I waited until 11 AM before sending a text to Kwon. Perhaps it was a risky game considering that I really needed to set up the upcoming dinner 'date' with him before work ended today, but at the same time, I didn't want to appear so keen by sending him a message the first thing in the morning after work starts. He wasn't likely to turn me down or anything at this stage before luring me to bed in some fancy hotel, but perhaps he would want to assert total dominance by making me chase after him some more.
Luckily though, probably thanks to me giving a little push last time, he bit the bait and replied to me almost instantly.
"Good morning! It's good to hear from you again."
OK. This was the signal for me to have a short flurry of messages to turn it into a conversation.
"I'm good. Sorry about the other night, it was late and I was really tired from work." I told him.
"No problem. Work can be a real pain, right?"