Chereads / The duchy's necromancer / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

The first class of the day was Mana Control, something I had a budding skill in. I'd found it on my own as I had practiced channeling my first-year spells and holding the spell on, or cutting it off when I wanted. I was hoping the class would give me more insights, so I could raise my skill level without spending any skill points on it. Professor Pangborn appeared to be a halfling in his mid-forties or early fifties. He stood on a tiered podium so he could be seen, and honestly... I took a ton of notes.

I noticed that Fel was just as studious as I was. Her handwriting was also better. I debated cribbing off of her notes later on, but I had found in my last year of writing in class that I learned better if I listened, repeated, and wrote the notes out ahead of tests. I would do the same here, because out of a thousand or more applicants, only one hundred and twenty a year were chosen. The number of applicants actually was probably much, much higher this year, considering the Academy had opened up to everyone...

Out of all of that, I'd been chosen. I wasn't paying tuition, not that you had to here. You had to get here on your own merit. I didn't understand their criteria but it probably was one of the ways they were going to keep track of the scary necromancer.

"Mister Lovecraft, if you would be so kind, I need somebody to demonstrate with, and you seem to hardly be paying attention."

I actually wrote all that out before it hit me what he was saying. I sighed, tossing my quill down and standing up. Walking to the front of the lecture hall, I made sure I had my game face on. People were talking and whispering, but nothing directly hurtful.

"Many of your skills require a high degree of mana control and channeling. I believe you already have mana control as a skill, yes?"

"I do, Professor," I told him.

"Good. I would like a demonstration for the class."

I sighed, then looked up to Fel and pointed at her. She got up, putting her own quill down, and started in our direction.

"I'm not asking you to demonstrate on your indentured, you did enough of that yesterday," the professor said smartly.

"She's necessary," I told him.

"You're going to cast on me, boy, not on her! Don't argue with me."

Felicity came to a stop near me. She trembled slightly for a moment, then swiped her short hair to the side so it wasn't covering her eye.

"I'm not, Professor. You want to see my mana control? I'd like to demonstrate, and perhaps dual cast. Would the spells Life Steal and Life Siphon work? With Fel being the recipient of your energy for Life Siphon?"

That made the professor stop in his tracks. "You know both spells?" he asked.

"I do," I said, and mentally sent over my character sheet to him.

Morgan Lovecraft Level 3 - Necromancer Strength - 10 Dexterity - 8 Constitution - 10 Intelligence - 12 Wisdom - 14 Charisma – 13 Unarmed Combat – 2 Identify – 2 Mana Control – 1 0 Unassigned Stat Point(s) 0 Unassigned Skill Point(s) 0 Unassigned Class Skill Point(s) Equipment Without Stats:

Bag of Holding (Medium) Spells:

Level 1 Spells -Cause Wounds - Touch - Causes necrotic damage Death Bolt - Ranged - Orb of necrotic damage Mark of Death - Ranged - Marks a Target and prevents stamina and health regeneration for a short period of time.

Level 2 Spells -None Learned Level 3 Spells -Animate Undead - Animate a body to do your bidding for up to 24 hours mana dependent.

Undead Summoning - Summon an undead spirit. Most common are Specters, Ghostly Skeletons, etc.

Life Steal - Damage caused with this spell active is returned to the caster as healing energy.

Life Siphon - Same as Life Steal but can be used on group members.

Only half as effective.

Death Speak - Perform the ritual and the spirit will speak with you for up to two minutes.

Nothing really had changed. I was close to leveling up, though. My XP bar was almost maxed out.

"I see, I see. I was unaware any of our first-year mages had so many spells, and yours are all impressive in choice. I rescind my objection. Miss Nesbit, as your master commands."

Fel looked at me and rolled her eyes, but stood in the spot I pointed to.

"Are you sure, Professor?" I asked him.

"Son, I'm almost seven times the level you are. If I feel like I'm in danger, I'll ask you to stop. You have mana control at a high enough level that this demonstration will prove fruitful, so don't worry. Class, be ready to take notes."

I waited, and when he gave me a nod, I dual cast. Life Steal with my left hand, and used my right to start Life Siphon. I kept my eyes on Felicity as my hands glowed black shadow fire, focusing on my mana and how it swirled out of me, keeping the flow as constant as I could. It was like a garden hose. It wanted to run wild and splash all over unless I held the spray nozzle tightly. I saw Fel's eyes open wide, and then watched the professor.

