The Ace And the Four Kings
Xyrine Jean's POV
"Wahhh! cuz! I never expected we'd end up in the same class!" Ella greeted me excitedly, her voice full of enthusiasm. I could only smile in response.
I was back in the first building again, but I hadn't returned to Class A. Fortunately, Ella and I ended up as classmates.
As we chatted, I could hear whispers from some students around us, murmuring about me. But just like before, I chose to ignore them.
"Good morning, everyone."
The entire room fell silent the moment our professor walked in.
"Before we start, I have an announcement to make—some exciting news for all of you," she said with a smile.
"Ooh, I wonder what it is!" Ella whispered to me in anticipation.
"I don't know," I replied indifferently, uninterested in whatever it was.
"So, here's the big news! All students from the first building are officially invited to the birthday celebration of one of the school's biggest shareholders," she announced, her expression filled with excitement. "Now, are you all eager to find out who this person is?" she added as her eyes gleaming with mischief as she glanced around.
A chorus of excited cheers erupted in the classroom.
"Step forward as I call your name to receive your invitation card. Once you have it, you'll see for yourself who the celebrant is," she said teasingly.
The excitement in the room intensified. As soon as the first student received their invitation card, they let out a shriek of pure excitement.
That's strange, I thought.
One by one, students received their invitations. But as the distribution came to an end, I realized something—I wasn't called.
Not that I was expecting one, but it seemed like I was the only one who didn't get an invitation.
"Ella, why didn't I get an invitation card?" I asked, but she didn't respond. When I turned to look at her, she was staring at her invitation card, seemingly in a daze.
"Ella, who's the celebrant?" I pressed again.
"Huh?" She snapped her head toward me, looking flustered. "Oh, uh… no one! No one important! I don't even know him! So don't bother asking," she stammered, hastily tucking the invitation card into her book.
"Really? Then why wasn't I given one?"
"Uh… maybe Spade has it? Maybe he was the one assigned to give it to you later," she replied, her face growing pale.
"What? Why would Spade have my invitation? And even if he did, he wouldn't be able to give it to me today. He told me earlier that he wasn't coming to class."
"He has to!" she insisted. "He has to give it to you today because the party is tomorrow! Besides, if anyone here deserves to go, it's you!"
Her words made me pause in confusion, but I decided to let it go. "It doesn't matter. I had no intention of going anyway."
"What? No! You have to go because it's his—"
"Whose?" I cut in, narrowing my eyes.
"Never mind," she muttered, quickly looking away.
Her behavior only made me more suspicious. Now, I was even more curious about who the celebrant was.
"Oh! And one more piece of good news, everyone!" our professor announced, bringing our attention back to her.
"I will now reveal the names of the lucky students from this section who will be part of the cotillion for this year's upcoming ball!"
The excitement in the room skyrocketed.
A ball? A cotillion? I wasn't familiar with these things. As the professor began calling names, I simply stared out the window, uninterested.
"...And lastly, Ms. Xyrine Jean Guevara."
Hearing my name, my head snapped toward the front.
"Yes, Ms. Guevara, you've been selected," the professor confirmed with a smile.
Wait—how did I get chosen?
I wanted to protest, but in the end, I kept my mouth shut.
"To all participants, please give it your best effort, as the 4 KINGS will be among your escorts."
The moment she said that, the entire room exploded into an even louder frenzy.
"For the ladies I've chosen, practice will begin on Monday. Good luck!" she added cheerfully.
I dropped my head onto my desk, sighing.
"Yeah… good luck to me," I muttered under my breath.
"Hey Ella! You've been so quiet for a while now. Do you have a problem?"
"Huh? No! I'm just hungry. Come on, let's eat."
"Alright, I'll order." I started walking towards the counter when someone suddenly blocked my way.
"So, it's true. You're back in the first building? Anyway, how was the fourth building? Did you enjoy being with the rejects like you?"
"If there's anyone useless here in Montreal, it's you—not the students from the fourth building. And the reason I came back is that I can have fun here—by annoying a worthless person like you."
Monique raised an eyebrow but quickly smirked. "Anyway, everyone from the first building got invited to the celebration of one of the most important people in this university—including your boyfriend. So, are you invited?"
Important person? Boyfriend? Don't tell me…
"No, and I don't care." I chose to stay calm.
I was about to walk past her when she spoke again. "No? It's your boyfriend's father's celebration, and yet you, his girlfriend, aren't invited? Isn't that weird?" As the corners of her lips curled up, my irritation grew.
"Monique, shut up!" I turned to Ella. So that's why she reacted like that earlier…
"Nerd, stay out of this!" Monique snapped at Ella before turning back to me. "So, Xyrine Jean? Why weren't you invited?"
