Chereads / As the Hulk in Danny Phantom/DC/Young Justice / Chapter 14 - Paulina Sanchez's Obsession

Chapter 14 - Paulina Sanchez's Obsession

Paulina's Pov:

I've been watching them for weeks now. Ever since that strange day at school when everything went green and dragon-shaped, but somehow I can't quite remember it clearly. Just fragments, like a dream that slips away when you wake up.

But I, Paulina Sanchez, am nothing if not persistent. And the Fenton family is hiding something big.

The camera in my hands feels like a weapon of truth as I walk through Casper High's hallways Monday morning.

I've got backups hidden in my locker, copies of footage stored in multiple places. Tucker Foley might be good with technology, but I'm not as shallow as everyone thinks.

Samael stands by his locker, all controlled power and barely contained... something. His brother Danny phases through- wait, did he just...? But when I blink, he's just standing there normally. This is exactly what I'm talking about. These little moments that don't make sense.

"Morning, Samael," I call out sweetly, making sure my camera is recording. His shoulders tense immediately, and I swear the metal of his locker dents slightly where his hand rests.

"Paulina," he acknowledges without turning, his voice carrying that edge it gets when he's trying to stay calm. I've started cataloging these signs, these little tells that prove something isn't normal.

"I've been doing some research," I continue, moving closer. His little group immediately goes defensive – Sam Manson trying to block my view, Tucker fiddling with his PDA, Jazz ready with another perfectly rehearsed explanation.

But I'm done with explanations. I want answers.

Everyone knows Jack Fenton is freakishly strong - I've seen him lift entire ghost-hunting machines without breaking a sweat. So at first, when Samael started showing similar strength, I didn't think much of it. Like father, like son, right?

But there's a difference. Mr. Fenton's strength is consistent. Impressive, but predictable. Samael's... changes. I've seen him carefully handle delicate lab equipment one moment, then leave finger indents in solid metal the next when he gets angry.

And those eyes... they definitely glow green sometimes, no matter what Jazz says about "fluorescent lighting."

"I was looking through some old yearbooks," I continue, keeping my camera steady. "Your dad's high school photos show he was always big, always strong. But you, Samael? You changed overnight. Right after that accident in your parents' lab nobody wants to talk about."

His back stiffens at that. Interesting.

"The school's records are public," I press on, circling slightly to catch his expression. "Including incident reports about unexplained damage. Like that time the gym's weight equipment got mysteriously crushed after Dash pushed Danny around."

"Is there a point to this?" Sam glares at me, but I notice how she positions herself between my camera and Samael.

"The point is," I adjust my focus, "that being Jack Fenton's son might explain some things, but not everything. Not the disappearances during ghost attacks. Not the way the temperature seems to rise when you're angry. Not how-"

A strange electronic whine cuts through the hallway speakers, making everyone wince.


I keep my camera trained on Samael as the chaos starts. There it is - that moment when his eyes meet Danny's, both of them tensing like they know exactly what's coming.

This could be my chance to finally see what they're hiding.

Students scatter as every electronic device in the hallway starts floating. My phone tries to join them, but I hold on tight - I'm not losing this footage.

"BEHOLD MY TECHNOLOGICAL SUPREMACY!" The voice continues, and I catch something fascinating - Samael's expression shifts from anger to recognition. Like he knows this ghost somehow, even though he hasn't ever been seen before.

"Everyone needs to evacuate," Jazz announces in that too-practiced way of hers. "Standard ghost protocol-"

"Not this time," I interrupt, backing up but keeping my camera steady. "I'm staying right here."

The lights flicker violently, and suddenly every screen in the hallway lights up with a green face - long hair, sunglasses, like some kind of technological vampire. But I keep my focus on Samael. His fists are clenched, muscles tensing, and there's that temperature rise I've been documenting.

"Paulina," his voice has that dangerous edge again, "get out. Now."

