Instead of a larger imp (which would have been comfortable, honestly for Ikky), the inhabitant of the next room was a lizardman, six feet tall, with a build that was more sinewy than muscular, reddish skin, and a long, forked tongue. But it was his marvelous armor, spear, and shield that caught the boy's attention the most. So far, aside from the dark elf swords and the loot he took from the tunnel of light, it was the best equipment he had seen in the sanctuary.
It was time to do the required checks for combat again, that was how Ikky's trickster mind worked, try to see the advantage and the easiest way and only then move forward.
The lightning bolt Ikky threw at him didn't tickle him, neither did the light laser, nor the air knife, but what made the player most nervous wasn't that magic resistance, it was that his enemy didn't launch an attack, he protected himself at the back of the room with his shield while looking at him with his cold reptilian eyes.