Alex now has a new goal - to stop the Nexa Enterprise once and for all. But how did he do it? His confusion about how to complete this dark orchestra left him unsure how to start. But just as he was about to make his move, he received a call from Ivan.
"Alex, you free? Come to Joe Junker, we need your help," Ivan said.
"Very well." With a short answer, but determined, he immediately headed to Ivan's location.
He went to the subway as usual; the vibes were still the same, but, as he sat, he felt like someone had been staring at him from afar. Alex peaked and saw several men in the same clothing gathered. Feeling something off, Alex tries to blend with people and rush to the empty carriage near the restroom. As expected, the men were following him in unison.
Alex would prepare himself, although unarmed, waiting for them to show so he could launch a surprise attack. Tension filled the air; only music broke the silence. Until then, the first man appears out of the door. Alex kicks him and makes him fall, following the second—he throws a powerful punch because of his powered arm implant, making Alex stagger. The third shows up on Alex's back in a sudden, coiling at him like a snake. As Alex tries to break free from the grasp, the first man gets up and kicks Alex—he winces in pain. Finally, he breaks free, then he chokes the third man and pushes him to the rest of his peers, making them feel like bowling pins.
One by one, they stand up and move to him. Two jabs launched by the first man, Alex, block them and retaliate with the left hook. The second man threw a jab and a left hook; Alex parried the jab, but the left hook hit him hard. A third man arises and runs, giving him an axe kick; fortunately for Alex, able to hold it with his arms and retaliate it with a sidekick—aiming to his head. The whole carriage was in chaos. The heat of the battle is still burning, and those three won't surrender.
Alex grabs a glass bottle of wine from the corner and uses it as a weapon. The three men responded by pulling out a knife. Alex's eyes widened; because this fight is surely unfair. But he does not falter and stands his ground. Waiting for perfect momentum to strike them back. The men surround him, making Alex's space limited. The first man stabbed, but Alex deflected the blow, then chopped off his head with a bottle, shattering it and sending the man falling. Two left, the third man double slash at him, but able to dodge it and Alex stabs him with the bottle's sharp edge—he bleeds and falls. One left, the second man eyeing Alex as if he was his prey.
The second man launches a fast stab, then follows it with a feint slash, then stabs again. Alex fell for the trick and the stab wound was prominent on his right chest. Alex turns, he swiftly moves the bottle to make a feint movement, in a sudden he stabs towards the man's face but immediately changes into a hard straight punch. The man is dizzy and slowly falling, then Alex stabs his last enemy's neck and sends him to eternal slumber. As the last survivor, bruised and bloody, he walked away from the carriage. Many eyes were set upon him, seeing him with such a horrible look; some of them stay silent, and there's one of them trying to call the police.
As the train stopped at the next station, he just rushed his way as fast as possible, trying to leave the scene and possibly cut loose from the enemy's watch. He ventured deep down in the southern part of the city and finally found the place, Joe Junker. An old but solid building that had been trusted from many years to place various junks, not to mention, a lot of shady business happened here because of a strategic location that is pretty isolated from the city's core.
"You are five minutes late, and what's the matter with you? Bumped to a thug?" Ivan asked.
"Doesn't matter. Now what?"
"Heh! Eager, aren't you?" Ivan snaps his finger; from the shadow, emerge his men, which are heavily armed and also a familiar face. The boss of the Mad Dog gang also attends this place.
"You're Mad Dog's boss and why you here?" Alex asked curiously.
"Hahaha! That's right, I believe we've met before, and as I told you then, I supported Ivan, so I naturally followed his crazy work.
"Alright, listen up! Today, we will strike Nexa Enterprise down, the Mad Dog will cover our way and make a distraction, then Alex and I, will move straight to the HQ. Boris and Yuri will follow me, and the rest do your job. Is there anything you want to say before?"
The group was silent.
"Good! Move it now!"
As Alex was about to get in the car, Ivan stopped him. "Wait, Alex..." He then throws a rifle at him. "Armed yourself." Alex nods and proceeds to the car.
The roaring engine is all that Alex heard on the road. They drive to put this madness end under the moon. Not knowing what will come at them. Just about he tries to enjoy his unperturbed night, a bullet showering them from behind.
