Chereads / The Corroded Mind of Alexandra [GTA V] / Chapter 9 - An Existence Without Meaning is-

Chapter 9 - An Existence Without Meaning is-

"Only You~" - The Platters & Jacob Seed, Far Cry 5




"I'mma go inside, see what old dude can do for me. Just don't steal my car."

"I got my own anyways."

Franklin walks over to the front gate, which opens for him, before continuing his stride towards the large house's back area. Alexandra rudely searches his car, and after finding nothing sits still, thoughts swirling around, but for once not outright consuming her. 

'It's strange, not having so many voices clogging my mind, a nice change of pace from the otherwise fruitless life I live. It seems that's slowly changing, though. Hopefully life becomes a bit more exciting.'

Excitement is good until it costs you your life.

'I'm not looking to keep it' she says back, her subconscious recoiling at that thought.

If you weren't, your conscious choices and actions would become reckless, something of which I have yet to see in anything other than alcoholism. Everyone has their vices, I suppose.

Alexandra, about to respond, hears Franklin;

"Hey, Zanna, we got an emergency. Get over here."

Alexandra immediately opens the passenger seat's door and slides out. She then sprints towards the bushes and stands on a stone fence surrounding them. She looks over and notices two people standing next to a car; one being Franklin and the other a man she seems somewhat familiar with, but can't get his name to appear in her head.

Alexandra jumps over the hedges and jogs over to the car.

"No time for introductions, I presume?"

"Fortunately not. Get in, both of you. We'll talk as we drive" the middle-aged man says, getting in the driver's seat. They both join him in the car, Franklin opening the door while Alexandra just jumps in the back seat. Once inside, the older man speeds off.

While Franklin and the other man speak, Alexandra keeps a lookout, paranoia fueling her watch, head moving like a sentry. The man who seems in his mid 40's looks back at her through the mirror, eyes holding no visible emotion, before looking back at the road.

"Yeah, man, but shit, where the boat at?" Franklin asks.

"Little shit's been highjacked. They're somewhere on the western highway."

"Man, ain't you worried?"

"About my boat? Yeah, I am."

"But you can always buy another boat."

"Yeah, tell my accountant that."

"Man, you can always get credit for one."

"And have you come repo it? No thank you."

"Alright, homie."

"I ain't your homie. I'm someone you wanna impress."

"Really? Man, I thought you was retired. Why would I-"

"Michael Townley."

The car nearly comes to a screeching halt, before Michael continues driving.

"Where'd you hear that?"

"Your old crime sprees. Your name and face was in the North Yankton papers, though you're much older now. I was only 14 back then, and I was in the process of- actually, probably shouldn't continue with that train of thought. To think you're still alive... Anyways, just know that I have no ill intentions. Honor among thieves and all that. I know you didn't like to kill innocents, so you're good in my book."

Michael stays silent.

"Anyways, Franklin, though he is old, you probably can learn quite a bit from him. He has a plethora of knowledge you can learn from. The saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover' applies here."

Michael finally speaks up.

"I don't know whether to kill you or leave you be, but I'll choose the latter for now. Just know that if you hurt my family I will find you, and I will kill you."

"I have standards."

"I wouldn't know that."

As their conversation ends, just before entering onto the Del Perro Freeway, they see a truck carrying Michael's boat hauling down the freeway.

"Oh! There! There! There it is! That's my boat!"

"Your boat's in a fucking hurry, man."

"Yeah, well, we'll catch 'em."

"Hey, what we 'bout to do?"

"I'm going to get you close. And you're gonna go board that thing."

"Alright, man. Shit. Fuck it, let's do this."

"I'll cover you."

Alexandra pulls her pistol out of its holster, checking its chamber and, seeing there's a round in it, turns off the safety.

"You sure you can handle that, kid?"

"You'll just have to begrudgingly find out."

Michael grits his teeth and speeds towards the truck, before positioning himself behind the yacht.

"Oh, yeah, man. Fine. Just fucking fine. So ya'll thought of everything, right?"

"Do you want me to go up there instead?"

"Nah, I'd love to risk my life for some old dried up white dude doing 100 down the freeway."

Michael brings the car directly behind the truck, but before Franklin can jump a hand pulls him back into his seat, before Alexandra jumps over him and jumps onto the boat.

"Whoa! Are you a stunt double or something?" Michael says sarcastically, before handing Franklin the gun in his glovebox. 

Putting all the screaming in the back of her mind, Alexandra, straight faced as ever, climbs onto the boat. As she reaches the second step, she's ambushed, nearly getting grabbed. Alexandra dodges out of the way and, standing up, kicks the back of his knee and hits his temple with a right hook, sending him flying onto the highway.

"Hey! Stop throwing assholes at me!"

Another man attacks her, holding a pistol and rushing up to her, in the heat of the moment, not recognizing it as a foolish endeavor. Alexandra hits his chin with a palm heel strike, then grabs the man's head between her arms. Gun out of his hand and dazed, she starts to knee him in the stomach, once, then again, before going to throw the man off. Before she could do that, though, he dives for his gun and successfully grabs it. As he goes to shoot, though, she kicks his arm to the side. Unfortunately, as the gun was falling out of his hand, his finger hit the trigger, firing a round and hitting the car, specifically its engine block.

Hearing Michael swear in fury, Alexandra kicks the man in the head and drags him off the boat, then continues to move up towards the front, where a young man in a strange outfit walks out of a door. He looks at her strangely.

"Who are you?"

"I'm guessing you're Michaels son. Jimmy, if I heard correct. Come, we must get off of this boat, lest we get ourselves in more danger."


They start to walk towards the back of the boat, but Jimmy, being the unthinking slob he is, grabs onto the rolled-up sail, which then proceeds to drag him off the side of the boat. Alexandra looks at him with a dumbfounded look, watching him struggle to hold on, and goes to help him. She grabs the sail with both her arms and legs, wrapping around it as if she was a sloth, before leisurely crawling over to him. With Jimmy screaming at the top of his lungs, Alexandra sits up on the sail and locks her legs in place, grabbing jimmy by his forearms.

Before she can lift him up, though, the truck shakes, and they both fall off. Noticing they were about to fall, though, Alexandra positions herself under Jimmy, prepared to use her life for something meaningful and selfless; an action she realizes goes against her decade-long lifestyle.

Now falling, a red car speeds under them and they land safely in the back seat.

"You good, lady?" Michael asks in concern.

"Relatively" she says, pushing a blushing Jimmy off of her and sitting up.

"And Jimmy. The fuck is wrong with you, kid?"


"Don't 'dad' me you little shit! You better hope she's still seaworthy."

The car's engine starts to sputter, before the car itself starts to slow down.

As all this panic is going on around her, Alexandra is questioning her own morality, before calming herself with a singular thought:

'Oh well. If I die, I die. No reason to mull over it.'

By the time she wakes herself up from her self-induced delusions, they've already reached a car modification shop, Michael entering a cab and driving off somewhere. She also takes this time to get out of the car and, while waiting for them to finish up in the chop shop, look up at the beautiful sky. She gets lost in this vision, for an unknown amount of time, before she hears the two drive back outside. She hops in the car silently, and though Franklin looks at her with a surprising worry, he doesn't ask her anything and starts heading off back onto the freeway.