Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 38 - Vol. 2 Chapter 38 - ‘Story’ of The ‘Wolf’

Chapter 38 - Vol. 2 Chapter 38 - ‘Story’ of The ‘Wolf’

A.D. 877 Wessex, 'Winchester-Palace'


Fuck Alfred.. the sickly cunt.. I pray he departs from this world and I finally get my crown that I so deserved ever since breathing my first breath in this world.. for I was born the son of the 'former' king.. so it was my fucking 'birth-right' by 'godly-intervention' themselves when they had the 'king' of Wessex 'put' me in my mother.. My fucking 'birth-right' damn them all they can burn!.. let the 'wolf' burn them all then be 'devoured' by him once they are well and throughouly 'cooked' like they so deserve..

Making a fool of their rightful 'crown-prince' but what they don't know this 'prince' is no one's fool.. it just merely appears that way.. whilst Alfred 'stole' my crown everyone who had sat around and watched him do it or even encouraged him do it.. will be made gifts..

Sent to the 'pagan-lord-of-war' the 'wolf' him very self.. the fools will realize the 'folly' of their 'actions' or lack thereof their actions..

I will even pay 'coin' to said 'wolf' to crucify Alfred and then fuck Queen Aelswith while hangs on a wooden cross dying.. the common people already say the 'wolf' fucks the queen in the palace when there is a full moon the nights that he visits.. they say they can hear his howls at night bouncing around the air at nights in Winchester near the palace..

The 'common-people' don't even know what the 'wolf' looks like.. I've met the 'wolf'.. and he looks just like Aelswith's children's besides Aethelflaed but she was born before the 'wolf' ever was known at all now wasn't she once I think of it..

I've stared the wolf in his eyes.. I held his stare.. like a true 'crown-prince' that I so am.. Alfred wouldn't be able to do it.. his breeches probably would be soaked with the pissed 'broth' he would piss his breeches with.. that his wife feeds him forbidding him from 'meat' because that is what god 'demands' of a great and pious 'Christian' king.. he would piss it straight out of his little and 'shriveled-cock'..

"Sire.. answer me this before we go on accusing a good boy I know personally of terrible things that don't even make sense.. I washed the boy in the blood of Christ himself.. what more do you want me to say to make you see the folly of this discussion.. the boy has done you or Wessex no harm whatsoever.. not the least bit.. even if it is true what he is doing to his enemies in battle.. have they?.. of have they not?.. been all 'pagan'?.. every one of his victims cept' for the Mercians who attacked him by the way.. everyone of his victims have been 'pagan-warlords' who are known to have raided and raped and pillaged through our realms.. killing our people.. raping our children.. the very devils themselves.. thats who have had their lungs ripped out of their backs and their corpses desecrated into little more than mockery.. displays of pure punishment.. thats what hes done.. and it sounds like he's been doing your job for you to me.. if you ask me your 'grace' and I for one won't talk of killing an young and innocent boy.. for that is not who I am and is something I will not be part of.. who I know is innocent for only killing 'pagans'.. murdering raping 'pagans' you grace.. good day.. order them to fill me with arrows if you wish me to stay.." I hear Beocca saying hysterically flailing his fists and arms around shouting as he was leaving like he said he was..

Fucking hells.. Beocca doesn't give a fuck i say.. "Aethelwold tell me what you have seen of the lands of this new kingdom the 'wolf' has started call his lands.. we have heard many.. hm 'rumors.. shine some light on these rumors for us nephew.." I hear the 'weasely-cock' fucking.. 'throne-stealing' cunt asking me..

"There is much to see in the lands of Aethred of BebbanBurg.. much to learn and hear mingling amongst the 'peasant-folk' going about their 'work-days' and whatnot.. completely 'merry' they are.. the people of Oxford are always singing different folky songs that are said to be made by the 'wolf'.. smiling laughing they are the healthiest and happiest people I've ever seen.. and the city.. I've never been to Rome.. but Oxford I truly believe is going be to our time what Rome was during it's time.. this I truly believe.. the smells of the city.. the smells are so clean and pure of polution.. you can smell plethoras of amazing foods and snacks made for children being sold off of stalls that are so clean you can eat the food off of their tables.. the children are all so wise it's required by law for children of certain ages attend school to learn to be literate they have a metaphorical war on illiteracy.. is what Im told by the officials in the city that are responsible for helping any who come to their lands and answer their questions.. it's like nothing ever seen before by man to this day.. I've met the wolf.." I was saying..

"What!?.. you didn't think to start out with that!.. you 'half-wit'!.. all this spying is to learn about the 'wolf'.. now you want to tell me you've seen this elusive man?..".. Fucker stopped me whilst talking interrupting my 'well-practiced' and prepared speech..

"I was never asked that question your grace.. if I was I would have answered it.. now as I was saying the 'wolf' is easier to speak to than Im sure any would imagine.. he told me I was welcome to his lands to learn whatsoever I wished.. as a born-prince of the Kingdom of Wessex I am 'welcomed' there.. which is more than I can say for some places.. cough.. any.."

"What!.. you didn't think.. you god.. r.. no matter continue.." he uttered before stopping.. but not before fucking interrupting me whilst talking fucking again.. cunt.. fuck..



"Ok Im gonna to speak.. you will listen.. once Im done speaking and you are done listening I will release the panties from you mouth.. so listen.. this is not what I wished Aelswith.. this was your 'Christian' God's fault.. he won't leave me alone.. he fills my heads with pictures and visions of harm happening to you.. if I let you be impregnated by Alfred's weak seed.. you god sent me here.. I don't like to admit this.. I don't know if it's him or my gods.. but they cursed me not to be able to allow harm done to you.. I have no choice but to want to own all of you.. I want to see my children Edward and Aela.. also I would like to inspect my future wife your daughter Aethelflaed.. this is to protect her.. your god said if I don't not rescue her from Alfred she will be given to a man who harms her and inflicts bodily pain on her for amusement.. I can't allow a innocent little girl suffer that fate.. no good 'pagan' would.. and I might not be a good 'pagan' but even I draw the lines at harming children.. you just don't do that.. there is a special place in 'Nelfheim' for the sickest of cretins who feed on pain and suffering of young ones.. where demon bulls are kept in cages.. the bulls are always full-mast and hard and filled with the aphrodisiac-containing air spead from incense made with special herbs that just make you horny as fuck if you smell the air that is produced from burning said herbs..

Anyway this special place where they keep these 'horny-demon' bulls.. in cages.. where the sickest and cruelest of 'child-rapist' are thrown into the cages to have their bodies fucked to death by 'bull-dick' 'demon-bull' dick.. till they day they die.. then come the very next day.. they find theirselves reincarnated only to be fucked to death.. by demon bull dicks day and by day.. over and over.. suffering their 'deserved' punishment for all of 'eternity'.. for that is the reason I love my religion.. I know for a fact.. if someone hurts one of my children.. my little babies.. they will be literally fucked to death over and over.. day by day by big 'horny-demon-bull-dicks'.. for the rest of time.. and that is good enough for me.. I was sold.. whatever happens to me is no matter.. but I want to make sure.. I want a promise.. that whomever hurts my 'off-spring' will have the most cruelest of punishments.. administered to them.. for a long time and for many times.. thats why I worship what I worship.. and thats why I worship how I worship.. destiny is all.. it is known..