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Hero’s Way of Living

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Chapter 1 - A Hero’s New World

I remember when I wanted nothing more than to fall into dreams. Things were simple, life was easy, life was perfect. If only those dreams were real. I've thought that thousands of times. But recently I've begun to despise them. Why are we tortured with glimpses of a better life? Why are they so short? Why aren't they real?

In this world, dreams are often called a release; they're peaceful, perfect. But I know that's not true, dreams are nothing but delusions animated by your unconscious mind. They show you what you don't have, they show your desperate wishes, and because of that, nightmares are far better. 

This topic is strange, subjective even. But this topic.. This topic is the only thing keeping me from falling for the dream I'm seeing right now.

I know it's a dream, but it feels too real.

The soothing breeze caresses my pale cheeks, blowing my black hair into a beautiful dance. The smell of morning dew blesses my nose, and the sight of an otherworldly field filled with flowers enchants my eyes. 

Standing in the golden rays of light, I see a beautiful woman with hair the color of snow and emerald eyes the same as mine. A frail woman armed with a smile that warms the soul.

Holding the woman's shoulders stood a strong man with long black hair and fierce crimson eyes yet a calm, bright face. Like a character from the stories I often lost myself in, no not just any character. A hero, a man worthy of being a hero.

Sat on the man's shoulders, a young girl with the woman's long hair and the man's crimson eyes. They're a family, a happy one at that. And currently that family stands staring at me, almost as if waiting for me to catch up.

I'm jealous, damn it. Why isn't this real? Why do dreams have to be so cruel? A single tear runs down my unconscious face. Is it wrong for me to want this?

My eyes open to my bland ceiling. I'm still in bed. Damn it. I fell asleep without taking off my shoes as well..

I wipe away the tears I shed in my sleep as I sit up. I'm tired… When will I get to rest? When will I… no.. do I even deserve to rest? Do I deserve to be happy?

I know the answer, but I don't want to believe it. Looking at my hands I can see the scene where I murdered that woman. I'm a murderer. I don't deserve happiness. Damn it. It's not fair.

I close my eyes and rest my face in my palms. There's no point in complaining, there's no point in wishing for more. There's no point because someone like me isn't supposed to wish.

"Oh? It's crying, it's crying!"

 Mysterious voices ring in my ear, voices comparable to the squeaks of mice. Damn it, have I finally lost it? 

Lifting my head, I find myself someplace different. My dark, gloomy room has transformed into a blinding white space.


Instantly, I find myself standing, my eyes scouring the area. There's nothing, I'm in a blank space that seems to never end. Above my head, specks of light quickly rush off behind me.

This doesn't make sense. Where am I?

Turning around, I see a single object, no not an object but an old man sitting at a wooden table.

"Have a seat Child, we have much to talk about"

The old man said it in a soft tone. He looked frail and wise, almost like a wizard. 

I began to back away reluctantly, but before I knew it, I was sitting at the table. What? How?

My eyes meet with the man's starry eyes, eyes that see things about me that I wish they couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to look away, it was as if I had been paralyzed.

I'm scared, where am I? Why am I here?

A space so white it could be called divine. The old man with eyes that seem to see through all. I know where I am. The only wish of mine that was accepted. If my life was a novel, this would be its final page. 

I'm finally going to be able to rest.

Despite that realization, despite having my wish answered, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

My head fell, my eyes staring into the wooden table. This is it, this is where my life ends, this is where I turn into nothing, this is where I'm forgotten.. this is where I'm relieved of that painful life.. 

I thought I had prepared myself for this day, but I guess I tricked myself. My vision got blurry and tears fell down my face.

I regret it all. I regret trying to be a hero. I regret reading all those books. I regret not being able to leave anything behind. I regret not trying my hardest.. I regret letting myself be tricked by my dreams for so long. Damn it.. I want to go back.. I want to change everything. 

"Raise your head child, your time here is precious."

The man's voice was soft, filled with warmth.

Even without being told I can tell what this man is and I know what comes next.

I'm pitiful. I don't deserve anything but punishment for the way I lived my life, nothing but a greedy bastard who pretended to be something greater than he was. My gaze locks with the man and an overwhelming wave of pain surges through my body.

All at once, I'm burning hot. Chillingly cold. Every movement tears at my limbs almost as if they're being ripped apart.

