Sorry for the shorter chapter this time, and it's late release. Felt terrible today, and have been in and out of sleep. Want to get this chapter out, though. Hopefully it's still up to standard. I hope you all enjoy.
"The only thing you have to fear is your own inadequacy" - Leshy, Inscryption
Standing atop the Vespucci hotel, Alexandra peacefully watches the clouds in the sky, interspersed peoples wandering the beach and boulevard. Unfortunately, the voices of those same people ruin the serene atmosphere, speaking on their phones of every sin under the sun, everybody too focused on themselves to notice the depravity around them, or actively participating in such.
Not everybody is guilty of the same, though. Some of the pedestrians walk down the pavement, sit on the bench, or use the sporting equipment, peacefully progressing their lives. Humans must be different, else life would be pointless to us. We'd lose meaning in our daily existence, unable to differentiate our own selves from the others around us.
Alexandra sighs, and walks over towards the sun chair, laying down with her legs flopping over its edge.
This is private property
"And? It's not like I'm stealing anything, or killing anybody. Is what I'm doing truly wrong?"
How many times do I have to tell you? Speak in your mind, not out loud.
"I'll only do so when needed. I have no care if people believe I'm insane or not."
Alexandra then closes her eyes, letting the sun's rays cook her body. She then turns her head downwards, ready to allow herself a moment of respite in her tiring life.
As she goes to rest her weary head, though, a gunshot rang out in the air. Alexandra immediately stands up, looking through iron bars towards the street to pinpoint its location. She's used to the sounds of gunfire, but it's always good to be alert. She notices 2 men in a gunfight against an overwhelming force; the Vagos, if their outfits and tattoos are any indicator.
Alexandra rushes to the ladder, sliding down it to the next building over, then jumps a couple rooftops, before taking cover behind an air duct, small amounts of smoke billowing into the air. Looking across, she sees one of the men aim at a gas canister and shoot, blowing the scaffolding and the man standing on it pieces, flying everywhere. Alexandra looks at the man who took the shot in interest, which then fades to recognition, realizing that it's the man she had a short interaction with a couple days ago. It seems he got a new haircut.
"Huh. Small world. Not in the literal sense, of course, but still."
Paying attention to the way the shorter man handles his gun, she notices his skill in handling the firearm, heads flying back from the velocity of each bullet, most hitting their intended target. As they moved up, a blue car backs up and then drives forward, eventually crashing into a yellow pole. A gasoline trail leaked from the car, something of which one of them takes into immediate consideration. The shorter of the two immediately fires at the gasoline, igniting the trail leading to the car, which eventually explodes it, killing both men hiding behind it.
Enjoying the show, and realizing nobody in the area would be paying attention to her, she comes out from behind the air duct and sits down on the ledge, flailing her legs.
Noticing no other opposition, both run towards the yard's exit, before a bike-riding Vagos pulls up, looking pissed. His anger eventually turns to fear, as he notices the havoc the two men caused. Before he can drive away, the man with the pistol shoots him in the head, ending his chances at escape, or life.
Looking down at the two as they jump over the gate, the shorter of them notices Alexandra sitting on the roof, looking over them. Their eyes meet, and she waves at him. Paranoia peaking from the earlier engagement, he makes sure his pistol is ready, and calls out to her.
"What are you doing up there?"
"Watching the fireworks. It was quite entertaining. You've got qute a good head on your shoulders."
Only now does the taller man notice the woman on the rooftop.
"Unfortunately, the same can't be said for your friend. He could barely control the recoil of his firearm."
"You got a problem, bitch?" the tall man says, anger lacing his face.
"With you? No. We just met, after all. You, though..."
She looks at the shorter man.
"Thank you for asking what you did. Even the slightest amount of kindness can do wonders for a mental state."
He looks into her eyes, seemingly piecing something together.
"Oh, shit. You're the girl who passed by my house a couple days ago."
"That's correct. Large city it may be, life is mysterious, pulling us together again so soon. Many would believe it to be fate, but that is just a concept, not an absolute."
The taller man looks towards his friend.
"Ayo *****, what's she talking about? I don't understand a damned thing she's saying."
"Of course you wouldn't, dumbass. You could barely understand shit in school."
The woman snickers, climbing down from the building. She stands before them, taller than one but not the other.
"You ain't gonna call the police?"
"Consider it a gift for your earlier kindness. Don't think about it too much"
She walks in-between and past them, before stopping at one of the bodies and picking up a pistol.
'A Glock 30S. New on the market. Good for concealment with a decent caliber. Barely enough to fit around my hand, and somewhat uncomfortable to hold, but that can be fixed. Rather this than all the M9's and Glock 17's around. 9 millimeter just isn't enough."
She scavenges some ammo off of the dead man, making sure to use her shirt as a makeshift glove, finding only one extra magazine and a hundred dollars.
*Tsk* "What else should I expect from a gangbanger..."
She gets back and looks towards the two men staring at her.
"Damn, she's got a nice ass *****. I'd give her that LD any day."
"Can you shut the fuck up for once in your life?"
She once again chuckles, throwing something at the shorter man, before walking off into a nearby alley.
"I'll see you around, Franklin Clinton."
The shorter man looks down at the ground, shocked to see his ID on the pavement.
"The fuck?"
"Ayo, seems like you just got played. I wouldn't take that typa disrespect, dawg."
"...God damn it."
He checks his wallet, and notices that he still has all of his money. He sighs a breath of relief, curiosity and worry flowing through his mind.
Suddenly, senses coming back after the chance encounter, they hear the sounds of sirens in the distance, most likely approaching their location.
"Ah shit. Dawg, we gotta lay low. Grab the bike and meet me at the car wash on innocence. Alright, drive safe. I'mma look for some transport."
Slinking into an alley, the tall man walks off, while Franklin looks down at his hand holding the ID. He puts it back in his wallet before hopping on the bike and driving off.