When I didn't answer, she stepped closer. "How does it feel knowing that every student in the first building received an invitation card—except for you, his girlfriend? Oh, wait! Maybe you didn't even know that his father arrived yesterday and that his birthday celebration is tomorrow? Well, why am I even asking? Your clueless face says it all."
I wanted to say something, but what could I say when everything she said was true?
"Are you done?" When she didn't reply, I walked past her.
I was caught off guard when she suddenly grabbed my arm. "I'm not done yet. Don't be rude!"
"Why? Aren't you satisfied with everything you just said? Fine! I'm the useless one! I'm the clueless one! But no matter what you say, you are always the second one!" I pulled my arm away, but she grabbed me again.
"Maybe so." She smiled.
The kind of smile you never want to see on a villain. "Enjoy your happiness while it lasts, because I swear, sooner or later, you'll suffer again!" Our eyes met, and I found myself speechless. "I took him from you 13 years ago, and I can do it again. Do you understand?"
Hearing her say that made my blood boil. "Let go of me before I lose my temper and end up killing you," I said seriously.
She immediately let go when I glared at her. I lost my appetite, so I left the cafeteria and went straight to the maze.
Why didn't you tell me?
I wouldn't have been mad if you didn't want to invite me. I wouldn't have forced myself to go. What can I do if you don't want me there? But at least you could have told me.
It's hard—so hard—to feel like a fool, especially in front of so many people.
Is that why you didn't come to school today? Were you afraid I'd ask why I wasn't invited?
I forced out a bitter smile.
You're such an idiot. I could have just pretended I didn't know… as long as you didn't keep it a secret from me.
I looked up, feeling my eyes start to burn again.
I really hate feeling like this. I hate it.
I was about to lower my head when I noticed Louren's guitar in the corner of the maze.
I opened it and saw a folded piece of paper inside. Without hesitation, I unfolded it.
To: XJ
How are you? Have you and Spade broken up yet, or has he argued with you again? Tell me so I can take you back. Haha, kidding aside, if you're reading this letter right now, then I'm sure you're in the maze again.
I stopped reading for a moment. What if he found out I wasn't in Class A anymore? I shook off the thought and continued reading.
So, Miss Assassin, why are you here? Did you and Spade fight again? Tsk, tsk! I knew it! I shouldn't have left you there! I should have just stuffed you in my suitcase! Haha! But… if you're here because of a problem with him, just remember the words I told you at the park.
Just trust him. I know there's a reason for everything he did. Anyway, I miss you. Hahaha, see? I'm writing this, and I already miss you! Actually, you're sitting right next to me as I write this. I'm staring at you, but the problem is… you're staring at Spade. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
But seriously, you're really stunning.
Yay! That's it for now. No more space left. Haha, I should have used manila paper instead. LOL.
See you again,Louren
I smiled. You're really crazy, Lourenzo! You're not even here, yet you still manage to make me feel better.
I unconsciously looked into the distance.
Trust him? But… until when?
I closed my eyes tightly.
After four hours in the maze, I finally got up and walked back to the classroom. From a distance, I saw a crowd gathered outside our room. I moved closer to see what was going on.
I didn't know how to react when I saw him. He was leaning against the wall outside our classroom, hands in his pockets.
I thought he wasn't coming today?
I walked straight ahead as if I hadn't seen anything. I wasn't even mad—I just felt like ignoring him.
"Psst, why are you pretending not to see me?" he said, blocking my way.
"Oh, you're here. Hold on, I'll just grab my bag." I was about to walk past him when he grabbed my arm.
"I already have it."
"Oh, you do? Wait, why do you have it? And why are you even here?"
Damn. I sound so awkward!
"What's wrong with me being here? Am I not allowed?" I avoided his gaze. "Come on, I'll take you home." He took my hand, but I pulled away.
"No need! Ella and I will go together. Right, Ella?" I turned to Ella, who had been watching us. Before she could even answer, I grabbed her and walked away—just in case she refused.
As we walked, I suddenly felt someone grab my legs and lift me over their shoulder like a sack of rice.
"Spade! Put me down!" I screamed.
"Like it or not, I'm taking you home."
"I know you're busy, so just let me go! I'll go with Ella instead! Come on!"
"No matter how busy I am, if I want to see you, I will."
I kept screaming until we reached his car. He gently put me down and opened the door. Having no choice, I just stayed quiet the entire ride.
When we arrived at Ella's house, I still hadn't spoken.
It's annoying! I'm making it obvious that I'm mad, yet he isn't even asking why? It's like he's ignoring it!
