Chereads / chaotic emeralds gen-9 / Chapter 14 - 14

Chapter 14 - 14

Episode 14 - hero's academy

Far away from the Queens land , Thessa and her companions find them close to a city sized castle surrounded by a dark Aura

Thessa: we made it

Jhiro: yeah (holds her hand)

Meanwhile… everyone is up is up at the break of dawn by the guardian and is outside for some reason

Amie: why are we up this early

Velissa: isn't that the normal routine of everyone

Amie : maybe not for them but I need my rest

Velissa: I see

Hashiram: I'm not use to this either

Nagoraki: this is quite normal for us , right lio?

Lionald: not anymore for me

Nagoraki: that's so ?

Sethrion: why the hell are we here

Guardian: training!

Terrine: guess it was only a matter of time

guardian: truth is zetta wont lemme sleep. so natural , I won't let anyone sleep)

Zetta: monster

Guardian: you shut up . I really don't feel like doing anything today

Amie: where's kitty ?

Genoski: I tried to wake him up ,but that doesn't work

Guardian: you're telling me, he's still sleeping in peace?

Genoski: yeah

Guardian: who does he think he is

Genoski: a cat

Guardian: you shut up . Now then ,you guys do anything , get yourselves sweaty . Zetta( places phone down)

Zetta: yes?

Guardian: keep an eye on them , will you?

Zetta: you have my word

Guardian: I'm leaving Zetta here cuz I know you'll all just laze around ( teleports)

Zetta: shall we get started?

Amie: If I remember correctly, he said we could do anything

Zetta: if I also recall , he left me in charge with your training

Terrine: Amie , you don't wanna get on her bad side

Sethrion: I don't like that vibe it's giving off

Nagoraki: it's just a phone

Sethrion: I wouldn't be so sure

Lionald: what are you getting from it

Sethrion: there's this dark vibe but I just can't put my finger on it . I think we should do what ever it says

Zetta: wise decision

Lionald: don't tell me you're scared of it

Hashiram : even I'm surprised Seth

Amie: she's destroyed worlds

Lionald: The hat do you mean

Amie: she's everywhere , she 9 generations old , she knows everything there is to know , a cosmic artificial intelligence, she's ….

Zetta: blah , blah , that's enough . I'll ask this once , easy way or the hard way

Genoski : can I fight you ?

Zetta: you wish to fight me ?

Genoski: for training

Zetta: I believe you know what I am capable of …"beyond"

Genoski: so you know who I am

Zetta: how could I forget the entity that almost erased me

Genoski: I do have memory of it

Zetta: I'll take you up on your offer

Nagoraki: what's going on?

Lionald: don't ask me

Guardian: I'm back ( scratches all over his face and holding kitty by the back of his neck

Kitty: let me go

Guardian : did I interrupt something

Zetta: Genoski and I were just about to engage in a training battle

Guardian: I would love to see that

Zetta: sadly you missed it

Guardian: shit !! ….(calming) so who won

Zetta: since you showed up we lost interest

Guardian: so if I kill myself you'll continue

Genoski: please don't

Zetta: cant believe he would consider that

Guardian : now since I left

As the guardian turns around , he sees everyone in intensive exercise

Guardian: I see

Kitty: that was fast

Guardian: cut the crap , get clean and meet me inside ( takes his phone)

Kitty: even I could see through that

Lionald : hey ,Genoski

Genoski: yeah ?

Lionald: what was that all about ?

Genoski: to be honest , am not entirely sure

Kitty: let's go

Velissa: is everything okay?

Terrine: I don't even know what happened

They all find themselves in this large, living room

Amie : can't believe I missed this yesterday

Nagoraki: seen it all

Guardian: glad you came

Kitty: please make it brief , haven't had breakfast

Guardian: it's not even much to begin with . New world, new rules, old school

Hashiram: I don't like where this is going

Kitty: he's joking

Guardian: wish I was , well so be it you seven are going to school

Amie : what about those two

Terrine : we're already in the academy and looks like am going to be getting some juniors

Lionald: I'm not doing this

Guardian : knew this would happen , what if I said it was all practical

Nagoraki: me , school? …naaa

Amie: to put it simple , I was kicked out for being too good

Kitty: school is for you petty humans

Zetta: I told you this would happen

Guardian: what do you think? ,Gen

Genoski: well ….. I'm not a big fan of it

Guardian: at least give it a try before you quite , this academy can give you all what you desire , fun ,power , money , love , and so much more

The guardian got everyone's attention

Guardian: that's where I got to become what I am today

Sethrion: and I suddenly lost all interest

Kitty: becoming you won't be so bad

Guardian : Zetta, show me what he just said

Zetta: that is a future even I can't fantasize

Guardian: you lost me

Zetta : he's just that unpredictable

Guardian: compare the two of us

Zetta: if you're a freak , he's a maniac

Guardian: I mean in a battle

Zetta: if kitty were to put determination into fighting you would be nothing. After all he was the only person who could handle "beyond"

Guardian: I see , and hashiram

Zetta: he's a fraction of the copycat's plix

Guardian: amazing … anyway guys pls do this for me

Lionald: power huh …fine I'll do it ,nagi

Nagoraki: you really do know how to ruin everything …I'm in

Zetta: done

Guardian: done what ?

