Before Khallyon can answer to the insinuation; Etzchielle manages to regain some of her mobility, along with a little bit of modesty, feeling unprepared and self conscious for exposing herself to the Man she is in love with.
"I told you to not open your eyes!"; Complain Etzchielle with a cute pouting that is highlighted by the slight bluish hue of her cheeks.
"I was going to remain with my eyelids closed Ryenelle"; Admits Khallyon as he brushes the left cheek of Etzchielle "But I obtain [External Sight], is not the same, but I could see all of you"…
"So?"; Inquires the Rouge Cadet hinting he is changing the subject "Who is going to explain me why am I the only naked person in this Bathroom?".
Kryannette responds fastly"Because we were supposed to…"; Immediately correcting her mistake "*Ahem*, Because we are going to clean yourself up to familiarize us with your strong and MANLY body"…