The Justice League landed in front of us, looking like they were ready for battle. "Cool," I muttered. It was one thing seeing one of your favorite heroes in a comic, and another meeting them in real life. Superboy and I looked in awe at Superman, especially me, as I knew how strong he was—or could be. There were many Supermen out there, after all.
Superboy revealed the symbol of the House of Kal-El. I followed suit, not knowing how to act. I watched as Superman's face turned from shocked to serious. The look in his eyes made me uncomfortable. Superboy seemed to notice this, as his face also changed, looking a little disappointed or sad.
"Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked, disregarding the fact that he called us "it." That made me really mad. I did not like being treated like some kind of object.
"I'm not an it," Solomon said, looking at Batman with anger. This reminded him of the fact that, though he loved the DC heroes a lot, he loved the Avengers more.
"We're Superman's clones," Superboy added. The Leaguers looked at each other, not knowing what to think.
"Start talking," Batman said, narrowing his eyes at the group.
After explaining everything, the Justice League took Blockbuster away as Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter talked to Superman. Superman walked up to us, speaking as if we were just passersby on the road. He ignored us and simply flew away. This didn't affect me, as I had almost no relationship with him, but looking at Superboy—though he didn't show it—I knew he was hurt.
"Cadmus will be investigated, end results aside."
"You should have called," Flash interrupted Batman abruptly. Batman started to list all the bad things we had done, but I didn't care.
"You will not be doing this again," Batman said in a dark tone. It made me a little scared, as I knew what he could do, but I stood my ground.
"I am sorry, but we will."
"Aqualad, stand down," Aquaman tried to stop Kaldur, but it wouldn't work. The League had trained them to save lives, and now they were stopping them from doing so.
"I'm sorry, my King, but no. We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do."
"Together, on our own, we forged something powerful, important."
"If this is about your treatment at the Hall, then the three of you—"
"The five, and it's not," Kid Flash interrupted Flash. They had gone through a life-and-death situation, and they had done it together.
"Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us, or why teach us at all?" Robin said, trying to plead with Batman.
"You can't tell us what to do."
"You're either on board, or get out of the way."
I also believed that as a team we could make a difference. Since I arrived in this world, I hadn't known what to do with my life. But I realized that back in my old world, I didn't have the power to make a difference. In this one, I do, and I won't let anyone—even the Justice League—stand in my way of doing that.
"We do not need your help to help those in need," I said, as we stood facing Batman.
Time Skip
We were now at Mount Justice. This was one of the League's old bases that Batman decided we would use. Red Tornado was our supervisor, though he was more like a babysitter than anything else. We were supposed to work in the shadows and receive missions from Batman. We also got a surprise.
The team turned around to meet Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian. If we were in a cartoon world, you might see hearts popping around Wally.
I rolled my eyes, as this reminded me of high school. I shivered as I realized I would have to deal with puberty, though I didn't know what that would mean for a Kryptonian. On that topic, I had felt different ever since I left the base. I haven't told my friends yet, but I'm starting to hear noises from people's minds. It's not too strong, but the longer I stay in the sun, the stronger and wider my range becomes.
Wally's dirty thoughts made me want to barf, so I instinctively cut my connection. Thank God I was quick enough before Martian Manhunter or her niece noticed, as they said nothing.
Superboy walked up to Miss Martian's niece, and it seemed like a small connection was made. I smiled, watching my first-ever biological family member make a new friend—or maybe something more.
The leaders of Cadmus watched as Guardian took over Dr. Desmond's place.
"Can the Light afford to leave Guardian in charge without the G-Gnomes?"
"We have subtle means of control."
The Board of Directors talked about the new group of children doing the Justice League's dirty work. Through the cacophony of voices, a boy's voice was heard.
"Who is the boy with the red powers?"
"His power… It's otherworldly."
This was Klarion, one of the most powerful beings the Light had to offer.
"He is one of Superman's clones, though we do not know where his DNA comes from."
