Chereads / chaotic emeralds gen-9 / Chapter 15 - 15

Chapter 15 - 15

Episode 15 -match up

Announcement system: to all plix users and their respective teachers , tomorrow you are to get ready for a short match up between both classes .

Ms rosine: I don't like the sound of that

Guardian: I love the sound of that

Kitty: why do I get the feeling, he had something to do with it

Zetta: you are right about that . Was it really that easy to notice

Kitty: it's written all over his face

Zetta: I see

Kitty: but I don't see anything wrong with it so I'll play along

Terrine : please forgive my mother

Mrs rosine: not to worry , once he's here of course this was bound to happen. Hope you're all ready

Caduski: we will be

Queen : this should be fun

night time ...

everyone is doing what they want .hashiram and sethrion were playing video games ,nagoraki was in his over heated hot spring , genoski was sleeping , kitty and amie were watching a movie

guardian: I did not see this coming

zetta: I did but it still surprises me

guardian: what do you think the other class's up to

zetta: do you really need to hear it from me

guardian: forget it , it's like they don't even know what their up against

zetta: or they aren't bothered by it

guardian: I hope they aren't thinking that this is one of their previous matches . where's lio?

zetta: still in the shower

guardian: it's been 2 hours , sure he's not dead in there

zetta: he's not

guardian: you know what I give up

zetta: huh?

guardian: hay ash?

hashiram: yeah?

guardian: you guys have a spare pad

hashiram: yeah

zetta: you've got to be kidding me

meanwhile on the other teams side all of them are engaged in intense training

Ms rosine: what do you think they're up to

terrine & velissa: well ....

Ms rosine: rank their strength out of 10

terrine: we didn't really get to see them in action

velissa: but even with that ill advise we not underestimate them

Ms rosine : I see , tomorrow lets win this match up

student 3 (shinosu) so that you can wipe it all over the guardians face

Ms rosine: no

shinosu: what ever you saw madam

morning arrives

queen: finally

guardian: did you even sleep at all

queen: I couldn't

rosine: that is bad for your health my queen

guardian: what's she doing here

rosine: yeah what's it doing here

queen: good one

the stadium is empty and 7 times bigger than to one on earth

queen: hope we all know why we're here , lately there's been an argument between our plix heroes and those from another world so today, I called you here to sort it out .

guardian: nice back story

rosine: this is why we don't allow creatures like you near the queen

queen: quiet down. since most of us have important things to get back to , there will be three matches in total and since there are seven contestants in each teams I'll leave that to their teachers who would chose which student for witch match and the rest

rosine: you have got to be kidding me

guardian: do you mind if I create the format

rosine: what ever

guardian: so first since there a re seven of them and three matches I say first we have a three one three then one on one then the remaining three

rosine: how would they be selected and who selects first

guardian: well we use the coin to decide who selects first and how they're selected is all up to you

rosine: seems fair enough .I'll flip the coin

guardian: shit

queen: just hurry up with it

guardian: (she saw right through me)

rosine: (flips coin) you really thought I would let you have this one (coin lands) looks like you're choosing 1st

guardian:(not bad , but I saw it coming ) ok then I'll go with my best three

queen: really

rosine : what?

kayori: his best three

caduski: wonder if he's one

student 4( coikai ) : ...

avalinda: is he one of them

queen: while your at it ,give a little detail about their plixes

lionald: (what does he mean best three)

zetta: if it's what am thinking then , not bad

guardian: number one ....

genoski: why's he looking at me

kitty: it's not you he's looking at (pissed)

guardian: kitty meowie

kitty: that's not my name dumbass

velissa: he's their best?

queen: am surprised myself (thought it would be one of those three) and what's the reason he's your number one

guardian: kitty , please tell us a little about your plix

kitty: i can copy anyone's plix

(silence )

nagoraki: of course he picked him

zetta: it is true though , if kitty was a dog instead he would have been much to handle

Ms rosine: copy any plix

velissa: are you for real (the opponents were shocked)

guardian: but he has a really big flaw

queen: and that is?

queen: he's only capable of copying 99% of an opponents plix

Ms rosine: your messing with me

kitty: (wow , sure does know how to mess people in the head )

shinosu: didn't see that one coming

kayori: yeah

guardian: and my second best is

kitty: guess I see the trend now

guardian: hashiram, my favorite one

hashiram: huh?

sethrion: if that's what he's cooking, I can relax

queen: what do you do?