"Yes, see his mana swirling? Does anybody here have mana sight?

Mage sight?" Nobody raised a hand.

I was starting to struggle. Mentally, holding two spells for longer than a couple of seconds was straining me. I soon had to— "Stop," Fel said.

I cut off my mana, and almost sagged. Professor Pangborn got an arm under my shoulder, and a moment later Fel got under my other. She didn't have to duck like the professor.

"See, now that is what fledgling mana control looks like, albeit in a flashy manner. This lad has been practicing dual cast too much, and like any mage, made the biggest mistake ever. Class, what is the biggest mistake ever?"

"Not watching your mana levels," everyone said at once.

I wanted to argue, but I was just too damned tired. I had a potion for this. I dug into my pouch while Fel struggled to hold me up on that side, and I popped the stopper off and drank it down. I could feel my mana channels flooding from Lady Natalia's finest, and shuddered at the almost orgasmic feeling.

"What's the second biggest mistake?" Professor Pangborn shouted, a smile on his face.

"Never be caught off guard." It was thunderous.

"Now, before I dismiss you students, does anybody have questions for me or about what they just witnessed?"

A few hands shot up, and I groaned. I stood up straight, giving both the professor and Fel a pat to let them know I had recovered. Fel gave me a look, and I shrugged. She left the lectern area and headed back to her seat. I knew the questions would be directed my way mostly. Murphy's Law.


"You," the professor said, pointing.

"What did it feel like having your life drained?" the young woman asked.

"I'm more talking about mana control questions, channeling directly.

Any questions about that?"

The hands went down.

"The man who taught me those spells," I said to them, "made me feel them before he gave me the spell. I guess it was to make sure I really wanted the spell. I'm not exactly sure... But... to me, it feels like a growing weariness. Like the energy is being sucked out of me slowly. Like... having a bloody nose that won't quit, and you start getting lightheaded."

"Exactly that," Professor Pangborn said, looking at me funnily.

"How many babies have you sacrificed and eaten?"

"Um... Until this morning? I mean... eggs are baby chickens that haven't hatched yet... so yeah... I love eggs. I eat lots of them."

Somebody just off the first row snorted, and there were a few chuckles.

"How does it feel to be the most hated person on campus?" Missy shouted the question out.

I hadn't realized she was even in here, but she'd stood to yell her question.

"That's not appropriate," Professor Pangborn said, holding a hand up in front of me.

"No, that's fine with me," I told him.

He again, just looked at me funny.

"I'm from Earth, the other realm. My parents... were not good people.

My little brother... the... king's guard I guess, for a term you'd understand, took him away from my family. Since I was old enough to somewhat look out for myself, they let me stay. Then one day my parents didn't pick me up from school. I was taken to... the healers' ward by the police, my world's version of the king's guard. My parents had both overdosed... er... took drugs... poison. I had to wait for them to either live or die.

"They died, leaving me alone in the world. I was moved in with a temporary family who resented me. Beat me. Abused me. I ran away from them, and by some kindness found myself here. For two and a half years, until I found my class and affinity, I was happy. I felt like for once I belonged. That changed once I found out what I was destined to be. Once again, I became an outcast. Unwanted. Hated. Ignored. So, to answer your question, how does it feel to be the most hated person on campus? To be hated by all of you? The way I hate myself already? It feels like... home."

The silence was almost loud enough to deafen me as I walked to my desk. I gathered my notes, my inkwell and quill, and stored it all in my bag of holding. Fel stood up and walked out with me as everybody in the lecture hall just... stared. I didn't want to make a spectacle of myself, but... yeah.

I'd failed.

"I'm sorry," Fel muttered from right behind me.

HISTORY WAS ENLIGHTENING, but boring. The professor had a monotone that nearly put me to sleep. I made it through, wishing we had coffee here somewhere... But then it was lunch time.

"The cafeteria, or should we try to find some street vendors?" I asked Fel.

"I... I don't have the coin to get street food. The cafeteria is fine."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean—" "No, it's fine. I'm... No, cafeteria is fine for me. If you would like more food, please don't waste your coin on me."

I took a deep breath. Girl had issues the same way I did, right?

