Chereads / WHISPERS OF FATE - Love Unexpected / Chapter 8 - CHAPTER EIGHT


As hours turned to days and days turned to weeks and

weeks turned into months, Lade and Marcus kept talking and nothing in the world

could match how complete they made each other feel, it's been the best months of

their lives. They never miss a day of beautiful gossips and frustrated outburst

about work and Lagos and today is just like every other day, they were on the

phone video calling when Marcus heard a knock on his door, but Lade's company

was too enjoyable to let go so he ignored.

'wasn't that your door babe? Lade asked.

'yes o, but I don't want to see any other face except

yours. Marcus said smiling, just then, the knock came again.

'I think you should check it out, I can stay on the

phone or just call you back, replied Lade.

'fine!!! Just stay with me baby while I checked.

Marcus replied exasperated, that person better be worth it, he continued as he

made his way to his door, Lade couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. Marcus

got to the door, opened it and was surprised at the person standing on his

front porch, he couldn't hide his shock. Tilda???

'hey Marcus ' Tilda replied with a big smile. Lade didn't

like the how happy the lady sounded but she didn't want to jump to any

conclusions, the change in his mood also wasn't helping her brain and mind from

running in all directions, so she did the only reasonable thing she could think

of and asked "are you okay baby" Lade's voice brought Marcus out of his

wandering thoughts, uhm…. Yeah…. He

answered shakily still looking at the unexpected guest in front of him, then he

quickly looked at his screen 'I'm fine baby, let me call you back real quick,

he said, this time more composed.

"okay, talk later then, Lade shrugged and hung up the

phone before he could say anything else and dialed Rhea's number, as it seems,

Rhea is the only one who can help her know if she's overthinking or not.

...Marcus found his voice again. " what the hell are

you doing here Tilda? Heck!, what the hell are you doing in Nigeria?

Tilda was his ex back in the UK, every one of his

family member liked them together and they thought they were going to end up

together, well that was what he thought too, until she decided to cheat on him

because according to her, "he wasn't available enough"

Well, that's no way to welcome someone who just flew

over 6 hours to see you now, is it? Answered Tilda, in a sweet English accent.

She shoved past him and went in.

Marcus ran after her grabbing her arm, 'no no no no no

Tilda, you can't stay here, you gotta tell me the hell you doing here.

Well, I miss you baby, Tilda replied batting her long

lashes and putting up her sexiest smile.

Hell no, you can't miss me Tilda, you can't miss

someone you cheated on now, can you?

Babe, Tilda sighed. Thought we got over that already,

I needed you around but you were here in Nigeria, you know my love language is

physical touch, what would you have me do, huh. She tried to move towards him in

a seductive way.

Marcus stepped back from her, and faked a laugh, the

reasonable thing to do would be, stay loyal or better still, break up with me

so you could be with someone closer.

I'm sorry Marcus, I really should have been honest

with you, please let me make this right, please baby, she moved a few steps

closer to him again.

You really should have, but it's late now, cus I met

someone else and I love her, so you've got to leave now Tilda, he said pointing

to the door.

Tilda gasped, what?? Of course she thought about him

moving on but she also thought she could work her magic on him, Where would I

go? I can't possibly fly back to the UK. She continued.

I don't know Tilda, Marcus replied angrily, you should

have thought about that before embarking on an embarrassing journey like this


Tilda felt embarrassed by his outburst, but he was

right, so she accepted defeat and replied, " can I at least stay the night? I

booked a round trip, I'll leave tomorrow by noon, please, she gave him her

cutest puppy face.

Marcus couldn't help but feel some sort of pity for

her, he really did love her then, just one night won't hurt, he thought.

Fine, just tonight and I want you out of my house and

life by tomorrow! Morning!!!

He walked out angrily and stormed to his room, the

thought of how he's going to explain to Lade enveloping his mind, he banged his

door shutting out whatever she said as he walked away from her.