hashiram: I can cease someone's plix

Ms rosine: you bastard

guardian: huh?

queen: seriously ? for how long

hashiram: till I want to give it back , like taking candy from a baby

terrine: all that time , no wonder they were like that . they never gave a damn about any thing cause whether or not they train it all depends on their opponents strength

caduski : this is kinda getting scary

guardian: and lastly amie

genoski :yeah we already know

lionald: best three my ass

guardian: she on the other hand has the ability to know anything about something she touches

queen: number three huh , i don't think anyone can take on this three

sethrion: ill be down in less than seconds

nagoraki: yeah

lionald: taking one of them would be a pain but three of them i wouldn't dare

genoski: ...I'll erase them all

lionald: (he said it again)

sethrion: seems lio heard it too

queen: Ms rosine

rosine: do you and your candidates with to proceed

Ms rosine: no we would for fit this match

kitty: great

terrine: why?

velissa: there's no way anyone could beat them

caduski: hate to admit it but she's right

queen: not even i would dare to challenge that trio , moving on to the one on one match ,this time rosine, you choose first and you have the advantage of still having a deck of seven , he has only 4 left to pick from

guardian: that doesn't seem fair

queen don't care

guardian: (which means he cant use his top three any more) that's probably what she's thinking

Ms rosine : caduski

guardian: who's that

queen: ow the caption

Ms rosine: yes

caduski: i wont disappoint you madam

Ms rosine: i know you won't

guardian : isn't that cute

Ms rosine : caduski has the plix to manipulate mercury in any form

guardian: mercury .the liquid metal

Ms rosine: yes, I'm sure that's all you know about it

lionald: basically ,its just water and ice that's a metal but with opposite properties of water

guardian: you said he's like the caption of your team

Ms rosine: yes, but i don't see what that has...

guardian: nagoraki you're up

nagoraki: really ?

guardian: he's kinda like the leader figure in my squad

queen: and what's his plix

guardian: fire

queen: just fire

guardian: kinda ,yeah

Ms rosine: are you sure ?

guardian: yes i am (smiles

the two go on the arena

caduski: nagoraki was it?

nagoraki: yeah

caduski: lets have a good fight ?

nagoraki: ok ?

queen : begin

caduski creates a spear then approaches head on then strikes his spear many times at nagoraki who's dodging them without his fire backing him their speed kept increasing then finally caduski landed a hit to the back of nagi's leg

caduski: I believe you're underestimating me

caduski moves even faster landing more strikes on nagoraki .

caduski: you will regret it

nagoraki: maybe you are the one underestimating me

caduski: i see ,then forgive me (removes glasses)

nagoraki: better

caduski moves faster and upon delivering his strike nagoraki dodged with fire power aid then grabbed the blunt side of caduski's spear made a fast turn then threw caduski

Ms rosine: guess I underestimated them myself

caduski: I see

Nagoraki's flame blades form then runs towards caduski then dashed and appeared behind caduski and before caduski could turn his back nagi's palm was on his back

and boom sending caduski flying which he then landed then buried the blade of his spear into the ground which then blasts multiple mercury wires lashing towards nagoraki: huh

lionald: he used the blades as a distraction

nagoraki runs around caduski dodging all the wire then he stop ,bent then blasts himself towards caduski

caduski: damn he's fast

caduski dodges nagi's kick by bending down

nagoraki: seriously ?

nagi reversed his move and kicked the back of caduski's head and blasts buries caduski's head in to the ground then before caduski could get up ,nagi kicked him In the ribs , creating distance between them

shinosu: this is going rather well

then nagi made a big laser blast which caduski made a shield to block it , when caduski removed the shield , he received an uppercut then a kick to the guts creating distance again

nagoraki: is that really it , captain

then nagi shot a fire ball, caduski dodged it then rushed towards nagi , brought out his spear , jumped and threw his spear at nagi who leaped onto it ,dashed and appeared behind caduski in mid air

nagoraki: I really expected more

then nagi kicked caduski down , caduski landed and dodged nagi's landing attack then pointed a sphere at nagi which hit him and left him unable to breath for some time

nagoraki: damn!!! (gasping)

kayori : cant believe he made him do something like that

coikai: he's losing his cool

shinosu: yeah

then caduski created about 7 more circulating around him

caduski: you're beginning to get on my bad side

caduski shoots them at nagi one by one who found them difficult to counter so he dodge them , the spheres reduced In size and multiplied in number and created a dome around nagi

caduski: and I've got you

the pebbles start hitting him one by one and each hit is damn painful and one dislocated his index's finger

nagoraki: damn it!