"Damnit! They're here!" Ivan shouts.
Alex emerges from the window and starts shooting at the stalker's car, precisely hitting their tire that make them stop. Another one appears on the road. He shoots the engine and makes it explode. But these stalkers seem no end as they reappear again and again.
"Boris! Faster!" Ivan scolds Boris.
Three of them; Alex, Ivan, and Yuri keep guarding the car by shooting the enemies. Fortunately, not long after that, Mad Dog appears and gives them support fire so they can focus on the HQ. The tense slowly cools down. A few moments later, they arrived in front of the Nexa Enterprise front door; instead of stopping the car, they just hit the door alongside the guard that immediately alarmed the entire building. Luckily, no one's hurt from the impact. Ivan, Yuri, and Boris hold the ground by shooting the guards while waiting for the reinforcement.
"Alex! Go to the top of the tower!"
Without objections, he rushes his way through the bullet party. Get inside the elevator and set it to the highest floor. A few minutes passed; he ran towards the stairs upon him. After some time, he finally stood before the grand door of gold. He stepped inside and found nothing except a lone woman that is familiar until she turned his face; it was Natasha. The right-hand man of her boss.
"You have betrayed our agreement; thus, we must eliminate you."
"To hell with your agreement!"
Alex quickly opens fire at her, but amazingly, she evades all of them. Alex widened on her grace yet precise movement. And after that, Natasha suddenly appears in front of him in a blink of an eye, kicking his guts with tremendous power, throwing Alex behind as he coughs some blood.
"Damn... what are you!?"
No wonder she was not even a human. Her arms suddenly shifted into a deadly blade. Alex frowned; she was not a joke at all. Without warning, she lunged at him, but Alex dodged it. At this time, he doesn't know how to defeat her. Just as he is about to catch his breath, Natasha launches another kick that hurls him towards the electric box. Alex now was surely on the verge of death; he has no power left to stand up.
"You're dead. Alex." She said in a bitter tone, walking gracefully towards him, choking and lifting his body to the air.
Alex struggles to breathe, his hands tremble, his eyes drop some tears and redden. With the last effort, he grabs the electric cable that was jumbled when it hits Alex's body, then electrifies her, right at her right eye. She was shocked and her system crumble to failure, glitching as she repeatedly spoke gibberish, her head burned as smokes engulf her vision and fire ignite. She screams, holding her head, and finally blows into pieces. Leaving only a broken body.
Alex limply walked to the door in front of him. Inside, he found an old man, standing tall, facing the city's view.
"Congratulations. You have made it this far."
"Damn you... I'll put this to an end."
"Such a shame..." The man sits in his chair behind the desk. "You don't know what a glorious future we could achieve together if you don't betray me."
"Future? Enslaving people is the future? You batshit insane!"
"Look at me... look at me now, Alex! Or should I call you... subject C-100901? You have destroyed a man's dream! How could you do this to me?"
"You have done barking?"
"I am... to hell with you, Alex."
Without hesitation, Alex pulls the trigger and completely kills him with a barrage of bullets. Ending this forever. Before he left, he had to look for the chip that was exactly stored inside the luxury display case. It was only half still not completed. With a single bullet, he destroyed it. On another side of the room, he sees a pile of treasure and it was a substantial amount that can make him retired. But he no longer desires money; he's a dead man, and always.
He then went to another room filled with tons of computer terminals. He then sat on a special chair, attached himself with devices that transfer his memory to the open broadcast system of Nexa Enterprise, and selected to spread the dark secret of them. In a matter of hours, especially in the city, people gather to witness the Nexa Enterprise evil experiment about the chip. A riot erupted from every corner of the city, protesting to boycott Nexa Enterprise. Finally, Ivan and Boris follow Alex to the top of the building, looking for him from door to door. Until finally, they found him. Laying on the chair, lifelessly.
Two years later, after the incident, Nexa Enterprise's stocks go down as people don't believe in them anymore. However, the corporation's presence is still standing tall amidst angry mobs, giving no choice to surrender as they keep promising... and promising instead of just perish from the surface. Either truly to apologize or to catch people's heart back into another abyss. The city might live once more, but who knows what the future will hold for them?