"Ok, let's go get something to eat," I told her.

We headed back to West End and soon got in line for the free food.

Unlike breakfast, it smelled...

"That smells like pulled pork," I said softly.

"It's a recipe the Fabled Glory shared with the Mages' Academy," Fel said, almost bouncing in place.

"Hey Necrolover, did you seal the deal with the air head?" a voice called.

I turned to see what would be this world's version of a Chad dude bro.

He was chuckling, and smacked his friend's chest. I just tilted my head sideways and walked up to him, getting out of line.

"Would you like to elaborate?" I asked him.

"Huh? What's that?"

"Explain it to me. Like I'm as fucking retarded as you are," I said softly.

His face scrunched up and got red. He balled a fist back but I merely put my hands up, palms towards him.

"I wouldn't touch me if I were you," I whispered to him.

He took a step back, then put his own hands up and turned, walking away. Holy shit. I was ready to blast that guy, and I never talked like that.

Why had it hit me so hard? Why was I being overprotective? Or was I?

"I've saved our spot, Master Lovecraft," Fel said, just loud enough for me to find her in the line.

I walked up and got back in.

"I don't like—" "Sometimes in public it'll be necessary," she said softly, taking my arm in hers. "And thank you. I am in no way attracted to men, so hearing his vile accusations and him calling me an airhead of all things... It's demeaning to all wind mages to be called an airhead."

The last bit had her tone and volume rising. Still, she nearly crushed my arm as she squeezed until I shook her loose. What were her stats? Now wasn't the time to ask. Shit, she was probably stronger than me, like she was higher leveled than me.

"You're of course, correct, Miss Fel."

She tilted her head and frowned. "Really? It's like that?"

"Really really," I told her.

Her fake frown broke and she gave me the briefest of smiles, one that barely touched the corner of her lips. She gave me a nod and looked forward.

By the time we got to the front of the line, I realized that they were serving burgers. Seriously, burgers and fries. Er... Chips. When I smelled the condiments at the do it yourself station, I loaded up. They even had lettuce!

"This... is... do you truly hate this food?" Fel asked.

"No, this..." I said between bites, "is actually pretty awesome."

She nodded. The entire burger was almost as big as her head. I had to laugh as the little lady devoured her burger. To me, it was like having smoked bacon and ground beef mixed together, and grilled to perfection.

Seasoned, on crusty bread. We both ate until we had to slow down to let our stomachs catch up.

On a whim, I pulled out two tankards from my bag of holding, and then the cask of ale. I poured two mugs and handed Fel one of them before storing the cask again. My move hadn't gone unnoticed, but nobody approached us.


"To friendship," I said softly.

She slid her mug over to mine and clinked it softly, before taking a large drink.

"I can't hold my alcohol. You're going to have to finish the rest of mine," she said with a hiccup a few minutes later.

"Sorry. I'm not much of a drinker either, but I can store them with the ale in them and pull it out later if you want?"

"Your spatial storage is that good?" she asked.

"Yeah, I won it in a gathering contest while working for Lady Natalia," I lied.

"I'm starting to wonder if being a poor, destitute, degenerate, stinky, ugly, boy-child orphan had its own rewards after all."

"Wow, tell me how you really feel," I told her.

"I'm one day into my indenture. Ask me in a week," she said, burping.

"Oh wow, you really are a lightweight," I said softly, trying not to laugh at her.

"If you had long blue hair, and big boobs..."

"Wow, and now you're cut off," I said, pulling the mug away from her as she snickered.

"Got you," she said, straightening up.

My jaw dropped, then we both busted up laughing, ignoring everybody who stopped to look at us again. I knew we wouldn't always be the center of attention, but I felt something right then. Not the self-loathing and hatred that had become my longtime companions—I felt the seed of friendship.

Was it crazy? Probably. Was it the alcohol talking? Not on my side. This was pretty weak stuff.

"You're such a brat."

"I'm older than you. If anything..." she let her words trail off.

"Yeah. I'm still getting little sister feels right now."

I gasped when a french fry bounced off my forehead. Eyes opened as wide as I could, I stored my drink and then grabbed a handful of fries. I had not expected to be reprimanded and forced to do dishes after lunch, but that's what ended up happening when the food fight spread throughout the entire cafeteria.