Chereads / The duchy's necromancer / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

They had a class on dueling, an entire class on how to fight other mages and martial types. I didn't take as many notes as I watched demonstrations and participated in a few spars of my own.

Professor Braylee was shocked when she asked me to use no magic but to try to take her down, because I almost had her. I actually had her feet off the ground and was going to suplex her when she twisted, getting her feet under her and reversing the move, knocking the wind out of me. She looked somewhere inbetween Master Blackthorn and the Duke's youngest wife, the professional fighter, in age. I suddenly had a very big and desperate crush, as the very beautiful blonde elven lady pinned me in place by straddling my chest.

"It appears somebody has trained in more than just his magic. This is why you shouldn't always expect mages to just throw mana. Sometimes they throw hands. Sometimes, they throw other people. Sometimes... they know how to use weapons. Since I've captured your attention, Morgan, what weapon skills do you have?"

"I'm not too bad with my blades. I have a feeling you'd wipe the floor with me, however," I answered truthfully.

"Felicity Nesbit," Professor Braylee called.

"Yes Professor," she said, rushing down.

I prayed nobody noticed what having the beautiful woman sitting on me was doing to me. When she got up I sat up, and just waited.

"You and your family are swordsman normally, correct?"

"Yes Professor," Fel answered.

"Good. Grab a training sword. Don't worry, Morgan, your blades won't cut through ironwood. Use what you're familiar with. I want you both to go three quarter speed."

I nodded, and waited until Fel came back with two swords that looked like thinner versions of a roman gladius. Dual wielding? Holy shit.

"Come on, I didn't knock the wind out of you that badly," the professor said, pulling me to my feet with one arm.

I didn't miss the fact she gave me a knowing smile and wink.

"Now, do not aim to kill. I want a spar. Show off some skills. This will become more important later on this year, as we've got a yearly tournament that all students are required to participate in. If your mana runs dry, what are you going to do? Answer? Anything and everything you can. The only surefire way to lose, is to choose to give up."

Ok, that was a little bit profound, but I couldn't take my eyes off Professor Braylee. I noted no rings on her fingers. Because she was the combat and dueling instructor, or was she single? Holy crap, of all times to catch the attraction bug, this was the worst.

I missed it when she called the spar to start, and I almost was cut down with two wooden practice blades. I barely got out of the way, pulling my own blades free in a practiced blur.

"Good, he woke up," Braylee said with a smirk.

Fel backed up, and gave me time to get set. She bowed, and I bowed back.

"I already called a start," Professor Braylee told Fel, still smirking.

"I'm waiting for my master to give me his full attention, so I can ensure your demonstration will be given our best efforts."

Maximum effort. Got it. I reversed the grip on both daggers, so the long, curved blades ran alongside my forearms. I nodded and advanced at the same time Fel did, and we clashed and slashed. She shifted one way, I shifted another. Her superior stats made her faster and stronger than me;

twice though, I managed to touch her hand and neck with my hand. I managed to kick her once, getting some distance, but she swept my legs a moment later, and as I hit the ground, I felt the sword slap my throat on the blunt side, then two wooden points impact my chest over both lungs.

"Match. Actually, that was match probably thirty seconds ago. So, class, who won?"

"If she'd fought like that the first time, she wouldn't be his sex slave," somebody shouted.

Fel's eyes went wide, and she turned to glower at the crowd. Whoever shouted didn't repeat it as the short woman glared their way.

"If this had been a real match, he would have killed her twice before she landed her blows," Professor Braylee said.

"He... touched her neck?" a man from the front row said after a moment.

"And he touched her hand every time they clashed blades," somebody else muttered, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"And why is that?" Professor Braylee asked.

"He's a vampiric son of a bitch," the same voice as earlier yelled.

I put my blades back in the sheath, and got to my feet.

"Why did he touch her, if this was to do a demonstration without magic?" a woman called.

The professor and Fel turned to me.

"Because in a real fight, the rules don't matter. It's all about who walks away, and who's buried by their friends and loved ones."

Dammit. I'd really said that out loud. Dammit.

"That could also have been a feint," a young man said from the back.

"She knows what he can do. Heck, that's how he beat her the first time. He used her knowledge and potential fear to make an opening where he really could have used that to his advantage."

"You're right," I called, "but I didn't. That was more habit than strategy.

Honestly, Fel won this round."

I turned without waiting and walked to my seat. Fel stood there next to the professor for a moment, and then somebody started clapping. I looked back to see Missy was there, near the back row. It was her. She might be sarcastic clapping, but I joined in. Soon, the rest of the class did too, and a red faced Fel walked off the stage just as the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

"Mister Lovecraft, would you stay after for a moment?" Professor Braylee asked as I started to get up with the rest of the class.

There were a few cat calls and whistles, and I was shocked to see it was the girl who I had made a note to talk to at some point. The one who'd pondered if I was a good kisser. Shaking my head, I walked back down to the lectern.

