Chereads / Scarlet Warlock Of Dc / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Timeskip

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Timeskip

It has been over 2 months since Solomon moved to Gotham. Solomon was on the tallest building in Gotham as it was his property after all. Solomon had gone through a lot in these 2 months. He recalled the first day he got to gotham

Solomon staggered in an alleyway way as he tried to catch his step. He was not tired, in any physical or mental way, but he was still trying to calm his pounding heart. Solomon was waiting for Superman to hear his heart, or for Batman to find him with his satellites. 

The Justice league even had Dr. Fate on their side. He could probably find him with magic. Solomon felt his massive chaos reserves cut by half. He knew that killing those scum of the earth would not have reduced his reserves by so much. In Fact the first spell he cast barely used .01 percent. 

Solomon finally realized something. When he was flying he had seen a red glint at the side of his eye. When he looked, there was nothing there. He thought it was a trick of the light, but it seems what he had, and the fear of the justice league had impacted his thought processing.

How could a kryptonian be tricked by the light? It would take something powerful, or at least supernatural to do that. The glint was also the same color as his power, so that means he had done something to himself.

Solomon finally calmed down as no one found him. If they were able too, the Justice league would have captured him without him being able to even put up a resistance. 

Solomon looked around as he smelled the fog of Gotham city. An eerily weird aura permeated the city. Solomon could feel something around him that he could not completely understand. He remembered that there were a few supernatural reasons why Gotham birthed and thrived in evil.

Not even 5 minutes after landing, Solomon heard the screaming of a woman who was getting mugged by a scrawny man with a dangerous light in his eyes. There was an old and rusty knife that threatened anyone that thought of getting close. Though that was not needed as many minded their own business.

Gotham was filled with cruelty, and getting involved would usually end with far worse consequences. These types of muggings might have even been planned by a gang or some secret and powerful organization.

Even the police were corrupt, as it was rare to find a cop that wasn't paid off by some rich boss. So it was impossible for anyone to fight back.

The woman was scared stiff as she froze in front of what was happening to her. She tried to comply but the fear in her eyes made her shake. She had been asked to give all her money, but she could barely find her wallet. The man seemed to be losing his patience as his hand started to reach for his knife.

Just as he was about to stab the woman, he heard someone tell him to stop. He looked behind him to see an unnaturally handsome man. No blemishes were on his face, and he gave off a strange energy. 

Most times the man would be smart enough to run, when he saw someone so unique in Gotham city, but this time was different. He had not eaten in over a week, and so even if he survived now, he could fall and die in no time. The woman in front of him might even be able to over power him if she was not so scared.

Solomon knew all this as he had read the man's mind already. He knew that the man had no choice, and that's why he had not just killed… his train of thought ended as the man ran at him as fast as he could.

The man was almost completely frozen, as the Norman eye could not even tell he was still moving. Solomon was thinking of a hundred different ways this could end, but he decided to just scare the man.

The man ran at him as he thrusted the knife, trying to stab Solomon's stomach. He had never been killed before, but true hunger can make anyone do anything. The man watched as the knife made contact with Solomon. It broke into pieces as the man stood frozen in disbelief.

Knowing where he was, the man ran as fast as he could. He constantly looked back only to see no one behind him. Eventually the man reached his makeshift home as he tried to rest. Eventually the man went to sleep as he had no more energy left in him.

He woke up weakly to find a box in front of him. He was too weak to do anything, so he decided to just open the box and accept his fate. His eyes widened as tears streamed down his face. There were a few packs of noodles, and some bottles of water. 

Solomon looked down from the sky as he watched the man eat the noodles while crying. He smiled as he knew he had to quickly get his plan in motion. People needed his help.

1 Month later, and Solomon had just finished his morning sun bathing. It was the day he enacted his plans.

Change of POV

Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot Also known as penguin sat in his office as he looked at the report of one of his factories. It was a small business that dealt with cheap drugs. Batman had taken it down, but he did not care. He had control of Gotham, and Batman was barely making a dent in his system.