Zetta : filling their applications

Hashiram: you can't just do that

Zetta: and I did , if you don't do this, I'm obligated to kill you on the spot

Amie: am in! ,Full time with kitty

Kitty: learn to speak for yourself

Sethrion: talking's a waste of time , when do we go

Guardian: you start tomorrow

Zetta: it's today

Guardian: it's the next day after we arrive... ( realised)

Zetta: feel stupid now ?

Guardian: forgive me (claps fingers)

Everyone is teleported in front of this gate

Nagoraki: Where the hell are we ?

Guardian: this is it ( gate opens)

Zetta: wouldn't it have been best if you just took them to class

Guardian: not yet , we'll have to make our presence known . Let's go

From a buildings window, a lady looks down on the guardian

Lady: so they've finally arrived

They walk through on the corridor into the long hall with classrooms and labs .

Sethrion: it's so quite

Guardian: even without teachers , the students here will remain so quiet , there's no need for a class prefect

Lionald: the exact opposite of us

Hashiram: even with the teacher and three prefects, we're noisy as hell

Amie: I haven't seen velissa and terrine

Guardian: they're already in class

Zetta: this is it ( referring to a classroom)

Guardian : (opens door) looks like it

Kitty: not quite what I expected

Genoski: there's one 7 seats

Guardian: plix users hold different classes

Lionald: so there's another class of plix users ( excited)

Guardian: your upperclassmen

Lionald: how many are they

Guardian: around 6-10 , don't quite remember, but don't worry you'll meet them soon

(Bell goes for break) maybe ,not that soon

Genoski: what's the bell for

Guardian: break , you guys just walk around get to know the place well and get back when you bell the bell again. I have something to attend to

They leave the class

Amie: any place we should check first ?

Nagoraki: since it's a new place , let's not spilt up

Sethrion: what are you talking about , forgot how we came here

Nagoraki: do you always have to be like that

Sethrion: what does it matter to you

Nagoraki: anyone else wants to take their own path

Hashiram: don't wanna get lost , that's too much for me

Genoski is looking in the sky aimlessly

Kitty: (what's going on in his head)

Genoski: I'll erase them all

Lionald: ( confused)

Kitty: what did he mean by that

Sethrion: fine ( I heard it too)

They were walking down the hallway and run into another group of 7 in the corridor with velissa and terrine in it and they were surrounded by random students

Kitty: bad vibes

Nagoraki: feel it to

They face each other for some time

Student 1 ( caduski) : is that them ?

Terrine: yep

Avalinda was part of the group

Avalinda : ( spots lionald) it's him

Genoski by passed them all and was stood in front of a member of the group

Student 2 (kayori) : hello there , I'm kayori , take it you must be the new guys

Genoski:….. too bright

Kayori: huh ?

An intense vibe builds up between both groups , and the random students are getting worried

Amie: someone , do something

Lady: that's enough

Kitty: the hell?

Caduski: Ms Rosine?

Ms rosine : ( I don't like that vibe am getting off of them )

Amie: where's Genoski?

Kitty: my eyes were on him the entire time and I didn't see him

Velissa: ( I swore he was just there)

Ms rosine: ( not even I saw him disappear)

Lionald: (leaving)

Sethrion: knew I shouldn't have followed you guys

Amie: let's go

Kitty: hm , ok

The vibe fades away

Meanwhile the guardian and queen we're watching

Queen: and that's why I never let my hopes up

Guardian: so close , guess we have that Thorne to blame

Zetta: you're both insane

Queen:what about a match up ?

Guardian: I don't get it ..but I get you , so yes . Don't care how you do it, just do it

Queen : this is gonna be perfect

At the end of the day….

Announcement system: to all plix users and their respective teachers , tomorrow you are to get ready for a short match up between both classes .

Ms rosine: I don't like the sound of that

Guardian: I love the sound of that

Kitty: why do I get the feeling, he had something to do with it

Zetta: you are right about that . Was it really that easy to notice

Kitty: it's written all over his face

Zetta: I see

Kitty: but I don't see anything wrong with it so I'll play along

Terrine : please forgive my mother

Mrs rosine: not to worry , once he's here of course this was bound to happen. Hope you're all ready

Caduski: we will be

Queen : this should be fun