Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 21 - Vol. 1 Chapter 21 - Ragnar and Brida vs Skorpa

Chapter 21 - Vol. 1 Chapter 21 - Ragnar and Brida vs Skorpa

A.D. 876 Wales, settlement of Cornwallon

There is a small wooden fortress.. not really a fortress but a defendable wooden structure.. over looking the harbor of Cornwallon.. this structure is currently housing a few shy of thirty would-be Vikings.. following a sword-Dane named Skorpa of the 'White Horse' he calls himself.. he and his rag-tag group of rapists.. Skorpa always has blood on his face.. around his mouth.. stained on his teeth.. he likes to bite the throats of prisoners before entering battle.. i guess to strike fear into his enemies.. anyway bro needs to get them teethies brushed.. right where was I? O.. yea the structure will be the grounds of the first battle Brida 'The Quick' will be in the future Well known for.. alongside Ragnar the 'Younger'.. and also where Skorpa of the 'White Horse' will spend his last die of his life in this world.. he will spend it dying.. and yes he will still have blood on his teeth.. as he always does like I mentioned a few sentences ago.. it is written..

/pov Ragnar/

Well here goes nothing.. I have around twenty men.. all the men of my crew.. usually would have closer to thirty which is a full crew for my longship.. but twenty will have to get the job done..

Brida has four of the house-guards Aethred lent her for her trip.. then there's her and her 'quarter-master' Harund.. so that gives us twenty. add.. five? Damn it adding isn't my best strength alright.. um twenty and six men.. we have to siege a defendable wooden structure defended by almost thirty.. so even numbers.. but they are defending.. we will have to do this quick and catch them off guard and reap their lives before they can form up a shield-wall.. All-Father watch over me on this day.. I fight for glory in your name.. on this day Odin..


/pov Skorpa/

"Fucking britons.. poor bastards.. there's no silver here.. there nothing here.. besides goat-fuckers.. and swamp.. we're leaving today.. gather the men." I tell my second-in-command.. wondering where our next move will be.. not Ireland.. not Wessex.. not Oxford.. fuck there's not many places left..

"M'Lord!" I hear a shout so I turned my head.. I had enough time to see four men in dark leather armor.. I could catch a reflection of moonlight of an arrow head.. loosed from a bow made of yew.. the height of said bow was the height of a full grown man.. largest bow I've ever seen.. anywho after I saw the reflection said arrow penetrated my mouth that was open and about to ask a question.. and continued flying to stick into the wall behind me.. ending my life.. sending my soul to Nelfheim.. to be eating over and over again by the corpse-biters.. I didn't have time to place my hand on a weapon.. thats it.. thats all she wrote.. the three spinners.. cut my thread..


/pov Caenwulf/

This is not happening.. no.. it is though.. and it's too late to stop it.. the Danes who had tormented my people for the last month or so.. were all killed and mutilated.. then their corpses were desecrated.. which was good for me.. or so I thought.. then our other visitors arrived.. a woman was leading them.. which I was very confused about.. until she moved into the battle.. by the time the arrow that took Skorpa's life.. took said life.. the house-guards arrows arrived.. four arrows following the arrow that killed Skorpa.. four lives were taken following Skorpa's.. then another volley was fired.. by the time those four arrows arrived.. Brida was there.. right behind the arrows.. four more bodies dropped then Brida was moving.. weaving.. blurring.. in between her enemies.. cutting tendons and muscles of feet, ankles,knees,thighs, armpits shoulders, throats, and eyes were subjected to torture with sharp instruments.. cold-steel..

By the time the house-guards who put their bows on their backs and charged with axes and shields arrived to join Brida it was mostly done.. she had already stabbed her metal spear point down into the ground.. she threw a small throwing axe one in each hand.. ending the lives of the last defenders left among the living.. and that was it after they finished that they turned around and started stalking towards me.. I closed my eyes.. waited.. held my breath.. after I needed to breathe from lack of air.. my eyes shot open to find a face.. a face so close.. so close I could taste her breath..

The owner of the face was a beautiful woman.. one that I would beg to get the chance to put my tongue right in her asshole.. I'd put my tongue all the way in there.. she looked at me and smiled and opened her mouth.. "Bye" was what she said.. then I felt a knife entering my rib cage piercing my lung and then onto penetrate my heart.. ending my story.. it is written..


/pov Isuelt/

"You must be the 'Shadow-Queen'.. Aethred was telling the truth hmm.. I'll have to taste you myself first before giving you to Aethred.. Im sure you won't mind.. I know Aethred won't.. it was on his orders you see.. so come along.. let's get on the ship and on our way home.. you gotta eat this pussy in a little bit.. I'll eat yours too don't worry.. hmm yes 'war-locks' indeed.. I bet your pussy tastes like cinnamon sugar doesn't it.. we shall see.. come along." Was what Brida told me before taking me to her ship.. placing me on a bed.. then sitting on my face.. grinding her perfect pussy right on my face.. and that's how my boat trip to my new husbands lands began.. the 'wolf' will have his meal next.. it is known.