"WHAT'D SHE WANT?" a guy named Gavin asked me as Fel and I sat down to supper.

"Said although I was decent hand to hand, my blade work sucked," I said, looking down.

"That's it?" he asked.

"Yup," I lied.

"Still, nice fight, you two. If you both had weapons and were allowed to go all out, not pulling back... who would win?" Gavin asked.

"I still think my master would," Fel said.

I cringed on the inside. I got it; she'd said she had to be like this in public. I took a deep breath.

"Groovy. If you guys ever want to spar and, like... for real just go all out, let me know," Gavin said.

I looked at him, and then used identify. "Holy shit, you're a healer," I muttered.

"Yeah, despite my dashing good looks and buff bod, I'm totally a squishy."

Fel burst into giggles so loud it startled me, and apparently a few people right near us.

"Oh, come on now Lady Felicity, surely you agree I'm definitely the fairest of them all!"

"Only... if you're... wearing a tutu." She was giggling and snorting.

"It'd be like, the bestest of the best tutu. It might even have fairy glitter all over it."

"Oh man, you had to ruin it," I said, grimacing.

"What, why?" he asked, confused.

"Do you know where the glitter comes from?" Fel asked.

"Uh, no?" Gavin said.

Fel leaned forward and whispered to him, and it was amusing for me to realize this guy was actually clueless. The color left his face.

"And for years I've just been sprinkling it all over my body," he said in a quiet voice.

This time, I had to fight back from laughing. Fairies tended to send glitter down after a bean supper without beano.

"Wow, that's... totally not cool. So for real, if you guys want to spar hardcore, I need to tie myself to a team for the end of the year finals in the combat and dueling class. I have some basics, but I'm support, not melee or a battle mage by any means and... listen, man," he said, turning to me, "you're both support and battle. Healer and attacker. Mega DPS, am I right?"

"Yeah," I said, now wondering if this guy was also an Earther.

"So, like, your class doesn't bug me. Having you on the team is like having half of me on top of me."

"I'm not getting on top of you," I told him.

Fel started smacking the table, gasping for air. This Gavin guy and I were just riffing. I was trying hard not to laugh.

"Dude... listen though. You two have great energy, man. And, like, I totally know you were both forced into that duel. I can tell you're not treating her like property, so I figure you're not an asshole. Well, you are, just not a horrible one."

I forced myself not to laugh again, but Felicity seemed like she was about to pass out now. I had to wipe my eyes. This guy was cool.

"What is going on here?" Zeke asked, anger in his voice at obviously having been disturbed and sent to calm us down by the dean.

"Dude, we're chill. Just a joke that apparently landed better than I thought it would," Gavin said.

"Sorry, Professor Zeke," I said, then took a deep breath before going on.

"We were talking about our roles in a team environment for the year end tournament for combat and dueling. Gavin wants to join us as the team healer."

"Oh, really? It's the first day of class, and you're already forming a team?"

"Yes," Fel said, her laughter gone now, but her chest hitched as she tried not to laugh at the both of us.

"Yup, although we had to explain to the glitter man where fairy glitter really comes from," I told him. "Sorry, I should have known better. We'll quiet down."

"Wait, you really didn't know fairy farts are the source of—" "Dude, please," he said, pulling the neck of his shirt down showing us he'd already dusted himself with it.

"Oh... my... Lord...," I said, and stood.

If I was a mature individual, I would have walked away without braying loud donkey laughter at the absurdity of the moment. I heard Zeke start laughing out loud as well. A moment later two ladies, friends by the look of it, came and sat down on either side of Gavin, putting an arm through his on either side. They both whispered something to him, then one after the other gave him a kiss on the cheek, pulling him away from the table as everyone erupted in laughter again.

My jaw dropped open. That... was... not what I was expecting. With both ladies on his arms, he was led my way, where I was trying to get myself back under control. When he got close, I gave the ladies a once over.

They would be supermodels in my world. I shook my head as he passed me.

"Dude..." I muttered.

"I know, right?" he replied quietly.

I turned to look and saw that even though the ladies each had an arm, he was shooting me two thumbs up behind his back. He turned, seeing I saw, then shot me a wink. I just...

Holy shit.

The dam broke inside of me, and for the first time since coming here, I felt like maybe I could manage. I made my way back to the table and saw that Fel had fixed her plate up again. I just... I was horrified. She was a tiny woman. She'd already eaten twice as much as I had, and I'd filled my plate like a growing guy should, right? This five-foot nothing lady had at least that much. Then I saw my own plate had been refilled, although it was piled with shortcakes.

"Where's your dessert?" I asked Fel as I took my seat.

"I don't like sweets," she muttered.

"Not even chocolates?" I asked her.

"What's that?" she asked.

I had so many questions.