"Spade, do you have something to say?"
"I love you. I really do."
I let out a bitter smile. Fine, whatever.
I got out of the car. He was about to step out too, but I quickly walked around to the other side and shut the door.
"Please, I'm not feeling well. Just go," I muttered before turning away.
Why won't you say anything? Do you think I don't belong at an event like that?
I bitterly smiled at the thought.
Well… maybe you're right. I'd probably just embarrass myself.
I looked up slightly as I walked.
I'm sorry, Spade. I lived as an assassin for 13 years—I know nothing about things like that. I'm sorry.
I was almost at the door when my phone rang.
"My King Spade calling…"
I turned to look at him. He was standing outside his car, staring at me.
"Oh? Why haven't you left yet?" I asked.
"Trust me. Please."
I stared at him, and he stared back. After saying that, he ended the call.
He was about to get back in his car when I spoke.
"I trust you, Spade!" I shouted with a smile. Finally, he smiled too. He gestured for me to go inside, so I did.
I had no idea what was happening, but I trusted him.
But until when?
The Next Day
"Why aren't you going?" I asked Ella.
"The one who should be invited isn't even going, so why should I?"
I smiled at her. "Couz, you don't have to worry about me. Go on, you should go. It'd be a waste of the gowns they handed out." I said, pointing at the gowns sent to the invited guests.
"Xyrine?" She pouted.
"You're so silly! Just go. If you're thinking about me, you don't have to. Maybe I'm really not supposed to go."
"Why not?"
"Because that's what he wants. I trust him, so it's okay."
"Are you talking about Spade?"
"Yes, that's why you should go, so I have eyes there," I said, raising my eyebrows.
"Okay, fine, I'll go," she chuckled slightly.
Once Ella left to get ready, I was alone at home.
What kind of party is that, anyway? Probably one for the rich. A showcase of wealth.
A competition of luxury. That's how parties are, right?
When my phone vibrated, I immediately checked it. I was surprised to see an unknown number.
"Is this Xyrine? This is your professor. Can you come to Montreal today?"
How did our professor even get my number? And what could they possibly want?
Since I had nothing else to do at home, I decided to go to the university. After all, it was just school, so I wore my uniform. But when I arrived, there were no students in sight—not even a professor.
Was my professor messing with me?
Just as I was about to leave, someone bumped into me.
"Miss, are you Xyrine Jean?" he asked.
I looked at him and the people with him. They were all wearing shades and black suits. They looked like bodyguards. But whose?
"What do you need from me?"
"President Sy personally invites you to his birthday celebration," he said, handing me an invitation card.
Sy? That means… this is Spade's dad?
I looked at the envelope containing the invitation card. It was gold, different from the silver-colored ones given to Ella and the others.
Should I accept it? But what about Spade?
I knew, even if he didn't say it outright, that he didn't want me to go. I didn't know his reason, but…
"I'm sorry, I'm not going." Right. I trust Spade.
As I tried to walk past them, they blocked my way again.
"Sorry, Miss Xyrine Jean, we're just following orders..."
"I said I'm not go—" THUD!
I couldn't do anything when they quickly covered my mouth with a cloth, and I lost consciousness.
I woke up to a loud noise.
Wait, where am I? Right. I was kidnapped earlier by men in black suits.
I looked around. The only thing I could see was a massive curtain that covered the room I was in. I approached it and listened. It sounded like something was happening on the other side because of all the noise.
I gasped when the curtain suddenly parted automatically in the middle.
From where I stood, I saw a grand party taking place. My entire body froze when I realized almost everyone there was staring at me. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. It was like I was glued to the floor.
I kept my head down, gripping the skirt of my uniform, as murmurs filled the air. At that moment, I just wished the floor would crack open and swallow me whole from embarrassment.
After a few moments, I suddenly felt someone hug me. When I saw who it was, my eyes welled up with tears.
"I'm sorry, Spade. I really didn't want to come and embarrass you, but when I woke up, I was already here..." I stammered in a shaky voice.
His arms tightened around me. "If anyone should be apologizing, it's me, not you. I'm sorry."
He pulled away and held my hand.
"We're leaving," he said determinedly. We started walking, but someone blocked our way.
"Look who's here. What a gatecrasher, huh? I wonder how thick-skinned you must be to show up here uninvited, especially looking like that."
Without thinking, I glanced at myself. That's when I realized that compared to what she was wearing, I looked like trash.
"Move out of our way before I lose my patience, Monique," Spade said with a frown.
"And where do you think you're going, my son?"
