Chapter 16 - "Accident"

Morning at Masters' castle brings forced cheerfulness and carefully measured tensions. Jack bounds through breakfast, eager to show off his latest invention, while Vlad maintains his perfect host facade, though Samael notices how his smile tightens every time Jack speaks.

"You're going to love this, V-man!" Jack declares, spreading blueprints across Vlad's immaculate dining table. "A portable ghost portal! Think of the possibilities!"

"Indeed," Vlad responds dryly, subtly moving a priceless vase away from Jack's enthusiastic gesturing. "Though perhaps we should take this to the... designated area?"

The pristine lab from last night has been rearranged, now featuring a cleared space for Jack's demonstration. Danny sticks close to their father, while Samael positions himself where he can watch both Vlad and the room's exits.

"Now then," Jack pulls out what looks like a modified backpack, "behold the Fenton Portable Portal!"

"Fascinating," Vlad murmurs, though his attention seems more focused on Maddie's explanation of the technical specifications. "And you're certain it's... safe?"

"Of course!" Jack straps on the device. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Samael tenses at those words, remembering all too well what happened the last time a Fenton portal was activated.

"The key innovation," Maddie explains, adjusting some settings on the device now strapped to Jack's back, "is the miniaturized ecto-converter. It allows for portable access to the Ghost Zone without requiring a fixed installation."

"Remarkable," Vlad comments, standing just a bit too close to Maddie. "Though the power requirements must be enormous."

"That's where the Fenton Ecto-Battery comes in!" Jack announces proudly, reaching for the activation switch. "Watch this!"

Jazz, who's been taking notes in the corner (probably analyzing everyone's behavior), looks up sharply. "Dad, maybe we should double-check the-"

The device whirs to life, green energy crackling around its edges. But something's wrong - the sound is higher-pitched than it should be, the color slightly off.

"Jack," Maddie starts, noticing the irregularities, "the readings are-"

"BONZAI!" Jack hits the final switch before anyone can stop him.

The portal starts to form, but instead of the stable doorway it's supposed to create, the energy begins to spiral erratically. Danny moves to shield Jazz while Samael steps toward their parents, every instinct telling him this is no accident.

Through the chaos, he catches Vlad's expression - not surprise or concern, but satisfaction.

The portal's energy spins more violently, components starting to overload. In that split second, Samael sees it all - the positioning, the timing, how this would look to his mother if her husband's invention endangered everyone, including her children.

Not this time.

"LOOK OUT!" He moves faster than anyone expects, shoving not just his family but Vlad as well away from the destabilizing device. The last thing he sees is Vlad's genuinely shocked expression before the portal explodes.

The blast catches him full force, green energy washing over him. It hurts, but not as much as it should - his half-ghost nature and enhanced durability absorbing most of the impact.

"SAMAEL!" Multiple voices cry out as the smoke clears.

"My boy!" Vlad's voice carries real concern, "Someone call-"

"I'm fine," Samael manages, pushing himself up from the scorched floor. His clothes are singed but he's otherwise unharmed. "Just... knocked back a bit."

Vlad stares at him with new interest, probably wondering how anyone could survive that blast relatively unscathed. But there's also something else in his expression - a flicker of genuine relief, maybe even guilt.

"Son!" Jack rushes forward, the smoking remains of the portal still strapped to his back. "How did you-"

"Must be that Fenton durability," Samael cuts in smoothly, catching Danny's worried look. "Like you always say, Dad - we're built tough."

"Nevertheless," Vlad steps forward, his usual composure slightly shaken, "you should be examined. I have excellent doctors on call-"

"Really, I'm okay," Samael insists, standing straighter despite the lingering tingle of ecto-energy. "Though maybe we should check the portal's design before the next test, Dad?"

"I don't understand," Jack mutters, examining the smoking device. "The calculations were perfect..."

Maddie's already running diagnostics, her face concerned but focused. "There seems to be some interference in the power coupling. Almost like..."

"Like something was altered," Samael suggests quietly, watching Vlad from the corner of his eye.

"Preposterous!" Vlad declares, though there's a new wariness in how he looks at Samael. "Though perhaps, Jack, you should be more careful with your... experiments. Especially around children."

