厄索斯是世界已知的四大洲之一,通常被简单地称为"东方大陆"或"东方".大陆的中心是广阔的多斯拉克海.虽然它被称为大海,但实际上是一望无际的平坦平原.这片土地是多斯拉克人的家园,多斯拉克人是一个凶猛,好战的游牧民族,拥有古铜色的皮肤和高大强壮的身材.他们说自己的语言,拥有以骑马为中心的独特文化.多斯拉克海的草又高又厚,在夏日烈日的炎热和温暖的鞭风下,像海浪一样翻滚.在这片茂密的草海中,还有沙地小径,其中一条目前正在被多斯拉克部落穿越.多斯拉克人是天生的骑手,他们的马术超过任何骑士.在他们的文化中,只有残疾者,老人,孕妇和儿童才能乘坐马车旅行.其他任何敢于乘坐马车的人都会遭到嘲笑.同样,穿着盔甲被视为懦夫的行为,因为它限制了他们身体的敏捷性.多斯拉克人把头发编成辫子,只有在战斗中,战败后,他们才会剪掉辫子.绑在辫子上的第一个铃铛属于战士本人,但随后的每一个铃铛都是从被杀死的敌人的头上取下的.多斯拉克人不触摸被他人杀死的人的尸体,认为这样的行为会带来诅咒.辫子和铃铛成为战士力量和勇气的象征.现在沿着沙路前进的多斯拉克部落遵循着这些古老的传统.每个人的头发都编成辫子,露出胸前,穿着彩绘皮背心,青铜腰带,腿上绑着马鬃.钟声伴随着他们的每一步.在游行队伍的最前面骑着 Zheko Kaao 和他血誓旦旦的卫兵.Zheko Kaao 是一个高大魁梧的男人,有着多斯拉克经典的青铜色皮肤,黑发,浅棕色的眼睛和长长的胡须.他的辫子垂到腰间,辫子上的铃铛比任何人都多.此时,Zheko Kaao 带领他的部落朝着 Kohol 市的郊区前进.Kohol 的人们早已习惯于每三四年向 Kaao 进贡一次,以换取他的怜悯,从而防止战争."Kaao"是用来称呼部落首领的头衔,通常是最强壮,最英勇的战士."血誓卫兵"既是 Kaao 的私人保护者,也是他的兄弟和同伴.他们与他分享一切,包括他的妻子,但不包括他的马.他们称他为"我血之血".虽然 Kohol 承诺的黄金本应值得庆祝,但 Zheko Kaao 的心情远非快乐.当太阳开始落山时,部落会停下来,搭起帐篷,安顿下来过夜.但就在他们这样做之前,卡斯(部落派系)的领袖之一库尔将挑战他.卡奥无法拒绝.多斯拉克只追随最强壮的,只有最强大的战士才真正被认为是卡奥."Khul"是 Cas 内部的领导者,每个部落由多个 Cas 组成,每个 Cas 都有自己的领导者.Khuls 被允许挑战 Kaao 的霸主地位.如果 Kaao 倒下,他的儿子"Khalagh"不够强大,Khuls 将脱离并形成自己的部落,每个部落都争夺成为新的 Kaao.如果他们成功了,Kaao 的儿子将被杀死,以防止他将来成为竞争对手.Zheko Kaao 的部落很大,有四万多名成员,分为四个 Cas.他知道一个名叫 Mungo 的年轻 Khul,他的 Cas 位于部落的后面,正在向 Kohol 前进.在过去的 20 个日落中,关于 Mungo 功绩的谣言传遍了整个部落.据说蒙戈是一位拥有巨大力量和技巧的战士,仅用亚麻布和树枝就能击败挥舞着弯曲刀片的敌人.有些人甚至声称他受到星星和天空之神的祝福,不受火焰的影响,能够骑着神话中的火骏马穿越天空.据说他用弓箭猎杀白狮 Heraka.随着时间的推移,炙热的寒风消磨着 Kaao 的耐心.他有三个 Khalisi(妻子),但只有一个 Khalagh,她还未成年.Dothraki 不会追随一个未完全成熟的 Khalagh.如果 Kaao 死了,他儿子的命运就已经注定了."Khalisi"指的是 Kaao 的妻子的头衔,在他死后,她们被带到 Vaes Dothrak,这是 Dothraki 人的首都,也是 Dothraki 海内唯一的城市.在那里,她们加入了"Dosh Khaleen",这是一群担任部落精神顾问的老年妇女.Khalisi 将在这个角色中享有无与伦比的荣誉和地位,解释未来的迹象和预言.因此,Kaao 并不关心他的 Khalisi,而是担心他的儿子.The Dothraki know everything there is to know about horses, but beyond that, they are simple and traditional, following ancient rules without question. Kaao has never once considered turning back to eliminate the young Khul, Mungo.As the sun sets, the waves of grass calm, and the burning red clouds in the sky resemble the fire-steeds of the gods. The stars above flicker like the spirits of fallen warriors.Just then, the ground begins to tremble.From behind a grassy hill, the sound of hooves grows louder, accompanied by the jingling of bells. Mungo's Cas is here.Mungo rides at the front on a red steed, his bare chest revealing his bronze-colored skin. His black hair and eyes, devoid of a beard, give him a youthful, clean-cut appearance. His face is angular, with sharp features, and his gaze is strong and unwavering. Despite his impressive physique, Mungo's braid is shorter than Kaao's, though the bells tied to it are not few.Kaao watches from outside his tent, not underestimating Mungo. He knows that the young Khul's braids may be shorter, but the legends surrounding him contain some truth.Mungo's gaze meets Kaao's, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and apology. Over a month ago, Kaao had raised him from a lowly Dothraki warrior to a Khul, commanding his own Cas.But now, in this land of Essos, Mungo knows that time is short. The Dothraki people are cold-blooded and unforgiving. Those unable to ride have no place in their world. The tradition of the Dothraki is one of pride and strength, but it is also a bloody and brutal one.While the Dothraki survive by raiding neighboring lands, their economy is built largely on plunder. The Dothraki Sea is known as the "Land of Ghosts" or the "Great Wastes," a land littered with the ruins of cities trampled under the hooves of the Dothraki. The only city in the Dothraki Sea is Vaes Dothrak.The vast Dothraki Sea can only support around twenty-five tribes. To survive, these tribes often clash with one another in constant, brutal warfare.Under Kaao's leadership, his tribe is weak. Though they claim to be headed for Kohol to collect tribute, the truth is that the Kohol people have long been used to sending a meager offering to Kaao's tribe. True tribute would be presented to Kaao in person, on bended knee.Though Mungo is grateful for Kaao's patronage, he cannot tolerate Kaao's complacency. He knows that such a weak tribe will eventually be consumed by others, and the bells on his braid will be transferred to someone else's.Mungo is determined to change that. He has his own ambitions, knowing that the Dothraki people, like Genghis Khan's Mongols, are capable of conquering all of Essos and beyond.The world is changing, and Mungo's time to rise is fast approaching.