Through my blurry vision I can see the man's angered face. 

Damn it, I get it. I was scum. I was worthless. I was an idiot. I was weak. I was pathetic.

I was someone painted in sin, someone that could even bring a god to look upon them with such anger.

This is my punishment.

An unbearable pain the tears at my flesh paired with images that crushes my mind.

Those nightmarish visions that haunted my dreams flash by me, taunting me with glimpses of a life that could never be mine.

Do I deserve this? Were my sins really that bad?

My tightly shut eyes snap open to see the old man's hand pressed against my forehead. I try to cry out, to plead for mercy, but my voice is lost amidst the agony.

His mouth moves, but I can't hear him over my own tortured cries.

Behind him, the air distorts, shimmering like a heat haze. And then, from the haze, a golden, ghost like figure erupts, charging at me with terrifying speed.

In an instant I'm on the ground, my chest glowing in the ghost's color. 

The pain is disappearing. The dreams are fading. My thoughts are slowing. Maybe… this is it. Is this what dying feels like?

"Get up, Kazul"

My eyes snap open, and I bolt upright, gasping for breath almost as if I've been drowning.

"I'm not dead…"

I can feel my body trembling, sweat soaking my clothes.

If it wasn't for the lack of an odor I probably would have thought I pissed myself.

Thinking about that pain causes my stomach to spin, leading to me vomiting in this divine space. 

I don't understand. What's going on? How am I still alive? Where am I? Who is he? Is this a dream? How does he know my name?-

Question after question plagues my mind, there was no room for any other thoughts. 

My head is knocked back and my mind becomes clear in an instant. The questions, the guilt, the feelings of self hatred. They're all gone. 

"You're quite unstable. This is honestly far different than how it was supposed to go."

The man's brow curls from confusion as he poses a question. 

"You are Kazul correct?"

The man's voice was calm, almost unnervingly so, as if my panic and confusion were of no significance to him.

I grab at my chest area. Clenching at my shirt. This "Man" honestly scares me, I don't understand where I am, or even if he's truly a God, but repeating those in my mind won't help.


I said in a loud tone.

Hearing my answer the man stroked his white beard, more than likely thinking to himself before speaking.

"I see.. Seems someone distorted the course of your life, I'm guessing you've had strange life-like dreams for a while right?

Actually forget that, it shouldn't be a problem now."

The man pointed his long boney finger at my face, before speaking.

"You Kazul, are going to be.."

Pausing in the middle of his sentence he would smile.

"A Hero!"

"Hero" The word was like a knife to the gut. Heroes were strong, brave, and righteous.

Everything I wasn't. Everything I had pretended to be, something I failed at miserably. How could someone like me.. How could I possibly be a Hero?

My chest tightened, and a cold wave surged through my body, settling in the pits of my stomach.

I repeated the words in my mind, and my head instinctively shook telling the man no silently.

Currently I can't see my face, but I can feel it. That disgusting look of confusion and anger, that face of the person I hate more than anything.

"No? That's a problem."

The man's smile faltered for a second, but that second was more than enough to send a chill down my spine. No, that was my response. How could it be anything else? I wasn't cut out for it.. I couldn't save anyone, Not even myself. The memory of that old woman's blood on my hands flashed before my eyes, and my stomach turned again. No.. I couldn't be a hero.

The old man's hand reached out for me, glowing with a soft, golden light.

"This is not something you can deny child."

Before I could offer any rebuttal, the man's hand touched my chest. Golden light consumed me whole as the world around me dissolved into nothing.

The warmth of the old man's touch spread through my body, silencing any and all protests I had wanted to make. 

This is unfair. I thought that to myself as I looked at the old man who slowly faded into blinding light.

"Forget your past, Kazul. Forget your sins. Forget and take up the role of your future and become the pillar that holds a world. 

Become someone you can be proud of, someone who turns their flaws into strengths. Let your regrets fuel your resolve, and let your weakness become your greatest teacher. Surpass all that came before you and pave the path for those who come after you. Kazul, become a hero who is incomparable to those you've read about.

This is your upbringing, and this world is your future. 

So give up your past.. and try your best Hero."

So many thoughts come to mind, so many rebuttals sit on my tongue. I could give a million different reasons as to why someone like me isn't suited for this, I could tell him over and over that I don't want this. But I know that's not true, I still want to be a hero. 

