The time has changed; day has shifted. The bright sky now slowly embraces the dark. As evening appeared, Alex immediately set his journey to the west part of the city where the Night District was located. The area where the city's heart is always beating twenty-four hours. The region offers various entertainment options, with the black market a close second in popularity.
As usual, Alex would find himself inside a subway and waiting for another train to come. Surely, having no private transportation is such a pain. When he gets inside the train, there's more people than usual. He immediately maneuvered through the passengers, who were chatting amongst themselves. Some talked about shopping, work, and a local band who were about to perform this night.
He finds his seat next to the window just the way he likes it, alone in solitude, away from earlier mass. When he was trying to take a nap, suddenly a woman in the black—tight stylish suit, carrying an aura of mysterious beauty, sat in front of him. She also wears black eyeglasses, her lips bright red from expensive lipstick, her hair is raven and ponytail. Alex tries to not get distracted with her and continues his nap.
"How's the job? The boss expects the mission to run smoothly without a problem." She said.
Alex opened his eyes, perplexing what she said. "What do you mean? Who are you?"
"I'm Natasha, your client's right-hand man. I'm here to watch over your mission."
Alex sigh, "Everything's good and tell your boss to not bother me so I can focus."
"Very well, I shall deliver that message, but there's no guarantee that I will stop watching you."
When the conversation ended, the train also arrived at the destination. Alex walks towards the door through the people and sets out his quest. Once outside, he would see the most crowded place in the city where the neon lamp's light decorated every corner. People dancing carelessly, drinking, playing, hanging out in this sea of humans. Surrounded by various buildings with distinct looks and various purposes.
Not long after, he finally found an enormous building, which is dominantly colored by pink and purple neon with visible signs across the district, Madam Lover. It was a renowned prostitute place and had served lower, or even elite, people to satisfy their desire. A piercing perfume aroma greeted Alex upon entering the hall. Strumpets are spotted everywhere, seducing their clients. On the other side, he sees the owner herself, a middle-aged woman in fine clothing of heavy jewelry, making her such a sight to behold.
"Excuse me, ma'am." Alex said.
"Well... what is it, young man? Do you wish to be served tonight? Pick whatever you have."
"No, thanks. I'm here to ask a few questions, if you don't mind."
"Hmm? What now? I'm not an informant, you know?"
"You're not, but you know your customers very well, no?"
"That is very true, so what is it? It's not like I have time to handle your curiosity."
"Are there any execs coming here? His name."
Is Ivan."
"There's a lot of here, boy. Which one?"
"Ivan, CEO of Red Arms Industry."
"Oh... yes, I know him. He's a loyal customer; why?"
"Did he stop by here earlier?"
"Of course, he always stops by and meets his favorite worker."
"Do you know where he goes from here?"
"No, I don't. It is not my business to know my customer's existence."
"Come on, there must be someone who at least knows where he is going."
"Perhaps... his favorite girl, which is my worker, knows a thing or two. I notice both of them are not ordinary worker and customer. Her name is Wendy, if you wish to ask her."
"Good. Where is she?"
"Second floor, but that won't be free."
"What? I'm just gonna ask her a few things."
"And it comes with a price. Take it or leave it."
"Damn you, hag." Alex transferred 250 creds to her account and left her happy with his decision.
"Room 205, be quick."
Alex rushed to the second floor, ignoring the workers that tried to tempt him and even bumped into several of them. Ignoring them. His eyes meticulously scanned the door one by one till he found it. He barged inside and saw she was in the middle of work with an old man. Alex couldn't care less about the view; both were shocked, and the man raised his hand and closed his face.
"I—I'm sorry Margarita, I shouldn't be doing—wait, you're not my wife." "No, I'm not, jackass." Alex grabs the man's hand with force and drags him out of the room, then closes the door.
"Maybe it was a sign I should have become a loyal husband." The man said.
Inside, there's only Alex and Wendy in her half naked state on the bed, covering her body with a white blanket.
"Sorry, dear customer, but can you wait until my session is over?"
"No, I'm not here to do that. I'm here to ask you a few things."
"What would it be?"
"You know Ivan?"
She becomes silent when he mentions the name. Panicking and nervous. "I—I don't know anyone called Ivan, sorry, wrong person."
"Don't play fool with me. I know you know him and I know both of you well."
She then pleaded to him, grab Alex's hand. "Please, don't kill him, promise me! Please! I love him; we love each other."
"Why would I want to kill him?"
"He's being hunted by headhunters; many people want him dead."
"And what's the reason for that?"
"Can I trust you when I tell this secret?"
"I promise."
She adjusts her position and wipes her tears. "Sorry, but would you mind looking away? I want—" "Oh, sorry." Alex turned his body and let her put her clothes on. "Alright, I'm done."
"Tell me what you know about him."
She nods. "Ivan is a new CEO of his company. He is a prominent leader who comes with brilliant ideas. This grudge started 2 years ago when his father still reigned as CEO and made a collaboration with Nexa Enterprise. Both leaders wish to realize their dream come true by creating a powerful chip that can control both humans and machines. Sadly, they are ambitious leaders with small empathy, seeking this perfection and use it for personal gain. The tension kept growing until it exploded with both companies' war and ended with Ivan's father's assassination."
Alex nod at her explanation. "Then, as expected, Ivan took the mantle and continued the legacy. But the problem is, the chip production stopped, leaving two companies having each part in order to perfect it. Ivan perfects it and keeps it with topnotch security. as you can see, Nexa Enterprise often hires headhunters to capture him so they can get the last piece."
