The book that Sylas spent the day reading mentioned the Great Runic Magic Academy. He knew of the school, but never paid too much attention to it as it never involved him. However the book told stories of mages like Fleur Murcott attending the school developing their talents there. Learning and soaking in knowledge, and even teaching there at one point in time. He thought to himself that if he could attend an academy like that, then maybe even could be somebody someday. He could make Sophia proud. He could do something with this life of his. How could he attend though if he had never even seen magic in person. Despite living in Auris, magic was still reserved to areas of influence where noble families convened and Sylas lived in what they considered to be the slums of the town. He had to to find a way no matter what.

The Great Runic Magic academy was the epitome of success. The grandiose castle like structure was home to those who sought the pursuit of magical knowledge, where only the best of the best were able to attend. In it's 1500 year long history only humans of influence and who had access to magic training since a early age have been able to attend, and they went on to become some of the most well-recognized sorcerers and witches of the modern age including Fleur Murcott herself even achieving the title of Grand Mage. 

"Sylas.... I'm not going to shoot down your idea but, you have to know how the world especially those here in Auris treat those without arcane talents, and to enter the academy you must be at least a two star mage from a known family." 

"I know Sophia, but I won't know until I try! I don't have anything lined up for me once I leave the orphanage, I have to give it a shot." 

Sophia was taken aback by Sylas, she had never seen him take so much interest, and to know that he wanted to do something, she would do everything to help him out. 

"Ok Sylas I will support in any way I can just let me know what I can do. 

"The entrance exams are open to any who think they can get in and if I show I am competent enough then maybe just maybe I can get in on scholarship. The exam is in two weeks." 

Two weeks seemed like an insurmountable mountain for Sylas to become comparable to an entrance level student at the academy, but what else if not this. He had to do in two weeks what few did in 5 years. The noble family kids who attended this academy began learning from the moment they could speak, so Sylas had his work cut out for him. 

"I am gonna eat something and go to bed and rest because I have to find a way to learn of the arcane arts before the exam."

After Sylas finished eating Sophia was distraught not knowing what to do. She did not want him to go, but she also did not want to hold him back from what could be the opportunity of a lifetime. She returned to her room after putting the rest of the children to sleep, and searched for the basket where she found Sylas finally stumbling upon it, undamaged after all these years.

In the basket was the book and crest that accompanied Sylas. She was unsure if she should ever give it to him fearful that this might take him away. She thought to herself of the possibility of losing him forever and grew saddened by the thought of it, but she knew he had to grow and this was his chance. 

Sophia snuck into his room while he slept. Thinking to himself how a child could make such terrible noises while they slept. She walked up closer to him and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead as she often did when she put him to bed in his baby years. She set the book on the small wooden table next to his cot, and went to her room hoping the book would bring some clarity.

The next morning Sylas woke up groggy from a weird dream. He dreamt of the night sky. The wide open sky, and he was flying through the sky. He could feel the clouds and see the vast expanse of the world that lay in front of him. He could feel the breeze, it felt as he was climbing through the sky, nothing capable of stopping him. He also saw a small cottage in the middle of the forests, and then the middle of the tundra. It kept moving and so did he, and the dream ended abruptly there. 

After waking up from the weird dream, he noticed the book that Sophia had left there as he slept. He also noticed that it was emanating a white glow, but this time it was stronger. It was as if he could grab the glow. He grabbed the book that had no words on the cover, but as he grabbed it the words 'Sanguis Hereditatem Tenet' became engrained on it. It was the weirdest thing that he had ever witnessed. 

As he opened the book the pages which previously seemingly had no words, it began to fill up with images and words that he could not understand. Each page flipping and filling itself with more and more things. He was amazed, yet did not understand what was happening to the book. On the final two pages of the book What appeared to be a complex magic circle became inscribed along with the words 'Cum tempus erit rectum, fili mi carissime, hoc te ad me ducet'. Although he did not comprehend what was written on the pages those final words struck a chord in his heart. 

He put his hand over the magic circle seeing if maybe that would do something, and suddenly he was enveloped in a bubble, screaming for help alerted Sophia who was preparing breakfast, and as she ran upstairs regretting her choice of handing him the book, she burst into his small room. Seeing him in this bubble of what seemed to be water shocked her, but she knew that she had to something about it. She flailed hitting the bubble with all her strength but it was not doing anything. Tears rolled down her face not knowing what was going to happen, asking for help. Meanwhile Sylas was trying to punch and kick his way out of the bubble, when all of a sudden they heard a voice. 

"Thank you so much for taking care of him for this long. I did not think I would get to meet him this soon, but I am grateful nonetheless. He is ok this barrier is just to ensure he arrives here safe and sound. I will give you five minutes to say your goodbyes, and while this may not be a final goodbye it will be a little before you see each other again." 

They did not understand what was happening but knew there was nothing they could do to stop it. 

Sophia with tears down her face began telling Sylas all the things she never had a chance to....

"Sylas ever since I found you, you were a pain in the butt. You fought me on everything b... bu... but" the tears made it hard for her to express herself but if she did not say it now she feared that she would not get another chance. "You were the son I never had. I am proud of you, and wherever you end up I will pray for your safe return. Please remember to be respectful. Say please and thank you. Be Safe. I love you Sylas" 

Sylas' usual demeanor was nowhere to be seen in the face of Sophia's honesty and heartfelt words.

"Soph..... mom please don't g..." 

After the five minutes were up the bubble popped. Sylas and the book were gone, and Sophia was left there in the little cot all by herself with just his last few words to hang on. That was the first time he ever called Sophia mom and it happened to be on the day they were to be separated.

In what seemed to not last even five seconds Sylas was transported into the middle of a room. 

With tears in his face, his head hit the ground knowing that he could not tell Sophia that he loved her, that she was the mom she never had. Sobbing uncontrollably Sylas felt the an emptiness he never before felt. 

"I am so sorry my child, I know that must have been difficult, but do not be scared because you will see each other again, and when you do. Well let's just say that you will be completely different than you are now. " 


Sylas enrage looked up, and when he did he could not believe his own eyes....