Giving hope to someone like me, to believe in someone like me. That old man's a fool..

I'm going to trip and stumble while paving my own path, I might even give up and turn away from that path.

I'm not like the heroes from those books. I don't have a single thread of a Hero's Charisma, I'm not good with my words and I'm not strong. I'm a regular person who wasted his life dreaming of being bigger. I don't know how to be a Hero nor do I plan on finding out how to be one. I'll live for myself and be a hero unlike any other. I may be 19 years old but today is when I'm truly born and when I'll finally start living. 

[Part 2]

The scenery has once again changed. What was once bright and gleaming with divinity had changed into a dark and musty place the walls layered with stones and covered in cobwebs. In the center of this room there are four individual circular stages with chalk markings drawn on them and at the center of one is me.

If I had to guess I would say that these are magic circles.

Now that I'm looking down, something is strange. I open my fist and close it over and over again. I can see my hands and the rest of my lower body but I can barely feel anything, maybe this is an aftereffect or moving between worlds?

Maybe it'll recover with time, anyways where am I? 

If this was anything like the novels I've read, a group of mages would be surrounding these magic circles chanting or even a princess would greet us with her hands clasped together. Unfortunately neither of those seem like they'll happen.

The room is absolutely empty and there are no doors. To be honest this looks more like a prison than a room used to summon a Hero. Well I guess I'm not in a cage so that's good at least.

So.. what do I do now? Should I take the stairs in the corner of the room?

As I contemplated what my next move would be the room began to glow, more specifically the other three magic circles. So there are others? I guess I was brought in faster than them?

Quickly the light fades from the room, reverting it back into its dark and musty self. Just as I had been summoned in a flash of light, three others had just appeared. 

Out of the three summoned two of them are girls, so that makes two guys and two girls?

Well it's an even number so I can't complain.

One of the girls was a middle schooler dressed like a stereotypical mage with beautiful crimson hair, and the other was a panicked highschooler with silver hair and blue eyes filled with tears.

It seems like randomly being summoned isn't cool to everyone, who would have thought?

Besides the girls there was also the other guy, a stern looking one with ash colored hair and tanned skin. The thing that stood out the most was without a doubt the golden armor. Maybe he's a spartan? 

But these are the Heroes? The ones that'll save this world? They really don't look like much, aren't they just kids?

Much to my surprise the silent room filled with the haunting sound of metal scraping against stone, with the room being empty there was only one place it could be coming from… the stairs.

Through the sounds of scraping I could make out the subtle thuds of someone descending.

What the hell type of situation is this?

Was I isekai'd into a world of horrors?

The being of horror continued to descend the stairs, and as it did I could make out the sound of shifting metal.. is it armor.. does that mean it's a Knight?!

Like a total fangirl I began to grow excited, for someone like me a Knight was the pinnacle of a man and to be honest… they're just fucking cool.

My eyes grew wider in anticipation as what I had assumed to be a Knight reached the final stair..

What. The. Fuck,

Immediately the sense of excitement was crushed, I felt like a child learning about Santa Claus for the first time. The thing that stood at the bottom of the stairs wasn't a knight.. Hell is it even Human? 

A Giant. That was the only way I could rationalize what I was seeing. A beast with a golden wildmane, a man much larger than any person I'd ever seen before.

He's someone that could easily make Pro Basketball players feel ashamed of how small they are. Just what the hell did it eat?

No more importantly, what the hell is that blade on its back? It's bigger than he is! How many tons does this beast weigh, and how many more is he carrying!? 

The beast began to show dominance, one moment he inhaled and in the next he let out a war cry that shook the room!

Dust scattered everywhere as the beast let out several softer grunts while showing off his toothy grin.

His animal-like eyes pierced through my soul and instantly made my heart sink to my stomach. It appears that the old man lied, I'm not being taken to another world, but instead to Otherworld. This is definitely hell.

The pressure this beast let off was enough to make the silver haired girl stop crying. 

After the beast's terrifying display of dominance several moments of silence passed. 

Is he psyching us out?

The beast toothy grin slowly faded as it clawed at the back of its head with pieces of shiny jewelry. It seems we weren't the first victims!

That old man who thought was god was just a scammer! A Conman who sold me on lies!