"Find the boy. I wish to know what it is."
Klarion could feel the Chaos Lords shake, not with their usual desire for chaos and discord, but with a slight terror that affected the very concept of their beings. They did not know what it was, but they did know where it was coming from, as a holographic picture of Solomon appeared.
A boy in the same white skin-tight suit as Superboy was shown. His athletic build was accentuated through the suit. His black hair with red stripes matched his scarlet eyes.
POV Change
Solomon, now alone in his room, finally had time to calm down and think. First thing's first. What the heck am I going to do? he thought. I'm in the DC Universe now. So Darkseid, Lucifer, even Hell and Heaven exist. How the hell am I going to deal with all that?
Solomon hadn't realized it yet, but he was just distracting himself. He had pushed his grief to the back of his mind and decided to leave it there. Perks that came with being able to read minds and stuff.
Solomon decided to escape his dark thoughts and try to control his powers. He didn't break anything, as he had very good control of his body, but ever since the sunlight hit him, he had felt different. He didn't know the limits of his powers, but he was going to find out.
Time Skip
Its been over a week, and the team has been acting weird. Not everyone—just Wally, Tim, and Kaldur. They seemed mad that we hadn't gotten a single mission, though I was mad too.
An alarm started blaring, signaling that Red Tornado was here. I smiled, hoping we could finally do something other than stay in this stupid base. It might be hypocritical of me, as I sunbathed as much as possible.
My face fell as I realized we didn't get a new mission. It seems Kaldur, Wally, and Robin were extra mad. Megan tried to bring up the mood by touring the place, but after day 7, I had already explored the place.
"Do you smell burning?" I said, as Megan realized she had burned her cookies. Wally, of course, ate them as another one of his terrible attempts to get Megan's attention.
As we were making conversation, Megan told us her name and then tried to get into our heads. I immediately pushed her out. I didn't want anyone knowing what I knew. I was angry about what she did, but when I heard her explanation, I calmed down. Superboy, on the other hand, was mad. The G-Gnomes controlled him, and he didn't want that to happen again.
Megan tried to gain his forgiveness, but it didn't work. "Sigh, what a team I have here, or if I even can call it that." Maybe I should go solo, I thought. This thought left my mind, as I needed training and resources to get my bearings in this world.
"Hello, Megan, I know what we can do," I said as she flew away.
Is she okay? I thought.
We followed her as she introduced her bioship. I looked at it in amazement, reminding me that the DC world is far more advanced than mine. There was alien technology everywhere, and even the normal human tech far surpassed ours from Earth.
I tried to enjoy the flight, but the drama took away some of the fun. Still, I laughed at Wally's embarrassing moments.
Tornado alerted us of a fire not far away, and I started to get excited. We landed, and the first thing we saw was a tornado.
"Robin, are tornados like that normal?" Kaldur asked, looking back to see Robin gone. I also looked and realized he was gone.
"Fuck Batman's training."
How did he escape my senses? I always wondered how, but I guess it was because I was distracted. We rushed into the building and found Robin. There was someone shooting tornados. One was coming our way, but I created a force field.
After the attack, the team separated. Wally ran up first, but two tornadoes carried him in the air and threw him into a wall.
"Watch out," I said as I caught him midair.
"Thanks, man. That would have hurt."
With no time to answer, I noticed Superboy flying out of the building. A huge hole was formed at the side. We all rushed in together, but multiple huge tornados were sent at us.
I screamed as it took a lot to not only create a force field, but also use enough concussive force to break them apart. This gave time for Kaldur to try and hit the robot with a water mace. To no avail, and a huge lightning bolt struck all of us. I was in the air and could not react fast enough to the strike. We met Superboy outside, as we got up, preparing for another round. The man—or thing, as I couldn't read his mind—was flying at us.
"You're just a bunch of kids."
"Where's the real Justice League?"
"We don't need them for you," I said, trying to bolster the morale of the team. They smiled, as we were prepared this time.