Our attention turned to the man who had spoken. A middle-aged man in his 40s stepped closer to us. From his appearance alone, anyone could tell he was a prominent and well-known figure.
"Aren't you going to introduce the young lady beside you?"
I looked at Spade when I felt his grip on my hand tighten.
"Uncle, she's just a gatecrasher! You don't have to know her," Monique said with a smug expression.
"She's not a gatecrasher, my dear Monique. In fact, I was the one who invited her here," he replied with a cunning smile.
His smile was the most devious one I had ever seen.
"We're leaving!" Spade pulled me again.
"You're not going anywhere!"
Spade halted and turned to his father, his expression serious. "You really want me to introduce her?" he asked. Then, after a brief pause, a smirk tugged at his lips. "Fine."
"I'm warning you, don't you dare." His father was smiling, but frustration was evident on his face.
Spade just smirked at him again. Then, to my surprise, he pulled me toward the stage. He flashed a mischievous grin before taking the mic.
"Good evening, everyone. May I have your attention, please?" As soon as he spoke, all eyes turned to us.
"First of all, let me thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate my father's to 50th birthday." He gripped the mic tightly.
"Anyway, to get straight to the point, I just want to say something before this night ends..." He glanced at me and waved to the crowd. "To all the students from Montreal invited here, to my father's business partners, his constituents, the Sy family's relatives, and especially my father, President Condrado Sy… Let me introduce to all of you, my girlfriend…" He smiled at me. "Ms. Xyrine Jean Guevara."
As murmurs erupted in the crowd, I unintentionally looked at Spade's father—only to quickly look away when I saw the sheer rage on his face.
"Spade, you shouldn't have done this," I whispered.
"Do you remember what I told you back on top of the Ferris wheel?" he asked with a smile.
I didn't know what he was up to, but I just held onto him tightly.
"Nothing's gonna stop us," I said.
He smiled.
"Come on, let's get out of here!" We were about to step down from the stage when his father's bodyguards blocked our path.
"You don't want me as your enemy, my son! I swear," his father said in a low, threatening tone.
"You started this..." Spade shot back.
"Fine, you want to play this game, huh? Then let me play your game." His father stepped onto the stage, facing the crowd. "Since my son has already introduced his girlfriend, why don't we let her introduce herself to us? I'm sure she comes from a powerful family as well. So, let's hear a little about it."
I swallowed hard.
Me? But what should I say? I can't say I'm the heir to an underground organization and a gambling empire. Besides, my status as a Guevara hasn't been legalized yet. If I say… No! Even if I get humiliated here, I won't do it.
"Introduce yourself to us, dear," he said with a smile, though his tone was mocking.
I glanced around. Everyone was waiting for my response.
"You don't have to speak," Spade whispered.
He tried to hold my hand, but I pulled away.
"I got this." I smiled at him before stepping toward the mic.
"Good evening, everyone." I swallowed hard, my throat tightening. "Honestly, I don't even know why I'm here right now. Some of you might even think I'm a gatecrasher. But to answer Mr. Sy's question..." I took a deep breath, forcing myself to continue. "The truth is, I don't come from a well-known family—because, first and foremost, I have no family at all."
I let my eyes wander across the room, but the moment I met their judgmental gazes, I quickly looked away. Shame burned through me, and I wished I could just sink into the floor. But I refused to back down. I had to stand my ground.
I inhaled deeply before speaking again. "In reality, I'm merely staying with my cousin, and they're the ones supporting my education. I have nothing grand to boast about, nothing to be proud of in front of you all. So, judge me as you wish..." I paused, meeting their eyes with newfound resolve. "But there's one thing I want you to understand—no matter what I've just told you, it won't change the fact that none of you truly know me."
Silence settled for a moment before whispers filled the room, their hushed voices like daggers against my skin.
I clenched my fists, frustration bubbling inside me. I couldn't even lift my head out of sheer embarrassment.
"You don't have a family, and you're living with your cousin now?" A cold voice broke through the noise. "I had no idea my son's standards had fallen this low."
My hands curled into tight fists at his cruel words.
Spade's voice rang out, firm and unwavering.
I reached for his arm, gripping it gently before forcing a bitter smile. "It's fine..." No, it wasn't.
"I don't like you for my son!"
I had lost count of how many painful words had been thrown at me, but this one—this one hurt the most.
"We don't need your opinion!" Spade snapped before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.
"Don't you dare take another step, Spade," his father warned, his voice laced with authority.
Spade turned to face him, still holding my hand firmly. His jaw clenched. "From now on..." His voice was steady, filled with defiance. "I DARE!"
"Bastard! What are you all waiting for? Stop them!"
