Chereads / The Corroded Mind of Alexandra [GTA V] / Chapter 13 - A Couple of Random Encounters

Chapter 13 - A Couple of Random Encounters

"Well done. Here come the test results: "You are a horrible person." That's what it says: a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that." - GLaDOS, Portal 2




Exiting the taxi, Alexandra stretches, turning around to face the cab, looking down at the seated Michael.

"Thanks for the cab ride. If you need to contact me, just get in touch Franklin instead. He'll know how to find me."

"Don't think that'll be necessary."

"Most things are, yet we still do them."

Alexandra walks into the parking lot, before heading inside the LSC. Looking around for her car, she sees it, and notices that nobody is working on it. The man she talked with before is standing next to a workbench, music blaring from a stereo. He eventually notices her and walks over.

"Hey. Car's done. It was a pleasure to work on. And nobody touched the trunk."

Instead of responding, Alexandra walks to the back of her car and opens the trunk. Looking around, she sees the lock of her special compartment still engaged, and closes the trunk. Walking back over to the man, she pulls out about $300, and hands it to him.

"For your honesty."

"Thanks" the man says, pocketing the money.

"Anything else you need?"


"Well, if you ever need more modifications, you know where to find me."

Alexandra nods, turning around and walking back to her car. She opens the door and sits down on the seats, before opening the glovebox. Seeing nothing out of order, she closes it and starts up the car, driving up to the garage door, waiting for it to open. Once it does she drives out onto the streets.




Parking in the lot behind her makeshift home, Alexandra, in the cloak of night, walks over to the Vanilla Unicorn, walking straight to the front. The bouncer, noticing her, tenses up, anger in his eyes.

"Get out of here!"

"Don't force my hand again. You remember what happened last time. Don't be cause for reckless violence again."

Alexandra stares daggers at the man who, despite being much more muscular, still looks at her warily. He begrudgingly steps to the side, allowing Alexandra to walk inside.

"Oh, by the way, I wouldn't suggest telling your manager, either. It would be too easy to get this place shut down. All it takes is a little digging."

Entering the strip club, Alexandra walks over to the bar.

"Oh, it's you again. What can I get for you?" the young bartender asks, body moving to the music blaring around the area.

"Absinthe, whole bottle."

The bartender smiles, reaching below the counter. "Another bottle? You must love drinking."

"Rather that than- never mind. How much do I owe you?"

Paying no attention to the pause, the bartender looks back up, holding the liquor with the same smile she always seems to have.


Alexandra pulls out a $100 bill. 

"Got change?"


Opening the register, she pulls out two $20's, exchanging them for the $100.


"No problem! If you need anything else, let me know."


"Hey, just a fair warning; don't let Fufu see you with that bottle. She'll talk your ear off."

Alexandra looks back towards the bar.

"Another warning? Why is everybody so wary about that woman?" she asks, walking back to the bartender.

"She's obsessed with French culture. Can't get enough of it."

Alexandra looks at her questioningly.

"The way you worded that makes it sound like she's not actually French."

The young woman looks at Alexandra with a cheeky smile.

"Don't tell anyone, but she's not. Fufu is actually from Liberty City. She gets a little crazy when somebody says that, though. Nobody knows why."

"Everybody has their reasons."

"I suppose so."

Alexandra smiles at the woman, before walking towards the entrance. 

"You're not supposed to leave the building with a bottle like that!" the bartender yells out.

"It won't be an issue!" Alexandra yells in response.

Exiting the building, Alexandra walks past the bouncer, grips white with tension.

"Nothing happened, just bought a bottle. Know it's against policy, but that won't be an issue, right?"

The bouncer doesn't answer. Alexandra doesn't continue and walks towards her ragged shelter.




Waking up from her fruitless slumber, Alexandra drags her weary body off of the decrepit bed, forcing her eyes open. She goes over to the crooked table, picking up the clothes she always wears. She sniffs them.

"They aren't bad right now, but they will be if I don't wash them again."

Putting on the clothes, she then straps the holster to her waist. After this, she heads outside, walking towards Franklin's house.

"Hopefully he'll call me a cab"




Reaching Franklin's house, Alexandra sees him caring for the Bagger he stole for Simeon, and along with it another bike, a Shitzu. She walks up to him, maintaining her stare towards the Shitzu.

"Where'd you get that one?"

Franklin jumps slightly.

"Damn! Can you stop doing that?"


Franklin sighs, before answering her question, continuing to clean the bike.

"Some dude gave it to me for helping him."

"You care about it?"

Franklin looks towards her, standing up.

"Nah, dude didn't even care for it himself. I ain't paying for its repair."

"Is it still usable?"


"I'll pay for its repair. Can I have it?"

"Sure. Don't need it anyways."

"Thanks. Where are the keys?"

Franklin rummages through his pockets before grabbing and throwing them towards Alexandra. Catching them, she hops onto the motorbike and starts its engine. She reaches in her pocket, pulling out a $100 bill, handing it to Franklin.

"Know it ain't much, but I'll make sure to pay you back for this."

Franklin takes the money and pockets it.

"Shit, alright. I'll hold you to that."

"You'd better" Alexandra says, driving off. Franklin goes back to cleaning the Bagger.