The words are perfectly chosen to plant doubt, but they lack the impact they might have had if Samael hadn't acted.

Instead of her children being endangered by Jack's recklessness, Maddie just witnessed her son's quick thinking and bravery, while as well, nothing truly bad having happened.

"My brother's always looking out for everyone," Danny adds pointedly. "Even people who might not deserve it."

"Yes, well," Vlad straightens his suit, clearly reassessing the situation, "perhaps we should adjourn for now. I'm sure everyone needs time to... recover."

"But V-man, once we fix the coupling-" Jack starts enthusiastically.

"Jack, dear," Maddie interrupts gently, "maybe we should run more tests back home first." She turns to Samael, maternal concern evident. "Are you sure you're alright, sweetie?"

"Just need some air," Samael replies, already heading for the door. He can feel Vlad's calculating gaze following him, probably trying to understand how anyone could walk away from that blast so easily.

Danny moves to follow, but Jazz holds him back. "Let him process," she whispers, though her own psychology notebook is practically bursting with new observations.

In the castle's expansive hallway, Samael lets out a controlled breath. The plan - if it was indeed Vlad's plan - had backfired spectacularly. Instead of driving a wedge between his parents, it had only showcased their family's protective instincts.

"Fascinating," Vlad's voice comes from behind him. "Most people wouldn't have survived that blast, let alone remained standing."

"Like I said," Samael turns, keeping his voice steady, "Fentons are tough."

"Indeed." Vlad studies him with new intensity. "Though I must ask - why protect me as well?"

Samael furrows his brow, the picture of genuine confusion. "Why wouldn't I? You're my dad's best friend - practically family, like you said."

And he knows there's good behind that trauma induced evil. The feeling of abandoment for years, as he rotted in a hospital, not knowing if he will live or die the next day, for years.

"But surely..." Vlad pauses, clearly thrown by the sincere response. "The blast wasn't... that is..."

"Someone could have gotten hurt," Samael states simply. "Doesn't matter who - you don't let people get hurt if you can prevent it."

The answer seems to genuinely unsettle Vlad. His carefully constructed schemes and manipulations don't account for someone who would instinctively protect even a potential enemy.

"You're... quite different from what I expected," Vlad admits, studying Samael with new eyes. "Your father's strength, but your mother's... moral compass, perhaps?"

"Just did what anyone would do," Samael shrugs, maintaining his straightforward demeanor. "Though maybe we could avoid any more explosive demonstrations this weekend?"

Something like actual guilt again flickers across Vlad's face. "Yes, well... perhaps a break from ghost-related activities would be wise."

The sound of Jack's excited voice carries from the lab - already planning modifications to prevent future accidents. Vlad's expression tightens slightly, but there's less venom in it than before.

"Well," Maddie emerges from the lab, her expression firm, "I think we should head home. Samael needs rest, and I want to run some proper tests with our equipment."

"But Maddie," Jack protests, still clutching his damaged invention, "we just got here! And once we fix the coupling-"

"Jack," she cuts him off gently, "our son was just hit by an ecto-blast. He needs monitoring."

For once, Vlad doesn't try to prolong their stay. "Your wife is right, Jack. The boy's health should come first." He glances at Samael, something almost like genuine concern in his expression. "Perhaps another time."

"You're sure you're okay with us leaving early, V-man?"

"Quite sure," Vlad nods, his usual smooth demeanor tempered by what looks like actual guilt. "Though..." he turns to Samael, "do let me know how you're feeling after those tests. For... scientific purposes, of course."

The drive home is filled with Jack's theories about what went wrong, interspersed with Maddie's worried glances at Samael in the rearview mirror.

Danny keeps shooting his brother questioning looks, while Jazz scribbles frantically in her notebook about "unexpected character development in potential antagonists."

But Samael just watches the castle disappear behind them, thinking about how sometimes the best way to defeat an enemy isn't through force or cunning, but through simple, unexpected kindness.

"You know," Danny whispers, "I think you actually got through to him a little."

"Maybe," Samael replies quietly. "Or maybe he just needed to see that not everyone thinks like he does."