I examined myself, thinking about it now; I happen to be extremely fucked.

I was brought here just after waking up, meaning I have nothing of value on me..

Damn it I can't even bribe the giant! 

It was then that I was hit with a sudden realization. This Giant's diet.. It probably consisted of people…

Slowly I back away, how the hell do I escape this situation?

From the looks of it we got summoned to a dungeon, it's a big one as well so the place above must be way larger..

The beast opened its mouth letting out its soft grunts, wait.. maybe it's speaking to us? I guess it makes sense that I can't understand the language of this world. Well it doesn't look all that smart so it could just be gibberish.

Whilst I was lost in thought, the red-haired girl yelled. Her voice sounded extremely arrogant but she was speaking a language I couldn't understand.

After she threw out what looked like insults towards the giant another pair of much lighter steps quickly descended the stairs. 

His voice continuously echoed causing the strange language he spoke to give off an eerie feeling.

While the owner of the voice descended the red hair girl made way for the stairs, and by the time she reached the stairs the owner of the voice had fully descended.

Rather than a greeting the girl bombarded the old wizardly man with what I could only make out to be insults before heading up the stairs.

Maybe they know each other?

The old man slowly skidded over to the giant before beating it with a wooden cane. Maybe that's his dog? It's a pretty big one.

The old man snatched the shiny jewelry from the giant's hand before approaching the rest of us heroes.

Oh. There are just two of us now. The spartan kid who's silently growing angry and me. The silver-haired girl is now unconscious. I guess she couldn't handle the beast's hungry gaze. 

The old man handed both of us the necklace and gestured towards us to put them on before walking back over to berate his dog more.

Are these supposed to be slave collars? Maybe they're just gifts?

Maybe it's common in this world to hand out jewelry when you meet someone for the first time?

Necklaces aren't really my thing, but I don't think I should reject that beast's owner.

Well the real problem here is this language barrier.

I slowly put the necklace over my head, letting it hang around my neck.

Maybe I'll have to make up some sign language or whatever to speak? That sounds exhausting though.

Why don't I get to start out knowing the language? That would've been helpful Mr. Conartist. 

While I condemned that old man from the white space, the necklace's gem would begin to glow.

"Allow me to apologize for this idiot's mistake, now without further ado. Welcome Heroes, I am truly grateful for your appearances and quite sorry for the sudden summons. As per the agreements with the Gods we have summoned you in order to quell the threat of calamities permanently."

Huh? Did that con artist give me the ability to understand after all that insulting? Nah, it's definitely the necklace.

"Oh shut up, explain who you are and what country this is?"

A voice of spite spoke out towards the old man,it was the spartan who was now approaching the frail wizard. 

"Ah pardon my rudeness, I am Elios Merlus Vagard the court mage of Ruberia. The one behind me is Sir Reinhardt Aslanor, the current sword of our king.

If you're ever curious about magic come see me, and for the more physical things see Reinhard-"

"That's good enough, you don't have to speak any further." 

A Knight and a Mage, while it is a bummer that I'd get to have my own cliche with a princess, I guess this is fine as well.

But besides that..


The old man turned towards me with a strange gleam in his eyes and a perverted grin plastered onto his face. He's not even near me yet I feel as if I'm going to be violated.

"Oh? I see you aren't aware of the concept of calamities. Very well then, I shall explain everything about them! In essence calamities are invasions from outerworlds.

Invasions that bring creatures far different than humans to this world to invade us, creatures such as the elves and Dwarfs, well in their case it was a rather peaceful invasion. On the other hand there are extremely violent invasions which risk the lives of every being on this planet. The last invasions was made by the demons and it raged on for several years had it not of been for Sir Ra-"

"They're monster spawners!"

The golden maned giant yelled, cutting his much smaller and now disappointed looking mage friend off.

"No! They're far more complicated than that, Reinhardt! You'd think you would understand it after the hundreds of times I've explained this! The creatures are not created by the calamities, they're transported from another real-"

"So it's a monster spawner!"

Again the old man was cut off, this time a look of defeat plagued his face, it was finally made clear to him that it was a losing battle and so with a sigh of defeat he opened his mouth to speak only to be interrupted.