"I see... It is more complicated than I thought. But why would you know such a thing?"
"Well, I'm not just a pleasure worker, I also work for Ivan and act as his spy."
"That explains a lot of things. So... where does he go from here?"
"At this time, he should be at a Japanese restaurant, next to the Royal Rumble casino."
"That's all that I need to know. Thank you."
She nods and Alex hastens his way towards the location he is currently at. He gets fast or Ivan will perish again. Once outside, he runs towards an immense building with gold and white light, which is the casino, and observes its surroundings to spot the restaurant. He found it, then entered the place.
Slowly he observes the place, tries to find any clue until he finds a group in a black suit surrounded by a man in a white suit with gold jewelry. Alex tries to play along and take a seat near them to make sure they're the man he seeks. As he eavesdropped, they're clearly speaking Russian. He couldn't understand them, but among people they're the only ones who speak Russian, so it should be easy to assume they're Ivan's group. He needs a plan on how to lure Ivan into somewhere empty so this mission can be done. But the problem is, his bodyguards are guarding him like a solid wall.
He lost in thought until he noticed a waiter appear in front of him, asking if there was anything he wanted. Alex, who doesn't really know Japanese food, just ordered the popular menu from it.
"Думаю, я пойду в туалет, а вы, ребята, подождите здесь. (I think I'm gonna go to the restroom, you guys wait here.)" A man in a white suit said and got up from his seat.
"но, босс, что, если есть—" a bodyguard tried to say something but cut off, "Замолчи! идиот, я похож на ребенка, за которым нужно присматривать 24 часа? (Shut up! you idiot, do I look like a baby who needs to be watched 24 hours?)" The man in white snapped and walked away.
Seeing this chance, Alex follows the man quietly and not to be looked suspicious. Slowly but sure, they have reached a restroom; when the man in white suit gets inside the toilet, Alex locks the door from inside and pulls out his knife then waits beside his toilet door. As the door opened, Alex, with blinding speed, grabbed the man's head and locked it under his right arm while the other hand put a knife on his neck.
"You won't say anything but nod and shake, understand?" The man nod understanding English.
"Are you Ivan, CEO of the Red Arms Industry?" He nods. "Do you know why I'm here?" He shakes. "Good, I'm here to kill you."
He struggles with Alex's grip and finally speaks. "You stupid! Are you those headhunters which Nexa Enterprise hired?!"
"I know nothing about Nexa Enterprise, but I'm indeed hired by an exec."
"Hahaha! Another idiot fell into their trap!"
"What do you mean?"
"I can positively assure you that you were being used by them."
"I don't understand, you prick. Tell me what you mean or I'll kill you!"
"Look, you kill me and you won't have anything because they will kill you too. Let's make a deal; you leave me and I'll tell you, their secrets."
"How can I trust you?"
"I understand, but this is the best for us, and let me explain first."
"If you try to do something funny, that wench will also share the same pain as you."
"Wendy! You shit! Dare you touch her or I'll hunt you down to the grave!"
Alex releases him and lets him do his explanation. "See, this Nexa Enterprise has a grudge against my father—" "I know that story, get to the point on why they want to kill me."
"Fine, they're bastards who want to control all of us with this invention, and many of the people who work under them never come back or their memories get wiped out. They love backstabbing to keep their secrets well. They are after me because this chip which is called the Mastermind. It is a powerful chip which can control humans and machines from afar. It means everyone who has cyberware implants would likely become a mindless slave of them when they get the power."
"And what's your intention by having another part of it? Do the same thing as him?"
"No, I seek a different path. I wish to destroy this... although I know I would likely betray my father's dream."
"Hey, you seek the right path and if you truly want the best for us, I'll consider cancelling this mission."
"Hmm... very well, but it will be very hard because they already put sizeable forces to stop us. I need your help. How?"
"Fine... I think I'll help you."
"Good, now give me your number so I can call you when you're needed."
Alex gives his number, but uncertainty still surrounds him. Is this the right way? But, for now, he needs to find a place where he could relax after this crazy evening. After he gets away from the restaurant, he sits on a bench, trying to contemplate everything's happened, until his sight is directed at a woman wearing a beautiful red dress and beautiful long blond hair. He feels like there's something between them in the past. Then he realized it was her past lover, Sarah. For the first time again in his life, he could see her. He embraced himself and walked towards her.
"Sarah." Alex said.
She turned her body and saw him; instead of happy, she was surprised, her mouth agape because her sight, her eyes widened.
"Sarah, it's me Alex. You still remember me?"
"No! No... No, you... why did you live?! You're supposed to be dead! Who are you!"
Alex's confused by her statement, feeling betrayed by what she said. His breath hitched and his heart tightened before kicking back to life.
"What do you mean, I'm dead? I'm alive! Where have you been this time?"
"No! You're dead! You were dead that night... you can't be real."
"I don't understand. Please, tell me what you mean?"
"You were in your mission two years ago; you said you want to investigate an oddity in the Nexa Enterprise. But..." She is crying, "You never come back, your peers found your dead body in the harbor..." She hugs Alex and cry over his shoulder.
He just standing there, not knowing anything of what happened two years ago since he doesn't remember anything at all.
"Sarah, please... I need your help; I'm truly have no idea what is happening to me. Who is this my friend who found my body?"
"Cody, if I'm not mistaken, he was from precinct 17."
Alex nodded. "Sarah, I just want you to know that... I still love you and I'm sorry for everything." They hugged again for the last time, then he set his way to uncover this untold story.