Chereads / Game of Thrones:The King’s Reign / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 Buried Genius

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 Buried Genius

萨恩河汹涌咆哮,宛如一匹挣脱缰绳的野马,在空中翱翔.很快,莫戈的怒火可能会像河水的汹涌澎湃一样汹涌澎湃,年迈的奥福想着,他想着自己是要用传说中的树枝还是匕首来结束自己的结局.Ofo 不确定他是否害怕死亡,但他首先希望能活下来.莫戈的决定是毋庸置疑的,他的权威是不可触碰的.奥福暂时失去了理智,敢于拒绝卡奥斯的命令,并愚蠢地试图指出他的错误.他朦胧的眼睛怀旧地望着西北,等待着最后的审判.下一刻,莫戈卡奥斯平静而庄重的声音再次响起:"Ofo,你认得这块石头上的文字吗?"这是奥福这辈子听过的最悦耳的声音,他急忙向前走,急切地想要检查它.看到Ofo的不耐烦,Mogo知道他假装沉默奏效了."这是瓦雷利亚的文字.这块石头是个标记.这块石头指向埃萨利亚城,维斯·卡多克的废墟,而下面的这块石头则指向..."奥福的嘴唇动了动,但他无法继续说下去.站在他身后的莫戈向前迈了一步,问道:"我从没想过你会读瓦雷利亚语.下面的标记通向哪里?面对 Mogo 微妙而坚持的质问,Ofo 努力恢复镇定.他知道这不是他的想象;过去一周透露的线索太多了.在这七天里,ofo 逐渐意识到,他面前的传奇 Kaos 不仅强大勇敢,而且还拥有其他 Kaos 所缺乏的精致和智慧.Ofo 深吸一口气,假装平静,说道:"卡奥斯,这条瓦雷利亚之路也通向西北部的塞哈斯.萨洛尔人在那里勉强生存,但这座城市已经变成了一片废墟.现在,只剩下饥饿,贫困和疾病."是这样吗?"莫戈的嘴唇弯起,露出淡淡的笑容."那么,奥福,这位聪明的人,如果萨洛尔躲在那里,紧紧抓住生命,没有可索取的荣耀,在我粉碎了他们之后,我将授予他们最后的荣誉."Ofo的呼吸卡在了他的胸口,他陷入了沉默.莫戈盯着老人的眼睛,面无表情地继续说道:"你们拥有多斯拉克和萨洛尔的血统.古铜色的皮肤属于多斯拉克,而纤细的四肢是萨洛尔的特征.但你并不接受多斯拉克文化,而是崇敬萨洛尔的文明.你称你的部落兄弟为'多斯拉克',但你却称自己为坦加赞·费恩,在你心中承认萨洛尔这个名字的荣誉.Ofo 似乎被 Mogo 的话打动了.他抑制不住自己的冲动,皱起眉头,胡须颤抖,兴奋地说道:"Salor 最精英的战士骑着轮式战车作战,他们的妻子或女儿在缰绳下.女人和男人都上了战场——这就是 Salor 的传统和荣誉!当谈到 Salor 时,他的眼睛里闪耀着钦佩和渴望的光芒.但很快,Ofo的目光就变成了愤怒,他嘶哑的声音咆哮着:"但是多斯拉克人,他们相信生命中最重要的时刻必须发生在天空之下.部落内没有隐私.他们在所有人眼前像动物一样交配,甚至与他人分享他们的妻子,没有羞耻或内疚.莫戈看着奥福的脸,脸上现在因情绪而扭曲,他明白了多斯拉克人对罪恶和羞耻的看法与其他文化完全不同.有些习俗他也无法接受.发泄完怒火后,奥福战战兢兢地低下了头.当他的情绪平静下来后,他意识到站在他面前的,其实是多斯拉克卡奥斯.奥福曾如此轻蔑地谈论多斯拉克文化,事实上,他是多斯拉克传统的追随者.一个抵抗力强的人,但完全是多斯拉克.A childhood shadow haunted Mogo. He sighed, placing a hand on Ofo's shoulder, and whispered:"I will not punish you. Your mother was Salor, yes? She raised and taught you within the tribe."Ofo kept his head lowered, saying nothing.Mogo spoke again:"I swear by the Horse God's name: I, Mogo Kaos, will not punish you. I will not slaughter Sehas. I swear by the Mother Mountain and the Lake of the World's Womb: I will be the one to change the Dothraki, to make them as great as the Salor Kingdom or the Valyrian civilization."At last, Ofo raised his head and, kneeling, swore:"Mogo Kaos, I swear by the gods of Tangazan Fehn, by the Horse God and all the gods of the world, by the Mother Mountain and the Lake of the World's Womb: I, Ofo, will share in your bloodline. This is the mercy destiny has granted me."Mogo helped Ofo to his feet, gazing at the man's weathered face, and asked:"I know this may cause you pain, but I still wish to know what other knowledge your Salor mother imparted to you, for this will determine how I use your talents."Ofo stood still, lost in thought. After a moment, he spoke:"My mother's bloodline traces back to Mazoro Aleash, the last Supreme King of the Salor Kingdom. She taught me not only Salor language and script but also Valyrian, both High and Low Valyrian, as well as Qyors and the common tongue of the Narrow Sea. She made me knowledgeable in the history of all Essos."Upon hearing this, Mogo was momentarily stunned. His expression blank, he struggled to process what Ofo had said. He had thought this old man to be merely a sage among the Dothraki. Now, he realized he had found a treasure—someone fluent in geography, history, and four foreign languages, a scholar of the highest caliber, even among the world's elites.Ofo had spent his entire life among the Dothraki, and beyond his skills with horses and in battle, he had likely never had the chance to use his other talents. He had a severe lack of self-awareness, remaining among the Dothraki Sea, begging for survival despite such knowledge.Seeing Mogo unphased, Ofo quickly added:"I also know Valyrian, both the High and Low dialects."Mogo's thoughts surged like the raging Saan River. High and Low Valyrian—that was like mastering both standard Mandarin and various local dialects across the nation, with the ability to speak multiple regional languages, even possessing a unique dialect of his own.Ofo, now fully caught up in his own fervor, desperate to prove his worth, blurted out:"I have a way to help you deal with the three Kas' raiders in your tribe."Ofo believed that Mogo, despite his power, had yet to attack Vis Kadok because he feared the three Kas' raiders might use the battle as an opportunity to break away from the tribe and form their own.In reality, Mogo's primary concern was achieving victory with minimal casualties while gaining control of the enemy's tribe.Although Mogo did worry about the three Kas' raiders, who had sworn loyalty but were still new to the tribe and untrustworthy, he knew that hesitation on the battlefield could be deadly.For this, Mogo had already devised a plan. In pursuit of his greater ambitions, he would grant his enemies honor. He patted Ofo's shoulder, silently acknowledging his skills.