His father's command was all it took for his guards to step in, blocking our path. I flinched as Spade suddenly landed a sharp kick to one of the guards' stomachs, sending him staggering back. More guards rushed toward us, but before they could reach us, two figures appeared in front of us.
"Yoh! Looks like our leader needs some help," Ren said, rolling up his sleeves.
"Sigh… Honestly Xyrine, why Spade? You could've just chose one of us. But oh well, guess this is it," Ten added, stretching his arms.
"So, what now? Are we just going to stand here, or are you two finally going to run?" Ren asked sarcastically, snapping us back to reality.
Spade turned to them with a rare smile. "Ren, Ten, thank you!"
"Psh... Just go before this turns into some emotional drama," Ten chuckled.
Spade's grip on my hand tightened. "Well, my dear wife, it looks like we're officially in a 'you and me against the world' situation now..." His smirk returned. "So, tell me—will you run away with me again?"
I met his gaze and smiled. "I always run when I'm with you, so what's new?" I chuckled. "Spade, I will!"
As we dashed out of the Sy mansion, I caught sight of Ella in the distance, teary-eyed and forming a heart sign with her hands.
I smiled at her before we hopped onto Spade's motorcycle, speeding away into the night.
I held onto him tightly for the entire ride, not knowing where we were headed until we finally arrived at a private park. My eyes widened when I saw a candlelit dinner set up beneath a towering tree.
"Here," Spade said, gently helping me sit on the blanket spread over the grass.
Silence filled the air, a stark contrast to the chaos from earlier. Then, he rested his head on my shoulder with a deep sigh. "Ha… If Conrad hadn't stopped me, I would've already announced to the entire world how much I love you." He smiled.
I chuckled at his words. "That's so corny."
And then, a heavy silence settled between us.
"But honestly," he went on, "I intended to derail my dad's plans by announcing our relationship, then disappearing without a trace—only to find you and run away together. Seemed like a flawless plan at the time." He took my hand, pressing a lingering kiss to my knuckles.
But then, his smile faltered, and he let out a bitter chuckle. "But… I didn't realize just how cruel the world we live in really is. I was so naive." He lifted my hand to cover his eyes as if trying to block out reality.
"I'm fine." Am I?
He turned back to me. "No, you shouldn't be fine." His voice was firm. "You didn't deserve what happened back there. None of them had the right to hear about your life from your own lips. And none of them had the right to judge you the way they did." He cupped my face in his hands. "A woman like you deserves nothing less than respect. And I deeply regret not being able to show you that."
I averted my gaze, unable to shake the weight of their stares from my mind.
"Spade..." I whispered, looking away.
I wanted to tell him everything—to reveal the truth about who I was. But I didn't want to relive the past. I didn't know how to tell him that because of what happened thirteen years ago, I had become an assassin.
My vision blurred as tears threatened to fall. I had erased my past, buried my true self deep within me. But now...
I took a deep breath. "Spade, I have a question for you, and I want you to answer me seriously."
He immediately turned his full attention to me.
I didn't know how to begin, but if this was the only way—if this was my only chance—I was ready to swallow my pride. I was ready to forget the past if it meant keeping the one person who had given me a reason to live.
I exhaled shakily before speaking. "Spade, do you want me to be rich?"
He seemed confused by my question but soon let out a small laugh, glancing at the night sky. "You know… I was only eight years old when I started learning about the Sy family's business. By then, I was already engaged to multiple daughters of my father's business partners, but none of those engagements lasted because their companies weren't stable enough. Back then, I didn't care who I was going to marry—I had already set my mind on expanding our business. But..." He turned to me, a tender smile on his lips.
"But everything changed one day—especially when I fell for you. Not once did I wonder what kind of family you came from or what status you held in life. Unlike the others, I didn't see wealth in you—I saw you for who you are." He leaned in, brushing his fingers against my cheek.
"Xyrine, I don't care if you're the poorest person in Montreal. What matters is that you are you—the woman I love, despite the vast difference in our worlds." He pulled me into a tight embrace.
I felt my chest tighten at his words. I wanted to cry.
"Are you sure? You really don't want me to be rich?" I asked again, laughing softly as tears welled in my eyes.
"Yes, I'm sure. Stop asking." He ruffled my hair playfully.
So close.
"But really? Are you absolutely sure?" I teased.
"Why? Are you planning to buy lottery tickets from every outlet in the country?"
I burst out laughing. "Hahaha! How did you know?"
"Tsk, you don't need to be rich. But, you know..." He smirked, eyes twinkling. "I do have an idea to stop people from interfering with us."
"What is it?" I turned to him.
He held my gaze and smirked.
"Let's get married."