It takes guts and humility to admit mistakes. Admitting we are wrong is courage.
- Roy T Bennet
Ariana's world seemed to spin before her eyes. Maybe it was because the man before her eyes could be the very reason she died that very night, or maybe it was that his very being did undisputable things to her heart.
She couldn't decide what it was as she bit her lower lip to keep from crying, "Y... your Majesty, what are you doing here?" She asked as her voice trembled under the pressures of her anxiety and stress.
"Oh, I thought you would be happy to see me, especially after our little chase yesterday," the king said with a smirk that looked too defiled to believe as he sauntered towards her with such grace that it seemed more angelic than kingly.
Ariana could feel the skin of her arms line with goose bumps from the sound of his voice before she said, " Your majesty, I apologise for yesterday's events. I wasn't aware that it was you last night. "
The King took a step closer to her than what would be deemed appropriate ." Do you really think I care about your futile attempt to kill me?" The king said this with a lighthearted laugh.
"I...I..." Ariana stuttered on, " I saw you with that woman late that night, and I thought..."
"You thought wrong!" The King blew at her with his eye, turning into a glowing blue in the dark, causing Ariana to almost coil within herself as she flinched away from him.
Seeing her reaction, the King softened his gaze as he took a step towards her till their noses brushed against each other, causing a stealthy calmness to pass over Ariana as she sighed in relief that half alarmed her and half calmed her down.
" Sorry little mate, I didn't mean to scare you," The king said as he brushed his nose along her nose in what seemed to be an endearing manner.
"What!?" Ariana said, taking a step back, not believing her ears.
"I know you may not feel it the same way I do, because your wolf feels far too weak," the King said, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, "but you are my mate."
"Your wolf may not be able to tell you, but I know you can feel it in your very heart and in your every fibre," The king continued on, listening to Ariana's beating heart, which was faster than it was before.
"How? How can I trust you? " Ariana said, " I saw you molesting a female only one night ago. How may I trust that you speak the truth?"
The king chuckled, his voice so husky that Ariana could feel tingles ignite in the pit of her stomach as he gently cupped her face. "Oh little Kitten, you are so naive. Let me tell you that I have never and will never touch or think or breath about another female that is not my mate, that is not you."
Ariana felt speechless at the king's words, so she said the only thing that came to mind, "So you won't kill me?"
The king let out another chuckle, "No, my dear mate, I think we may still need you."
Ariana's face flushed with embarrassment; why had she even asked that question, she wondered?She said, "bbb..b...but I still don't trust you. If you want my trust, you have to prove to me that I am your mate."
The king, taking it as a challenge, stepped closer to her, causing her to step back and lean into the dresser behind, "hmm... I don't need to prove anything to you because you will feel it in my every touch."
The king slowly trailed his fingers up her bare arms, causing her thoughts to freeze as a warm sensation passed over them, which caused her knees to cripple below her as the king spoke, "You will feel it in the flutter of your heart."
He trailed his hand to her rib cage and placed it right above her beating heart. "In the touch of our lips"
The King's feather light lips landed on hers just as an electric shock passed through her, causing her to step back with wild frantic eyes.
"That's a mate's touch, my little pussycat."The king said just as he disappeared into the darkness of the room. Ariana put her forefingers on her lips, still feeling the after shocks of the kiss resonating through her as she closed her eyes to relish the feel of it.
Opening her eyes, she noticed Charlie staring down at her with a disapproving look, causing her cheeks to turn red. "Come on, we have to go, Nathanial must be waiting for us."
"I don't think the king will be wanting my head any time soon," Arianna said with a glint in her eye that Charlie could not understand.
"What? What do you mean? " Charlie looked confused.
"Me and the king just had a conversation. He said I'm forgiven," Ariana said with a small smile.
"Conversation, How? I didn't even see him come in," Charlie said, feeling more confused than before.
"I don't know how he came in, he was just standing here when I turned to get my books." Ariana said in a clipped voice as she tried to hide her unease from the Kings' visit.
"Maybe there are secret passageways in the castle the king uses." Charli said to which Ariana gave a careless shrug even though she felt slightly violated. What if the king had come at a different time, when she was bathing or when she was getting dressed? she thought to herself, thinking how scandalous that would have been .
"It doesn't matter how he entered, the only thing that matters is that he doesn't want my head," Ariana said nonchalantly.
"But there must be a reason why he's not calling for a trial. The King has never been known for his forgiving nature. " Charlie tried to argue.
Ariana swallowed the whole truth before saying , "Well, I think the King understands why I attacked him, and I wasn't completely at fault. He was in disguise. "
"But still, if not the king, his wolf should have at least sought vengeance for breaking his authority," Charlie said.
"Well he didn't," Ariana said in a short-clipped tone, slightly getting annoyed with Charlie's open-ended questioning.
"Well, there must be something, something that caused him not to... it could be because your his..." Charlie said, just as he noticed the disappointed look on Ariana's face, " that couldn't be you would have known."
"Are you done?" Ariana asked. "We must leave and tell Nate the good news."