"Love isn't something that you find, its something that finds you"
It's midnight. Covered in a cloak, Ariana rushes out of her chambers to find Nathaniel, who is waiting for her at the foot of the grand stairs of the palace. She feels adrenaline bursting through her veins as fear clamps down on her guts, causing her hands to break into a sweat. She was petrified. Her mind worried about Alpha Alec finding them.
Out of fear, she turns her head back just in case he was following her, only to come up short when she only sees the empty hallway behind her.
"Are you alright ?" Nathanial asks, Ariana nods to indicate that she is fine, as they both rush towards the two large vessel-like doors leading to the exit of the palace where they met Charlie.
Charlie gives them a Cheshire grin from under his cloak , while standing near a rose bush.
"Took you two long enough," he said with a huff of annoyance as he began to walk off. "Let's get going before the rum gets finished."
The Nox Relá was held in the city centre. As they got further away from the palace, the streets got narrower and dirtier, with the buildings also shrinking as they neared the city centre.
The city centre was crowded to the point where taking a larger step than necessary would have been impossible. Ariana had never seen so many people in her life. Some were walking towards bars and restaurants that were still open. while others sang or slurred out silly songs with their hands filled with mugs of rum and beer.
Some people had filled out onto benches while others stood and laughed at their conversations. The city was a bustling nightmare, with there being so many people out and about that it wouldn't have surprised Ariana if some meddling thief stole someone's purse or if some drunken male took advantage of a helpless female.
It seemed as though Nathaniel noticed the same thing at the same time as he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "stay close."
She quickly nods her head in understanding before Charlie speaks up "I will get us some drinks. You two find a bench while I get them."
The siblings nodded their heads in unison as they turned to find a table. They look around, only to come to a dead end when they realise that all the benches are taken.
Nathaniel starts to walk ahead , stating that he had seen an empty bench. Nathaniel rushes ahead of Ariana, who struggles to keep up with him due to her limited wolf abilities and people pushing and barging her in all directions, demanding that she move on.
A few minutes passed like this until Ariana felt herself getting pushed pushed and going head first into a man's back, She scrunched her nose in disgust at the scent of the man; he smelt like vomited rum and dead mice.
The man abruptly turns to look at Ariana, sneering at her with yellowing teeth that had a gap wide enough to fit a whole walnut through.
"Get away, la'cy, get away," the man said slurredly, "I'm not doing it tonight."
He slurred, cursing Ariana before he crumbled to the floor with a loud thud. Ariana looked down at him with eyes wide in bewilderment.
He just collapsed. What was she to do with him? She asked herself. She couldn't possibly just leave him, she thought to herself. She felt guilty for bumping into him and causing him to faint.
Deciding not to leave him lying around in the middle of the street, Ariana decided to move him. She bends and grabs the man's arm, draping it over her shoulders as she manoeuvres him upwards and off the ground. She got them to a standing position with shaking legs as the weight oppressed her body into a swivelling mess.
She tries to carry him to the side of the road, but they both quickly go down from the man's weight, which makes Ariana curse inwardly. She lifts him upwards again and drags him to the closest wall, leaving him leaning against the wall as she rushes off to find her brother. Looking around, she notices that Nathaniel's nowhere to be seen, causing panic to grow in her chest.
She tries to trace back their steps to where she had seen him last, only satting foot in a dark alley where she couldn't see much apart from the things that were illuminated by the moon.
She's about to turn back to look for him somewhere else when she hears the laboured cries of a woman, stopping her feet from their movement. Turning around, Ariana continued down the dark alleyway. She could feel herself getting closer to the women as the aura in the air changed and her body buzzed with renewed energy.
She could almost taste the woman's anguish as she heard her cry out "pl...pl...please...yo"
Ariana pushes her legs to walk faster, hearing the women, spotting a woman's figure crumbled onto the floor in the dark, overshadowed by a large hooded figure in a black coat, almost camouflaging with the darkness of the alley.
Ariana spotted a bottle of brandished liquor on the floor, an emerald green cylinder covered in years of old mud and soot. Grabbing it with delicate footing, Ariana slowly trod over to the two figures.
She could feel her heart going wild as it pumped adrenaline into her blood, sending her mind into a frenzy of nulled thoughts and feelings, intoxicating her enough to commit the heroic deed.
she nears them with the glass bottle in hand, the women's cries turn to shrills as Ariana raises the glass bottle and smashes it onto the head of the hooded figure.
The second the glass collided with the man, Ariana felt her stomach dip with unease as she felt sickness washing over her. She felt as though her heart had been ripped out of her chest as it stopped midway through its beat.
The man who was hunching down stood to his full length, causing Ariana to swallow hard when she noticed how tall the man was. This person was tall, so tall that it hurt Ariana's neck when she looked up towards him.
The man slowly turns, causing Ariana to stumble back when two moon crescent eyes meet hers with their menacing glare of fury, making her fall back a few more steps, her heart rate picking up again. What had she just done?
Ooooh Someone's in trouble.....
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