smile doesn't reach his eyes. "Though I must admit, I'm curious what drew you here... particularly you, Samael. You've been rather... observant today."

"Just wanted to check where Dad's demonstration would be tomorrow," Danny answers quickly, trying to sound casual. "You know how he gets with his inventions..."

"Ah yes," Vlad's smile turns indulgent. "Jack's... enthusiasm. I've set up this space specifically for his demonstration. Can't have ghost hunting equipment damaging the more valuable parts of the castle, can we?"

"We heard some noise," Samael adds, keeping his voice neutral. "Thought someone was setting up early."

"Indeed." Vlad walks to a workbench, running his finger along its spotless surface. "My staff has been preparing. Though that doesn't explain why two teenagers would risk wandering a strange castle at night."

"Dad talks in his sleep," Danny offers. "Something about a portable ghost portal? We wanted to make sure he didn't sleepwalk down here and start early."

"How considerate." Vlad's eyes narrow slightly at Samael. "Though you seem unusually tense for such an innocent errand."

"Just protective of family," Samael replies, meeting Vlad's gaze steadily. "Wouldn't want anything to go wrong during the demonstration."

The air between them feels charged with unspoken challenges, each side carefully maintaining their facade of normalcy.

"Well then," Vlad gestures toward the door, which unlocks with a soft click, "perhaps we should all get some rest. Tomorrow's demonstration will certainly be... interesting."

As they head back through the winding corridors, Vlad's hand lands on Danny's shoulder. "You know, Daniel, your father's enthusiasm for ghost hunting is quite... singular. Should you ever want a more refined mentor in the field..."

"Thanks," Danny steps away politely, "but I like learning from my dad."

"Of course," Vlad's smile remains fixed. "And you, Samael? Such strength could be... properly directed with the right guidance."

"I'm good," Samael responds flatly. "Dad teaches us everything we need to know."

They reach the east wing, where Vlad pauses. "Sleep well, boys. I look forward to tomorrow's... activities."

Once he's gone, Danny whispers, "Okay, that was definitely-"

"Not here," Samael cuts him off quietly. "Walls might have ears."

Back in Samael's room, they keep their voices low.

"That wasn't his real lab," Danny says. "No way someone that rich has just one pristine workspace."

"And no way he'd let us find it that easily," Samael agrees. "Whatever he's planning..."

"We'll be ready," Danny finishes. "Though maybe we should warn Dad about the demonstration?"

"He wouldn't believe us. Not about his 'best friend.'" Samael looks out the window at the moonlit castle grounds. "We'll just have to be prepared for anything."

As they finally turn in for what's left of the night, Samael can't shake the feeling that Vlad's watching them, testing them. Tomorrow's "demonstration" will be more than just a college reunion show-and-tell.

But two can play at keeping secrets, and he's had plenty of practice.