As the fiendish horde of odious nightmarish beasts raged in a wild frenzy towards Trick, the Vile rabbit and Astarvan, as the multitudinous monsters bawled out with billowing war cries of indignation.
As the profusion of egregious monsters shook the foundations of the castle, their stampede subjecting the hall ground to quake with a violent tremble.
As Oneiros, who, like a crescent moon in the eerie night sky, which watches over the gloom of the darkness beneath it in the nature of an expectant spectator, peered in splendor at the baleful scene he had sewn into existence.
And as the guileful nightmarish monsters finally reached Trick, their red eyes gleaming with melovalent resentment as they leaped forward, inches away from making a calamitous collision with Athanasios' barrier.
Then did an indomitable chuckle echo through the air.
"These damn fools…" Athan's voice rang into the air as his purple eyes radiated with glistening exuberance.
"Really are pitiful."
In the midst of all these woeful series of chaos, Trick currently wore a bright smile on, a grin of confidence.
And a beam matching…
The machiavellian smirk which stretched out from the lips of his master, as the showman took one powerfully pronounced step.
The resounding sound of Astarvan's right shoe, landing against the floor, echoed through the castle hall, for some reason, his bodacious step still managing to draw its head from within the drowning bellows of the chaotic beasts.
Suddenly, adopting the similitudes in the school of speed as to that of a bolting flash of lightning, a large ring of purple aura blasted from Astarvan's feet that made the prominent step onto the ground, shredding the nightmarish beasts that raged in their frenzied torrents.
Right before Trick's very eyes, the baleful monsters which ascended in the air, in hopes of descending against Athan's barrier dropped onto the ground with a sickening thud, their bodies split into two lifelessly bleeding halves to form a grotesque sight.
By virtue of the Trickster's powerful ring of ripping aura.
Like a harbinger of death, the ring of doom went past the beasts that assailed Athan's barrier, slicing through them like butter, and heading with continued fury towards the other ocean of monsters that continued to march through the castle hall in an uncontrollably wild manner.
Seas of blood spilled into the air to paint it with an atrocious work of scarlet art, and large chunks of severed flesh danced around the chaotic hall, the bodies of the monsters going limp and mincing into different pieces just as quickly as Astravan's awe inspiring ring of death sped through their bodies.
The massacre continued, mangling their bodies into sickening pieces of bloody flesh which littered onto the floor in uncountable numbers.
Astarvan's ring of destruction tore through the dark crawling nightmare creatures, the walking husks of rotting flesh, the spiteful skeletons, the egregious wolf men and every single beast which laid within the castle hall.
Including the large horde of scarlet Ogres, the only monsters who thought themselves to pose a threat to the Machiavellian Trickster.
Every single beast was now dead, their mangled bodies littering the floor and mixing with their pungent blood to form a grotesque mess of bloody bits of flesh.
With a resounding voice of mirth, Astarvan then watched the desolate scene of the multifarious number of seemingly endless corpses that now littered the ground, to form a grotesque constitution of dread.
"Happy early Christmas."
"This is my gift to you—" Astarvan's face immediately etched through with a wide smile.
Oneiros watched in unfettered rage, the lumps of bloody flesh which was his army, scattered over the ground in a gnarled manner.
'How?' Was what came to mind as his entire army of nightmare soldiers were now nothing but horrid corpses of lifelessly shredded flesh.
"Aren't you gonna say something threatening anymore? You normally do that basically every time and it's pretty annoying." Astarvan called out Oneiros who continued to shiver in anger as the Trickster taunted him.
Astarvan didn't wait for a response before going on with what he was saying.
"Well I'm really done playing your stupid games Void beast." Astarvan tapped his feet onto the floor, the aura which clothed it beginning to disappear as he did.
"So i'm…"
"You can go to hell you bastard!" Oneiros screamed into the air, his voice filled with visible frustration as he yelled. Before taking in a large breath.
Athan immediately used one of his fingers to wipe his ears as the Void chief's loud voice rang out. The cynical bunny was super sensitive to sound after all.
"I'll run you all down to hell, I'll pulverize your spirit and crush your very soul under the weight of my darkness." Oneiros continued to threaten Astarvan, who just stared at the Chief comically.
"I'll destroy every single one of you who stand within the walls of this castle." A melovalent smirk then escaped from his lips as he separated his mouth to continue in speech.
"Including that little kid of yours." Oneiros then began an uncontrollable chuckle as he let out an intimidating statement against Trick who clenched his fist tightly in annoyance.
But his fist was immediately relaxed as he heard two mollifying words, words from the person most dear to him in the entire world.
"SHUT IT YOU BASTARD!" Astarvan's voice suddenly morphed into a cold, intimidating tone of rage as he stared at the exact position Oneiros laid in the distance.
"That's the last you interrupt me while I'm talking and that's the last time you dare to threaten my kid."
Astravan's eyes glowed with the same dark glint as before, whilst he still intimidatingly warned the furious void beast.
"I'm heading your way to claim your head—"
"So be a good boy and wait for just a tiny bit." The Trickster's voice reverted back to its playful demeanor as he spoke, flashing Oneiros with a sly smirk.
"Cause right now…" His lips etched into a wide, gleeful grin.
"I'M DYING TO KILL YOU!" Astravan's face beamed with a smile. His eyes shut as he wore a scornful grin adopting the nature of one that brightened in mirth.
However, this was no ordinary smile.
It was a wide grin that reflected his inner hatred for the Void beast, a smile that brought to light, the darkness within his soul channeled at the Void Chief, a smile that displayed in full, his utter disdain for Oneiros.
And a smile that passed on his death message in a way no frown, scowl or glower of rage could ever do.
Oneiros then gruffled his voice, fitting his calamitous altercation with Astarvan in the best way possible as he responded in a calm, yet aggrieved manner.
"Then I'll be waiting." Oneiros' voice echoed across the hall, his words getting lighter and lighter as he spoke. A sign that the Void beast was done with his faceless communication.
"I'de like to see what you can really do—" Oneiros' words resounded with the voice of numerous talking beasts that bore a grave degree of resentment for Astravan.