"How long are we going to spend here screwing around? I have far better things to do then to listen you old men blabber about"

So he says, the spartan with ashy blonde hair seemed rather impatient. If he was from my world I could definitely see him being a gangster.

"Hey monster, where is your training yard"

Is what he yelled out to the giant, does he want to die or something? Typically you don't provoke a man who's twice your size and carrying a blade that's even bigger.


The giant silently approached the small warrior, his golden eyes staring the little man down. The intense presence felt from the giant before was nothing more than a gentle breeze when compared to this violent and raging pressure that he's letting off now.

Am I going to die because of this clown?

Is what I thought, but I was rather calm. My legs which would normally be unbearably shaking were still as stone. Despite this intensity I still didn't truly feel anything.

What the hell is wrong with my body? My thought process seems normal, but my body just doesn't feel like mine.

It's like I'm viewing from outside a wall, Like i'm controlling a game's avatar.

Did the old man mess with my body, or maybe this is just similar to jet lag? 

"Are you stupid or something? I asked where your training yard is?"

Immediately Reinhardt stopped pouring out his aura and let out a hearty laugh.


Reinhardt's arm rose into the air before being sent forward to collide with the spartan's back which in turn sent him tumbling to the ground. 


Does he ever stop yelling? It can't be good for his throat if he's always yelling like that.

"Raymond… I am Raymond son of K-"


The old wizard seemed to be sorting

information out in his head as he displayed a complicated expression. 

Raymond on the other hand was upset, rightfully so. He was brought into another world only to be abused by a giant and then interrupted while he was speaking. I have to take back what I said before. This little spartan might just be a master of patience.


"No.. I am not a Junior! I am RAYMOND SON OF KLAUS!"

The wizard looking proud of himself nodded silently, he must have been trying to figure out who this guy's father was.

"Eh? Not Raymond, son of Raymond? Ehhh…"

He's actually speaking quietly now?!

"So Vice Captain Klaus named his kid Raymond…"


Why couldn't he just keep a consistent quiet tone..

"That's right Reinhardt, if anyone is the son of Raymond.."

Slowly the old man turned towards me while pointing his bony finger. 

"-It would be him, he has syl's eyes after all"

Wait? Huh?

That wasn't information I was ready to hear. These guys know my parents?


The beast swiftly approached me, instantly invading my personal space. I feel like my heads a mess right now, who the hell are my parents?

It's a question I've wanted to know the answer to forever, even when I tried my hardest to investigate I couldn't find anything on them.

Just what type of bastards were they, my father and mother..

"Oh you're right! He really does have sis' eyes! Say how are they? How are your parents!"

My brows furrowed as I looked off to the side, These guys really have a knack for pissing people off.

"I don't know, and I don't really care. I hope those bastards are dead and suffering in hell for abandoning me"

As those words left my mouth my heart began to feel heavy. I truly believe in those words, but at the same time I don't. 

The two who eagerly waited for my answer were now silent, disturbingly quiet. They shot each other glances before carrying on with the conversation.

"I see.. sorry for bringing it up then."

Good. I hope he doesn't try to pick any further into this after too.

I should get rid of that habit of averting my gaze, I think while lifting my head.

It's truly unbecoming of a man in my opinion and it shows my weak side.

Having fixed my gaze in front of me I couldn't help but notice Raymond. His sharp eyes were filled with anger and stared through me. What the hell? Does he have a problem or something?

Is he trying to pick a fight? Anyone else would probably think I'd slaughtered his family with that type of look plastered onto his face.

Mustering my courage I brought myself to say something.

"Did I do something to you?"

Rather than giving me a response he spit on the ground and pointed at me with his tan finger before turning away.

What type of performance is this?

Before I could do anything further to Raymond, Reinhardt would interrupt by grabbing the young spartan.

Raymond tossed in retaliation but was no match for the power of a giant. Serves him right.

"Mage take care of these two, I'm going to take Vice-Captains kid out to the yard."

Reinhardt swiftly dashed up the stairs while dragging Raymond behind him.

And just like that, the two lead contributors to this QnA disappeared.

I stood, dumbfounded, watching as Raymond hit every stair on his way out of the room. Their voices echoed off the stone walls, slowly fading into the distance and leaving me alone with an unconscious girl and this talkative old man.

The silence was heavy, it was the type of silence that crept on one after something important happened. Even now my mind is still processing information.

