Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 32 - Vol. 2 Chapter 32 - The ‘wolf’.. Wants You!!

Chapter 32 - Vol. 2 Chapter 32 - The ‘wolf’.. Wants You!!

A.D. 877 Near Mercian-KoTRoNM Border, Battle of 'Aegelsburg'

/pov MC/

"You! Aethelred! Face me you craven coward..! Don't run!.." I shout as the.. 'Varangians' and me.. cometh upon the 'entrance'.. that was just puncture'd open.. and spread wide.. by a hundred.. heavy 'shock' cavalry.. stampeding through.. and over.. the lines of the Mercians.. crushing men to death.. by the droves..

"Aethelred the 'Woman'!!.. you fucking cunt..! Fuck it.." I say screaming in the direction of Ealdorman Aethelred.. as he and his guards 'flee'.. the field of battle.. it's not his day to die it seems.. no matter I think to myself.. as I duck when an arrow comes flying on a path right at my head..

Searching the field for Offa.. or one of the other Ealdorman.. since Aethelred fled.. "m'lord.. there!" I hear one of my men inform me.. pointing to a group of men hiding.. behind a shield-wall..

"'Varangians! With me!.." I shout the order to charge the shield-wall.. the 'Varangians' open the way.. the wolf enters the pens.. unsheathes his claws.. bares his fangs.. and leaps on his prey..

"The 'wolf'!.." I shout as Im already upon the Ealdorman.. as I'm barreling.. through attacks scraping off my armor.. I 'lock' eyes with Offa.. the 'folley'..

"Offa!!.. I want you!!.." I yell at the top of lungs like Im about to 'hado-Ken' someone.. I bash and thrash.. right up to Offa.. dismantling his limbs.. from his body.. only stopping.. once.. due to someone's dis-member'd.. left leg flying through the air.. hitting the back of my head.. then continued to fly and hit other people around me.. but not before hitting me hard enough to 'concuss' me for a brief second..

But once I recovered.. the 'wolf' continue'd his hunt.. covered in the blood of his 'catch' for the day.. bringing home fresh meat to the 'pups'.. hard days work.. working like a damn 'dog' says the 'wolf'..

"Surrender!.. your 'liege-lord' has perished!.. save your lives!.. think of your families!.." calling for the general 'surrender' of my enemies.. giving them a chance to live..

Most of the 'fyrds' were still alive and healthy.. the house-guards of the Ealdorman.. were not.. they have all perished.. the 'peasants' decided to listen to reason.. there was no one left to threaten them not to..

"M'lord please don't kill us!.. we surrender!" They all start shouting at once.. dropping their weapons.. falling to kneel at their knees.. pleading for a chance to live..

"Thats It!.. No more killing today!.. accept their surrender!.." I shout.. ordering my men to 'spare' our enemies.. I can throw these 'prisoners' into my 'pens'.. where I keep the fresh 'meat'.. and 'blood' to keep my newly emerging.. 'industrial-agricultural-educational' revolution fed and working at tip-top shape.. got roads to build.. canals to dig.. schools to build.. plenty of work for 'prisoners' such as these..


Kingdom of The Republic of New Mongolia, Oxford Castle

/pov Gisela/

"Mother! O my god.. what are you doing here..?" I ask in shock.. I haven't seen my mother in almost a year.. ever since I was 'kid-napped' by the 'wolf'..

"Well I was 'taken' by force.. by the 'wolf'.. He said he would be here soon.. your father is dead.." she informs me.. leaving me 'shell-shocked'.. not completely surprised.. but still shocked..

"What happened.. how were you 'taken'..?" I couldn't help but ask her..

"I followed your father to his 'war-camp'.. he said we were gonna get you back from that beast.. all your father's house-guard were decimated.. most of the 'fyrds' surrendered to the 'wolf'.. few Ealdorman were able to escape the battle.. your father and your uncle Brynythgrh.. did not survive.." she finishes before breaking out.. crying.. hysterically..

"Im so sorry momma.. father is in a better place now.. he is up in 'heaven' momma.. we'll be ok.. your safe now.." I reassure her..


Kingdom of The Republic of New Mongolia, Oxford City, Harbor

/pov Brida/

I stretch my arms.. twisting my waists.. after standing from the chair.. behind the desk.. in my cabin I was sitting at.. on my ship.. the 'Wench's-Cunny'.. I love this fucking ship..

I exit the open door of my cabin.. walking down the hall to the steps at the end.. after climbing the stairs.. I come out on the deck.. taking in the smell of the wharf.. hearing the voices bouncing.. colliding with each other and bouncing back off again..

"O yea!.. about fucking time!.." I can't help but yell in pure glee.. I've missed 'home'.. I bet the 'pups' have grown.. gods look at this city.. how has it changed so much.. so many buildings.. so many ships coming and going.. un-loading goods and dropping off passengers..

How did Aethred do something like this.. I wonder what the true story with Aethred is.. he has so many stories.. Im gonna start calling him 'Loki'.. instead of 'Aethred' or 'wolf'.. he has so many disguises.. so many 'tricks' and 'schemes'.. I wonder what the next story he will tell me be.. we shall she.. it is known..

"Fucking Freja's 'golden' cunny-hole.. look at this place.. o my gods.. do you smell that?.. what kind of food could make such a smell?.. good gods my mouth is watering.. Im hungry.. we must eat immediately.. Brida.. what is that.. that smells so good?.. do you smell that..?" He was rattling off questions.. like some kind of 'elven'-archer 'rapid-firing' a bow.. like what was his name?.. o yea.. Legolas.. he was in that one story about rings of power.. Aethred or 'Loki' as we should call him.. told me when I was young.. I'll have to get him to tell me the story again..

"That smells like cray-fish.. they are 'mucho-deliciouso' Loki says.. cough.. I mean Aethred.. little shell-fish that can be raised in freshwater.. they are usually boiled in water that has a lot of different 'spices' in it.. atleast thats how Aethred described them.." I answered Ragnar's question.. then we went and ate some 'cray-fish' and tried some of the new 'wheat-beer'.. a drink similar to 'mead' but godly.. then it's off to see the 'wolf' and all his little 'pups'.. maybe it's time to give him some 'pups' myself.. I kind of want to be a mother.. we'll see what Aethred thinks on it..