They both kept to the promise of not hiding things
from each other anymore, it's been blissful since the Tilda situation, they
even had a hangout with Tunde and Rhea the other day, and Lade had spoken to
his mom and sisters over the phone as well. Today he met her sister Lara at her
house for lunch. He was driving back to his when his phone rang, he picked and
put it on speaker. The scream from his youngest sister enveloped his car,
causing him to jerk, almost losing control of his steering.
What the hell!!! He screamed back.
Marilyn didn't say anything, she just kept waving her
hand and grinning from ear to ear.
He looked at his screen and asked again " what the actual
fuck Lyn, do you want to kill me?
She realized he wasn't catching on, I'm engaged and
getting married in four weeks, she screamed smiling so hard her mouth would
complain if it could.
He smiled when he realized the reason for her
excitement, he couldn't help but have his own chance at screaming too, "oh wow,
my baby sister is getting married oo, now I'm the only unmarried sibling.
Well, isn't that weird considering you're the eldest??
Lyn took a jab at him smiling.
Doesn't matter, let me give you girls away first then
I'll take care of mine, he replied eyeing her.
I'm so happy for you baby, can't wait to walk you down
like I walked Madison, you guys make me so proud. He gave her an e-fist bump
that she returned with a smile.
The wedding is in four weeks, please be here in like
three weeks and bring sister Lade ooo
Okay ma'am , I'll make it there as early as I can, and
about Lade, I'll see about that too.
Just as they were exchanging goodbyes, he saw his mom
walk by in the background.
Hey mommy, he shouted .
She turned around and smiled.
Hey baby, I didn't want to interrupt your sibling
moment ooo. You have another daddy duty coming at you, she laughed.
He laughed too, yes oo, I'm always ready.
How's Lade? Will she come?.
Well I don't know but I'd really like for her to come.
Me too, his mom replied, can't wait to see her in
How's Madison and Nala doing.
They're fine ooo, they were here last weekend with
Hope Paul is doing right by my sister and niece ooo.
Of course, they still act like they haven't been
together for eight years, they're so in
love. I couldn't be happier with the lives my children has forged for
themselves, I'm a proud mom.
You did right by us too mum, and we just got lucky.
Gotta go now mom, I'm driving.
Oh okay my darling, stay safe, love you, she blew him
a kiss as he hung up.
He couldn't help but smile as he drove home,
everything in his life was right and he couldn't be more happier. The only
thing he wasn't sure of is if Lade would be willing to travel the long distance
with him for his sister's wedding. He hoped she would.
....I like him, Lara hasn't stopped talking about
Marcus since they met that afternoon, he looks at you so lovingly, I can tell
he adores you, she did a funny dance in front of her sister that made them both
I love him too, he's the sweetest unexpected thing
that's happened to me this year.
Awww, so sweet, Lara said making a cute face. I pray
you guys make it to forever cus I can't wait to be an auntie ooo, and you know
I'll be the sweetest one, even better than sis Rhea.
Ah, don't let her hear you oo, Lade replied laughing.
She thought about what Lara said, can she really make
it to forever with Marcus? Everything in her wants that, so she said a big amen
in her heart and wished the prayer came through, she couldn't help but think
about the amazing life she'd have with him, filled with love, laughter and fun.
She smiled.