Ms rosine: is that really caduski

and that somehow lead to an explosion from the injured finger .caduski jumped back and nagi noticed his finger had changed, like it had an amour with each joint in his finger burning and he felt power flowing through it like crazy

nagoraki: (did dislocating my finger do this )

lionald: that's new

caduski regain his stamina and took his stance then created a sphere around nagi , then nagi used his new demon finger to cut a way out though the sphere

caduski: he can do that ?

then caduski created a shield of pebbles around himself, nagi started shooting fire balls from his finger and they exploded on contact

nagoraki: if I got this from dislocating my finger then ...

nagi moves to a wall near by and smashed his shoulder into the wall dislocating it

nagoraki:(bites his other hand) damn!!!

caduski: the hell?

Ms rosine: wow

lionald: dumbass

then nagi's entire am turns like the finger did , demon-dragon armor and burning joints

queen: your students are quite insane

guardian: it's just him

sethrion: is that his new skill

lionald: never seen it

nagoraki: lets give it a try

nagi unleashes a wave of flame against caduski

caduski made multiple walls to block the blast, though it wasn't enough to stop the blast he survived then they had a clash of blows and kicks , weapons got introduced and the fight got intense which nagi found fun and begun to see multiple openings to blast but always kept saying...

nagoraki: ...not yet

caduski: that's the 5th time he's said that

then nagi got to the spot he wanted, beneath caduski rib then boom

nagoraki: now die

avalinda: are they all like this

velissa: the true question's those three

kayori: what do you mean

velissa: in the whole group those three , they're something else

then caduski grabbed nagi's foot

nagoraki: huh?

caduski: am not ...

then nagi instinctively did a flip with caduski holding on and landed caduski on his face then caduski on his knees receives another kick to the chest

nagoraki: you sure you wanna continue , caption

caduski got up and went up a stage got his markings under his rib where nagi blasted

guardian: did nagi know his emerald was there

caduski brought this huge cuboid figure from the ground and shot it at nagi who used a laser to divide the thing into two

nagoraki: time to wrap up

then shot a fire ball at him and caduski divide it with a spear and as caduski raises his head to face nagi he's met with nagi's hot palm in his face,

nagoraki: should've stayed down


kayori: he didn't even hesitate

coikai: I don't see why he should

lucky caduski save his face creating a huge helmet then created a huge wall to separate them

nagoraki: am really getting tired

nagi placed his palm on the on the wall and melted it , he passed through but caduski wasn't there

nagoraki: where is he?

then the wall collapsed on nagi , turn liquid and swallowed him drowning him all nagi's attacks weren't working on it , nagi was trapped .

Ms rosine: good thinking

guardian: so he was in the wall

caduski breaks nagi all round then the mercury starts heating , over heating .

guardian: that's gotta hurt

some of nagi's joints were shattered

lionald: big mistake

the mercury then starts boiling then begun evaporating

queen: guess it's over

Ms rosine: yes it is

queen: I meant for caduski

Ms rosine: huh ?

guardian: looks like round two goes to me

then nagi got out with his spine and half his body in demon-dragon amour the ground sand turn glass

nagoraki: this feels good

coikai: not even I would make that mistake

everything around him was overheating and everything caduski shot melted

nagoraki: I enjoyed this fight , caption

then nagi delivered the final blast sending caduski through the arena

nagoraki: (sighs steam) yep , this is bad . lio

nagi begun finding it hard to control himself

lionald: do I always have to be the one to fix your mess

lionald fixed his joints back and froze him to the core

lionald: that should do it

coikai: ice?

terrine: it cant be just ice

shinosu: yeah , I mean the guardian was like fire , but clearly there's more to his flame so if that guy's ice expect it to be crazy ice

avalinda: no ,he does all elements

shinosu: what do you mean ?

avalinda: funny but I've met him before , he uses flames water wind and I'm sure there's more (blushing) my Romeo

terrine: did I hear that right ?

coikai: any element huh ?

queen: well that concludes our 2nd match the guardian wins

guardian: hooray!

Ms rosine: and for our final match

genoski: (sleeping)

sethrion: seriously?

lionald: get him up

shinosu: finally

kayori: yeah

coikai: lets go