Chereads / The Greatest Soul Fragment / Chapter 4 - The Death of the Blood Queen

Chapter 4 - The Death of the Blood Queen

The guards marched me through a corridor that seemed to stretch endlessly. Each step echoed like a countdown to my doom, or maybe that was just my knees knocking together—hard to tell the difference at this point.

'Okay Luke, you've got this. You're a genius with the guidance of a divine soul. Sure, that divine soul happens to be named after a phone assistant, but beggars can't be choosers.' I tried to stand taller, channeling my inner Greek god physique. 'Besides, how bad could the council be? It's not like they can execute me... right?'

My confidence lasted approximately 2.3 seconds before my brain helpfully supplied images of various medieval torture devices. 'What if they have one of those stretchy things? Or that pear-shaped... NO! Stop it brain!'

The guards' armor clinked rhythmically beside me, a sound that should've been intimidating but mostly reminded me of wind chimes in a hurricane. Speaking of hurricanes, my stomach was doing a pretty good impression of one.

'Remember Siri's advice,' I coached myself. 'Be confident, maintain eye contact, assert dominance... Oh god, what if I assert dominance and they take it as a challenge? What if I stare too long and they think I'm proposing a challange? What if—'

"We're here."

The words hit me like a bucket of ice water. Before us stood a massive door, intricately carved with scenes that probably depicted important historical events, but all I could see were various ways people met unfortunate ends.

'This is fine. Everything is fine. I'm just going to walk in there and face like the most powerful people in this world who could easily decide my fate. No pressure. Just like a job interview, except instead of not getting the job, I might not keep my life.'

The doors began to creak open, and I straightened my back, trying to channel every ounce of fake confidence I could muster. 'Time to put on the performance of my life. Literally.'


mutter, mutter

"there he is" while glaring at me at me

"Is it really true?"

more mutter…

"Luke Just! Before you stands the Selim Council of Justice, state your plead or keep silent and judgement shall be passed!"

"Actually, it's not Luke Just, but just LUKE"

The grand hall was enormous, the air was filled with negative emotions, the guards were all on standby, and 15 robed, highly decorated figures reigning above me like gods. Every pair would wear a different emblem except the one old figure in the center with a look of an annoyed grandpa. He didn't seem to have an emblem but I recognized the one next to him to be the same as the assosiate visiting me earlier.

"Sorry? I didn't hear anything about a plea?" 'Damn you Siri!!!'

"Insolance!" another one shouted "How can he mock the great council that way?"

The one in the middle raised his eyebrow and explained though he also felt irritated. "We're asking you to explain how you managed to summon more than one soul and who helped you in achieving that in such a short notice. From the soul test where unexpectedly, whole three parts fit in the 'you know where', we deduce that three souls approached you not later than two days after your arrival." "Unprecedented!" "Hang him!" —The elders growned in fear and anger, but most of all they were envious.

'At least they don't know that I've seen them physically'

"Tell us who helped you."

'Phew… It's probably a question I can think of an answer to' But in that moment I thought back to the advice of Siri to surge through this trial!

'First step was something about answering questions, and the second one… AH!'

That was it, this room has made me forget who am I, all of these empowering figures thinking that I am but a thing, I'll show you my dominant side now!

'not you… nope… definitely NOT you… Aha!' I noticed the perfect target! A fragile-looking female on the left end of the high council, her slender figure and scared expression were the perfect foothold for my dominance stronghold.

[From that day forward, that defense to the council's question would be known as the Death of the blood Queen.] But more on that later…

I looked at Elder one (Center Judge), and redirected my attention to the fragile woman, consistently every second or so for ten seconds.

"What is this peasent looking at me for?" She finally mumbled.

"I'm loosing my patience, what are you trying to say young man?" Said the old figure.

I couldn't care less, matter fact, I didn't even hear him because it wasn't my priority, my time wasn't up yet. And so I continued to stare at her but she never broke eye contact with me once. I knew that to succeed I had to follow the instructions carefully so, as Siri told me but…

'This is hard!!! Why does she look so confident yet fragile'

"I won't repeat myself boy!" Something begun buzzing in my ears.

'Just let go already!'

"LUKE!" The buzzing got louder and it started to hurt.

'Any second now! She will drop soon I know it, I can see her twitching!'

{just say these words} Ana angelic voice, one which lit up my day, once I heard… her voice.

["Oh and when the situation gets bad, which I doubt thanks to my teachings, just respond with these exact words—"]

I finally regained my head and was able to hear the rough screems of the judges before me. "Enough with him, get rid…!" He was going crazy, being all red.

'But his words and actions seem… rather slow. Actually everything slowed down, or am I just going too fast.'

My mind got clearer while my senses sharpened, 'this… this feeling is indescribeable"'

"This is called the devine trans, and it's my unique ability" Her angelic voice rang in my head again. "Repeat my words" Siri whispered in my ear in a calm way.

As she did, I repeated them to the Judges before me:

"…ith him, get rid…!" My monologue interrupted the Judges and cast silence around the room.

"Oh great and wise council," I projected my voice with all the dramatic flair I could muster, "I stand before you today, accused of a crime I didn't even know existed until about..." I pretended to count on my fingers, "twelve minutes ago? But let me tell you what really happened."

I gestured broadly, channeling my inner theater kid. "There I was, minding my own business, when suddenly—BAM!—three souls show up! Now, I know what you're thinking: 'That's impossible without help.' And you're absolutely right!" I pointed enthusiastically at the council, then immediately regretted it when a guard shifted menacingly.

"But here's the thing—and this is going to blow your minds—I didn't get any help. Unless..." I paused for dramatic effect, my eyes widening as if struck by sudden revelation. "Unless someone wanted me to have multiple souls. Someone who knew exactly how the process works. Someone who could benefit from a newcomer like me causing chaos." I let my gaze drift meaningfully toward the women on the left, trying to look innocent but probably achieving something closer to constipated.

"I mean, think about it. Who better to frame than the village idiot?" I gestured to myself. "A guy who spent his first day here getting kicked in the stomach and singing 'The Song That Never Ends' to prison guards. Would someone that incompetent really be capable of orchestrating such a complex soul-summoning scheme?"

I noticed the council members exchanging glances, particularly around the left side. 'Oh crud, Siri, I hope this is working,' I thought desperately. "All I'm saying is, maybe we should be asking who had the means, the knowledge, and the blood connection to make this happen. Because I'm just a guy who can barely tie his own shoes without tripping."

I know that I maybe cruel to point attention at this poor woman but it cannot be helped, I still haven't made her loose eye contact!

"Right! Lastly I must say, that you will recognize the following words I shall say, and that I wish you pass the appropriate judgement."

"…" While all now were in shock and deeply listening, Siri whispered the last words to me before disappearing from my head once more. And they were.
