Chereads / A Timekeeper’s Awakening / Chapter 11 - Where everyone meets

Chapter 11 - Where everyone meets

Cron and Omar walked through the entire campus. Cron had always been amazed by the architecture of the buildings and admired how each looked. Cron knew that the construction crew used many people with Speed Orgones, which is why so many buildings were built so fast.

The bell rang, indicating it was the end of one period. Cron was confused by the bell. "What's going on? Is it the end of the day?"

Omar looked around. "No, I think it is lunchtime."

"How long was I out for?"

"Most of the morning, I think," Omar answered.

"Wait, how long were you out for?"

"I wasn't. But once the nurse healed me, I returned to the dorm and napped. It was a long night, after all."

"Fair enough," Cron agreed.

The hallways started to fill with students, a mixture of first-year and upper-year students. All the first-year students wore light blue robes, the second-year students wore dark blue robes, the third-year students wore green robes, and the fourth-year students wore brown robes.

As the students filled the hallway, everyone went in one general direction. The cafeteria was wide open, with plenty of tables for all students. On the other side was an open lawn with just as many tables. It was for the fourth-year students. If you weren't wearing their colors, you didn't belong.

Cron and Omar got their food from the people serving it. It was a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chips and a cup of water. Cron and Omar looked for the spots where most first-year students sat.

When they spotted an open table, Cron and Omar sat down. Cron and Omar didn't say much; they mostly enjoyed the food. But suddenly, someone patted Cron's back.

"There you are!" A cheery voice spoke. "Where have you been?"

Cron choked on his sandwich for a moment. He coughed a couple of times before he spoke. "Oh, Hi Lia."

Lia stood there with a smile. Her deep red hair and vibrant green eyes always made her stand out from the crowd. But unlike everyone else, her robe was still wrinkled.

"Oh, did you make a friend?" Lia asked, noticing Omar. "Hi, I'm Lia."

Omar waved. "Hi, I'm Omar."

"So, are you going to answer my question?" Lia asked.

"If you give me a moment to answer, I will," Cron chuckled. "Anyway, Omar and I got the day off."

"Lucky! How'd you manage that?" Lia asked.

"I wouldn't say lucky," Omar mumbled.

"Yeah, well, Rom, Trey, and Derk were back at me again," Cron said.

Lia's smile disappeared. "What?! Again?! I'm going to show them not to mess with you!"

"It's okay, Lia. You don't need to do anything," Cron said.

"Yeah, since he has all three Orgones," Omar said.

"Omar!" Cron shouted.

Instantly, Omar realized what he said out loud. He covers his face in embarrassment. "Oh no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that!"

Cron started to believe Omar wasn't good at keeping secrets. But he was going to tell Lia anyway, somewhere more private. "I'm sorry, Lia. I was going to talk to you later. But yes, somehow, last night, during that fight with them. I gain all three Orgones."

Cron was expecting Lia to be in shock with his revelation. But Lia's face was neutral. Then, after a moment, she laughed and pointed her finger at Cron. Crown was confused at her reaction.

"But, it's true," Cron tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, and I'm the queen," Lia chuckled.

"I was there," Omar said shyly. "He defended me, and I saw him use all three types of time."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Sorry to tell you, buddy, Cron doesn't have an Orgone. He never has. When everyone started to get their Orgones, Cron didn't. Those three bullied him and called him Timeless. He would probably be beaten up a lot more if I weren't there. So, no, he doesn't have an Orgone, let alone three."

"I can prove it," Cron said confidently. "I could show you."

Lia's eyebrow raised. "Really? You think you could show me?"

Cron nodded. "I know I can. But I'm not doing it here in front of people."

"Why not?" Lia asked. "If you have an Orgone, then you can show it off. And if you have all three, you'll be the coolest person here. What's the problem?"

"I just don't think it's a great idea to show off my Orgones when yesterday, the entire academy knew I was Timeless."

"And since you have an Orgone, you won't be Timeless now. What's the problem again?"

Lia was making fair points. Some of which Cron couldn't argue. But still, Cron didn't think it was a good idea for him to show off his Orgone in front of the students.

"I get it, but I just don't want to take a risk, okay?" Cron asked.

Lia rolled her eyes. "Ugh, fine, after classes, you can show me. But if you don't have an Orgone, you two are messing with me. I'll give you guys dinner and a knuckle sandwich!"

Cron chuckled at her threat. "I know, I know you've told me before. But this time, I won't be having that for dinner."

"I don't want knuckles anything," Omar said.

"Then we are at an agreement," Lia said. "You show me an Orgone, and nobody gets a knuckle sandwich."

"Hey, Timeless!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

The trio looked around for that voice. He saw the three bullies from last night, and they were marching towards their table. Cron gulped because he wondered why he was looking so upset at him.

Lia put her fists up, ready for a fight. "What do you want tubs?"

Rom snarled at Lia. "This isn't about you, redhead! It's about your little boyfriend."

Lia scoffed. "As if! Step back from us before you get hurt!"

"I need answers! Tell everyone, Cron," Rom said, looking directly at Cron.

The gathered students noticed the conversation and wondered what was about to happen. Cron gulped, worrying about whether he had to reveal all his Orgones.

Rom pointed at Cron. "Where were you hiding those Imbued Items?!"