Although there really wasn't a reason to do so, I waited until we drove far away enough from Gangnam Police Station in Shin's car before bursting out.
"What the heck was that?!"
"What are you on about?" Shin spoke keeping his cool.
"Do you know how dangerously close I was to getting found out?!!"
My hands were trembling in sync with my heartbeat. All the fear and anxiety that were paused during the moment of confusing relief by Shin's 'rescue' now flowed out.
"Relax. I came to help you out. You got out snot-free. Shouldn't you be grateful?"
"You KNEW this was going to happen, didn't you?"
"Not to this extent. I didn't think Choi had matured to be that sharp. He's become a fine cop now."
"How-, how do you even know that guy? And who was that you came in with?"
"I know Choi because I know him. The other guy's Chief Yu - Chief of the Organized Crime Division."