"Or what?" I challenge, zooming in. "You'll show everyone what really happens when-"

My camera suddenly sparks in my hands, but not before I catch it - that flash of green in his eyes, the way his frame seems to expand slightly before he gets it under control.


For a split second, something like panic crosses Samael's face. Does he have secrets stored somewhere? What's in these devices that has him so worried?

"YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA, YOUR MESSAGES, YOUR CAREFULLY HIDDEN FILES!" Technus continues his rant, but I notice Samael's tension actually eases slightly. Whatever he's hiding, it's not in any digital format - he's too careful for that.

The hallway becomes a chaos of floating phones and tablets, but I'm more interested in how the Fenton siblings keep exchanging these loaded glances, like they're having an entire conversation without words. Danny keeps glancing at empty classrooms - escape routes? And Samael...

The temperature around him is definitely rising. I can feel it from here, like standing too close to a furnace. His skin seems to ripple sometimes, just for a second, like there's something trying to break free.

"WAIT, WHAT'S THIS?" Technus's face appears on every screen simultaneously. "SOMEONE HAS BEEN COLLECTING QUITE THE INTERESTING FOOTAGE!"

My heart leaps - he's found my backup files! All my carefully documented evidence of the Fentons' strange behavior...

But Samael doesn't look worried. If anything, he looks... annoyed? Like this ghost is more of an inconvenience than a threat.

Like he's dealt with this type of situation before, even though this is a ghost attack, something that is supposed to be dangerous and only handled by seasoned Ghost hunters like his parents.

"Such fascinating observations about the Fenton family," Technus continues, and I swear Samael actually rolls his eyes. "Though your conclusions are quite... INCORRECT!"

The last word booms through every speaker as my files start deleting themselves one by one.

Suddenly, every piece of technology in the hallway begins assembling into some kind of mechanical monster, with Technus's face grinning from multiple screens.

But I'm more focused on how Samael positions himself between the ghost and the other students - a movement that seems almost practiced.

"BEHOLD MY ULTIMATE FORM!" Technus declares, his new body towering to the ceiling.

"Here we go," Samael mutters, and there's that weird familiarity again. Like he's seen this type of thing before, familiar with how Ghosts act upclose in battle.

The mechanical monster swings an arm made of computers at us. Everyone scatters, but I keep my backup phone recording. Samael doesn't dodge - instead, he catches the blow with his bare hands, feet sliding back only slightly on the tile floor.

That's definitely not normal Fenton strength.

"Paulina!" He shouts over his shoulder, strain evident in his voice. "Last warning - get out!"

But I've come too far to back down now. The temperature around him is rising rapidly, and I swear his skin is taking on a greenish tinge. Just a little more pressure, a little more stress, and maybe I'll finally see what he's hiding...


"You talk too much," Samael growls, and something in his voice makes even me take a step back. "You always talk too much."

Always? How well does he know ghosts to know that?

The mechanical monster's other arm swings down, and this time Samael shoves me out of the way. The force sends me sliding across the floor, but my phone keeps recording as he catches this blow too.

His muscles strain against the weight, and I swear the air around him is starting to shimmer with heat.


"You should shut up," Samael snarls, and there's that green flash in his eyes again. Danny's still nowhere to be seen, but the ghost boy usually shows up during attacks like this. Are the disappearances connected somehow?

The mechanical monster starts pulling in more technology, growing larger. Samael's grip leaves dents in the metal where he holds it back, way beyond what anyone should be able to manage.

"Come on, come on," he mutters, glancing around like he's waiting for something. Or someone?


A blast of green energy suddenly hits the monster from behind. The ghost boy has finally arrived, but something's odd about the timing. Almost like Samael was expecting it, holding the ghost in place for...

No. That's crazy. Isn't it?

"Hey, Circuit Brain!" The ghost boy calls out. "Ever heard of a system crash?"

The distraction gives Samael a chance to release his hold on the mechanical monster and back away. I notice he's breathing heavily, but not from exertion - it's like he's trying to control something, force something back down.

