Chereads / The Last Kingdom: Bastard of BebbanBurg: The ‘wolf’ / Chapter 24 - Vol. 1 Chapter 24 - the ‘wolf’ holds court

Chapter 24 - Vol. 1 Chapter 24 - the ‘wolf’ holds court

A.D. 877 City of Oxford, Oxford Castle

/pov Bishop Earkanwol/

As I finish with preaching the word of god to these lost 'sheep' who call Oxford and its surrounding lands home.. I had just finished presciding over this Sunday's sermon and stepped out through the open great doors of the church Im the Bishop of.. when I looked down the street to the newest addition of religious buildings used for 'prayer' and spiritual warmth among the citizens.. this newest building is being built for monks who worship a religion called 'Buddhism' to use.. the Lord Aethred welcomes all religions among his 'flock'.. I know this because it is written into the new laws that have been promulgated across the lands around Oxford.. carved onto wooden signboards.. written on papers and scrolls posted on wooden boards standing around the public square..

There's even young children who are students that get paid for reading and shouting out the new laws and bill of 'rights' being introduced by our lord.. the 'khan' of all 'khans' hes called by the peasants now.. thats the newest moniker they have given him..


/pov Eadith/

Another day of being under this desk blowing my lords lordly cock while he goes over papers and scrolls swinging a quill slinging ink and scribbling notes.. "Gods damn thats good Eadith.. not so much suction though your gonna suck my sausage right off my crotch if you suck any harder.. damnit why haven't I made any pens yet.. should have been one of the first things I invested my time in.. here it comes.. slurp it up baby.." m'lord says talking to himself more than hes talking to me.. I still did as told though.. hope Isuelt gets here soon.. I need rest.


/pov Eardwulf/

As the doors to the great halls of the city's 'head-quarters' of the 'municipal-government' of Oxford.. swing open I shout "Introducing Lord Aethred.. Lord of Oxford.. Son of Bodicca.. Desc.."

"Ok.. thats enough shorten it up just say the khans part for today please Eardwulf." My lord says to cut me off during his introduction I had practiced hours in preparing to give before the members of the group of people tasked with keeping the harbor and city of Oxford running at peak 'efficiency' my lord says.. so I just say "Lord Aethred.. the 'great-khan' of all 'khans'.."


/pov MC/

As I take my seat at the head of the round table I look at the faces of the people surrounding it.. looking at me waiting for me to inform them of why I called this meeting.. so I said "Good to see you all here today.. we only have a few things to discuss today.. let's get started shall we.. firstly let's discuss the budget for the festivities we will plan for mine and Isuelt's wedding.. we need to check the guest lists.. Eadith please be sure to go over everything we will need for the wedding with logistics.. I would like it to be grand enough to shame Alfred and others.. I want Isuelt to make all the woman wish they were her.. let's make sure this wedding is perfect.. also get in touch with the bards and musicians that have been the most popular as of late to perform."

"I already have all the information we need.. I've double-checked all of the guest lists.. we are expecting to spend a fifthteenth of this years estimated gross domestic income.. which is a tenth less than we were prepared for.. we can use the surplus funds for the Royal treasury.. or you can have your 'Galleon' you keep talking about built with it.. should be enough to cover the costs.. atleast enough to pay a deposit to get the workers started building until we can pay for the rest it.." Eadith informs me.

"Hmm.. I'll think over it.. we'll come back to that.. second, let's talk about the emissary sent by King Cnut of Denmark.. what could his lands have that we may need or any strategic resources they might could bring to the table.. find out what they want.. if they want more than just trade.. also once I've spoken with Ragnar I plan to offer him the position of Admiral of the new 'Navy' we should build.. hmm what else.. ah yes we need to talk about the progress the glassmakers have made in producing our own 'domestic' lens and all kinds of products made with glass.. the river must be re-dredged.. the sewers need to be re-planned and rebuilt.. especially in the new industrial sector there's still too much waste pouring into the Thames.. that must change.. we must keep our lands and its waters clean.. clean as a sweet virgin's cunny-hole.." I countinue to say growing tired of speaking and parch of tongue..


/pov Brunhilda/

I stomp into the room my husbands holding court to say "Thats it.. as First Lady of this city and this court.. I call an end to this meeting.. everyone please leave.. Achilles.. inform your father of what you've done.. and every word better be truth young man.. so help me.." I demand looking around the room watching my husbands 'cronies' fleeing the room one after another like a line of 'worker' ants looking for food..

"You dare call an end to my war council wench" he shouts

"Father.. I didn't mean to.." Achilles starts to say..

To which I cut him off with "Achilles do you expect your father to believe you didn't mean to stuff goat-shit in Bishop Earkenwald's shoes?"

"Ok.. let the boy be.. all he did was stuff some shit in a kneelers shoes.. I'd already killed and gutted my first priest by the time I was his age.. it made me the man I am today.. maybe thats what we'll have to do.. Achilles do you want to gut the bishop?" He actually dares to say.

"Absolutely not.. what the fuck is wrong with you.. come Achilles.. I forget your father is a sick murdering pagan.. thanks for nothing Aethred your a lot of help." I tell him as I drag my son to leave his father to his madness before it infects my son and makes him even more hellish than he already is..