Chereads / Salva: The Aviary / Chapter 14 - How to Rescue a Princess - Part Three

Chapter 14 - How to Rescue a Princess - Part Three


Growing up I had always looked up to my sister. Older than me, more measured, and very clever. Our parents doted on her, she was always the more important one but I didn't mind because in exchange it gave me freedom.

Where I took riding lessons, she was cooped up indoors learning about the body politic. 

Where I studied the sword, she studied strategy. 

It was expected one day I'd become her main general, a life long confidante, who's strategic marriage she would negotiate to best enhance the wellbeing of our people. I accepted this, liked it even because I'd never loved another beyond a simple carnal desire. My only love was warfare, and military history. I sought out this knowledge of ancient battles past like a famished man in a field of wheat. Until experiencing a true battle, true loss, I hungered for it.

I hated myself for that, and those last moments with them will haunt me --I remember seeing her peek out from the doorway, her silver patchwork gown pristine, her blonde curly locks flying wildly in the wind with the gems sparkling from the lights of the flames. Her green eyes concerned, afraid, confused and indignant --like she was wondering who dared interrupt her coronation ceremony. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but I imagine it was something like calling out to me and asking what was happening.

In that moment I dropped Margot's hand, any need to protect her overshadowed by my sister's presence, and tried to rush towards her until a large tree trunk dropped between us blocking my path. I started to navigate around it when I saw our mother grasp her hand, pulling her back inside the castle, and I exhaled. I remember thinking that our mother would know where to hide, to escape to, to avoid Lord Blackwater. I was wrong.

Later from a secret passageway I watched, through a pinhole, my mother die brutally at the usurper's hands. My only comfort, while I just stood there hidden in shadows, was that at least her torture, though unbearably long, had been mercifully short. "The prince of Salva, I know you're here, come out to play", I heard him taunt as he walked the halls of the castle afterwards, while I curled in on myself and quietly wept. I could hear the screams of other people too, men and women alike, but I never left my dark hole. One powerless coward against an army.

What a cruel man I'd been, I didn't even know if Margot had survived because I'd never even bothered to look past the lives of my loved ones even though we'd been raised together. Just another of my many sins.

I rubbed the memories from my eyes before staring back down at my stew. It wasn't that it didn't look appetizing, I just wasn't hungry. I picked up the spoon and ate it anyway, the last few months had taught me that you didn't know how often you'd be able to eat and not to waste something precious like food during a famine.

The little bell that most shops had tinkled behind me and the crowd grew a bit more hushed. I could hear a few of them grumble about slaves becoming too bold under the regime when a familiar face sat down at my table.

"I'm Eiríkr, but you can call me Eiri for short." He extended a hand, waving his other one at the bartender to bring him another portion of the stew. "I realize I was a bit rude earlier, I didn't even introduce myself. It's a bad habit of mine I'm working on." He continued, looking sheepish.

A bowl of warm stew was placed in front of him and he handed the men some coins with a nod.

"Why won't you help me?" I whispered, looking back down at my stew, feeling defeated.

He sighed, "You don't even have a plan and you want to break into the aviary of all places -- one of the heaviest fortified places in the world, on the reports that someone may possibly look like your sister. You must realize how bad that looks?"

So if I have a better plan, maybe he'll help?

"I have the blueprints, I've been researching the island, I'm not totally unprepared." I answered looking up into his bright golden eyes.

"Wait..." I stopped myself, drawing closer to his face, my eyes narrowing.

"How did you know I was looking for my sister?" I asked him, scrutinizing his face.

Eiri looked down at his stew, picked up a spoonful and slipped it into his mouth. "It was obvious, they wouldn't take an elderly woman and it had to be a family member to risk something so dangerous. You're not the first relative to ask me to do this." He answered with ease.

"I still think you're missing information and I think the only way to get it is to attend the Aviary as patrons for an evening to see it for ourselves. We can request your sister, and that will at least keep her off her back for a night while we figure out if it's her and how to save her." The man continued, turning to face me, and smiled.

That plan actually made a lot of sense, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to leave her there like that with those people once I saw her. I didn't say that to him though, instead I finished the rest of my ale in one long swig.

"Nice to officially meet you Airey, I'm Eli." I extended a hand before motioning to the barkeep to bring another round of ale, it would be a long night but suddenly I didn't feel quite so hopeless. Maybe, just maybe, I could at least make this one thing right and save what was left of my family.