"TWO AGAINST ONE?" Technus's faces shift across his screens. "HARDLY FAIR... FOR YOU!"

More technology rips from lockers and classrooms, adding to his form. But I'm more interested in how Samael and the ghost boy seem to move in sync, like they've fought together before.

The ghost boy flies overhead, firing ecto-blasts while Samael handles the physical threats, protecting students from falling debris.

"Your aim's getting better," Samael comments to the ghost boy, and there's that weird familiarity again. Since when are they on speaking terms?

"ENOUGH!" Technus's voice booms. "LET'S SEE HOW YOU HANDLE THIS!"

Screens light up with my collected footage - every incident I've documented, every strange moment I've captured. But instead of looking worried, Samael actually smirks.

"Bad move," he says, and the ghost boy nods like they share some private joke. "Showing all your cards at once?"

The mechanical monster suddenly sparks and freezes.


"Crashed," Tucker's voice carries from somewhere behind me. He's typing frantically on his PDA. "Maybe next time don't download everything at once?"

The mechanical monster starts falling apart, screens flickering as Technus loses control. The ghost boy readies what looks like a thermos - similar to the Fenton's ghost-hunting equipment, actually. Another connection?

"NO! MY BEAUTIFUL TECHNOLOGY!" Technus wails as his form disintegrates. "THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE! I AM TECHNUS, MASTER OF-"

"Yeah, yeah," the ghost boy interrupts, uncapping the thermos. "We got it the first ten times."

But I'm watching Samael. The way he positions himself, like he knows exactly where the ghost will try to escape.

The way the temperature around him slowly returns to normal as the threat decreases. The way his eyes, still carrying that faint green tinge, track the ghost's movements with practiced ease.

The thermos activates, pulling in both Technus and the scattered technology. My footage, my evidence, everything gets sucked away in a flash of blue light.

"Well," the ghost boy grins, "that's one way to clear browser history."

Samael actually chuckles at that, and I add it to my mental notes - since when does he share the ghost boy's sense of humor?

"This isn't over," I call out, holding up my phone. "I still have-"

The device sparks in my hand, screen going dark. When I look up, Tucker's giving me an innocent smile, his PDA pointed in my direction.

"Oops," he shrugs. "Ghost attacks can be really hard on electronics."

The ghost boy disappears just as teachers start arriving, and Danny somehow reappears from wherever he vanished to during the chaos. The timing is perfect - too perfect, like a choreographed dance I'm only seeing part of.

"Everyone okay?" Samael asks, and I notice his voice is completely normal now, no trace of that dangerous edge from before. His eyes are their usual color, his stance relaxed, like he didn't just go toe-to-toe with a technological monster.

"Just another day at Casper High," Jazz says cheerfully - too cheerfully - as Mr. Lancer arrives demanding explanations.

I watch them spin their story with practiced ease. Tucker explains the technical malfunction, Sam describes the ghost boy's arrival, and Jazz provides perfectly reasonable explanations for the damage. It's like watching a well-rehearsed play.

But I know what I saw. The strength far beyond even Jack Fenton's capabilities. The perfect coordination with the ghost boy. The way Samael seemed to know exactly what was coming. The temperature changes. Those green flashes in his eyes.

Something's there, just beneath the surface. A secret bigger than just ghost hunting parents or teenage oddities. But every time I think I'm close to understanding, the pieces slip away like trying to hold smoke.

As the crowd disperses and classes resume, I catch Samael watching me. There's something in his expression - not worry or anger, but almost... amusement? Like he knows I'll never quite figure it out, and he's perfectly fine with that.

"See you in class, Paulina," he says casually, walking away with his usual group.

I look down at my dead phone, then back at their retreating forms. I may not have proof, may never have proof, but I know one thing for certain:

The Fentons are hiding something extraordinary, and someday, somehow, I'm going to find out what it is.