It had been a long time since Riya had left, Adi was missing her a lot. He felt like running to Riya right away, going to her and telling her the truth that he is her Adi.
But he couldn't do that. Adi had told Verma uncle about it so he would go to meet Riya. Whatever she needed, he would get it for her, but in reality it was Adi who was doing all this. His name was Verma uncle but everything was being done by Adi.
Although Riya didn't know all this, she felt that Verma uncle was doing all this. It had been a long time since Riya had left but she was missing Adi.
she was remembering every moment spent with him but she couldn't tell anyone how she was missing her sir. Reet who was Riya's friend was slowly understanding everything, she knew why Riya was so sad now but she didn't think it was right to say it right now.
A lot of time passed like this, Riya had started working in a famous company, she was working as an intern there but she did not know that this company belonged to Hansika.
Hansika who is Adi's mother understood the condition of her son's heart and she knew who Riya was and what she meant to Adi but on the other hand she did not tell Adi that Riya was working in their company.
According to Adi, Riya had left him and one day Adi went to his mom's company for some work. He saw Riya there.
Adi did not say anything after seeing Riya there but he understood that his mother did not tell him this thing knowingly, she did not want to see Adi sad and Adi did not tell them.
Both of them were in such deep love that both of them understood each other without saying anything. Riya did not see Adi there, Adi also left from there without saying anything.
One day Riya had to go to a meeting with a client for her company's work, where one of her managers also went with her. That manager considered Riya as his daughter, so whenever Riya was in trouble, he used to help her.
Adi could not forget Riya but he thought of helping her. He found out everything that happened to Riya.
Slowly he came to know how Riya's father left her mother and married someone else. Adi got very angry with him. Adi wanted to go and grab him by the collar and bring him back to Riya and make him fall at Riya's feet and apologize.
Then after thinking a bit, Adi first got his entire background checked so that Adi could find out what the truth was and after knowing the truth, Adi was shocked. Then after thinking a bit, Adi did not think it right to tell all this to Riya right now.
Riya who did not know anything, got busy in her work. One day Adi's grandfather came to Hansika. Riya was standing in Hansika's cabin. Riya talked to grandfather very lovingly.
While talking like this, grandfather's eyes fell on the locket around Riya's neck. Grandfather had brought this locket for Adi because he had to give this locket to one of his friends. Grandfather understood everything as soon as he saw the locket.
Riya's point of view
Yaar why is he looking at my neck? He is looking at my locket. If he is looking at the locket then he must know where the person who gave me the locket is. And if he doesn't know, then all my hopes will be shattered again.
I have been looking for that boy for so long, but I could not find him. I looked for him everywhere, I could not find him anywhere where I lived.
After Papa came to the city, my mother and I were each other's world. We used to share our every joy and sorrow with each other.
I had also told my mother about that boy. Mother had said that after my birthday we will find that boy together, but I don't even remember his name.
Now he must have changed so much in appearance. What if he refuses to recognize me, no no this cannot happen, we are childhood friends, he cannot talk to me like this and what if he does!
Yaar I was not able to understand anything. That day when mother was returning with a gift for me, everything got destroyed in that accident, our hopes, our dreams, everything.
but I never expected that Anurag, whom I no longer consider as my father, would take me away like this, when I was finally forgetting everything and moving forward in my life with Vivek, he snatched him away for someone else. Maybe love is not written in my fate, that is why first father left me, then mother and then my boyfriend, am I so bad, why does this happen to me.
I was entangled in this dilemma of my life when I met Sir, who helped me at every step, supported me at every step. I agree that we had some arguments but he never left me.
But I could not depend on him too much because what if he also left me! I would not be able to bear this, I have lost everything in my life but I cannot lose Sir now. I don't know what I have in my heart for him but Sir is important to me.
That is why I thought it right to leave his house. I knew that he had come to my room that night but I did not say anything to him. I pretended that I was sleeping but I was awake, I was listening to everything he said, I could not see his pain.
Every word of his was pricking my heart like a thorn, but until I myself did not know what I wanted, how could I explain it to Sir, what could I tell him. That is why I left the next day without meeting Sir, leaving a letter behind.
I saw his mom halfway through the company where I had started my internship. (Now you must be thinking how I knew about his mom, when I had stayed at his house, there was a photo of him and his mother in his house due to which I had recognized him).
While working in that office, I gradually came to know many things, but the thing that shocked me the most was that the office where Aditya Sir had taken me was his and I was speaking ill of him in front of him, sitting in his office. Oh God! What have I done?
Now when I think about it, I often laugh at those things, poor Sir could not even say anything, now I understood why he had stood there like a statue, and remembering these things, I laughed.
Everyone in the office was looking at me because I was not just smiling, I was laughing loudly, then I looked at everyone and became quiet and said sorry to everyone and got busy with my work again.