Cron was shocked at Ether's words. "My bullies?"
Ether's eyes darken. "No, what I'm about to tell you all must stay with us. Do I make myself clear?"
Lia looked nervous. "Uh, Ether, are you okay?"
Ether stood. "I need all of you to agree. Do you?"
Ether was scaring the teens, but this seemed far more serious than they expected. They thought showing Ether, Cron's abilities, would be fun. But, they release a can of worms they were unprepared for. Without another word, all three of them nod.
Ether let a small sigh. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to get upset, but this needs to stay a secret."
"What's going on?" Lia asked.
"Cron, that's what's going on," Ether answered.
"I don't understand," Cron said. "I just happen to have all three Orgones."
"And that's exactly why we need to keep this a secret," Ether said. "What do you know about the war before New Onyx Province?"
The teens looked at each other; Omar was the first to speak. "Some people didn't want to use Time abilities anymore."
"And others did, which caused the war," Cron said.
"But, they never talk about the battles for some reason," Lia said.
"Good, you know as much as you need to," Ether said. "What you know is the basics but the full story. As a matter of fact, it is illegal to talk about such things during class."
"History? Illegal?" Cron asked.
"I'll explain what I can. You all are young, impressionable minds, so I won't explain too much."
"Wait, if you gonna tell us, tell us the full truth," Lia said.
"Yeah, why bother going around it?" Cron asked.
"Trust me, it's better if I don't tell you everything in one go. What I will tell you is more than you'll ever know from your history classes."
Cron thought about that; he felt that they were being tricked. But, since Ether knows more than them, Cron nods. "Fine, please tell us."
"Just like that?" Lia asked. "We need to press for more."
"Let's see what he has to say first," Cron said.
Ether nods. "Thank you, Cron. Before the war even started, there were unique warriors. They were called the Timekeepers. What made them special was that they had all three Orgones, like you, Cron."
Cron was shocked by the news. He had never thought people like him existed. "What happened to them?" he asked.
"They disappeared after the war," Ether answered. "Ancient texts talk about the Timekeepers leaving the Onyx Province to leave it in peace."
"So, they're back!" Lia said.
Ether shook his finger. "No, not quite. Like I said, the Timekeepers will hunt you, Cron. But they are not actually the Timekeepers. To put it simply, they were the terrorist group that caused the Burning Skies."
The teens were shocked at this revelation. Cron finally had a name for the people who caused him and many others so much pain that day. And now, what rest in Cron's heart was revenge.
"The Timekeepers have been causing trouble here and there," Ether said. "But that was one of their largest attempt to destroy New Onyx Province."
"Why?" Cron asked with gritted teeth and fist clenched tightly.
"The Timekeepers want to go back," Ether answered. "They want a place without time abilities."
"So people had to die and suffer because of them?!" Lia shouted. She wasn't mad at Ether, but she needed to let some steam out.
"Unfortunately, yes," Ether answered. "And Cron, you're the key to their plans."
Cron was surprised. "Why me? I don't want anything to do with them!"
"The Timekeepers need someone with all three abilities on their side. They want to use you to bring back what was in the past. A world without time abilities."
"I don't care what they want. They can't have me!"
"I agree, but if you are ever captured… there is a chance they could make you an Imbued Item."
Cron's veins went cold. "What?"
"Yes, if they can't use you, they might use your Orgone because you are a Timekeeper," Ether answered.
"What monsters!" Lia shouted.
"And I refuse to be called a Timekeeper! I'd rather be Timeless than ever be associated with them!"
Ether nodded. "Glad we are all at an agreement here. Cron, I vow to protect you at all costs. You don't deserve to be captured or whatever their next heinous act is. I will make sure you're safe. And the one way I will ensure your safety is by having you understand your abilities."
Cron looked at Ether with a confused expression. "What do you mean? I do know my abilities."
"Yes, you do, but you don't know what you can do. For example, I was here on my desk when you shattered my Orgone. And bet you are curious how."
Cron's eyes widen. "Wait, you'll show me new techniques?"
"Yes, these are generally for the upper students, but you need it more than ever. In addition to other old techniques I discovered."
"Whoa, whoa," Lia barged in. "If he's getting new techniques, I want to learn them too!"
"Have you been doing the breathing exercises I've shown you?"
Lia looked down. "Sometimes."
"Then I'm not sure if I'll help."
"Come on, we can be his personal bodyguards. What do you say, Omar?"
Omar was surprised by Lia's words. "Oh, I don't know if you want me. I'm not much of a fighter."
Lia glared at him. "Cron needs our help. We should help him. We know his secret, and we will protect it."
Omar wasn't one to argue, so he agreed. "Okay, I will. If Mr. Ether will let us."
Ether tapped his foot in thought. Then he looked at the teens before him and shrugged. "Okay, fine, I'll show you guys what I know. But you guys need to keep up with your grades. That's the deal, understood?"
Cron, Lia, and Omar nod their heads. "Okay, good," Ether said. "From now on, after classes, come to my house; I will teach you what the academy won't."