Chereads / The Empire of the Wretched Son / Chapter 7 - An"GEL"ine Ross

Chapter 7 - An"GEL"ine Ross

Year 0001, The Imperium


Gel was having a bad dream about what happened to her and her mother.

She was slightly woken up from her sleep because of this but fell right back into Wonderland.

But before she could totally pass out, she saw the silhouette of someone carrying her.


The next thing she saw was her being covered in thick blankets and being near a fireplace.

She didn't know who brought her here, but she hoped it was someone who her mother thinks owns this place. 

Because when she ran that night towards the house that her mother pointed at.

That house was devoid of human activity, as no one had answered her from banging the wooden door.

After she entered the house that night, she looked around and found out that no one was living inside it, although there was a lot of stuff in it.

But she was too tired and was shivering and sobbing from the cold and her mother's death. 

She found one of the larger rooms upstairs that has a bed.

She fell on it, extremely exhausted from the events that occurred. 

That was the last thing that she remembered after dropping from exhaustion.


Gel was in and out of this current state of hers, and the next moment that she had woken up again, she couldn't move herself.

Because although August took some blankets off of her, she was still wrapped nicely; it was somewhat for his protection so he could react appropriately if the situation arose for him to do so.

So when she woke up like a zombified mummy, he was pretty bewildered by it.


She couldn't tell if this was a dream or a nightmarish reality she had woken up to.

As she was in and out of it most of the time, well, mostly because she had a high fever and was in a delirious state.

But she'd fallen back asleep again and again; the feeling was rather uncomfortable ...


The next time that she woke up, a very aromatic smell had invaded her senses; her entire being began to tremble.

She rose from her slumber just like how the dead rise; she frantically searched for the origin of this enticing smell.

She looked like a hungry beast from, well, August's perspective.


A little later, someone began poking her side, and there she saw someone sitting across from her holding the source of her grumbling stomach; it was the thing that made her sudden appetite go wild.

In one hand he had a bowl of brothy soup and a bow in the other, ready to strike at any moment's notice.

Gel looked at him with curiosity, a wondrous gaze, but it was actually directed towards the bowl that he was holding on to.

After a moment of intense inquisitory gaze that she threw at that lad sitting across from her.

Her stomach could no longer take it and it reminded her of her current situation.

* Grumbling noises!

He gestured at her to take the food and eat it slowly, but he stuttered his words trying to speak to her.

This must be the person that is living in this area.

She didn't know what to say, and he barely spoke to her.



Gel didn't eat the food directly, afraid the food might be poisoned; she wasn't that crazy yet, although her mouth was already watering.

To alleviate this awkward situation, August began to dig into his portion of the brothy soup.

He drank a little bit from it and proceeded to indulge himself more and more in this heavenly food.

She looked and took the delicious bowl sitting near her; at least it was not poisoned.

The next moment she began ravishing it like it was her last meal; she was indeed pretty starved and ate it with much gusto.

If someone saw them, they would notice that there was this awkward atmosphere between two strangers sharing their first meal together.

They both remained silent and only focused on their meal; there was a homey feeling in this brothy soup.

And it both reminded them of their mothers and their homes.


After they finished their meal, August felt the awkward atmosphere was too much.

So he got up from where he was seated and took the dishes that they used.

"Umm, I'm going to clean this up."

He took their dishes and went out for a bit.

After he finished doing so, he went back inside of the house.

Gel was still sitting nearer the hearth with a melancholic gaze, looking at the dancing flames.

There was so much that he wanted to ask her, but he knew it wasn't time for such questions yet.

(His introverted nature has kicked in!)

They remained like that until the darkness of the night enveloped the outside world, and only the light from the hearth remained.


The following days, the winter cold has already receded, and the weather is a little bit warmer now; in just a couple of days spring will truly begin.

Gel has recovered most of her vigor and was becoming a lot more active around the house...

Mostly just watching, August ran around the place and did his routine.


August still felt awkward around Gel, so he barely talked to her (like never).

Although the other day he finally managed to muster up his courage to ask her her name...



"Ummm, can I… I… ask what your name is?"

He still stuttered, though...


Gel pondered for a bit; she was surprised when he finally spoke to her.



"Gel ... "

An awkward silence ensued.

"Ohhh... ok, cool!

Right, I am August! "

[ . . . . . . . . . ]

He was perplexed at the audacity of this cold, judgmental floating window who dared to judge him for his inadequacy!

You! You! Screw off!

[ S Y S T E M : HMMMPF! ]


August made some mental curses!

He knew this thing could read him like a book!


After that, they barely spoke with each other.

August did his daily routine, but now instead of doing it inside, he went outside the house and jogged around the area.

Gel just watched him through the window, sitting on his father's favorite chair.

She was amused by the things the boy did every waking hour, and this has become her pastime entertainment.

This daily routine of theirs continued until the snow had finally melted.

The first signs of spring have arrived as the world has gotten a bit more active with the animals waking up from their hibernation.