In the beginning there was nothing but void.
Out of nowhere a blasting light came out, and then the universe was born. Above the universe is the Kingdom of the Almighty One also known as God.
One day, God decided to wander in a new born small planet that we now call Earth.
He stood on the highest raging mountain, and the moment He arrived the eruption stopped, its lips closed as it gives respect to the Creator, the wind stopped from spinning and ground stopped from shaking.
The Creator look around and decided to wander at the raging sea, furious waves became calm as His feet touches it. God spoke the word Light and His brightness shine to the ends of the Earth.
As He look around and find it good, the Creator called it the First day.
On the next day, God separated the waters above to the waters of earth. The waters above that covers the whole land, He named it Heaven — and on this day, there is an expanse and there is land, He saw it good, and the Creator called it the Second day.
God gathered the waters in one place and named it Sea. As God raised His hand, the largest land rose and named it Earth.
On that day the Creator gives life to the world — plants started to sprout and some became giant trees, bearing fruits and vegetables. Placed in the middle of the Earth is the giant tree named Agta, it has a size of a hundred people spreads their arms wide to reach one end to another. On top of its trunk is divided into two separate smaller trunks that bears two different fruits, one that bears Immortality and one that gives Knowledge of good and evil.
Then God called it the Third day.
God created a sphering ball of fire in heaven that gives warm and light in the morning and He named it Sun. Then the Moon and stars that shines in the evening giving light to the darkness of the night.
He, the Creator saw it good and called it the Fourth day.
The following day God creates the living creature on water that swims, sky that can fly and land that walks and crawl. He commanded them to multiply and fill the Earth.
He found it good and called it the Fifth day.
On the Sixth day, a very special day. God — the Creator, the Word, and the Life gathered and decided to create a being that's in His own image. So He shaped a creature from dust, Gods breath to his mouth and says "Arise", then the being started to breath and slowly open its eyes. The being stumbled as he catches his breath and slowly, he rises up.
God helped him to stand up and walk. The Word spoke "I will name you Adam, the first Man, My first Son on Earth."
God touches the face of Adam and made him fall asleep and take a part of his ribs. Beside him, He created a being like man than can bear a child, life breaths to her face and she started to wake up. She slowly rises and stand, then the Word says to her "I will call you Eve, the first Woman, My first Daughter.
God wake up Adam and introduced Eve to him "This is Eve your wife, she is your companion here on Earth. I will bless you as husband and wife for eternity. You will rule all over the Earth under my name, you may eat everything that breaths life. Name every creature and plant, this is all yours" God says while introducing the beautiful sight of Earth.
Before God rose to heaven, He warned them not to eat the fruit in the middle of Earth for they will die. Both of them agreed to obey them for eternity for they are their creator.
God is happy for His works and found it good, and God rest on the Seventh day.