I scratched the back of my head while stealing glances at Elios. That old man was wearing an irritating grin, almost as if he was bragging about the knowledge in which he's come to know, This decrepit old man knew more about my parents than I did.

Something about that fact truly bothered me. The two they called my parents had abandoned me, leaving me to rot alone and to fend for myself before I was even able to walk. And yet here was this random old man, who could casually point my resemblance to them.

"Do you want to know?"

Elios broke the silence with a soft tone.

"About your parents that is."

I averted my gaze, there was something in my chest that felt heavy, something that dragged my heart down as I muttered my next words.

"No.. I don't care."

That heaviness was caused by my uncertainty. Of course I wanted to know more about my parents, what kid wouldn't? To me, having parents was more of a dream than anything. But despite that curiosity my pride and anger towards those parents of mine pushed me to not ask.

"Suit yourself."

Elios said in a calm tone while turning to the unconscious girl.

He knelt down next to her while raising his and began to mutter something under his breath.


As he shouted out his hand became tainted in a blue light.


Something exploded out from Elios' hand.

Was this a spell that forced someone to be forcefully awka-

No, well technically yes.

But it was just a ball of water. 

But it was still magic!

Just as my thoughts were beginning to run rampant the young girl would jolt awake. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she looked around in confusion, and slowly the fear began to take its course.

"W-w-where am I?"

Poor, Kid. It must suck falling unconscious in a strange world because of an even stranger giant, only to be woken up by a creepy gigi whose face was tainted with a perverted grin.

"A Dungeon.. Probably."

I replied, offering her no form of comfort. Maybe I should try to help her calm down?

"You shouldn't worry though, you're not alone in this situation kid, There's me and two others stuck in the same situation.. Well more me than them but still! The only thing you need to worry about for now is what type of hero you'll be!"

Her face paled at the word hero, maybe she's like me? Don't worry kiddo you'll be fine, I think.

Only at the mention of heroes did Elios finally decide to take part in the conversation.

"It is as he said. You'll be one of many heroes who will help to save this world. Don't worry though, I'm not so evil as to throw you into combat immediately!"

That sounds like a lie.

"We'll give you plenty of time to adjust to this world and we'll also give you proper training. If all goes well you should be proper heroes in time for the harvest."

Training? Will that really be enough to fight against invasions? Will it really be enough to make us true Heroes?

Just as the thought of strength came into my mind the room itself would begin to violently shake leaving Elios to sight to himself.

"It appears as if Sir Reinhardt has begun Raymond's training, with that said I think you two should get some rest."

Elios turned his back to face us before sticking a pipe into his mouth.

"Training begins tomorrow so make sure you're well rested."

He silently snickered to himself while walking towards the stairs.. I won't die during training right? I'm not going to turn out to be some overly underpowered mob character who gets sidelined by the true protagonists right?

"Ah I guess I should take care of this first, Girl follow me."

Me? Wait no I'm a man.


The girl slowly snuck around me and followed behind the old man, thus leaving me alone.

I still can't believe it.

Another world? That's just so novel-like, how did the protagonists in those stories move on so quickly? I just can't wrap my head around, it all feels like a dream.

I hope it's not, surely a god wouldn't be so petty as to screw with me like this right? 

My heart is pounding in my chest, almost as if trying to free itself from its prison. A situation like this is something I had always wanted, something I longed for nearly my entire life.

Just the thought of this all being fake makes me scared. What if I wake up in the morning and I'm back home? Back in that dark room, the same room where I had locked myself up and nearly crippled myself with my own thoughts?

Hell I don't even care if this is a dream anymore, just please don't let me wake up from it.

I wrapped my hand around the metallic necklace and clenched tightly. Even now the way I feel things feel dulled. 

Please let me live this life through. Surely in this world I can do something with my life. Surely I'm allowed to try my best right? 

This could be a dream for all I cared.

It wouldn't matter if it was.

This world, this place.. all of it feels real. And if it wasn't? If it was all just another fleeting dream?

I'll make it mine anyway. 

I've been brought into another world, but I haven't really changed. But even then I'm going to live. I'm going to live in this world with everything I got.

I'll make it all mine. My choices. My regrets. My way of living. 

"This time.. I'll be in charge of my story.. This it'll be my way of living.. No, A Hero's way of living!"