Oswald smiled as he looked over Gotham city. He was so close to complete control, that he could barely taste it in his very soul. 

Solomon walked up to a large building as he casually strolled in. 

"Hey who are you"

A few guards tried to stop him, but after reading his mind, he knew who deserved to live and die. Most of these people deserved to live. 


Solomon seemed to command as everyone of them fell. Their light breathing was the only sign they were still alive. A few were still awake as Solomon had done this for a very good reason. All of them deserve to die. 

"What did you do!!"

A man shouted as he pulled up a gun. Before he could fire, he burst into scarlet flames as it did not take long before he was burned without even ashes being left behind. Another saw this as they tried to run, but an ice spike the size of a small boulder almost cut them in half as it penetrated their chest.

His left overs caught on fire as the previous guy, no trace of their existence left. The fire was strange though as it did not burn its surroundings, or leave any mark on the floor.

Solomon slowly walked to his destination as those awake were killed in many different ways. Whether by a lightning bolt that coursed through the body as it burned their insides, or wood that pieces the organ before creating branches upon branches creating hundreds of holes on the poor man who had to go through that.

All ended the same as their bodies spontaneously combusted without leaving a trace. Eventually Solomon reached his destination as he magically unlocked the door. As he took his first step into the room a bang could be heard as someone from the corner of the room shot at him.

Solomon looked at the bullet, before stopping it a few inches away from his skin. It was a unique design created to be aerodynamic, and built for precision. A few more were shot in succession but were stopped just the same.

Solomon looked at the man who was shooting him with such precision. If he was a normal person, those shots would have hit his brain, heart, lungs, and many major arteries. The unique mask already tells who he was looking at. It was deadshot, one of the best snipers in the world.

He knocked the man out as he did not want to kill him. That would bring too much attention to his business as he needed at least a few years to reach the level of superman. Then no one but maybe the flash would be a challenge to him in the justice league.

"So what do you want"

Penguin asked as he tried to think of a way to kill this man. He had his umbrella ready as he waited to catch him off guard.

"You haven't killed me yet, so that means you need me for something"

Solomon looked at the penguin, but without saying a word, he started to walk closer to him. Oswald felt fear as Solomon got closer.

"Money, it is money you need"

"I'll give you whatever you want"

Penguin said as he gripped his umbrella.Solomon said nothing as he was almost a meter away from Penguin.


A shot was heard as the penguin shot Solomon point blank in his eye. The bullet slowly moved as it made contact, crushing itself through its own force. Solomon did not blink as he watched Penguin almost pee himself. He would have killed him, but he needed him for something.

Solomon seemingly teleported in penguins eyes as he vanished and appeared behind him. His hand on his head as Penguin felt a force penetrate his mind. Eventually his face relaxed as he turned to face Solomon"

"What are your orders"

He bowed as Solomon smiled at his work. It was time for change.

Solomon had found a factory and practiced there for the past month before going against the penguin. He created many spells as it seems it was tied to his imagination. He could not reality warp yet, but it was still a much weaker version of it. 

Solomon could not of course create any spell he wanted as it seems he still had limits, but for right now creating spells that controlled some of the basics elements was easy.

He had also gotten a grasp on gravity, and electro-magnetism, but his magic was weak in that area.

Solomon had also awakened his heat vision, as it seemed to have some special properties to it. His Powers had augmented many of his abilities. For example, his mind seemed to work much better than supermans. Well not as fast, but when he puts his mind to something, it's as if some magical solution would appear to his problem. Though information is needed to supplement this.

Solomon had gotten much stronger, and so he decided that the wait was enough. He had taken control over the penguin, and had started changing everything. This of course did not escape the eyes of some.

Sry for any mistakes, the quality will improve in the future.

If anyone is wondering why his powers are so different from Wanda's, it is because they were mutated by his kryptonian genes, and vice versa.